BDE 4.14.0 Production release
No Matches

Detailed Description



Enumerate the set of states for log record transmission.


See also
ball_context, ball_observer


This component provides a namespace, ball::Transmission, for the enum type ball::Transmission::Cause. Cause enumerates the list of conditions (or states) that can cause a log record to be transmitted. In addition, this component supports functions that convert the Cause enumerators to a well-defined ASCII representation.


This section illustrates intended use of this component.

Example 1: Syntax

The following snippets of code provide a simple illustration of ball::Transmission usage.

First create a variable cause of type ball::Transmission::Cause and initialize it to the value ball::Transmission::e_TRIGGER_ALL:

Definition ball_transmission.h:213
Definition ball_transmission.h:216

Next, store a pointer to its ASCII representation in a variable asciiCause of type const char *:

const char *asciiCause = ball::Transmission::toAscii(cause);
assert(0 == strcmp(asciiCause, "TRIGGER_ALL"));
static const char * toAscii(Transmission::Cause value)

Finally, print the value of cause to bsl::cout.

bsl::cout << cause << bsl::endl;

This statement produces the following output on stdout:


Example 2: Logging

The Cause enumeration defined in this component allows a logging system to describe the condition causing the publication of a log message. One possible interpretation of three of these conditions is as follows:

e_PASSTHROUGH: indicate that a message is being output as a stand-alone message.

e_TRIGGER: indicate that a message is being output as part of a dump of all messages archived for the current thread.

e_TRIGGER_ALL: indicate that a message is being output as part of a dump of all messages archived for all threads.

This example illustrates the use of ball::Transmission::Cause by a hypothetical logging system.

We define a simple logger class named my_Logger. Assume that my_Logger accepts messages from clients (e.g., the threads in a multi-threaded application) and archives them in-core. Further assume that the message archive is bounded in size in which case my_Logger removes older messages to make room for newer ones as the need arises. When a thread encounters an unusual, unexpected, or undesirable condition that it wishes to bring to the attention of an operator (say, sitting at a console terminal), it "publishes" the message. That is the role of the publish method in the interface of my_Logger:

// my_logger.h
class my_Logger {
// ...
void publish(const char *message, ball::Transmission::Cause cause);
// ...

The publish method, defined in the following, shows the different actions that are taken for the three distinct causes of log message publication:

// my_logger.cpp
my_Logger::my_Logger() { }
my_Logger::~my_Logger() { }
void my_Logger::publish(const char *message,
using namespace std;
switch (cause) {
cout << ball::Transmission::toAscii(cause) << ":\t" << message
<< endl;
} break;
cout << ball::Transmission::toAscii(cause) << ":\t" << message
<< endl;
cout << "\t[ dump all messages archived for current thread ]"
<< endl;
} break;
cout << ball::Transmission::toAscii(cause) << ":\t" << message
<< endl;
cout << "\t[ dump all messages archived for *all* threads ]"
<< endl;
} break;
default: {
cout << "***ERROR*** Unsupported Message Cause: " << message
<< endl;
} break;
// ...
Definition bdldfp_decimal.h:5188
Definition ball_transmission.h:214
Definition ball_transmission.h:215

Finally, we create a my_Logger object and publish three (simplistic) messages, each with a different cause:

my_Logger logger;
const char *MSG_PASSTHROUGH = "report relatively minor problem";
const char *MSG_TRIGGER = "report serious thread-specific problem";
const char *MSG_TRIGGER_ALL = "report process-impacting problem";
logger.publish(MSG_PASSTHROUGH, ball::Transmission::e_PASSTHROUGH);
logger.publish(MSG_TRIGGER, ball::Transmission::e_TRIGGER);
logger.publish(MSG_TRIGGER_ALL, ball::Transmission::e_TRIGGER_ALL);

The following output is produced on stdout:

PASSTHROUGH: report relatively minor problem
TRIGGER: report serious thread-specific problem
[ dump all messages archived for current thread ]
TRIGGER_ALL: report process-impacting problem
[ dump all messages archived for *all* threads ]