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Component bslmf_ismemberfunctionpointer
[Package bslmf]

Provide a compile-time check for member function pointer types. More...


struct  bsl::is_member_function_pointer< t_TYPE >
struct  bsl::is_member_function_pointer< t_TYPE t_CLASS::* >
struct  bsl::is_member_function_pointer< t_TYPE t_CLASS::*const >
struct  bsl::is_member_function_pointer< t_TYPE t_CLASS::*volatile >
struct  bsl::is_member_function_pointer< t_TYPE t_CLASS::*const volatile >

Detailed Description

Provide a compile-time check for member function pointer types.
bsl::is_member_function_pointer standard meta-function
bsl::is_member_function_pointer_v the result value of the meta-function
See also:
Component bslmf_memberfunctionpointertraits, Component bslmf_ismemberobjectpointer
This component defines a meta-function, bsl::is_member_function_pointer and a template variable bsl::is_member_function_pointer_v, that represents the result value of the bsl::is_member_function_pointer meta-function, that may be used to query whether a type is a pointer to non-static member function type.
bsl::is_member_function_pointer meets the requirements of the is_member_function_pointer template defined in the C++11 standard [meta.unary.cat].
Note that, in order to support the widest range of compilers, this component depends on bslmf_memberfunctionpointertraits, which does not support member functions with C-style (varargs) elipses. Thus, bsl::is_member_function_pointer will return a false negative if invoked on a pointer to such a member.
Note that the template variable is_member_function_pointer_v is defined in the C++17 standard as an inline variable. If the current compiler supports the inline variable C++17 compiler feature, bsl::is_member_function_pointer_v is defined as an inline constexpr bool variable. Otherwise, if the compiler supports the variable templates C++14 compiler feature, bsl::is_member_function_pointer_v is defined as a non-inline constexpr bool variable. See BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_SUPPORT_INLINE_VARIABLES and BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_SUPPORT_VARIABLE_TEMPLATES macros in bsls_compilerfeatures component for details.
In this section we show intended use of this component.
Example 1: Verify Member Function Pointer Types:
Suppose that we want to assert whether a set of types are pointers to non-static member function types.
First, we create a user-defined type MyStruct:
  struct MyStruct
Now, we create two typedefs -- a function pointer type and a member function pointer type:
  typedef int (MyStruct::*MyStructMethodPtr) ();
  typedef int (*MyFunctionPtr) ();
Finally, we instantiate the bsl::is_member_function_pointer template for each of the typedefs and assert the value static data member of each instantiation: Note that if the current compiler supports the variable templates C++14 feature then we can re-write the snippet of code above using the bsl::is_member_function_pointer_v variable as follows:
  assert(false == bsl::is_member_function_pointer_v<MyFunctionPtr    >);
  assert(true  == bsl::is_member_function_pointer_v<MyStructMethodPtr>);