BDE 4.14.0 Production release
No Matches

Detailed Description



Provide a single-use mechanism for synchronizing on an event count.


See also


This component defines a mechanism, bslmt::Latch, that allows one or more threads to wait until a certain number of operations have been performed by other threads.

A latch maintains a currentCount of operations that must be performed before threads waiting on the latch are released. The initial operation count for the latch is supplied at construction, and is decremented by calls to either arrive, arriveAndWait, or countDown. Threads may wait on a latch to be released by calling either wait or arriveAndWait, and threads calling those methods will block until the currentCount is 0.

WARNING: bslmt::Latch is not a reusable synchronization mechanism. The behavior is undefined when calling countDown, arrive, and arriveAndWait after the currentCount becomes 0 (the latch has been released).

Comparison to bslmt::Barrier

A latch provides a basic synchronization tool, similar to a barrier. A latch is distinct from a barrier in that:

An example use of a barrier is to coordinate a set of threads working in lock-step to complete a multi-step operation. An example use of a latch is for one thread to coordinate the completion of a multi-step operation being performed by a set of "child" threads.

Comparison to bslmt::Semaphore

A latch is conceptually similar to a semaphore with a negative count. However, typically semaphore implementations (including bslmt::Semaphore and POSIX) do not allow for negative counts. Waiting on a latch configured for N events is cleaner than one thread calling wait on a semaphore N times in a loop. Furthermore, if the use case involves multiple threads waiting on a set of events, using a latch is cleaner than each thread waiting on a semaphore and then immediately calling post (to release the next waiting thread).

Undefined Behavior When Decrementing the Event Count

The methods arrive, arriveAndWait, and countDown all document that it is undefined behavior to decrement the event count below 0. Note that it isn't possible to use a latch's visible state to determine whether it is safe (i.e., not undefined behavior) to call arrive, arriveAndWait, or countDown. A limit on the number of times the event count is decremented must be imposed by the logic of the program. For example, in the usage example below a latch is created with an event count that matches the number of threads that will call arrive on that latch.

Supported Clock-Types

bsls::SystemClockType supplies the enumeration indicating the system clock on which timeouts supplied to other methods should be based. If the clock type indicated at construction is bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME, the absTime argument passed to the timedWait method should be expressed as an absolute offset since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (which matches the epoch used in bsls::SystemTime::now(bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME). If the clock type indicated at construction is bsls::SystemClockType::e_MONOTONIC, the absTime argument passed to the timedWait method should be expressed as an absolute offset since the epoch of this clock (which matches the epoch used in bsls::SystemTime::now(bsls::SystemClockType::e_MONOTONIC).


This section illustrates intended use of this component.

Example 1: Implementing a Parallelizable Algorithm

In the following example we use a bslmt::Latch object to help implement an operation that can be parallelized across a series of sub-tasks (or "jobs"). The "parent" operation enqueue's the jobs and blocks on a thread pool, and uses the latch as a signaling mechanism to indicate when all of the jobs have been completed and return to the caller.

The use of a bslmt::Latch, rather than a bslmt::Barrier, is important to ensure that jobs in the thread pool do not block until the entire task is completed (preventing the thread pool from processing additional work).

Suppose, for example, we want to provide a C++ type for computing a vector sum (vector in the mathematical sense). That is, for two input vectors, A and B, each of length N, the result is a vector, R, of length N, where each element at index i has the value:

R[i] = A[i] + B[i];

This function can easily be computed in parallel because the value for each result index only depends on the input vectors.

First, assume we have a class, FixedThreadPool, providing the following public interface (for brevity, the details have been elided; see bdlmt_fixedthreadpool or bdlmt_threadpool for examples of thread pools):

class FixedThreadPool {
// ...
// Enqueue the specified `job` to be executed by the next available
// thread.
void enqueueJob(const bsl::function<void()>& job);
Forward declaration.
Definition bslstl_function.h:934

Next, we declare the signature for our vector sum function, parallelVectorSum:

/// Load the specified `result` array with the vector sum of the
/// specified `inputA` and `inputB`, each having at least the specified
/// `numElements`, using the specified `threadPool` to perform the
/// operation in parallel using the specified `numJobs` parallel jobs.
/// The behavior is undefined unless `numElements > 0`, `numJobs > 0`,
/// and `result`, `inputA`, and `inputB` each contain at least
/// `numElements`.
void parallelVectorSum(double *result,
const double *inputA,
const double *inputB,
int numElements,
FixedThreadPool *threadPool,
int numJobs);

Now, we declare a helper function, vectorSumJob, that will be used as a sub-task by parallelVectorSum. vectorSumJob computes a single-threaded vector sum and uses a bslmt::Latch object, completionSignal, to indicate to the parent task that the computation has been completed:

/// Load the specified `result` array with the vector sum of the
/// specified `inputA` and `inputB`, each having at least the specified
/// `numElements`, and when the operation is complete signal the
/// specified `completionSignal`. The behavior is undefined unless
/// `numElements > 0` and `result`, `inputA`, and `inputB` each contain
/// at least `numElements`.
void vectorSumJob(double *result,
bslmt::Latch *completionSignal,
const double *inputA,
const double *inputB,
int numElements)
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) {
result[i] = inputA[i] + inputB[i];
Definition bslmt_latch.h:349

Note that bslmt::Latch::arrive does not block the current thread (unlike bslmt::Barrier::wait), and within the context of a thread pool, this job will complete and the thread will be returned to the pool to accept more work.

Next, we provide a rudimentary function argument binder (specific to this usage example) in view of the fact that such a facility is not available at this level in the BDE hierarchy:

// This class provides an invokable that is tailored to bind the
// `vectorSumJob` (defined above) to its requisite five arguments.
class UsageBinder {
typedef void FREE_FUNCTION(double *,
const double *,
const double *,
int );
FREE_FUNCTION *d_func_p;
double *d_arg1_p;
bslmt::Latch *d_arg2_p;
const double *d_arg3_p;
const double *d_arg4_p;
int d_arg5;
/// Create a `UsageBinder` object that binds the specified
/// `functionPtr` to the specified `arg1Ptr`, `arg2Ptr`, `arg3Ptr`,
/// `arg4Ptr`, and `arg5` arguments.
UsageBinder(FREE_FUNCTION *functionPtr,
double *arg1Ptr,
bslmt::Latch *arg2Ptr,
const double *arg3Ptr,
const double *arg4Ptr,
int arg5)
: d_func_p(functionPtr)
, d_arg1_p(arg1Ptr)
, d_arg2_p(arg2Ptr)
, d_arg3_p(arg3Ptr)
, d_arg4_p(arg4Ptr)
, d_arg5(arg5)
/// Invoke the function that was supplied at construction on the
/// arguments that were supplied at construction.
void operator()()
(*d_func_p)(d_arg1_p, d_arg2_p, d_arg3_p, d_arg4_p, d_arg5);

Then, we define parallelVectorSum:

void parallelVectorSum(double *result,
const double *inputA,
const double *inputB,
int numElements,
FixedThreadPool *threadPool,
int numJobs)
// Ensure that there is at least 1 element per job.
if (numElements < numJobs) {
numJobs = numElements;
const int jobSize = numElements / numJobs;

Now, we define a bslmt::Latch object, completionSignal, that we will use to track the completion of this work:

bslmt::Latch completionSignal(numJobs);
for (int i = 0; i < numJobs; ++i) {
// If 'numJobs' doesn't evenly divide 'numElements', the last job
// will process the remaining elements. For simplicity, we have
// chosen not distribute the elements between jobs as evenly as is
// possible.
int offset = i * jobSize;
int size = (i == numJobs - 1) ? jobSize + numElements % numJobs
: jobSize;
assert(0 != size);
result + offset,
inputA + offset,
inputB + offset,

Finally, calling wait on the latch will block this function from returning until all the queued jobs computing the vector sum have been completed:
