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Component bsls_nativestd
[Package bsls]

Define the namespace native_std as an alias for ::std. More...

Define the namespace native_std as an alias for ::std.
Use std explicitly.
This component defines a namespace alias, native_std, that serves as an alias for the std namespace. The bsl package group contains a Bloomberg implementation of the C++ standard library. In the past, this implementation supported using the preprocessor to replace std with bsl and intercepting all standard library headers with BDE-provided implementations. When building in this bde-stl mode by defining BSL_OVERRIDES_STD, there was still occasionally a need to refer to the "real" std namespace, and that could be accomplished with the native_std namespace. This is no longer needed or used within BDE itself.
Note: It is safe to #include this header only if std is not yet defined as a macro or if BSL_DEFINED_NATIVE_STD is already defined. Any other header that defines the native_std namespace should also define the BSL_DEFINED_NATIVE_STD macro. For more info on bde-stl mode, please see bos/bos+stdhdrs/doc/bos+stdhdrs.txt.
In the following example we use the native_std prefix to access the native implementation of std::string, even when the compilation is configured to override the use of native STL types with Bloomberg provided STL types (i.e., bde-stl mode, used by Bloomberg managed code):
  #include <bsls_nativestd.h>
  #include <string>

  std::string        s1;  // now always 'std::string'
  native_std::string s2;  // always was 'std::string'