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Component bdlb_pcgrandomgenerator
[Package bdlb]

Provide a class to generate random numbers using the PCG algorithm. More...


namespace  bdlb

Detailed Description

Provide a class to generate random numbers using the PCG algorithm.
bdlb::PcgRandomGenerator PCG-based random number generator (RNG)
See also:
Component bdlb_random
This component provides a single mechanism class, bdlb::PcgRandomGenerator, that is used to generate random numbers employing the PCG algorithm, a high-performance, high-quality RNG. PCG stands for "permuted congruential generator" (see http://www.pcg-random.org for details). The PCG technique employs the concepts of permutation functions on tuples and a base linear congruential generator. The PCG algorithm is seeded with two values: its initial state and a "stream selector." The stream selector is intended to address a potential hazard of multiple instances of a random number generator having unintended correlation between their outputs. For example, if we allow them to have the same internal state (e.g., mistakenly seeding them with the current time in seconds), they will output the exact same sequence of numbers. Employing a stream selector enables the same initial state to generate unique sequences. Free operators == and != provide the operational definition of value. Refer to O'Neill (2014) at https://www.pcg-random.org/pdf/hmc-cs-2014-0905.pdf for details.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Simulating a Pair of Dice:
This example shows how one might use bdlb::PcgRandomGenerator to create and use a class to simulate the roll of a single die in a game, such as craps, that uses dice.
First, we define the Die class itself:
                     // =========
                     // class Die
                     // =========

  class Die {

      // DATA
      bdlb::PcgRandomGenerator d_pcg;
          // used to generate next role of this die

      // CREATORS
      Die(bsl::uint64_t initialState, bsl::uint64_t streamSelector);
          // Create an object used to simulate a single die, using the
          // specified 'initialState' and 'streamSelector'.

      int roll();
          // Return the next pseudo-random value in the range '[1 .. 6]',
          // based on the sequence of values established by the
          // 'initialState' and 'streamSelector' values supplied at
          // construction.

                     // ---------
                     // class Die
                     // ---------

  Die::Die(bsl::uint64_t initialState, bsl::uint64_t streamSelector)
  : d_pcg(initialState, streamSelector)

  int Die::roll()
      int result;

      do {
          result = d_pcg.generate() & 7;
      } while (result > 5);

      return result + 1;
Now, we can use our Die class to get the random numbers needed to simulate a game of craps. Note that the game of craps requires two dice.
We can instantiate a single Die and role it twice:
  void rollOneDieTwice()
      Die a(123, 456);

      int d1 = a.roll();
      int d2 = a.roll();

      cout << "d1 = " << d1 << ", d2 = " << d2 << endl;  // d1 = 3, d2 = 5
Alternatively, we could create two instances of Die, with separate initial states/sequences, and role each one once:
  void rollTwoDice()
      Die a(123, 123);
      Die b(456, 456);

      int d1 = a.roll();
      int d2 = b.roll();

      cout << "d1 = " << d1 << ", d2 = " << d2 << endl;  // d1 = 3, d2 = 1
Note that the specification of separate seeds is important to produce a proper distribution for our game. If we had shared the seed value each die would always produce the same sequence of values as the other.
  void shareStateAndSequence()
      Die a(123, 456);  // BAD IDEA
      Die b(123, 456);  // BAD IDEA

      int d1 = a.roll();
      int d2 = b.roll();
      assert(d2 == d1);
Example 2: Using a Stream Selector to Guarantee Uncorrelated Sequences:
This example illustrates how a stream selector can be used to guarantee that two distinct instances of PcgRandomGenerator produce uncorrelated sequences.
First, we use bdlb::RandomDevice to choose the initial states for the generators using a source of true randomness:
  uint64_t state1;
  int rc = bdlb::RandomDevice::getRandomBytes(
      reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&state1), sizeof(state1));
  (void)rc;  // error handling omitted

  uint64_t state2;
  int rc = bdlb::RandomDevice::getRandomBytes(
      reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&state2), sizeof(state2));
  (void)rc;  // error handling omitted
Then we select two distinct stream selectors for the generators, which, due to the PCG algorithmic properties, will guarantee that the sequences will be uncorrelated even if the initial state is exactly the same:
  const uint64_t streamSelector1 = 1;
  const uint64_t streamSelector2 = 2;
Finally, we initialize the generators with their respective initial states and stream selectors and check that they produce distinct sequences of random numbers. The check is guaranteed to pass even in the rare, but possible case of state1 == state2:
  bdlb::PcgRandomGenerator rng1(state1, streamSelector1);
  bdlb::PcgRandomGenerator rng2(state2, streamSelector2);

  const int NUM_VALUES = 1000;
  bsl::vector<bsl::uint32_t> sequence1(NUM_VALUES);
  bsl::vector<bsl::uint32_t> sequence2(NUM_VALUES);

  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VALUES; ++i) {
      sequence1[i] = rng1.generate();
      sequence2[i] = rng2.generate();

  assert(sequence1 != sequence2);