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bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC > Class Template Reference

#include <bslstl_optional.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef TYPE value_type
typedef bsl::allocator< char > allocator_type

Public Member Functions

 BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION (optional, BloombergLP::bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator)
 BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION (optional, BloombergLP::bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT)
 BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION_IF (optional, BloombergLP::bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable, BloombergLP::bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable< TYPE >::value)
 optional (bsl::nullopt_t) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
 optional (const optional &original)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ANY_TYPE) value, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ANY_TYPE) value, typename bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_ConstructsFromType< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ANY_TYPE) value, typename bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_ConstructsFromType< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (const optional< ANY_TYPE > &original, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< const ANY_TYPE &, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (const optional< ANY_TYPE > &original, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< const ANY_TYPE &, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >) original, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_PropagatesAllocator< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >) original, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_PropagatesAllocator< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >) original, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_PropagatesAllocator< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >) original, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_PropagatesAllocator< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
 optional (const std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &original, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
 optional (const std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &original, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
 optional (std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &&original, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
 optional (std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &&original, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class... ARGS>
 optional (bsl::in_place_t, BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ARGS)...)
template<class INIT_LIST_TYPE , class... ARGS>
 optional (bsl::in_place_t, std::initializer_list< INIT_LIST_TYPE > il, BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ARGS)...)
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator)
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, bsl::nullopt_t)
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, const optional &original)
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< optional > original)
template<class DERIVED >
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< DERIVED > original, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< optional, DERIVED >::value &&BloombergLP::bslmf::IsAccessibleBaseOf< optional, DERIVED >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< optional, DERIVED >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ANY_TYPE) value, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_same< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ANY_TYPE) value, typename bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_ConstructsFromType< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, const optional< ANY_TYPE > &original, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >) original, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, const std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &original, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &&original, typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
template<class... ARGS>
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, bsl::in_place_t, BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ARGS)...)
template<class INIT_LIST_TYPE , class... ARGS>
 optional (bsl::allocator_arg_t, allocator_type allocator, bsl::in_place_t, std::initializer_list< INIT_LIST_TYPE > initializer_list, BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ARGS)...)
template<class... ARGS>
template<class INIT_LIST_TYPE , class... ARGS>
TYPE & emplace (std::initializer_list< INIT_LIST_TYPE > il, BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ARGS)...)
optionaloperator= (bsl::nullopt_t) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
optionaloperator= (const optional &rhs)
optionaloperator= (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< optional > rhs)
template<class DERIVED >
< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsAccessibleBaseOf
< bsl::optional< TYPE >
, DERIVED >::value
&&!bsl::is_same< bsl::optional
< TYPE >, DERIVED >::value,
optional< TYPE > >::type
operator= (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< DERIVED > rhs)
optionaloperator= (const TYPE &rhs)
optionaloperator= (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< TYPE > rhs)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
< !::BloombergLP::bslmf::IsAccessibleBaseOf
< bsl::optional< TYPE >
, typename bsl::remove_cv
< typename::BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRefUtil::RemoveReference
< ANY_TYPE >::type >::type >
::value, optional< TYPE >
operator= (const ANY_TYPE &rhs)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
< !::BloombergLP::bslmf::IsAccessibleBaseOf
< bsl::optional< TYPE >
, typename bsl::remove_cv
< typename::BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRefUtil::RemoveReference
< ANY_TYPE >::type >::type >
::value, optional< TYPE >
operator= (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< ANY_TYPE > rhs)
TYPE * operator-> ()
TYPE & operator* ()
allocator_type get_allocator () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
bool has_value () const BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT
const TYPE & value () const
const TYPE * operator-> () const
const TYPE & operator* () const
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 operator UnspecifiedBool () const BSLS_NOTHROW_SPEC

Public Attributes

< optional > original)
< DERIVED > original, typename
bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same
< optional, DERIVED >::value
< optional, DERIVED >::value,
BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >
typename bsl::enable_if
< !bsl::is_same< optional,
DERIVED >::value,
BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >
optional (BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ANY_TYPE) value, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)
void swap(optional &other)
value ()
< !(bsl::is_convertible< const
bsl::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< const
ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >
< bsl::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< const
ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >
< const bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible
< bsl::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< const
ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >
< TYPE, const bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
& >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
& >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, const bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
< TYPE, bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >
::value &&std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, const ANY_TYPE & >
::value &&!(std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, const bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
& >::value||std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
& >::value||std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, const bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
< TYPE &, bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
>::value), optional< TYPE >
operator= (const optional< ANY_TYPE > &rhs)
< !(bsl::is_convertible< const
bsl::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >
::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible
< bsl::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >
::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible
< const bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >
< bsl::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >
::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, const bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type >
& >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type >
& >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, const bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible
< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value
&&std::is_assignable< TYPE
&, ANY_TYPE >::value
&&!(std::is_assignable< TYPE
&, const bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type >
& >::value||std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type >
& >::value||std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, const bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, bsl::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value),
optional< TYPE > >::type
operator= (BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >) rhs)
< !(bsl::is_convertible< const
std::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< const
ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >
< std::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< const
ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >
< const std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible
< std::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< const
ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >
< TYPE, const std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
& >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
& >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, const std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
< TYPE, std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >
::value &&std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, const ANY_TYPE & >
::value &&!(std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, const std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
& >::value||std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
& >::value||std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, const std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
< TYPE &, std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >
>::value), optional< TYPE >
operator= (const std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &rhs)
< !(bsl::is_convertible< const
std::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >
::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible
< std::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >
::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible
< const std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >
< std::optional< typename
bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >
::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, const std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type >
& >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type >
& >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, const std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible
< TYPE, std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible
< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value
&&std::is_assignable< TYPE
&, ANY_TYPE >::value
&&!(std::is_assignable< TYPE
&, const std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type >
& >::value||std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type >
& >::value||std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, const std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_assignable
< TYPE &, std::optional
< typename bsl::remove_cvref
< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value),
optional< TYPE > >::type
operator= (std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &&rhs)

Protected Member Functions

TYPE & dereferenceRaw ()
const TYPE & dereferenceRaw () const

Detailed Description

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
class bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >

This class template provides an STL-compliant implementation of optional type. The main template is instantiated for allocator-aware types and holds an allocator used to create all objects of value_type managed by the optional object.

See Component bslstl_optional

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
typedef TYPE bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::value_type
template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
typedef bsl::allocator<char> bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::allocator_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional (  ) 

Create a disengaged optional object. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::nullopt_t   ) 

IMPLICIT: Create a disengaged optional object. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( const optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC > &  original  ) 

IMPLICIT: Create an optional object having the value of the specified original object. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

Create an optional object having the specified value. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
typename bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_ConstructsFromType< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 

Create an optional object having the specified value (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
typename bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_ConstructsFromType< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

Create an optional object having the specified value (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( const optional< ANY_TYPE > &  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< const ANY_TYPE &, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [inline]
template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( const optional< ANY_TYPE > &  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< const ANY_TYPE &, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [inline, explicit]
template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >)  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_PropagatesAllocator< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 

Create a disengaged optional object if the specified original object is disengaged, and an optional object with the value of original.value() (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE otherwise. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory. original is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >)  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_PropagatesAllocator< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

Create a disengaged optional object if the specified original object is disengaged, and an optional object with the value of original.value() (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE otherwise. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory. original is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >)  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_PropagatesAllocator< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 

Create a disengaged optional object if the specified original object is disengaged, and an optional object with the value of original.value() otherwise. This is a special case constructor where ANY_TYPE is a non-const version of TYPE and we use the allocator from original to supply memory. original is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >)  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_PropagatesAllocator< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

Create a disengaged optional object if the specified original object is disengaged, and an optional object with the value of original.value() otherwise. This is a special case constructor where ANY_TYPE is a non-const version of TYPE and we use the allocator from original to supply memory. original is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( const std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 

Create a disengaged optional object if the specified original object is disengaged, and an optional object with the value of original.value() (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE otherwise. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( const std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

Create a disengaged optional object if the specified original object is disengaged, and an optional object with the value of original.value() (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE otherwise. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &&  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 

Create a disengaged optional object if the specified original object is disengaged, and an optional object with the value of original.value() (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE otherwise. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &&  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

Create a disengaged optional object if the specified original object is disengaged, and an optional object with the value of original.value() (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE otherwise. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class... ARGS>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::in_place_t  ,
) [explicit]

Create an optional object having the value of the (template parameter) TYPE created in place using the specified args. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class INIT_LIST_TYPE , class... ARGS>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::in_place_t  ,
std::initializer_list< INIT_LIST_TYPE >  il,
) [explicit]

Create an optional object having the value of the (template parameter) TYPE created in place using the specified il and specified args. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator 

Create a disengaged optional object. Use the specified allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,

Create a disengaged optional object. Use the specified allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
const optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC > &  original 

If specified original contains a value, initialize the contained value_type object with *original. Otherwise, create a disengaged optional object. Use the specified allocator (e.g., the address of a bslma::Allocator object) to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC > >  original 

Create a optional object having the same value as the specified original object by moving the contents of original to the newly-created object. Use the specified allocator (e.g., the address of a bslma::Allocator object) to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class DERIVED >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< DERIVED >  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >, DERIVED >::value &&BloombergLP::bslmf::IsAccessibleBaseOf< optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >, DERIVED >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >, DERIVED >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 

Create a optional object having the same value as the base class of the specified original object by moving the contents of original to the newly-created object. Use the specified allocator (e.g., the address of a bslma::Allocator object) to supply memory. Note that this constructor does not participate in overload resolution unless optional is an accessible base class of DERIVED.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_same< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

Create an optional object having the specified value. Use the specified allocator to supply memory. Note that this overload is selected if ANY_TYPE == TYPE.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
typename bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_ConstructsFromType< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

Create an optional object having the specified value (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE. Use the specified allocator (e.g., the address of a bslma::Allocator object) to supply memory. value is left in a valid but unspecified state. Note that this constructor does not participate in overload resolution unless ANY_TYPE is convertible to TYPE.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
const optional< ANY_TYPE > &  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

Create an optional object having the value of the specified original object. Use the specified allocator (e.g., the address of a bslma::Allocator object) to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >)  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, bsl::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

Create a disengaged optional object if the specified original object is disengaged, and an optional object with the value of original.value() (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE otherwise. Use the specified allocator (e.g., the address of a bslma::Allocator object) to supply memory. original is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
const std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE & >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, const ANY_TYPE & >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

If specified original contains a value, initialize the value_type object with *original. Otherwise, create a disengaged optional object. Use the specified allocator(e.g., the address of a bslma::Allocator object) to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE = TYPE>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &&  original,
typename bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > &, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||bsl::is_convertible< std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type >, TYPE >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > & >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, const std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value||std::is_constructible< TYPE, std::optional< typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type > >::value)&&std::is_constructible< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type  = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType 
) [explicit]

If specified original contains a value, initialize the value_type object by move construction from *original. Otherwise, create a disengaged optional object. Use the specified allocator (e.g., the address of a bslma::Allocator object) to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class... ARGS>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
bsl::in_place_t  ,
) [explicit]

Create the value_type object using the specified arguments. Use the specified allocator (e.g., the address of a bslma::Allocator object) to supply memory for this and any future value_type objects.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class INIT_LIST_TYPE , class... ARGS>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional ( bsl::allocator_arg_t  ,
allocator_type  allocator,
bsl::in_place_t  ,
std::initializer_list< INIT_LIST_TYPE >  initializer_list,
) [explicit]

Create the value_type object using the specified initializer_list and arguments. Use the specified allocator (e.g., the address of a bslma::Allocator object) to supply memory.

Member Function Documentation

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
BloombergLP::bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable  ,
BloombergLP::bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable< TYPE >::value   
template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class... ARGS>

Assign to this optional object the value of the (template parameter) TYPE created in place using the specified args and return a reference providing modifiable access to the underlying TYPE object. If this optional object already contains an object (true == hasValue()), that object is destroyed before the new object is created. The allocator specified at the construction of this optional object is used to supply memory to the value object. Attempts to explicitly specify via args another allocator to supply memory to the created (value) object are disallowed by the compiler. Note that if the constructor of TYPE throws an exception this object is left in a disengaged state.

Referenced by bsl::optional< bsl::string >::optional().

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class INIT_LIST_TYPE , class... ARGS>
TYPE& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::emplace ( std::initializer_list< INIT_LIST_TYPE >  il,

Assign to this optional object the value of the (template parameter) TYPE created in place using the specified il and specified args and return a reference providing modifiable access to the underlying TYPE object. If this optional object already contains an object (true == hasValue()), that object is destroyed before the new object is created. The allocator specified at the construction of this optional object is used to supply memory to the value object. Attempts to explicitly specify via args another allocator to supply memory to the created (value) object are disallowed by the compiler. Note that if the constructor of TYPE throws an exception this object is left in a disengaged state.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
void bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::reset (  ) 

Reset this object to the default constructed state (i.e., to a disengaged state).

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
optional& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator= ( bsl::nullopt_t   ) 

Reset this object to be disengaged and return a reference providing modifiable access to this object.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
optional& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator= ( const optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC > &  rhs  ) 

Assign to this object the value of the specified rhs object, and return a non-'const' reference to this object.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
optional& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator= ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC > >  rhs  ) 

Assign to this object the value of the specified rhs object, and return a non-'const' reference to this object. The allocators of this object and rhs both remain unchanged. The contents of rhs are either move-constructed into or move-assigned to this object. rhs is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class DERIVED >
bsl::enable_if< BloombergLP::bslmf::IsAccessibleBaseOf<bsl::optional< TYPE >, DERIVED >::value && !bsl::is_same<bsl::optional< TYPE >, DERIVED >::value, optional< TYPE > >::type& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator= ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< DERIVED >  rhs  ) 

Assign to this object the value of the base of the specified rhs object, and return a non-'const' reference to this object. The allocators of this object and rhs both remain unchanged. The contents of rhs are either move-constructed into or move-assigned to this object. rhs is left in a valid but unspecified state. Note that this manipulator does not participate in overload resolution unless optional is an accessible base class of DERIVED.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
optional& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator= ( const TYPE &  rhs  ) 
template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
optional& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator= ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< TYPE >  rhs  ) 

Assign to this object the value of the specified rhs, and return a reference providing modifiable access to this object. The contents of rhs are either move-constructed into or move-assigned to this object. rhs is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::enable_if< !::BloombergLP::bslmf::IsAccessibleBaseOf< bsl::optional< TYPE >, typename bsl::remove_cv< typename ::BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRefUtil:: RemoveReference< ANY_TYPE >::type>::type>::value, optional< TYPE > >::type& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator= ( const ANY_TYPE &  rhs  ) 

Assign to this object the value of the specified rhs object (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE, and return a reference providing modifiable access to this object. Note that this method may invoke assignment from rhs, or construction from rhs, depending on whether this optional object is engaged.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::enable_if< !::BloombergLP::bslmf::IsAccessibleBaseOf< bsl::optional< TYPE >, typename bsl::remove_cv< typename ::BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRefUtil:: RemoveReference< ANY_TYPE >::type>::type>::value, optional< TYPE > >::type& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator= ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< ANY_TYPE >  rhs  ) 

Assign to this object the value of the specified rhs object (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE, and return a reference providing modifiable access to this object. The contents of rhs are either move-constructed into or move-assigned to this object. rhs is left in a valid but unspecified state. This overload needs to exist in C++03 because the perfect forwarding operator= can not to be specified in terms of MovableRef.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
TYPE* bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator-> (  ) 

Return a pointer providing modifiable access to the underlying TYPE object. The behavior is undefined if the optional object is disengaged.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
TYPE& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator* (  ) 

Return a reference providing modifiable access to the underlying TYPE object. The behavior is undefined if the optional object is disengaged.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
allocator_type bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::get_allocator (  )  const

Return allocator used for construction of value_type.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bool bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::has_value (  )  const

Return false if this object is disengaged, and true otherwise.

Referenced by bsl::optional< bsl::string >::operator UnspecifiedBool(), and bsl::optional< bsl::string >::optional().

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
const TYPE& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::value (  )  const
template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
const TYPE* bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator-> (  )  const

Return a pointer providing non-modifiable access to the underlying TYPE object. The behavior is undefined if the optional object is disengaged.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
const TYPE& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator* (  )  const

Return a reference providing non-modifiable access to the underlying TYPE object. The behavior is undefined if the optional object is disengaged.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
template<class ANY_TYPE >

Return a copy of the underlying object of a (template parameter) TYPE if this object is non-null, and the specified value converted to TYPE otherwise. Note that this method returns by value, so may be inefficient in some contexts.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator UnspecifiedBool (  )  const [inline]

< Simulation of explicit conversion to bool. Inlined to work around xlC bug when out-of-line.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
TYPE& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::dereferenceRaw (  )  [protected]

Return a reference providing modifiable access to the underlying TYPE object. The behavior is undefined if the optional object is disengaged. Note that this function is only intended to be called by bdlb::NullableValue::value during transition of its implementation to use 'bsloptional. Note that ref-qualified versions of value() are not provided because NullableValue does not require them.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
const TYPE& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::dereferenceRaw (  )  const [protected]

Return a reference providing non-modifiable access to the underlying TYPE object. The behavior is undefined if the optional object is disengaged. Note that this function is only intended to be called by bdlb::NullableValue::value during transition of its implementation to use 'bsloptional. Note that ref-qualified versions of value() are not provided because NullableValue does not require them.

Member Data Documentation

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
optional (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<optional> original) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT_SPECIFICATION( bsl optional (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef<DERIVED> original, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same<optional, DERIVED >::value && BloombergLP::bslmf::IsAccessibleBaseOf<optional, DERIVED >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType>::type = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< !bsl::is_same< optional , DERIVED >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType>::type = BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT_SPECIFICATION( bsl bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::optional(BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_FORWARD_REF(ANY_TYPE) value, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_same< TYPE, ANY_TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType, typename bsl::enable_if< bsl::is_convertible< ANY_TYPE, TYPE >::value, BloombergLP::bslstl::Optional_OptNoSuchType >::type=BloombergLP::bslstl::optNoSuchType)

< IMPLICIT: Create an optional object having the same value as the specified original object by moving the contents of original to the newly-created object. The allocator associated with original is propagated for use in the newly-created object. original is left in a valid, but unspecified state.

< IMPLICIT: Create an optional object having the same value as the base of the specified original object by moving the contents of original to the newly-created object. The allocator associated with original is propagated for use in the newly-created object. original is left in a valid, but unspecified state. Note that this constructor does not participate in overload resolution unless optional is an accessible base class of DERIVED. Create an optional object having the specified value. Use the currently installed default allocator to supply memory.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
void swap (optional& other) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT_SPECIFICATION( bsl TYPE& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::value()

< Efficiently exchange the value of this object with the value of the specified other object. This method provides the no-throw exception-safety guarantee if the template parameter TYPE provides that guarantee and the result of the hasValue method for the two objects being swapped is the same. The behavior is undefined unless this object was created with the same allocator as other. Return a reference providing modifiable access to the underlying TYPE object. Throws a bsl::bad_optional_access if the optional object is disengaged.

Referenced by bsl::optional< bsl::string >::optional().

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible<const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> &, TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> &, TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible<const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> , TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> , TYPE >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> & >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> & >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> >::value) && std::is_constructible< TYPE , const ANY_TYPE& >::value && std::is_assignable< TYPE & , const ANY_TYPE& >::value && !(std::is_assignable< TYPE &, const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> &>::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> &>::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> >::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> >::value), optional< TYPE > >::type& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator=(const optional< ANY_TYPE > &rhs) [inline]
template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible<const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> &, TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> &, TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible<const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> , TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible< bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> , TYPE >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> & >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> & >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> >::value) && std::is_constructible< TYPE , ANY_TYPE >::value && std::is_assignable< TYPE & , ANY_TYPE >::value && !(std::is_assignable< TYPE &, const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> &>::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> &>::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, const bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> >::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, bsl::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> >::value), optional< TYPE > >::type& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator=(BSLMF_MOVABLEREF_DEDUCE(optional< ANY_TYPE >) rhs)

Disengage this object if the specified rhs object is disengaged, and move assign to this object the value of rhs.value() (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE otherwise. Return a reference providing modifiable access to this object. Note that this method does not participate in overload resolution unless TYPE and ANY_TYPE are compatible.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible<const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> &, TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible< std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> &, TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible<const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> , TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible< std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> , TYPE >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> & >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> & >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> >::value) && std::is_constructible< TYPE , const ANY_TYPE& >::value && std::is_assignable< TYPE & , const ANY_TYPE& >::value && !(std::is_assignable< TYPE &, const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> &>::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> &>::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> >::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< const ANY_TYPE& >::type> >::value), optional< TYPE > >::type& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator=(const std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &rhs)

Disengage this object if the specified rhs object is disengaged, and assign to this object the value of rhs.value() (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE otherwise. Return a reference providing modifiable access to this object. Note that this method does not participate in overload resolution unless TYPE and ANY_TYPE are compatible.

template<class TYPE, bool USES_BSLMA_ALLOC>
bsl::enable_if< !(bsl::is_convertible<const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> &, TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible< std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> &, TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible<const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> , TYPE >::value || bsl::is_convertible< std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> , TYPE >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> & >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> & >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> >::value || std::is_constructible< TYPE , std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> >::value) && std::is_constructible< TYPE , ANY_TYPE >::value && std::is_assignable< TYPE & , ANY_TYPE >::value && !(std::is_assignable< TYPE &, const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> &>::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> &>::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, const std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> >::value || std::is_assignable< TYPE &, std::optional<typename bsl::remove_cvref< ANY_TYPE >::type> >::value), optional< TYPE > >::type& bsl::optional< TYPE, USES_BSLMA_ALLOC >::operator=(std::optional< ANY_TYPE > &&rhs)

Disengage this object if the specified rhs object is disengaged, and move assign to this object the value of rhs.value() (of ANY_TYPE) converted to TYPE otherwise. Return a reference providing modifiable access to this object. Note that this method does not participate in overload resolution unless TYPE and ANY_TYPE are compatible.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: