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Component bslma_stdallocator
[Package bslma]

Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects. More...


class  bsl::allocator< TYPE >
struct  bsl::allocator< TYPE >::rebind< ANY_TYPE >
class  bsl::allocator< void >
struct  bsl::allocator< void >::rebind< ANY_TYPE >
struct  bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >
struct  bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::rebind_alloc< ELEMENT_TYPE >
struct  bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::rebind_traits< ELEMENT_TYPE >


typedef std::size_t bsl::allocator::size_type
typedef std::ptrdiff_t bsl::allocator::difference_type
typedef TYPE * bsl::allocator::pointer
typedef const TYPE * bsl::allocator::const_pointer
typedef TYPE & bsl::allocator::reference
typedef const TYPE & bsl::allocator::const_reference
typedef TYPE bsl::allocator::value_type
typedef std::size_t bsl::allocator< void >::size_type
typedef std::ptrdiff_t bsl::allocator< void >::difference_type
typedef void * bsl::allocator< void >::pointer
typedef const void * bsl::allocator< void >::const_pointer
typedef void bsl::allocator< void >::value_type
typedef TYPE bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::value_type
typedef TYPE * bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::pointer
typedef const TYPE * bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::const_pointer
typedef void * bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::void_pointer
typedef const void * bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::const_void_pointer
typedef std::ptrdiff_t bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::difference_type
typedef std::size_t bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::size_type
typedef false_type bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::is_always_equal
typedef false_type bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment
typedef false_type bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::propagate_on_container_move_assignment
typedef false_type bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::propagate_on_container_swap


 bsl::allocator::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION (allocator, bsl::is_trivially_copyable)
 bsl::allocator::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION (allocator, BloombergLP::bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable)
 bsl::allocator::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION (allocator, BloombergLP::bslmf::IsBitwiseEqualityComparable)
 bsl::allocator::allocator ()
 bsl::allocator::allocator (BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *mechanism)
 bsl::allocator::allocator (const allocator &original)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 bsl::allocator::allocator (const allocator< ANY_TYPE > &rhs)
 bsl::allocator::~allocator ()
allocator & bsl::allocator::operator= (const allocator &rhs)
pointer bsl::allocator::allocate (size_type n, const void *hint=0)
void bsl::allocator::deallocate (pointer p, size_type n=1)
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE , class... Args>
void bsl::allocator::construct (ELEMENT_TYPE *address, Args &&...arguments)
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE >
void bsl::allocator::destroy (ELEMENT_TYPE *address)
pointer bsl::allocator::address (reference x) const
const_pointer bsl::allocator::address (const_reference x) const
size_type bsl::allocator::max_size () const
BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator * bsl::allocator::mechanism () const
allocator< TYPE > bsl::allocator::select_on_container_copy_construction () const
 bsl::allocator< void >::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION (allocator, bsl::is_trivially_copyable)
 bsl::allocator< void >::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION (allocator, BloombergLP::bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable)
 bsl::allocator< void >::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION (allocator, BloombergLP::bslmf::IsBitwiseEqualityComparable)
 bsl::allocator< void >::allocator ()
 bsl::allocator< void >::allocator (BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *mechanism)
 bsl::allocator< void >::allocator (const allocator &original)
template<class ANY_TYPE >
 bsl::allocator< void >::allocator (const allocator< ANY_TYPE > &rhs)
 bsl::allocator< void >::~allocator ()
allocator & bsl::allocator< void >::operator= (const allocator &rhs)
BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator * bsl::allocator< void >::mechanism () const
allocator< void > bsl::allocator< void >::select_on_container_copy_construction () const
template<typename ARG >
 bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::rebind_alloc::rebind_alloc (const ARG &allocatorArg)
static pointer bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::allocate (allocator< TYPE > &m, size_type n)
static pointer bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::allocate (allocator< TYPE > &m, size_type n, const_void_pointer hint)
static void bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::deallocate (allocator< TYPE > &m, pointer p, size_type n)
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE , class... Args>
static void bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::construct (allocator< TYPE > &m, ELEMENT_TYPE *p, Args &&...arguments)
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE >
static void bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::destroy (allocator< TYPE > &m, ELEMENT_TYPE *p)
static size_type bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::max_size (const allocator< TYPE > &m)
static allocator< TYPE > bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::select_on_container_copy_construction (const allocator< TYPE > &)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool bsl::operator== (const allocator< T1 > &lhs, const allocator< T2 > &rhs)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool bsl::operator!= (const allocator< T1 > &lhs, const allocator< T2 > &rhs)
template<class TYPE >
bool bsl::operator== (const allocator< TYPE > &lhs, const BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *rhs)
template<class TYPE >
bool bsl::operator!= (const allocator< TYPE > &lhs, const BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *rhs)
template<class TYPE >
bool bsl::operator== (const BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *lhs, const allocator< TYPE > &rhs)
template<class TYPE >
bool bsl::operator!= (const BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *lhs, const allocator< TYPE > &rhs)

Detailed Description

Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects.
bsl::allocator STL-compatible allocator template
bsl::allocator_traits<bsl::allocator> specialization for bsl::allocator
Canonical Header:
See also:
Component bslma_allocator
TBD: update component-level doc
This component is for internal use only. Please include <bsl_memory.h> instead and use bsl::allocator directly. This component provides an STL-compatible proxy for any allocator class derived from bslma::Allocator. The proxy class, bsl::allocator is a template that adheres to the allocator requirements defined in section 20.1.5 [lib.allocator.requirements] of the C++ standard. bsl::allocator may be used to instantiate any class template that is parameterized by a standard allocator. The container is expected to allocate memory for its own use through the allocator. Different types of allocator use different allocation mechanisms, so this mechanism gives the programmer control over how the container obtains memory.
The bsl::allocator template is intended to solve a problem created by the C++ standard allocator protocol. Since, in STL, the allocator type is specified as a container template parameter, the allocation mechanism becomes an explicit part of the resulting container type. Two containers cannot be of the same type unless they are instantiated with the same allocator type, and therefore the same allocation mechanism. bsl::allocator breaks the connection between allocator type and allocation mechanism. The allocation mechanism is chosen at run-time by initializing (contrast with instantiating) the bsl::allocator with a pointer to a mechanism object derived from bslma::Allocator. Each class derived from bslma::Allocator implements a specific allocation mechanism and is thus called a mechanism class within this component. The bsl::allocator object forwards calls made through the standard allocator interface to the mechanism object with which it was initialized. In this way, two containers instantiated with bsl::allocator can utilize different allocation mechanisms even though they have the same compile-time type. The default mechanism object, if none is supplied to the bsl::allocator constructor, is bslma::Default::defaultAllocator().
Instantiations of bsl::allocator have full value semantics (well-behaved copy construction, assignment, and tests for equality). Note, however, that a bsl::allocator object does not "own" the bslma::Allocator with which it is initialized. In practice , this means that copying a bsl::allocator object does not copy its mechanism object and destroying a bsl::allocator does not destroy its mechanism object. Two bsl::allocator objects compare equal if and only if they share the same mechanism object.
Restrictions on Allocator Usage:
The allocator requirements section of the C++ standard (section 20.1.5 [lib.allocator.requirements]) permits containers to assume that two allocators of the same type always compare equal. This assumption is incorrect for instantiations of bsl::allocator. Therefore, any container (or other facility) that can use bsl::allocator must operate correctly in the presence of non-equal bsl::allocator objects. In practice, this means that a container cannot transfer ownership of allocated memory to another container unless the two containers use equal allocators. Two bsl::allocator objects will compare equal if and only if they were initialized with the same mechanism object.
We first show how to define a container type parameterized with an STL-style allocator template parameter. For simplicity, we choose a fixed-size array to avoid issues concerning reallocation, dynamic growth, etc. Furthermore, we do not assume the bslma allocation protocol, which would dictate that we pass-through the allocator to the parameterized T contained type (see the bslma_allocator component and bslalg package). The interface would be as follows:
  // my_fixedsizearray.h

                          // =======================
                          // class my_FixedSizeArray
                          // =======================

  template <class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  class my_FixedSizeArray {
      // This class provides an array of (the template parameter) 'TYPE'
      // passed of fixed length at construction, using an instance of the
      // parameterized 'ALLOC' type to supply memory.

      // DATA
      ALLOC  d_allocator;
      int    d_length;
      TYPE  *d_array;


      // TYPES
      typedef ALLOC  allocator_type;
      typedef TYPE   value_type;

      // CREATORS
      explicit my_FixedSizeArray(int length,
                                 const ALLOC& allocator = ALLOC());
          // Create a fixed-size array of the specified 'length', using the
          // optionally specified 'allocator' to supply memory.  If
          // 'allocator' is not specified, a default-constructed instance of
          // the parameterized 'ALLOC' type is used.  Note that all the
          // elements in that array are default-constructed.

      my_FixedSizeArray(const my_FixedSizeArray& original,
                        const ALLOC&             allocator = ALLOC());
          // Create a copy of the specified 'original' fixed-size array,
          // using the optionally specified 'allocator' to supply memory.  If
          // 'allocator' is not specified, a default-constructed instance of
          // the parameterized 'ALLOC' type is used.

          // Destroy this fixed size array.

      TYPE& operator[](int index);
          // Return a reference to the modifiable element at the specified
          // 'index' position in this fixed size array.

      // ACCESSORS
      const TYPE& operator[](int index) const;
          // Return a reference to the modifiable element at the specified
          // 'index' position in this fixed size array.

      const ALLOC& allocator() const;
          // Return a reference to the non-modifiable allocator used by this
          // fixed size array to supply memory.  This is here for
          // illustrative purposes.  We should not generally have an accessor
          // to return the allocator.

      int length() const;
          // Return the length specified at construction of this fixed size
          // array.

  template<class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  bool operator==(const my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>& lhs,
                  const my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>& rhs);
      // Return 'true' if the specified 'lhs' fixed-size array has the same
      // value as the specified 'rhs' fixed-size array, and 'false'
      // otherwise.  Two fixed-size arrays have the same value if they have
      // the same length and if the element at any index in 'lhs' has the
      // same value as the corresponding element at the same index in 'rhs'.

  namespace BloombergLP {
  namespace bslma {

  template <class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  struct UsesBslmaAllocator< my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC> >
  : bsl::is_convertible<Allocator*, ALLOC>::type

  }  // close namespace bslma
  }  // close enterprise namespace
The implementation is straightforward
                          // -----------------------
                          // class my_FixedSizeArray
                          // -----------------------

  template<class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>::my_FixedSizeArray(int          length,
                                                    const ALLOC& allocator)
  : d_allocator(allocator), d_length(length)
      d_array = d_allocator.allocate(d_length);  // sizeof(T)*d_length bytes

      // Default construct each element of the array:
      for (int i = 0; i < d_length; ++i) {
          d_allocator.construct(&d_array[i], TYPE());

  template<class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>::my_FixedSizeArray(
                                          const my_FixedSizeArray& original,
                                          const ALLOC&             allocator)
  : d_allocator(allocator), d_length(original.d_length)
      d_array = d_allocator.allocate(d_length);  // sizeof(T)*d_length bytes

      // copy construct each element of the array:
      for (int i = 0; i < d_length; ++i) {
          d_allocator.construct(&d_array[i], original.d_array[i]);

  template<class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>::~my_FixedSizeArray()
      // Call destructor for each element
      for (int i = 0; i < d_length; ++i) {

      // Return memory to allocator.
      d_allocator.deallocate(d_array, d_length);

  template<class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  inline TYPE& my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>::operator[](int index)
      return d_array[index];

  template<class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  const TYPE& my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>::operator[](int index) const
      return d_array[index];

  template<class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  const ALLOC& my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>::allocator() const
      return d_allocator;

  template<class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  bool operator==(const my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>& lhs,
                  const my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>& rhs)
      if (lhs.length() != rhs.length()) {
          return false;                                             // RETURN
      for (int i = 0; i < lhs.length(); ++i) {
          if (lhs[i] != rhs[i]) {
              return false;                                         // RETURN
      return true;

  template<class TYPE, class ALLOC>
  inline int my_FixedSizeArray<TYPE, ALLOC>::length() const
      return d_length;
Now we declare an allocator mechanism. Our mechanism will be to simply call the global operator new and operator delete functions, and count the number of blocks outstanding (allocated but not deallocated). Note that a more reusable implementation would take an underlying mechanism at construction. We keep things simple only for the sake of this example.
  // my_countingallocator.h

                         // ==========================
                         // class my_CountingAllocator
                         // ==========================

  class my_CountingAllocator : public bslma::Allocator {
      // This concrete implementation of the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol
      // maintains some statistics of the number of blocks outstanding (i.e.,
      // allocated but not yet deallocated).

      // DATA
      int d_blocksOutstanding;

      // CREATORS
          // Create a counting allocator that uses the operators 'new' and
          // 'delete' to supply and free memory.

      virtual void *allocate(size_type size);
          // Return a pointer to an uninitialized memory of the specified
          // size (in bytes).

      virtual void deallocate(void *address);
          // Return the memory at the specified 'address' to this allocator.

      // ACCESSORS
      int blocksOutstanding() const;
          // Return the number of blocks outstanding (i.e., allocated but not
          // yet deallocated by this counting allocator).
The implementation is really straightforward:
  // my_countingallocator.cpp

                         // --------------------------
                         // class my_CountingAllocator
                         // --------------------------

  : d_blocksOutstanding(0)

  void *my_CountingAllocator::allocate(size_type size)
      return operator new(size);

  void my_CountingAllocator::deallocate(void *address)
      operator delete(address);

  int my_CountingAllocator::blocksOutstanding() const
      return d_blocksOutstanding;
Now we can create array objects with different allocator mechanisms. First we create an array, a1, using the default allocator and fill it with the values 1 .. 5:
  void usageExample() {

      my_FixedSizeArray<int, bsl::allocator<int> > a1(5);
      assert(5 == a1.length());
      assert(bslma::Default::defaultAllocator() == a1.allocator());

      for (int i = 0; i < a1.length(); ++i) {
          a1[i] = i + 1;
Then we create a copy of a1 using the counting allocator. The values of a1 and a2 are equal, even though they have different allocation mechanisms.
      my_CountingAllocator countingAlloc;
      my_FixedSizeArray<int, bsl::allocator<int> > a2(a1,&countingAlloc);
                 assert(a1 == a2);
                 assert(a1.allocator() != a2.allocator());
                 assert(&countingAlloc == a2.allocator());
                 assert(1 == countingAlloc.blocksOutstanding());
Then we create a copy of a2 using the default allocator. The values of a1, a2 and a3 are equal, even though they have different allocation mechanisms.
     my_FixedSizeArray<int, bsl::allocator<int> > a3(a2);
                 assert(a1 == a3);
                 assert(a1 == a2);
                 assert(a2 == a3);
                 assert(a1.allocator() == a3.allocator());
                 assert(a1.allocator() != a2.allocator());
                 assert(a2.allocator() != a3.allocator());
                 assert(bsl::allocator<int>() == a3.allocator());
To exercise the propagation of the allocator of MyContainer to its elements, we first create a representative element class, MyType, that allocates memory using the bslma allocator protocol:
 #include <bslma_default.h>

 class MyType {

     bslma::Allocator *d_allocator_p;
     // etc.
     // TRAITS
     BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION(MyType, bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator);

     // CREATORS
     explicit MyType(bslma::Allocator* basicAlloc = 0)
         : d_allocator_p(bslma::Default::allocator(basicAlloc)) { /* ... */ }
     MyType(const MyType&)
         : d_allocator_p(bslma::Default::allocator(0)) { /* ... */ }
     MyType(const MyType&, bslma::Allocator* basicAlloc)
         : d_allocator_p(bslma::Default::allocator(basicAlloc)) { /* ... */ }
     // etc.

     bslma::Allocator *allocator() const { return d_allocator_p; }

     // etc.
Finally, we instantiate my_FixedSizeArray using MyType and verify that, when we provide the address of an allocator to the constructor of the container, the same address is passed to the constructor of the container's element. We also verify that, when the container is copy-constructed, the copy uses the default allocator, not the allocator from the original; moreover, we verify that the element stored in the copy also uses the default allocator.
 #include <bslmf_issame.h>

 void usageExample2()
    bslma::TestAllocator                               testAlloc;
    my_FixedSizeArray<MyType, bsl::allocator<MyType> > C1a(7, &testAlloc);
        my_FixedSizeArray<MyType, bsl::allocator<MyType> >::allocator_type,
        bsl::allocator<MyType> >::value));
    ASSERT(C1a.allocator() == bsl::allocator<MyType>(&testAlloc));
    ASSERT(C1a[0].allocator() == &testAlloc);

    my_FixedSizeArray<MyType, bsl::allocator<MyType> > C2a(C1a);
    ASSERT(C2a.allocator() != C1a.allocator());
    ASSERT(C2a.allocator() == bsl::allocator<MyType>());
    ASSERT(C2a[0].allocator() != &testAlloc);
    ASSERT(C2a[0].allocator() == bslma::Default::defaultAllocator());

    MyType                                             dummy;
    my_FixedSizeArray<MyType, bsl::allocator<MyType> > C1b(7, &testAlloc);
        my_FixedSizeArray<MyType, bsl::allocator<MyType> >::allocator_type,
        bsl::allocator<MyType> >::value));
    ASSERT(C1b.allocator() == bsl::allocator<MyType>(&testAlloc));
    ASSERT(C1b[0].allocator() == &testAlloc);

    my_FixedSizeArray<MyType, bsl::allocator<MyType> > C2b(C1b);
    ASSERT(C2b.allocator() != C1b.allocator());
    ASSERT(C2b.allocator() == bsl::allocator<MyType>());
    ASSERT(C2b[0].allocator() != &testAlloc);
    ASSERT(C2b[0].allocator() == bslma::Default::defaultAllocator());

Typedef Documentation

template<class TYPE>
typedef std::size_t bsl::allocator< TYPE >::size_type [inherited]
template<class TYPE>
typedef std::ptrdiff_t bsl::allocator< TYPE >::difference_type [inherited]
template<class TYPE>
typedef TYPE* bsl::allocator< TYPE >::pointer [inherited]
template<class TYPE>
typedef const TYPE* bsl::allocator< TYPE >::const_pointer [inherited]
template<class TYPE>
typedef TYPE& bsl::allocator< TYPE >::reference [inherited]
template<class TYPE>
typedef const TYPE& bsl::allocator< TYPE >::const_reference [inherited]
template<class TYPE>
typedef TYPE bsl::allocator< TYPE >::value_type [inherited]
typedef std::size_t bsl::allocator< void >::size_type [inherited]
typedef std::ptrdiff_t bsl::allocator< void >::difference_type [inherited]
typedef void* bsl::allocator< void >::pointer [inherited]
typedef const void* bsl::allocator< void >::const_pointer [inherited]
typedef void bsl::allocator< void >::value_type [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef TYPE bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::value_type [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef TYPE* bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::pointer [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef const TYPE* bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::const_pointer [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef void* bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::void_pointer [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef const void* bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::const_void_pointer [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef std::ptrdiff_t bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::difference_type [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef std::size_t bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::size_type [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef false_type bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::is_always_equal [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef false_type bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef false_type bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::propagate_on_container_move_assignment [inherited]
template<class TYPE >
typedef false_type bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::propagate_on_container_swap [inherited]

Function Documentation

template<class TYPE>
bsl::allocator< TYPE >::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION ( allocator< TYPE >  ,
) [inherited]
template<class TYPE>
bsl::allocator< TYPE >::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION ( allocator< TYPE >  ,
) [inherited]
template<class TYPE>
bsl::allocator< TYPE >::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION ( allocator< TYPE >  ,
) [inherited]

Declare nested type traits for this class.

template<class TYPE>
bsl::allocator< TYPE >::allocator (  )  [inherited]

Create a proxy object which will forward allocation calls to the object pointed to by bslma::Default::defaultAllocator(). Postcondition:

template<class TYPE>
bsl::allocator< TYPE >::allocator ( BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *  mechanism  )  [inherited]

IMPLICIT: Convert a bslma::Allocator pointer to an allocator object which forwards allocation calls to the object pointed to by the specified mechanism. If mechanism is 0, then the currently installed default allocator is used instead. Postcondition: 0 == mechanism || this->mechanism() == mechanism.

template<class TYPE>
bsl::allocator< TYPE >::allocator ( const allocator< TYPE > &  original  )  [inherited]

Create a proxy object using the same mechanism as the specified original. Postcondition: this->mechanism() == rhs.mechanism().

template<class TYPE>
template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::allocator< TYPE >::allocator ( const allocator< ANY_TYPE > &  rhs  )  [inherited]

Create a proxy object sharing the same mechanism object as the specified rhs. The newly constructed allocator will compare equal to rhs, even though they are instantiated on different types. Postcondition: this->mechanism() == rhs.mechanism().

template<class TYPE>
bsl::allocator< TYPE >::~allocator (  )  [inherited]

Destroy this object. Note that this does not delete the object pointed to by mechanism(). Also note that this method's definition is compiler generated.

template<class TYPE>
allocator& bsl::allocator< TYPE >::operator= ( const allocator< TYPE > &  rhs  )  [inherited]
template<class TYPE>
pointer bsl::allocator< TYPE >::allocate ( size_type  n,
const void *  hint = 0 
) [inherited]

Allocate enough (properly aligned) space for the specified n objects of (template parameter) TYPE by calling allocate on the mechanism object. The optionally specified hint argument is ignored by this allocator type. The behavior is undefined unless n <= max_size().

template<class TYPE>
void bsl::allocator< TYPE >::deallocate ( pointer  p,
size_type  n = 1 
) [inherited]

Return memory previously allocated with allocate to the underlying mechanism object by calling deallocate on the mechanism object with the specified p. The optionally specified n argument is ignored by this allocator type.

template<class TYPE>
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE , class... Args>
void bsl::allocator< TYPE >::construct ( ELEMENT_TYPE *  address,
Args &&...  arguments 
) [inherited]

Construct an object of (template parameter) TYPE, by forwarding the specified (variable number of) arguments to the corresponding constructor of ELEMENT_TYPE, at the specified uninitialized memory address. The behavior is undefined unless address is properly aligned for objects of ELEMENT_TYPE.

template<class TYPE>
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE >
void bsl::allocator< TYPE >::destroy ( ELEMENT_TYPE *  address  )  [inherited]

Call the TYPE destructor for the object pointed to by the specified p. Do not directly deallocate any memory.

template<class TYPE>
pointer bsl::allocator< TYPE >::address ( reference  x  )  const [inherited]

Return the address of the object referred to by the specified x, even if the (template parameter) TYPE overloads the unary operator&.

template<class TYPE>
const_pointer bsl::allocator< TYPE >::address ( const_reference  x  )  const [inherited]

Return the address of the object referred to by the specified x, even if the (template parameter) TYPE overloads the unary operator&.

template<class TYPE>
size_type bsl::allocator< TYPE >::max_size (  )  const [inherited]

Return the maximum number of elements of (template parameter) TYPE that can be allocated using this allocator. Note that there is no guarantee that attempts at allocating fewer elements than the value returned by max_size will not throw.

template<class TYPE>
BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator* bsl::allocator< TYPE >::mechanism (  )  const [inherited]

Return a pointer to the mechanism object to which this proxy forwards allocation and deallocation calls.

template<class TYPE>
allocator<TYPE> bsl::allocator< TYPE >::select_on_container_copy_construction (  )  const [inherited]

TBD: add comment

bsl::allocator< void >::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION ( allocator< void >  ,
) [inherited]
bsl::allocator< void >::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION ( allocator< void >  ,
) [inherited]
bsl::allocator< void >::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION ( allocator< void >  ,
) [inherited]

Declare nested type traits for this class.

bsl::allocator< void >::allocator (  )  [inherited]

Construct a proxy object which will forward allocation calls to the object pointed to by bslma::Default::defaultAllocator().

bsl::allocator< void >::allocator ( BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *  mechanism  )  [inherited]

IMPLICIT: Convert a bslma::Allocator pointer to an allocator object which forwards allocation calls to the object pointed to by the specified mechanism. If mechanism is 0, then the current default allocator is used instead. Postcondition: 0 == mechanism || this->mechanism() == mechanism.

bsl::allocator< void >::allocator ( const allocator< void > &  original  )  [inherited]

Create a proxy object using the same mechanism as the specified original. Postcondition: this->mechanism() == rhs.mechanism().

template<class ANY_TYPE >
bsl::allocator< void >::allocator ( const allocator< ANY_TYPE > &  rhs  )  [inherited]

Construct a proxy object sharing the same mechanism object as the specified rhs. The newly constructed allocator will compare equal to rhs, even though they are instantiated on different types. Postcondition: this->mechanism() == rhs.mechanism().

bsl::allocator< void >::~allocator (  )  [inherited]

Destroy this object. Note that this does not delete the object pointed to by mechanism(). Also note that this method's definition is compiler generated.

allocator& bsl::allocator< void >::operator= ( const allocator< void > &  rhs  )  [inherited]

Assign this object the value of the specified rhs. Postcondition: this->mechanism() == rhs->mechanism(). Note that this does not delete the object pointed to by the previous value of mechanism(). Also note that this method's definition is compiler generated.

BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator* bsl::allocator< void >::mechanism (  )  const [inherited]

Return a pointer to the mechanism object to which this proxy forwards allocation and deallocation calls.

allocator<void> bsl::allocator< void >::select_on_container_copy_construction (  )  const [inherited]

TBD: add comment

template<class TYPE >
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE >
template<typename ARG >
bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::rebind_alloc< ELEMENT_TYPE >::rebind_alloc ( const ARG &  allocatorArg  )  [inline, inherited]
allocatorArg Convert from anything that can be used to cosntruct the base type. This might be better if SFINAE-ed out using is_convertible, but stressing older compilers more seems unwise.
template<class TYPE >
static pointer bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::allocate ( allocator< TYPE > &  m,
size_type  n 
) [inline, static, inherited]
template<class TYPE >
static pointer bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::allocate ( allocator< TYPE > &  m,
size_type  n,
const_void_pointer  hint 
) [inline, static, inherited]
template<class TYPE >
static void bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::deallocate ( allocator< TYPE > &  m,
pointer  p,
size_type  n 
) [inline, static, inherited]
template<class TYPE >
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE , class... Args>
static void bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::construct ( allocator< TYPE > &  m,
Args &&...  arguments 
) [inline, static, inherited]
template<class TYPE >
template<class ELEMENT_TYPE >
static void bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::destroy ( allocator< TYPE > &  m,
) [inline, static, inherited]
template<class TYPE >
static size_type bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::max_size ( const allocator< TYPE > &  m  )  [inline, static, inherited]
template<class TYPE >
static allocator<TYPE> bsl::allocator_traits< allocator< TYPE > >::select_on_container_copy_construction ( const allocator< TYPE > &   )  [inline, static, inherited]
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool bsl::operator== ( const allocator< T1 > &  lhs,
const allocator< T2 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs are proxies for the same bslma::Allocator object. This is a practical implementation of the STL requirement that two allocators compare equal if and only if memory allocated from one can be deallocated from the other. Note that the two allocators need not be instantiated on the same type in order to compare equal.

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool bsl::operator!= ( const allocator< T1 > &  lhs,
const allocator< T2 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

Return true unless the specified lhs and rhs are proxies for the same bslma::Allocator object, in which case return false. This is a practical implementation of the STL requirement that two allocators compare equal if and only if memory allocated from one can be deallocated from the other. Note that the two allocators need not be instantiated on the same type in order to compare equal.

template<class TYPE >
bool bsl::operator== ( const allocator< TYPE > &  lhs,
const BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *  rhs 
) [inline]

Return true if the specified lhs is a proxy for the specified rhs, and false otherwise.

template<class TYPE >
bool bsl::operator!= ( const allocator< TYPE > &  lhs,
const BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *  rhs 
) [inline]

Return true unless the specified lhs is a proxy for the specified rhs, in which case return false.

template<class TYPE >
bool bsl::operator== ( const BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *  lhs,
const allocator< TYPE > &  rhs 
) [inline]

Return true if the specified rhs is a proxy for the specified lhs, and false otherwise.

template<class TYPE >
bool bsl::operator!= ( const BloombergLP::bslma::Allocator *  lhs,
const allocator< TYPE > &  rhs 
) [inline]

Return true unless the specified rhs is a proxy for the specified lhs, in which case return false.