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Component bslalg_hashtableanchor
[Package bslalg]

Provide a type holding the constituent parts of a hash table. More...


namespace  bslalg

Detailed Description

Provide a type holding the constituent parts of a hash table.
bslalg::HashTableAnchor (in-core) bucket-array and node list
See also:
Component bslstl_hashtable, Component bslalg_hashtableimputil
This component provides a single, complex-constrained in-*core* (value-semantic) attribute class, bslalg::HashTableAnchor, that is used to hold (not own) the array of buckets and the list of nodes that form the key data elements of a hash-table. This class is typically used with the utilities provided in bslstl_hashtableimputil. Note that the decision to store nodes in a linked list (i.e., resolving collisions through chaining) is intended to facilitate a hash-table implementation meeting the requirements of a C++11 standard unordered container.
  Name                Type                  Simple Constraints
  ------------------  -------------------   ------------------
  bucketArrayAddress  HashTableBucket *     none

  bucketArraySize     size_t                none

  listRootAddress     BidirectionalLink *   none

  Complex Constraint
  'bucketArrayAddress' must refer to a contiguous sequence of valid
  'bslalg::HashTableBucket' objects of at least the specified
  'bucketArraySize' or both 'bucketArrayAddress' and 'bucketArraySize' must
  be 0.
  • listRootAddress: address of the head of the linked list of nodes holding the elements contained in a hash table
  • bucketArrayAddress: address of the first element of the sequence of HashTableBucket objects, each of which refers to the first and last node (from listRootAddress) in that bucket
  • bucketArraySize: the number of (contiguous) buckets in the array of buckets at bucketArrayAddress
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Suppose we want to create a hash table that keeps track of pointers. Pointers can be added (inserted) or removed (erased) from the table, and the table will keep track, at any time, of whether a pointer is currently stored in the table using the count method. It will also be able to return the total number of objects stored in the table (the size method). Redundant inserts have no effect -- a given pointer may only be stored in the table once.
First, we create our class:
  class PtrHashSet : public bslalg::HashTableAnchor {
      typedef bsls::Types::UintPtr              UintPtr;
      typedef bslalg::BidirectionalNode<void *> Node;
      typedef bslalg::HashTableBucket           Bucket;
      typedef bslalg::BidirectionalLinkListUtil Util;

      // DATA
      double            d_maxLoadFactor;
      unsigned          d_numNodes;
      bslma::Allocator *d_allocator_p;

      void grow();
          // Roughly double the number of buckets, such that the number of
          // buckets shall always be '2^N - 1'.

      bool checkInvariants() const;
          // Perform sanity checks on this table, returning 'true' if all the
          // tests pass and 'false' otherwise.  Note that many of the checks
          // are done with the 'ASSERTV' macro and will cause messages to be
          // written to the console.

      bool find(Node **node, Bucket **bucket, const void *ptr) const;
          // If the specified value 'ptr' is stored in this table, return
          // pointers to its node and bucket in the specified 'node' and
          // 'bucket'.  If it is not in this table, return the bucket it
          // should be in, and a pointer to the first node, if any, in that
          // bucket.  If the bucket is empty, return with
          // '*node == listRootAddress()'.  Return 'true' if 'ptr' was found
          // in the table and 'false' otherwise.  Note that it is permissible
          // to pass 0 to 'node' and / or 'bucket', in which case these
          // arguments are ignored.

      PtrHashSet(const PtrHashSet&, bslma::Allocator *);
      PtrHashSet& operator=(const PtrHashSet&);

      // CREATORS
      PtrHashSet(bslma::Allocator *allocator = 0);
          // Create a 'PtrHashSet', using the specified 'allocator'.  If no
          // allocator is specified, use the default allocator.

          // Destroy this 'PtrHashSet', freeing all its memory.

      bool insert(void *ptr);
          // If the specfied 'ptr' is not in this hash table, add it,
          // returning 'true'.  If it is already in the table, return 'false'
          // with no action taken.

      bool erase(void *ptr);
          // If the specfied 'ptr' is in this hash table, remove it,
          // returning 'true'.  If it is not found in the table, return
          // 'false' with no action taken.

      // ACCESSORS
      std::size_t count(void *ptr) const;
          // Return 1 if the specified value 'ptr' is in this table and 0
          // otherwise.

      std::size_t size() const;
          // Return the number of discrete values that are stored in this
          // table.

  void PtrHashSet::grow()
      // 'bucketArraySize' will always be '2^N - 1', so that when pointers
      // are aligned by some 2^N they're likely to be relatively prime.

      std::size_t newBucketArraySize = bucketArraySize() * 2 + 1;
      std::size_t newBucketArraySizeInBytes =
                                         newBucketArraySize * sizeof(Bucket);
      memset(bucketArrayAddress(), 0x5a, size() * sizeof(Bucket));
               (Bucket *) d_allocator_p->allocate(newBucketArraySizeInBytes),
      memset(bucketArrayAddress(), 0, newBucketArraySizeInBytes);
      Node *newListRootAddress = 0;

      unsigned numNodes = 0;
      for (Node *node = (Node *) listRootAddress(); node; ++numNodes) {
          Node *rippedOut = node;
          node = (Node *) node->nextLink();

          std::size_t index =
                            (UintPtr) rippedOut->value() % bucketArraySize();
          Bucket& bucket = bucketArrayAddress()[index];
          if (bucket.first()) {
              if (0 == bucket.first()->previousLink()) {
                  newListRootAddress = rippedOut;
              Util::insertLinkBeforeTarget(rippedOut, bucket.first());
          else {
              newListRootAddress = rippedOut;
              bucket.setFirstAndLast(rippedOut, rippedOut);
      assert(size() == numNodes);



  bool PtrHashSet::checkInvariants() const
      bool ok;

      unsigned numNodes = 0;
      Node *prev = 0;
      for (Node *node = (Node *) listRootAddress(); node;
                             prev = node, node = (Node *) node->nextLink()) {
          ok = node->previousLink() == prev;
          assert(ok && "node->previousLink() == prev");
          if (!ok) return false;                                    // RETURN
      ok = size() == numNodes;
      assert(ok && "size() == numNodes");
      if (!ok) return false;                                        // RETURN

      numNodes = 0;
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < bucketArraySize(); ++i) {
          Bucket& bucket = bucketArrayAddress()[i];
          if (bucket.first()) {
              for (Node *node = (Node *) bucket.first();
                                bucket.last() != node;
                                          node = (Node *) node->nextLink()) {
          else {
              ok = !bucket.last();
              assert(ok && "!bucket.last()");
              if (!ok) return false;                                // RETURN
      ok = size() == numNodes;
      assert(ok && "size() == numNodes");

      return ok;

  bool PtrHashSet::find(Node **node, Bucket **bucket, const void *ptr) const
      Node   *dummyNodePtr;
      Bucket *dummyBucketPtr;
      if (!node  ) node   = &dummyNodePtr;
      if (!bucket) bucket = &dummyBucketPtr;

      Node *& nodePtrRef = *node;
      unsigned index = (UintPtr) ptr % bucketArraySize();
      Bucket& bucketRef = bucketArrayAddress()[index];
      *bucket = &bucketRef;
      if (bucketRef.first()) {
          Node *begin      = (Node *) bucketRef.first();
          Node * const end = (Node *) bucketRef.last()->nextLink();
          for (Node *n = begin; end != n; n = (Node *) n->nextLink()) {
              if (n->value() == ptr) {
                  // found

                  nodePtrRef = n;
                  return true;                                      // RETURN
          // not found

          nodePtrRef = begin;
          return false;                                             // RETURN
      // empty bucket

      nodePtrRef = (Node *) listRootAddress();
      return false;

  PtrHashSet::PtrHashSet(bslma::Allocator *allocator)
  : HashTableAnchor(0, 0, 0)
  , d_maxLoadFactor(0.4)
  , d_numNodes(0)
      enum { NUM_BUCKETS = 3 };

      d_allocator_p = bslma::Default::allocator(allocator);
      std::size_t bucketArraySizeInBytes = NUM_BUCKETS * sizeof(Bucket);

                  (Bucket *) d_allocator_p->allocate(bucketArraySizeInBytes),
      memset(bucketArrayAddress(), 0, bucketArraySizeInBytes);


      for (Node *node = (Node *) listRootAddress(); node; ) {
          Node *toDelete = node;
          node = (Node *) node->nextLink();

          memset(toDelete, 0x5a, sizeof(*toDelete));


  bool PtrHashSet::erase(void *ptr)
      Bucket *bucket;
      Node   *node;

      if (!find(&node, &bucket, ptr)) {
          return false;                                             // RETURN

      if (bucket->first() == node) {
          if (bucket->last() == node) {
          else {
      else if (bucket->last() == node) {




      return true;

  bool PtrHashSet::insert(void *ptr)
      Bucket *bucket;
      Node *insertionPoint;

      if (find(&insertionPoint, &bucket, ptr)) {
          // Already in set, do nothing.

          return false;                                             // RETURN

      if (bucketArraySize() * d_maxLoadFactor < d_numNodes + 1) {
          bool found = find(&insertionPoint, &bucket, ptr);

      Node *node = (Node *) d_allocator_p->allocate(sizeof(Node));

      Util::insertLinkBeforeTarget(node, insertionPoint);
      node->value() = ptr;
      if (listRootAddress() == insertionPoint) {
          BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(0 == node->previousLink());

      if (bucket->first()) {
          BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(bucket->first() == insertionPoint);

      else {

          bucket->setFirstAndLast(node, node);



      return true;

  std::size_t PtrHashSet::count(void *ptr) const
      return find(0, 0, ptr);

  std::size_t PtrHashSet::size() const
      return d_numNodes;
Then, in main, we create a test allocator for use in this example to ensure that no memory is leaked:
  bslma::TestAllocator ta("test", veryVeryVeryVerbose);
Next, we declare our table using that allocator:
  PtrHashSet phs(&ta);
Then, we create an area of memory from which our pointers will come:
  enum { SEGMENT_LENGTH = 1000 };
  char *pc = (char *) ta.allocate(SEGMENT_LENGTH);
Next, we iterate through the length of the segment, insert those pointers for which ptr - pc == N * 7 is true. We keep a count of the number of items we insert into the table in the variable sevens:
  unsigned sevens = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < SEGMENT_LENGTH; i += 7) {
      bool status = phs.insert(&pc[i]);
Then, we verify the number of objects we've placed in the table:
  assert(phs.size() == sevens);
Next, we iterate through ALL pointers in the pc array, using the count method to verify that the ones we expect are in the table:
  for (int i = 0; i < SEGMENT_LENGTH; ++i) {
      assert(phs.count(&pc[i]) == (0 == i % 7));
Then, we iterate, deleting all elements from the table for which ptr - pc == 3 * N is true. We keep a count of the number of elements that were deleted from the table in the variable killed:
  unsigned killed = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < SEGMENT_LENGTH; i += 3) {
      const bool deleted = phs.erase(&pc[i]);
      assert(deleted == (0 == i % 7));
      killed += deleted;
Next, we verify the number of remaining elements in the table:
  assert(killed < sevens);
  assert(phs.size() == sevens - killed);
Then, in verbose mode we print our tallies:
  if (verbose) {
      printf("sevens = %u, killed = %u, phs.size() = %u\n", sevens,
                                          killed, (unsigned) phs.size());
Now, we iterate through every element of the pc array, verifying that the surviving elements are exactly those for which ptr - pc was divisible by 7 and not by 3:
  for (int i = 0; i < SEGMENT_LENGTH; ++i) {
      const bool present = phs.count(&pc[i]);
      assert(present == ((0 == i % 7) && (0 != i % 3)));
Finally, we clean up our pc array: