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Component bslstl_hashtable
[Package bslstl]

Provide a hash-container with support for duplicate values. More...


namespace  bslstl

Detailed Description

Provide a hash-container with support for duplicate values.
bslstl::HashTable hashed-table container for user-supplied object types
See also:
package bos+stdhdrs in the bos package group
This component defines a single class template, HashTable, implementing a value-semantic container that can be used to easily implement the four unordered containers specified by the C++11 standard.
An instantiation of HashTable is an allocator-aware, value-semantic type whose salient attributes are its size (number of keys) and the ordered sequence of keys the HashTable contains. If HashTable is instantiated with a key type that is not itself value-semantic, then it will not retain all of its value-semantic qualities. In particular, if the key type cannot be tested for equality, then a HashTable containing that type cannot be tested for equality. It is even possible to instantiate HashTable with a key type that does not have a copy-constructor, in which case the HashTable will not be copyable.
Requirements on KEY_CONFIG:
The elements stored in a HashTable and the key by which they are indexed are defined by a KEY_CONFIG template type parameter. The user-supplied KEY_CONFIG type must provide two type aliases named ValueType and KeyType that name the type of element stored and its associated key type respectively. In addition, a KEY_CONFIG class shall provide a static member function which may be called as if it had the following signature:
  static const KeyType& extractKey(const ValueType& value);
      // Return a reference offering non-modifiable access to the key for the
      // specified 'value'.
Optionally, the KEY_CONFIG class might provide an extractKey function with the alternative signature:
  static KeyType& extractKey(ValueType& value);
      // Return a reference to the key for the specified 'value'.
This alternative signature is necessary to support the rare case that a hash function or comparator used to configure the HashTable template below take their arguments by non-'const' reference. This is subject to additional constraints that these functions may not modify the passed arguments, and is inherently a fragile interface and not recommended. It is supported only for C++ Standard conformance.
A HashTable is a Value-Semantic Type (see bsldoc_glossary) only if the configured ValueType is value-semantic. It is possible to instantiate a HashTable configured with a ValueType that does not provide a full HashTable of value-semantic operations, but then some methods of the container may not be instantiable. The following terminology, adopted from the C++11 standard, is used in the function documentation of HashTable to describe a function's requirements for the KEY template parameter. These terms are also defined in [utility.arg.requirements] (section of the C++11 standard). Note that, in the context of a HashTable instantiation, the requirements apply specifically to the HashTables element type, ValueType.
Legend ------ X - denotes an allocator-aware container type (e.g., unordered_set) T - value_type associated with X A - type of the allocator used by X m - lvalue of type A (allocator) p - address (T *) of uninitialized storage for a T within an X rv - rvalue of type (non-'const') T v - rvalue or lvalue of type (possibly const) T args - 0 or more arguments
The following terms are used to more precisely specify the requirements on template parameter types in function-level documentation.
default-insertable: T has a default constructor. More precisely, T is default-insertable into X means that the following expression is well-formed:
Memory Allocation:
The type supplied as a HashTable's ALLOCATOR template parameter determines how that HashTable will allocate memory. The HashTable template supports allocators meeting the requirements of the C++ standard allocator requirements ([allocator.requirements], C++11; in addition it supports scoped-allocators derived from the bslma::Allocator memory allocation protocol. Clients intending to use bslma style allocators should use the template's default ALLOCATOR type: The default type for the ALLOCATOR template parameter, bsl::allocator, provides a C++11 standard-compatible adapter for a bslma::Allocator object.
bslma-Style Allocators:
If the parameterized ALLOCATOR type of an HashTable instantiation is bsl::allocator, then objects of that HashTable type will conform to the standard behavior of a bslma-allocator-enabled type. Such a HashTable accepts an optional bslma::Allocator argument at construction. If the address of a bslma::Allocator object is explicitly supplied at construction, it will be used to supply memory for the HashTable throughout its lifetime; otherwise, the HashTable will use the default allocator installed at the time of the HashTable's construction (see bslma_default). In addition to directly allocating memory from the indicated bslma::Allocator, a HashTable supplies that allocator's address to the constructors of contained objects of the configured ValueType with the bslalg::TypeTraitUsesBslmaAllocator trait.
Exception Safety:
The operations of a HashTable provide the strong exception guarantee (see bsldoc_glossary) except in the presence of a hash-functor or equality-comparator that throws exceptions. If either the hash-functor or equality-comparator throws an exception from a non-'const' method, HashTable provides only the basic exception guarantee, and the operation will leave the container in a valid but unspecified (potentially empty) state.
Internal Data Structure:
This implementation of a hash-table uses a single bidirectional list, to hold all the elements stored in the container, and the elements in this list are indexed by a dynamic array of buckets, each of which holds a pointer to the first and last element in the linked-list whose adjusted hash-values are equal to that bucket's index.
As we do not cache the hashed value, if any hash function throws we will either do nothing and allow the exception to propagate, or, if some change of state has already been made, clear the whole container to provide the basic exception guarantee. There are similar concerns for the COMPARATOR predicate.
This section illustrates intended use of this component. The bslstl::HashTable class template provides a common foundation for implementing the four standard unordered containers: This and the subsequent examples in this component use the bslstl::HashTable class to implement several model container classes, each providing a small but representative sub-set of the functionality of one of the standard unordered containers.
Example 1: Implementing a Hashed Set Container:
Suppose we wish to implement, MyHashedSet, a greatly abbreviated version of bsl::unordered_set. The bslstl::HashTable class template can be used as the basis of that implementation.
First, we define UseEntireValueAsKey, a class template we can use to configure bslstl::HashTable to use its entire elements as keys for its hasher, a policy suitable for a set container. (Later, in Example 2, we will define UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey for use in a map container. Note that, in practice, developers can use the existing classes in bslstl_unorderedmapkeyconfiguration and bslstl_unorderedsetkeyconfiguration.)
                          // ==========================
                          // struct UseEntireValueAsKey
                          // ==========================

  template <class VALUE_TYPE>
  struct UseEntireValueAsKey {
      // This 'struct' provides a namespace for types and methods that define
      // the policy by which the key value of a hashed container (i.e., the
      // value passed to the hasher) is extracted from the objects stored in
      // the hashed container (the 'value' type).

      typedef VALUE_TYPE ValueType;
          // Alias for 'VALUE_TYPE', the type stored in the hashed container.

      typedef ValueType KeyType;
          // Alias for the type passed to the hasher by the hashed container.
          // In this policy, that type is 'ValueType'.

      static const KeyType& extractKey(const ValueType& value);
          // Return the key value for the specified 'value'.  In this policy,
          // that is 'value' itself.

                          // --------------------------
                          // struct UseEntireValueAsKey
                          // --------------------------

  template <class VALUE_TYPE>
  const typename UseEntireValueAsKey<VALUE_TYPE>::KeyType&
                                                      const ValueType& value)
      return value;
Next, we define MyPair, a class template that can hold a pair of values of arbitrary types. This will be used to in MyHashedSet to return the status of the insert method, which must provide an iterator to the inserted value and a boolean value indicating if the value is newly inserted if it previously exiting in the set. The MyPair class template will also appear in Example 2 and Example 3. Note that in practice, users can use the standard bsl::pair in this role; the MyPair class template is used in these examples to avoid creating a dependency of bslstl_hashtable on bslstl_pair.
                      // =============
                      // struct MyPair
                      // =============

  template <class FIRST_TYPE, class SECOND_TYPE>
  struct MyPair {
      typedef  FIRST_TYPE  first_type;
      typedef SECOND_TYPE second_type;

      // DATA
      first_type  first;
      second_type second;

      // CREATORS
          // Create a 'MyPair' object with a default constructed 'first'
          // member and a default constructed 'second' member.

      MyPair(first_type firstValue, second_type secondValue);
          // Create a 'MyPair' object with a 'first' member equal to the
          // specified 'firstValue' and the 'second' member equal to the
          // specified 'secondValue'.

  template <class FIRST_TYPE, class SECOND_TYPE>
  bool operator==(const MyPair<FIRST_TYPE, SECOND_TYPE>& lhs,
                  const MyPair<FIRST_TYPE, SECOND_TYPE>& rhs);
      // Return 'true' if the specified 'lhs' and 'rhs' MyPair objects have
      // the same value, and 'false' otherwise.  'lhs' has the same value as
      // 'rhs' if 'lhs.first == rhs.first' and 'lhs.second == rhs.second'.

  template <class FIRST_TYPE, class SECOND_TYPE>
  bool operator!=(const MyPair<FIRST_TYPE, SECOND_TYPE>& lhs,
                  const MyPair<FIRST_TYPE, SECOND_TYPE>& rhs);
      // Return 'true' if the specified 'lhs' and 'rhs' MyPair objects do not
      // have the same value, and 'false' otherwise.  'lhs' does not have the
      // same value as 'rhs' if 'lhs.first != rhs.first' or
      // 'lhs.second != rhs.second'.

                      // -------------
                      // struct MyPair
                      // -------------

  template <class FIRST_TYPE, class SECOND_TYPE>
  : first()
  , second()

  template <class FIRST_TYPE, class SECOND_TYPE>
  MyPair<FIRST_TYPE,SECOND_TYPE>::MyPair( first_type firstValue,
                                         second_type secondValue)
  : first(firstValue)
  , second(secondValue)

  template <class FIRST_TYPE, class SECOND_TYPE>
  bool operator==(const MyPair<FIRST_TYPE, SECOND_TYPE>& lhs,
                  const MyPair<FIRST_TYPE, SECOND_TYPE>& rhs)
      return lhs.first == rhs.first && lhs.second == rhs.second;

  template <class FIRST_TYPE, class SECOND_TYPE>
  bool operator!=(const MyPair<FIRST_TYPE, SECOND_TYPE>& lhs,
                  const MyPair<FIRST_TYPE, SECOND_TYPE>& rhs)
      return lhs.first != rhs.first || lhs.second != rhs.second;
Then, we define our MyHashedSet class template with an instance of bslstl::HashTable (configured using UseEntireValueAsKey) as its sole data member. We provide insert method, to allow us to populate these sets, and the find method to allow us to examine those elements. We also provide size and bucket_count accessor methods to let us check the inner workings of our class.
Note that the standard classes define aliases for the templated parameters and other types. In the interest of brevity, this model class (and the classes in the subsequent examples) do not define such aliases except where strictly needed for the example.
                          // =================
                          // class MyHashedSet
                          // =================

  template <class KEY,
            class HASH      = bsl::hash<KEY>,
            class EQUAL     = bsl::equal_to<KEY>,
            class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<KEY> >
  class MyHashedSet
      typedef bsl::allocator_traits<ALLOCATOR>          AllocatorTraits;
      typedef typename AllocatorTraits::difference_type difference_type;
      typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTableIterator<const KEY,

      // DATA
                                     ALLOCATOR> d_impl;
      // TYPES
      typedef typename AllocatorTraits::size_type size_type;
      typedef iterator                            const_iterator;

      // CREATORS
      explicit MyHashedSet(size_type        initialNumBuckets = 0,
                           const HASH&      hash              = HASH(),
                           const EQUAL&     keyEqual          = EQUAL(),
                           const ALLOCATOR& allocator         = ALLOCATOR());
          // Create an empty 'MyHashedSet' object having a maximum load
          // factor of 1.  Optionally specify at least 'initialNumBuckets' in
          // this container's initial array of buckets.  If
          // 'initialNumBuckets' is not supplied, an implementation defined
          // value is used.  Optionally specify a 'hash' used to generate the
          // hash values associated to the keys extracted from the values
          // contained in this object.  If 'hash' is not supplied, a
          // default-constructed object of type 'HASH' is used.  Optionally
          // specify a key-equality functor 'keyEqual' used to verify that
          // two key values are the same.  If 'keyEqual' is not supplied, a
          // default-constructed object of type 'EQUAL' is used.  Optionally
          // specify an 'allocator' used to supply memory.  If 'allocator' is
          // not supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template
          // parameter) type 'ALLOCATOR' is used.  If the 'ALLOCATOR' is
          // 'bsl::allocator' (the default), then 'allocator' shall be
          // convertible to 'bslma::Allocator *'.  If the 'ALLOCATOR' is
          // 'bsl::allocator' and 'allocator' is not supplied, the currently
          // installed default allocator is used to supply memory.

          // Destroy this object.

      MyPair<const_iterator, bool> insert(const KEY& value);
          // Insert the specified 'value' into this set if the 'value' does
          // not already exist in this set; otherwise, this method has no
          // effect.  Return a pair whose 'first' member is an iterator
          // providing non-modifiable access to the (possibly newly inserted)
          // 'KEY' object having 'value' (according to 'EQUAL') and whose
          // 'second' member is 'true' if a new element was inserted, and
          // 'false' if 'value' was already present.

      // ACCESSORS
      size_type bucket_count() const;
          // Return the number of buckets in this set.

      const_iterator cend() const;
          // Return an iterator providing non-modifiable access to the
          // past-the-end element (in the sequence of 'KEY' objects)
          // maintained by this set.

      const_iterator find(const KEY& value) const;
          // Return an iterator providing non-modifiable access to the 'KEY'
          // object in this set having the specified 'value', if such an
          // entry exists, and the iterator returned by the 'cend' method
          // otherwise.

      size_type size() const;
          // Return the number of elements in this set.
Next, we implement the methods of MyHashedSet. In many cases, the implementations consist mainly in forwarding arguments to and returning values from the underlying bslstl::HashTable.
                          // =================
                          // class MyHashedSet
                          // =================

  template <class KEY, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
  MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::MyHashedSet(
                                          size_type        initialNumBuckets,
                                          const HASH&      hash,
                                          const EQUAL&     keyEqual,
                                          const ALLOCATOR& allocator)
  : d_impl(hash, keyEqual, initialNumBuckets, allocator)
Note that the insertIfMissing method of bslstl::HashTable provides the semantics needed for adding values (unique values only) to sets.
  template <class KEY, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
  MyPair<typename MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::iterator,
         bool>    MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::insert(
                                                            const KEY& value)
      typedef MyPair<iterator, bool> ResultType;

      bool                       isInsertedFlag = false;
      bslalg::BidirectionalLink *result         = d_impl.insertIfMissing(
      return ResultType(iterator(result), isInsertedFlag);

  template <class KEY, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
  typename MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::size_type
           MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::bucket_count() const
      return d_impl.numBuckets();

  template <class KEY, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
  typename MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::const_iterator
           MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::cend() const
      return const_iterator();

  template <class KEY, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
  typename MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::const_iterator
           MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::find(const KEY& key)
      return const_iterator(d_impl.find(key));

  template <class KEY, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
  typename MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::size_type
           MyHashedSet<KEY, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::size() const
      return d_impl.size();
Finally, we create mhs, an instance of MyHashedSet, exercise it, and confirm that it behaves as expected.
  MyHashedSet<int> mhs;
  assert( 0    == mhs.size());
  assert( 1    == mhs.bucket_count());
Notice that the newly created set is empty and has a single bucket.
Inserting a value (10) succeeds the first time but correctly fails on the second attempt.
  MyPair<MyHashedSet<int>::const_iterator, bool> status;

  status = mhs.insert(10);
  assert( 1    ==  mhs.size());
  assert(10    == *status.first);
  assert(true  ==  status.second);

  status = mhs.insert(10);
  assert( 1    ==  mhs.size());
  assert(10    == *status.first);
  assert(false ==  status.second);
We can insert a different value (20) and thereby increase the set size to 2.
  status = mhs.insert(20);
  assert( 2    ==  mhs.size());
  assert(20    == *status.first);
  assert(true  ==  status.second);
Each of the inserted values (10, 20) can be found in the set.
  MyHashedSet<int>::const_iterator itr, end = mhs.cend();

  itr = mhs.find(10);
  assert(end !=  itr);
  assert(10  == *itr);

  itr = mhs.find(20);
  assert(end !=  itr);
  assert(20  == *itr);
However, a value known to absent from the set (0), is correctly reported as not there.
  itr = mhs.find(0);
  assert(end ==  itr);
Example 2: Implementing a Hashed Map Container:
Suppose we wish to implement, MyHashedMap, a greatly abbreviated version of bsl::unordered_map. As with MyHashedSet (see Example 1), the bslstl::HashTable class template can be used as the basis of our implementation.
First, we define UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey, a class template we can use to configure bslstl::HashTable to use the first member of each element, each a MyPair, as the key-value for hashing. Note that, in practice, developers can use class defined in bslstl_unorderedmapkeyconfiguration.
                          // ===============================
                          // struct UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey
                          // ===============================

  template <class VALUE_TYPE>
  struct UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey {
      // This 'struct' provides a namespace for types and methods that define
      // the policy by which the key value of a hashed container (i.e., the
      // value passed to the hasher) is extracted from the objects stored in
      // the hashed container (the 'value' type).

      typedef VALUE_TYPE ValueType;
          // Alias for 'VALUE_TYPE', the type stored in the hashed container.
          // For this policy 'ValueType' must define a public member named
          // 'first' of type 'first_type'.

      typedef typename ValueType::first_type KeyType;
          // Alias for the type passed to the hasher by the hashed container.
          // In this policy, that type is the type of the 'first' element of
          // 'ValueType'.

      static const KeyType& extractKey(const ValueType& value);
          // Return the key value for the specified 'value'.  In this policy,
          // that is the value of the 'first' member of 'value'.

                          // -------------------------------
                          // struct UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey
                          // -------------------------------

  template <class VALUE_TYPE>
  const typename UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey<VALUE_TYPE>::KeyType&
                                                      const ValueType& value)
      return value.first;
Next, we define our MyHashedMap class template with an instance of bslstl::HashTable (configured using UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey) as its sole data member. In this example, we choose to implement operator[] (corresponding to the signature method of bsl::unordered_map) to allow us to populate our maps and to examine their elements.
                          // =================
                          // class MyHashedMap
                          // =================

  template <class KEY,
            class VALUE,
            class HASH      = bsl::hash<KEY>,
            class EQUAL     = bsl::equal_to<KEY>,
            class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<KEY> >
  class MyHashedMap
      typedef bsl::allocator_traits<ALLOCATOR>          AllocatorTraits;

      typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTable<
                      UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey<MyPair<const KEY, VALUE> >,
                      ALLOCATOR>                     HashTable;

      // DATA
      HashTable d_impl;

      // TYPES
      typedef typename AllocatorTraits::size_type size_type;

      // CREATORS
      explicit MyHashedMap(size_type        initialNumBuckets = 0,
                           const HASH&      hash              = HASH(),
                           const EQUAL&     keyEqual          = EQUAL(),
                           const ALLOCATOR& allocator         = ALLOCATOR());
      // Create an empty 'MyHashedMap' object having a maximum load factor
      // of 1.  Optionally specify at least 'initialNumBuckets' in this
      // container's initial array of buckets.  If 'initialNumBuckets' is not
      // supplied, one empty bucket shall be used and no memory allocated.
      // Optionally specify 'hash' to generate the hash values associated
      // with the key-value pairs contained in this unordered map.  If 'hash'
      // is not supplied, a default-constructed object of (template
      // parameter) 'HASH' is used.  Optionally specify a key-equality
      // functor 'keyEqual' used to determine whether two keys have the same
      // value.  If 'keyEqual' is not supplied, a default-constructed object
      // of (template parameter) 'EQUAL' is used.  Optionally specify an
      // 'allocator' used to supply memory.  If 'allocator' is not supplied,
      // a default-constructed object of the (template parameter) type
      // 'ALLOCATOR' is used.  If 'ALLOCATOR' is 'bsl::allocator' (the
      // default), then 'allocator' shall be convertible to
      // 'bslma::Allocator *'.  If 'ALLOCATOR' is 'bsl::allocator' and
      // 'allocator' is not supplied, the currently installed default
      // allocator is used to supply memory.  Note that more than
      // 'initialNumBuckets' buckets may be created in order to preserve the
      // bucket allocation strategy of the hash-table (but never fewer).

          // Destroy this object.

      VALUE& operator[](const KEY& key);
          // Return a reference providing modifiable access to the
          // mapped-value associated with the specified 'key' in this
          // unordered map; if this unordered map does not already contain a
          // 'value_type' object with 'key', first insert a new 'value_type'
          // object having 'key' and a default-constructed 'VALUE' object.
          // Note that this method requires that the (template parameter)
          // type 'KEY' is "copy-constructible" and the (template parameter)
          // 'VALUE' is "default-constructible".
Then, we implement the methods MyHashedMap. The construct need merely forward its arguments to the constructor of d_impl,
                          // =================
                          // class MyHashedMap
                          // =================

  template <class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
                                          size_type        initialNumBuckets,
                                          const HASH&      hash,
                                          const EQUAL&     keyEqual,
                                          const ALLOCATOR& allocator)
  : d_impl(hash, keyEqual, initialNumBuckets, allocator)
As with MyHashedSet, the insertIfMissing method of bslstl::HashTable provides the semantics we need: an element is inserted only if no such element (no element with the same key) in the container, and a reference to that element (node) is returned. Here, we use node to obtain and return a reference offering modifiable access to the second member of the (possibly newly added) element. Note that the static_cast from HashTableLink * to HashTableNode * is valid because the nodes derive from the link type (see bslalg_bidirectionallink and bslalg_hashtableimputil).
  template <class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
  VALUE& MyHashedMap<KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::operator[](
                                                              const KEY& key)
      typedef typename HashTable::NodeType           HashTableNode;
      typedef BloombergLP::bslalg::BidirectionalLink HashTableLink;

      HashTableLink *node = d_impl.insertIfMissing(key);
      return static_cast<HashTableNode *>(node)->value().second;
Finally, we create mhm, an instance of MyHashedMap, exercise it, and confirm that it behaves as expected. We can add an element (with key value of 0).
  MyHashedMap<int, double> mhm;

  mhm[0] = 1.234;
  assert(1.234 == mhm[0]);
We can change the value of the element with key value 0.
  mhm[0] = 4.321;
  assert(4.321 == mhm[0]);
We can add a new element (key value 1), without changing the previously existing element (key value 0).
  mhm[1] = 5.768;
  assert(5.768 == mhm[1]);
  assert(4.321 == mhm[0]);
Accessing a non-existing element (key value 2) creates that element and populates it with the default value of the mapped value (0.0).
  assert(0.000 == mhm[2]);
Example 3: Implementing a Hashed Multi-Map Container:
Suppose we wish to implement, MyHashedMultiMap, a greatly abbreviated version of bsl::unordered_multimap. As with MyHashedSet and MyHashedMap (see Example 1, and Example 2, respectively), the bslstl::HashTable class template can be used as the basis of our implementation.
First, we need a class template to configure bslstl::HashTable to extract key values in manner appropriate for maps. The previously defined UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey class template (see Example 2) suits perfectly.
Next, we define our MyHashedMultiMap class template with an instance of bslstl::HashTable (configured using UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey) as its sole data member. In this example, we choose to implement an insert method to populate our container, and an equal_range method (a signature method of the multi containers) to provide access to those elements.
                          // ======================
                          // class MyHashedMultiMap
                          // ======================

  template <class KEY,
            class VALUE,
            class HASH      = bsl::hash<KEY>,
            class EQUAL     = bsl::equal_to<KEY>,
            class ALLOCATOR = bsl::allocator<KEY> >
  class MyHashedMultiMap
      typedef MyPair<const KEY, VALUE>                  value_type;
      typedef bsl::allocator_traits<ALLOCATOR>          AllocatorTraits;
      typedef typename AllocatorTraits::difference_type difference_type;

      typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTable<
                         UseFirstValueOfPairAsKey<MyPair<const KEY, VALUE> >,
                         ALLOCATOR>                     HashTable;

      // DATA
      HashTable d_impl;

      // TYPES
      typedef typename AllocatorTraits::size_type  size_type;

      typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTableIterator<value_type,
      typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTableIterator<const value_type,

      // CREATORS
      explicit MyHashedMultiMap(
                           size_type        initialNumBuckets = 0,
                           const HASH&      hash              = HASH(),
                           const EQUAL&     keyEqual          = EQUAL(),
                           const ALLOCATOR& allocator         = ALLOCATOR());
      // Create an empty 'MyHashedMultiMap' object having a maximum load
      // factor of 1.  Optionally specify at least 'initialNumBuckets' in
      // this container's initial array of buckets.  If 'initialNumBuckets'
      // is not supplied, an implementation defined value is used.
      // Optionally specify a 'hash', a hash-functor used to generate the
      // hash values associated to the key-value pairs contained in this
      // object.  If 'hash' is not supplied, a default-constructed object of
      // (template parameter) 'HASH' type is used.  Optionally specify a
      // key-equality functor 'keyEqual' used to verify that two key values
      // are the same.  If 'keyEqual' is not supplied, a default-constructed
      // object of (template parameter) 'EQUAL' type is used.  Optionally
      // specify an 'allocator' used to supply memory.  If 'allocator' is not
      // supplied, a default-constructed object of the (template parameter)
      // 'ALLOCATOR' type is used.  If 'ALLOCATOR' is 'bsl::allocator' (the
      // default), then 'allocator' shall be convertible to
      // 'bslma::Allocator *'.  If the 'ALLOCATOR' is 'bsl::allocator' and
      // 'allocator' is not supplied, the currently installed default
      // allocator is used to supply memory.

          // Destroy this object.

      template <class SOURCE_TYPE>
      iterator insert(const SOURCE_TYPE& value);
          // Insert the specified 'value' into this multi-map, and return an
          // iterator to the newly inserted element.  Note that this method
          // requires that the (class template parameter) types 'KEY' and
          // 'VALUE' types both be "copy-constructible", and that the
          // (function template parameter) 'SOURCE_TYPE' be convertible to
          // the (class template parameter) 'VALUE' type.

      // ACCESSORS
      MyPair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const KEY& key)
          // Return a pair of iterators providing non-modifiable access to
          // the sequence of 'value_type' objects in this container matching
          // the specified 'key', where the first iterator is positioned at
          // the start of the sequence and the second iterator is positioned
          // one past the end of the sequence.  If this container contains no
          // 'value_type' objects matching 'key', then the two returned
          // iterators will have the same value.
Then, we implement the methods MyHashedMultiMap. The construct need merely forward its arguments to the constructor of d_impl,
                          // ======================
                          // class MyHashedMultiMap
                          // ======================

  template <class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
  MyHashedMultiMap<KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::MyHashedMultiMap(
                                         size_type        initialNumBuckets,
                                         const HASH&      hash,
                                         const EQUAL&     keyEqual,
                                         const ALLOCATOR& allocator)
  : d_impl(hash, keyEqual, initialNumBuckets, allocator)
Note that here we forgo use of the insertIfMissing method and use the insert method of bslstl::HashTable. This method supports the semantics of the multi containers: there can be more than one element with the same key value.
  template <class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
  template <class SOURCE_TYPE>
  typename MyHashedMultiMap<KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::iterator
           MyHashedMultiMap<KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::insert(
                                                    const SOURCE_TYPE& value)
      return iterator(d_impl.insert(value));
The equal_range method need only convert the values returned by the findRange method to the types expected by the caller.
  template <class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH, class EQUAL, class ALLOCATOR>
  MyPair<typename MyHashedMultiMap<KEY,
         typename MyHashedMultiMap<KEY,
                                   EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::const_iterator>
  MyHashedMultiMap<KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL, ALLOCATOR>::equal_range(
                                                        const KEY& key) const
      typedef MyPair<const_iterator, const_iterator> ResultType;
      typedef BloombergLP::bslalg::BidirectionalLink HashTableLink;

      HashTableLink *first;
      HashTableLink *last;
      d_impl.findRange(&first, &last, key);
      return ResultType(const_iterator(first), const_iterator(last));
Finally, we create mhmm, an instance of MyHashedMultiMap, exercise it, and confirm that it behaves as expected.
We define several aliases to make our code more concise.
  typedef MyHashedMultiMap<int, double>::iterator       Iterator;
  typedef MyHashedMultiMap<int, double>::const_iterator ConstIterator;
  typedef MyPair<ConstIterator, ConstIterator>          ConstRange;
Searching for an element (key value 10) in a newly created, empty container correctly shows the absence of any such element.
  MyHashedMultiMap<int, double> mhmm;

  ConstRange range;
  range = mhmm.equal_range(10);
  assert(range.first == range.second);
We can insert a value (the pair 10, 100.00) into the container...
  MyPair<const int, double> value(10, 100.00);

  Iterator itr;

  itr = mhmm.insert(value);
  assert(value == *itr);
... and we can do so again.
  itr = mhmm.insert(value);
  assert(value == *itr);
We can now find elements with the key value of 10.
  range = mhmm.equal_range(10);
  assert(range.first != range.second);
As expected, there are two such elements, and both are identical in key value (10) and mapped value (100.00).
  int count = 0;
  for (ConstIterator cur  = range.first,
                     end  = range.second;
                     end != cur; ++cur, ++count) {
      assert(value == *cur);
  assert(2 == count);
Example 4: Implementing a Custom Container:
Although the bslstl::HashTable class was created to be a common implementation for the standard unordered classes, this class can also be used in its own right to address other user problems.
Suppose that we wish to retain a record of sales orders, that each record is characterized by several integer attributes, and that we must be able to find records based on any of those attributes. We can use bslstl::HashTable to implement a custom container supporting multiple key-values.
First, we define MySalesRecord, our record class:
  enum { MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE = 16 };

  typedef struct MySalesRecord {
      int  orderNumber;                        // unique
      int  customerId;                         // no constraint
      int  vendorId;                           // no constraint
      char description[MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE];  // ASCII string
  } MySalesRecord;
Notice that only each orderNumber is unique. We expect multiple sales to any given customer (customerId) and multiple sales by any given vendor (vendorId).
We will use a bslstl::HashTable object (a hashtable) to save record values based on the unique orderNumber, and two auxiliary hashtables to provide map customerId and vendorId values to the addresses of the records in the first bslstl::HashTable object. Note that this implementation relies on the fact that nodes in our hashtables remain stable until they are removed and that in this application we do not allow the removal (or modification) of records once they are inserted.
To configure these hashtables, we will need several policy objects to extract relevant portions the MySalesRecord objects for hashing.
Next, define UseOrderNumberAsKey, a policy class for the hashtable holding the sales record objects. Note that the ValueType is MySalesRecord and that the extractKey method selects the orderNumber attribute:
                          // ==========================
                          // struct UseOrderNumberAsKey
                          // ==========================

  struct UseOrderNumberAsKey {
      // This 'struct' provides a namespace for types and methods that define
      // the policy by which the key value of a hashed container (i.e., the
      // value passed to the hasher) is extracted from the objects stored in
      // the hashed container (the 'value' type).

      typedef MySalesRecord ValueType;
          // Alias for 'MySalesRecord', the type stored in the first
          // hashtable.

      typedef int KeyType;
          // Alias for the type passed to the hasher by the hashed container.
          // In this policy, the value passed to the hasher is the
          // 'orderNumber' attribute, an 'int' type.

      static const KeyType& extractKey(const ValueType& value);
          // Return the key value for the specified 'value'.  In this policy,
          // that is the 'orderNumber' attribute of 'value'.

                          // --------------------------
                          // struct UseOrderNumberAsKey
                          // --------------------------

  const UseOrderNumberAsKey::KeyType&
        UseOrderNumberAsKey::extractKey(const ValueType& value)
      return value.orderNumber;
Then, we define UseCustomerIdAsKey, the policy class for the hashtable that will multiply map customerId to the addresses of records in the first hashtable. Note that in this policy class the ValueType is const MySalesRecord *.
                          // =========================
                          // struct UseCustomerIdAsKey
                          // =========================

  struct UseCustomerIdAsKey {
      // This 'struct' provides a namespace for types and methods that define
      // the policy by which the key value of a hashed container (i.e., the
      // value passed to the hasher) is extracted from the objects stored in
      // the hashed container (the 'value' type).

      typedef const MySalesRecord *ValueType;
          // Alias for 'const MySalesRecord *', the type stored in second
          // hashtable, a pointer to the record stored in the first
          // hashtable.

      typedef int KeyType;
          // Alias for the type passed to the hasher by the hashed container.
          // In this policy, the value passed to the hasher is the
          // 'orderNumber' attribute, an 'int' type.

      static const KeyType& extractKey(const ValueType& value);
          // Return the key value for the specified 'value'.  In this policy,
          // that is the 'customerId' attribute of 'value'.

                          // -------------------------
                          // struct UseCustomerIdAsKey
                          // -------------------------

  const UseCustomerIdAsKey::KeyType&
        UseCustomerIdAsKey::extractKey(const ValueType& value)
      return value->customerId;
Notice that, since the values in the second hashtable are addresses, the key-value is extracted by reference. This second hashtable allows what map-like semantics, without having to store key-values; those reside in the records in the first hashtable.
The UseVendorIdAsKey class, the policy class for the hashtable providing an index by vendorId, is almost a near clone of UseCustomerIdAsKey. It is shown for completeness:
                          // =======================
                          // struct UseVendorIdAsKey
                          // ========================

  struct UseVendorIdAsKey {
      // This 'struct' provides a namespace for types and methods that define
      // the policy by which the key value of a hashed container (i.e., the
      // value passed to the hasher) is extracted from the objects stored in
      // the hashed container (the 'value' type).

      typedef const MySalesRecord *ValueType;
          // Alias for 'const MySalesRecord *', the type stored in second
          // hashtable, a pointer to the record stored in the first
          // hashtable.

      typedef int KeyType;
          // Alias for the type passed to the hasher by the hashed container.
          // In this policy, the value passed to the hasher is the
          // 'vendorId' attribute, an 'int' type.

      static const KeyType& extractKey(const ValueType& value);
          // Return the key value for the specified 'value'.  In this policy,
          // that is the 'vendorId' attribute of 'value'.

                          // -----------------------
                          // struct UseVendorIdAsKey
                          // -----------------------

  const UseVendorIdAsKey::KeyType&
        UseVendorIdAsKey::extractKey(const ValueType& value)
      return value->vendorId;
Next, we define MySalesRecordContainer, our customized container:
                          // ----------------------------
                          // class MySalesRecordContainer
                          // ----------------------------

  class MySalesRecordContainer
      typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTable<
                    bsl::hash<    UseOrderNumberAsKey::KeyType>,
                    bsl::equal_to<UseOrderNumberAsKey::KeyType> >
      typedef bsl::allocator_traits<
            bsl::allocator<UseOrderNumberAsKey::ValueType> > AllocatorTraits;
      typedef AllocatorTraits::difference_type               difference_type;
The ItrByOrderNumber type is used to provide access to the elements of the first hash table, the one that stores the records.
      typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTableIterator<const MySalesRecord,
The ItrPtrById type is used to provide access to the elements of the other hashtables, the ones that store pointers into the first hashtable.
      typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTableIterator<const MySalesRecord *,
If we were to provide iterators of type ItrPtrById to our users, dereferencing the iterator would provide a MySalesRecord pointer, which would then have to be dereferences. Instead, we use ItrPtrById to define ItrById in which accessors have been overridden to provide that extra dereference implicitly.
      class ItrById : public ItrPtrById
          // CREATORS
          explicit ItrById(bslalg::BidirectionalLink *node)
          : ItrPtrById(node)

          // ACCESSORS
          const MySalesRecord& operator*() const
              return *ItrPtrById::operator*();

          const MySalesRecord *operator->() const
              return &(*ItrPtrById::operator*());

      typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTable<
                    bsl::hash<    UseCustomerIdAsKey::KeyType>,
                    bsl::equal_to<UseCustomerIdAsKey::KeyType> >
      typedef BloombergLP::bslstl::HashTable<
                    bsl::hash<    UseVendorIdAsKey::KeyType>,
                    bsl::equal_to<UseVendorIdAsKey::KeyType> >
      // DATA
      RecordsByOrderNumber    d_recordsByOrderNumber;
      RecordsPtrsByCustomerId d_recordptrsByCustomerId;
      RecordsPtrsByVendorId   d_recordptrsByVendorId;

      typedef ItrByOrderNumber  ConstItrByOrderNumber;
      typedef ItrById           ConstItrById;

      // CREATORS
      explicit MySalesRecordContainer(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
          // Create an empty 'MySalesRecordContainer' object.  If
          // 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently installed default allocator
          // is used.

          // Destroy this object.

      MyPair<ConstItrByOrderNumber, bool> insert(const MySalesRecord& value);
          // Insert the specified 'value' into this set if the 'value' does
          // not already exist in this set; otherwise, this method has no
          // effect.  Return a pair whose 'first' member is an iterator
          // providing non-modifiable access to the (possibly newly inserted)
          // 'MySalesRecord' object having 'value' and whose 'second' member
          // is 'true' if a new element was inserted, and 'false' if 'value'
          // was already present.

      // ACCESSORS
      ConstItrByOrderNumber cend() const;
          // Return an iterator providing non-modifiable access to the
          // past-the-end element (in the sequence of 'MySalesRecord'
          // objects) maintained by this set.

      ConstItrByOrderNumber findByOrderNumber(int value) const;
          // Return an iterator providing non-modifiable access to the
          // 'MySalesRecord' object in this set having the specified 'value',
          // if such an entry exists, and the iterator returned by the 'cend'
          // method otherwise.
Notice that this interface provides map-like semantics for finding records. We need only specify the orderNumber attribute of the record of interest; however, the return value is set-like: we get access to the record, not the more complicated key-value/record pair that a map would have provided.
Internally, the hash table need only store the records themselves. A map would have had to manage key-value/record pairs, where the key-value would be a copy of part of the record.
      MyPair<ConstItrById, ConstItrById> findByCustomerId(int value) const;
          // Return a pair of iterators providing non-modifiable access to
          // the sequence of 'MySalesRecord' objects in this container having
          // a 'customerId' attribute equal to the specified 'value' where
          // the first iterator is positioned at the start of the sequence
          // and the second iterator is positioned one past the end of the
          // sequence.  If this container has no such objects, then the two
          // iterators will be equal.

      MyPair<ConstItrById, ConstItrById> findByVendorId(int value) const;
          // Return a pair of iterators providing non-modifiable access to
          // the sequence of 'MySalesRecord' objects in this container having
          // a 'vendorId' attribute equal to the specified 'value' where the
          // first iterator is positioned at the start of the sequence and
          // the second iterator is positioned one past the end of the
          // sequence.  If this container has no such objects, then the two
          // iterators will be equal.
Then, we implement the methods of MySalesRecordContainer, our customized container:
                          // ----------------------------
                          // class MySalesRecordContainer
                          // ----------------------------

                                            bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
  : d_recordsByOrderNumber(basicAllocator)
  , d_recordptrsByCustomerId(basicAllocator)
  , d_recordptrsByVendorId(basicAllocator)

  MyPair<MySalesRecordContainer::ConstItrByOrderNumber, bool>
  MySalesRecordContainer::insert(const MySalesRecord& value)
      // Insert into internal container that will own the record.

      bool                                    isInsertedFlag = false;
      BloombergLP::bslalg::BidirectionalLink *result         =
              d_recordsByOrderNumber.insertIfMissing(&isInsertedFlag, value);

      // Index by other record attributes

      RecordsByOrderNumber::NodeType *nodePtr =
                       static_cast<RecordsByOrderNumber::NodeType *>(result);


      // Return of insertion.

      return MyPair<ConstItrByOrderNumber, bool>(

  MySalesRecordContainer::cend() const
      return ConstItrByOrderNumber();

  MySalesRecordContainer::findByOrderNumber(int value) const
      return ConstItrByOrderNumber(d_recordsByOrderNumber.find(value));

  MySalesRecordContainer::findByCustomerId(int value) const
      typedef BloombergLP::bslalg::BidirectionalLink HashTableLink;

      HashTableLink *first;
      HashTableLink *last;
      d_recordptrsByCustomerId.findRange(&first, &last, value);

      return MyPair<ConstItrById, ConstItrById>(ConstItrById(first),

  MySalesRecordContainer::findByVendorId(int value) const
      typedef BloombergLP::bslalg::BidirectionalLink HashTableLink;

      HashTableLink *first;
      HashTableLink *last;
      d_recordptrsByVendorId.findRange(&first, &last, value);

      return MyPair<ConstItrById, ConstItrById>(ConstItrById(first),
Now, create an empty container and load it with some sample data.
      MySalesRecordContainer msrc;

      const MySalesRecord DATA[] = {
          { 1000, 100, 10, "hello" },
          { 1001, 100, 20, "world" },
          { 1002, 200, 10, "how" },
          { 1003, 200, 20, "are" },
          { 1004, 100, 10, "you" },
          { 1005, 100, 20, "today" }
      const int numDATA = sizeof DATA / sizeof *DATA;

      printf("Insert sales records into container.\n");

      for (int i = 0; i < numDATA; ++i) {
          const int orderNumber   = DATA[i].orderNumber;
          const int customerId    = DATA[i].customerId;
          const int vendorId      = DATA[i].vendorId;
          const char *description = DATA[i].description;

          printf("%d: %d %d %s\n",
                 bool> status = msrc.insert(DATA[i]);
          assert(msrc.cend() != status.first);
          assert(true        == status.second);
We find on standard output:
  Insert sales records into container.
  1000: 100 10 hello
  1001: 100 20 world
  1002: 200 10 how
  1003: 200 20 are
  1004: 100 10 you
  1005: 100 20 today
We can search our container by order number and find the expected records.
      printf("Find sales records by order number.\n");
      for (int i = 0; i < numDATA; ++i) {
          const int orderNumber   = DATA[i].orderNumber;
          const int customerId    = DATA[i].customerId;
          const int vendorId      = DATA[i].vendorId;
          const char *description = DATA[i].description;

          printf("%d: %d %d %s\n",
          MySalesRecordContainer::ConstItrByOrderNumber itr =
          assert(msrc.cend() != itr);
          assert(orderNumber == itr->orderNumber);
          assert(customerId  == itr->customerId);
          assert(vendorId    == itr->vendorId);
          assert(0 == strcmp(description, itr->description));
We find on standard output:
  Find sales records by order number.
  1000: 100 10 hello
  1001: 100 20 world
  1002: 200 10 how
  1003: 200 20 are
  1004: 100 10 you
  1005: 100 20 today
We can search our container by customer identifier and find the expected records.
      printf("Find sales records by customer identifier.\n");

      for (int customerId = 100; customerId <= 200; customerId += 100) {
                 MySalesRecordContainer::ConstItrById> result =
          int count = std::distance(result.first, result.second);
          printf("customerId %d, count %d\n", customerId, count);

          for (MySalesRecordContainer::ConstItrById itr  = result.first,
                                                    end  = result.second;
                                                    end != itr; ++itr) {
              printf("\t\t%d %d %d %s\n",
We find on standard output:
  Find sales records by customer identifier.
  customerId 100, count 4
              1005 100 20 today
              1004 100 10 you
              1001 100 20 world
              1000 100 10 hello
  customerId 200, count 2
              1003 200 20 are
              1002 200 10 how
Lastly, we can search our container by vendor identifier and find the expected records.
      printf("Find sales records by vendor identifier.\n");

      for (int vendorId = 10; vendorId <= 20; vendorId += 10) {
                 MySalesRecordContainer::ConstItrById> result =
          int count = std::distance(result.first, result.second);
          printf("vendorId %d, count %d\n", vendorId, count);

          for (MySalesRecordContainer::ConstItrById itr  = result.first,
                                                    end  = result.second;
                                                    end != itr; ++itr) {
              printf("\t\t%d %d %d %s\n",
We find on standard output:
  Find sales records by vendor identifier.
  vendorId 10, count 3
              1004 100 10 you
              1002 200 10 how
              1000 100 10 hello
  vendorId 20, count 3
              1005 100 20 today
              1003 200 20 are
              1001 100 20 world