BDE 4.14.0 Production release
No Matches
Package balcl


 Provide command line parsing, validation, and access.
 Define constraint function signatures for supported value types.
 Provide a type describing requirement and default value of option.
 Provide an allocator-aware command-line-option descriptor class.
 Provide a POD command-line-option descriptor struct.
 Enumerate the types supported for command-line-option values.
 Provide a variant type for command-line-option values.
 Provide a class describing an option's type and other attributes.

Detailed Description


Provide facility to parse process command-line arguments.


Basic Application Library Command Line (balcl)


The 'balcl' package provides a set of components that enable users to access information from the process's command line via a value-semantic class, 'balcl::CommandLine'. An {Overview} is provided below. Full details can be found in the documentation of {balcl_commandline } and the other components of this package.


There are several steps to using 'balcl::CommandLine':

  1. Specify the set of command-line options (and their attributes) that are allowed on the command line by creation of a table of 'balcl::OptionInfo' or 'balcl::Option' objects. See {Option Attributes} below.
  2. Create a 'balcl::CommandLine' object from the command-line-option specification table.
  3. Pass command-line information (i.e., 'argv') to the 'parse' method of the 'balcl::CommandLine' object.
  4. If the 'parse' method is successful, use 'balcl::CommandLine' accessors or the accessors of a returned 'balcl::CommandLineOptionsHandle' object. Note that options that were defined by the user but did not appear in the command line (i.e., the input to 'parse') are left in a "null" state unless the user also defined a default value for the option (see {Option Attributes}).

Option Attributes

This package provides a rich set of features for users to define their allowed options. These include:

Hierarchical Synopsis

The 'balcl' package currently has 8 components having 6 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components. The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant, just alphabetical.

6. balcl_commandline
5. balcl_option
4. balcl_optioninfo
3. balcl_occurrenceinfo
2. balcl_optionvalue
1. balcl_constraint

Component Synopsis

balcl_commandline : Provide command line parsing, validation, and access.

balcl_constraint : Define constraint function signatures for supported value types.

balcl_occurrenceinfo : Provide a type describing requirement and default value of option.

balcl_option : Provide an allocator-aware command-line-option descriptor class.

balcl_optioninfo : Provide a POD command-line-option descriptor struct.

balcl_optiontype : Enumerate the types supported for command-line-option values.

balcl_optionvalue : Provide a variant type for command-line-option values.

balcl_typeinfo : Provide a class describing an option's type and other attributes.