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Component bslalg_containerbase
[Package bslalg]

Provide a wrapper for STL allocators, respecting bslma semantics. More...


namespace  bslma
namespace  bslalg

Detailed Description

Provide a wrapper for STL allocators, respecting bslma semantics.
bslalg::ContainerBase proxy class for STL-style containers
See also:
Component bslma_stdallocator
This component provides a single, mechanism class, bslalg::ContainerBase, that can used as a common base class for all STL-style containers. A container should derive from this class to take advantage of empty-base optimization when a non-'bslma' allocator is used.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Creating a Fixed-Size Array with bslalg::ContainerBase:
Suppose we would like to implement a fixed-size array that allocates memory on the heap at construction.
First, we define the interface of the container, MyFixedSizeArray, that derives from ContainerBase. The implementation is elided for brevity:
  template <class VALUE, class ALLOCATOR>
  class MyFixedSizeArray : private bslalg::ContainerBase<ALLOCATOR>
      // This class implements a container that contains a fixed number of
      // elements of the parameterized type 'VALUE' using the parameterized
      // 'ALLOCATOR' to supply memory.  The number of elements is specified
      // on construction.
Notice that to use this component, a class should derive from ContainerBase in order to take advantage of empty-base optimization.
      // DATA
      VALUE     *d_array;  // head pointer to the array of elements
      const int  d_size;   // (fixed) number of elements in 'd_array'

      // CREATORS
      MyFixedSizeArray(int size, const ALLOCATOR& allocator = ALLOCATOR());
          // Create a 'MyFixedSizeArray' object having the specified 'size'
          // elements, and using the specified 'allocator' to supply memory.

      MyFixedSizeArray(const MyFixedSizeArray& original,
                       const ALLOCATOR&        allocator = ALLOCATOR());
          // Create a 'MyFixedSizeArray' object having same number of
          // elements as that of the specified 'original', the same value of
          // each element as that of corresponding element in 'original', and
          // using the specified 'allocator' to supply memory.

          // Destroy this object.

      VALUE& operator[](int i);
          // Return the reference of the specified 'i'th element of this
          // object.  The behavior is undefined unless 'i < size()'.

      // ACCESSORS
      int size() const;
          // Return the number of elements contained in this object.
Finally, assuming we have a STL compliant allocator named Allocator, we can create a MyFixedSizeArray object and populate it with data.
  MyFixedSizeArray<int, Allocator<int> > fixedArray(3);
  fixedArray[0] = 1;
  fixedArray[1] = 2;
  fixedArray[2] = 3;

  assert(fixedArray[0] == 1);
  assert(fixedArray[1] == 2);
  assert(fixedArray[2] == 3);