BDE 4.14.0 Production release
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Detailed Description



Provide a memory manager to manage pools of varying block sizes.


See also
bdlma_concurrentpool, bdlmca_multipoolallocator


This component implements a memory manager, bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool, that maintains a configurable number of bdlma::ConcurrentPool objects, each dispensing memory blocks of a unique size. The bdlma::ConcurrentPool objects are placed in an array, starting at index 0, with each successive pool managing memory blocks of a size twice that of the previous pool. Each multipool allocation (deallocation) request allocates memory from (returns memory to) the internal pool managing memory blocks of the smallest size not less than the requested size, or else from a separately managed list of memory blocks, if no internal pool managing memory block of sufficient size exists. Both the release method and the destructor of a bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool release all memory currently allocated via the object.

A bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool can be depicted visually:

+-----+--- memory blocks of 8 bytes
| |
======== ----- ----- ------------
|8 bytes |---->| | | ... |
>========< =====^=====^============
|16 bytes|
>========< \___________ __________/
|32 bytes| V
>========< a "chunk"
| |
| ... |
| |
+------- array of 'bdlma::ConcurrentPool'

Note that a "chunk" is a large, contiguous block of memory, internal to a bdlma::ConcurrentPool maintained by the multipool, from which memory blocks of uniform size are dispensed to users.

Thread Safety

bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool is fully thread-safe, meaning any operation on the same object can be safely invoked from any thread.

Configuration at Construction

When creating a bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool, clients can optionally configure:

  1. NUMBER OF POOLS – the number of internal pools (the block size managed by the first pool is eight bytes, with each successive pool managing block of a size twice that of the previous pool).
  2. GROWTH STRATEGY – geometrically growing chunk size starting from 1 (in terms of the number of memory blocks per chunk), or fixed chunk size, specified as either:
    • the unique growth strategy for all pools, or
    • (if the number of pools is specified) an array of growth strategies corresponding to each individual pool If the growth strategy is not specified, geometric growth is used for all pools.
  3. MAX BLOCKS PER CHUNK – the maximum number of memory blocks within a chunk, specified as either:
    • the unique maximum-blocks-per-chunk value for all of the pools, or
    • an array of maximum-blocks-per-chunk values corresponding to each individual pool. If the maximum blocks per chunk is not specified, an implementation-defined default value is used. Note that the maximum blocks per chunk can be configured only if the number of pools is also configured.
  4. BASIC ALLOCATOR – the allocator used to supply memory (to replenish an internal pool, or directly if the maximum block size is exceeded). If not specified, the currently installed default allocator (see bslma_default ) is used.

A default-constructed multipool has a relatively small, implementation-defined number of pools N with respective block sizes ranging from 2^3 = 8 to 2^(N+2). By default, the initial chunk size, (i.e., the number of blocks of a given size allocated at once to replenish a pool's memory) is 1, and each pool's chunk size grows geometrically until it reaches an implementation-defined maximum, at which it is capped. Finally, unless otherwise specified, all memory comes from the allocator that was the currently installed default allocator at the time the bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool was created.

Using the various pooling options described above, we can configure the number of pools maintained, whether replenishment should be adaptive (i.e., geometric starting with 1) or fixed at a maximum chunk size, what that maximum chunk size should be (which need not be an integral power of 2), and the underlying allocator used to supply memory. Note that both GROWTH STRATEGY and MAX BLOCKS PER CHUNK can be specified separately either as a single value applying to all of the maintained pools, or as an array of values, with the elements applying to each individually maintained pool.


This section illustrates intended use of this component.

Example 1: Using a bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool Directly

A bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool can be used by containers that hold different types of elements, each of uniform size, for efficient memory allocation of new elements. Suppose we have a factory class, my_MessageFactory, that creates messages based on user requests. Each message is created with the most efficient memory storage possible - using predefined 8-byte, 16-byte and 32-byte buffers. If the message size exceeds the three predefined values, a generic message is used. For efficient memory allocation of messages, we use a bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool.

First, we define our message types as follows:

class my_MessageFactory;
class my_Message {
// This class represents a general message interface that provides a
// 'getMessage' method for clients to retrieve the underlying message.
virtual ~my_Message() {}
// Destroy this object.
virtual const char *getMessage() = 0;
// Return the null-terminated message string.
class my_SmallMessage : public my_Message {
// This class represents an 8-byte message (including null terminator).
char d_buffer[8];
friend class my_MessageFactory;
my_SmallMessage(const my_SmallMessage&);
my_SmallMessage& operator=(const my_SmallMessage&);
my_SmallMessage(const char *msg, int length)
assert(length <= 7);
bsl::memcpy(d_buffer, msg, length);
d_buffer[length] = '\0';
virtual ~my_SmallMessage() {}
// Destroy this object.
virtual const char *getMessage()
return d_buffer;
class my_MediumMessage : public my_Message {
// This class represents a 16-byte message (including null
// terminator).
char d_buffer[16];
friend class my_MessageFactory;
my_MediumMessage(const my_MediumMessage&);
my_MediumMessage& operator=(const my_MediumMessage&);
my_MediumMessage(const char *msg, int length)
assert(length <= 15);
bsl::memcpy(d_buffer, msg, length);
d_buffer[length] = '\0';
virtual ~my_MediumMessage() {}
// Destroy this object.
virtual const char *getMessage()
return d_buffer;
class my_LargeMessage : public my_Message {
// This class represents a 32-byte message (including null
// terminator).
char d_buffer[32];
friend class my_MessageFactory;
my_LargeMessage(const my_LargeMessage&);
my_LargeMessage& operator=(const my_LargeMessage&);
my_LargeMessage(const char *msg, int length)
assert(length <= 31);
bsl::memcpy(d_buffer, msg, length);
d_buffer[length] = '\0';
virtual ~my_LargeMessage() {}
// Destroy this object.
virtual const char *getMessage()
return d_buffer;
class my_GenericMessage : public my_Message {
// This class represents a generic message.
char *d_buffer;
friend class my_MessageFactory;
my_GenericMessage(const my_GenericMessage&);
my_GenericMessage& operator=(const my_GenericMessage&);
my_GenericMessage(char *msg) : d_buffer(msg)
virtual ~my_GenericMessage() {}
// Destroy this object.
virtual const char *getMessage()
return d_buffer;

Then we define our factory class, my_MessageFactory, as follows:

class my_MessageFactory {
// This class implements an efficient message factory that builds and
// returns messages. The life-time of the messages created by this
// factory is the same as this factory.
bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool d_multipool; // multipool used to supply
// memory
// Not implemented:
my_MessageFactory(const my_MessageFactory&);
my_MessageFactory(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
// Create a message factory. Optionally specify a 'basicAllocator'
// used to supply memory. If 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently
// installed default allocator is used.
// Destroy this factory and reclaim all messages created by it.
my_Message *createMessage(const char *data);
// Create a message storing the specified 'data'. The behavior is
// undefined unless 'data' is null-terminated.
void disposeAllMessages();
// Dispose of all created messages.
void disposeMessage(my_Message *message);
// Dispose of the specified 'message'. The behavior is undefined
// unless 'message' was created by this factory.
Definition bdlma_concurrentmultipool.h:545
Definition bslma_allocator.h:457

The use of a multipool and the release method enables the disposeAllMessages method to quickly deallocate all memory blocks used to create messages:

void my_MessageFactory::disposeAllMessages()

The multipool can also reuse deallocated memory. Once a message is destroyed by the disposeMessage method, memory allocated for that message is reclaimed by the multipool and can be used to create the next message having the same size:

void my_MessageFactory::disposeMessage(my_Message *message)

A multipool optimizes the allocation of memory by using dynamically-allocated buffers (also known as chunks) to supply memory. As each chunk can satisfy multiple memory block requests before requiring additional dynamic memory allocation, the number of dynamic allocation requests needed is greatly reduced.

For the number of pools managed by the multipool, we chose to use the implementation-defined default value instead of calculating and specifying a value. Note that if users want to specify the number of pools, the value can be calculated as the smallest N such that the following relationship holds:

N > log2(sizeof(Object Type)) - 2

Continuing on with the usage example:

my_MessageFactory::my_MessageFactory(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
: d_multipool(basicAllocator)

Note that in the destructor, all outstanding messages are reclaimed automatically when d_multipool is destroyed:


A bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool is ideal for allocating the different sized messages since repeated deallocations might be necessary (which renders a bdlma::SequentialPool unsuitable) and the sizes of these types are all different:

my_Message *my_MessageFactory::createMessage(const char *data)
enum { k_SMALL = 8, k_MEDIUM = 16, k_LARGE = 32 };
const int length = static_cast<int>(bsl::strlen(data));
if (length < k_SMALL) {
return new(d_multipool.allocate(sizeof(my_SmallMessage)))
my_SmallMessage(data, length); // RETURN
if (length < k_MEDIUM) {
return new(d_multipool.allocate(sizeof(my_MediumMessage)))
my_MediumMessage(data, length); // RETURN
if (length < k_LARGE) {
return new(d_multipool.allocate(sizeof(my_LargeMessage)))
my_LargeMessage(data, length); // RETURN
char *buffer = (char *)d_multipool.allocate(length + 1);
bsl::memcpy(buffer, data, length + 1);
return new(d_multipool.allocate(sizeof(my_GenericMessage)))

Example 2: Implementing an Allocator Using bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool

bslma::Allocator is used throughout the interfaces of BDE components. Suppose we would like to create a multipool allocator, my_MultipoolAllocator, that allocates memory from multiple bdlma::ConcurrentPool objects in a similar fashion to bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool. This class can be used directly to implement such an allocator.

Note that the documentation for this class is simplified for this usage example. Please see bdlmca_multipoolallocator for full documentation of a similar class.

class my_MultipoolAllocator : public bslma::Allocator{
// This class implements the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol to provide an
// allocator that manages a set of memory pools, each dispensing memory
// blocks of a unique size, with each successive pool's block size
// being twice that of the previous one.
bdlma::ConcurrentMultipool d_multiPool; // memory manager for
// allocated memory blocks
my_MultipoolAllocator(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
// Create a multipool allocator. Optionally specify a
// 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory. If 'basicAllocator' is
// 0, the currently installed default allocator is used.
// ...
virtual ~my_MultipoolAllocator();
// Destroy this multipool allocator. All memory allocated from
// this memory pool is released.
virtual void *allocate(bsls::Types::size_type size);
// Return the address of a contiguous block of maximally-aligned
// memory of (at least) the specified 'size' (in bytes). If 'size'
// is 0, no memory is allocated and 0 is returned.
virtual void deallocate(void *address);
// Relinquish the memory block at the specified 'address' back to
// this multipool allocator for reuse. The behavior is undefined
// unless 'address' is non-zero, was allocated by this multipool
// allocator, and has not already been deallocated.
bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
: d_multiPool(basicAllocator)
void *my_MultipoolAllocator::allocate(bsls::Types::size_type size)
return d_multiPool.allocate(size);
void my_MultipoolAllocator::deallocate(void *address)
virtual void deallocate(void *address)=0
virtual void * allocate(size_type size)=0
std::size_t size_type
Definition bsls_types.h:124