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Component balm_publisher
[Package balm]

Provide a protocol to publish recorded metric values. More...


namespace  balm

Detailed Description

Provide a protocol to publish recorded metric values.
balm::Publisher a protocol providing a method to publish metric values
See also:
This component defines a protocol class balm::Publisher used for publishing metric values. The protocol's primary method is publish, which takes a balm::MetricSample. The precise meaning of publish is left to derived classes to specify.
Alternative Systems for Telemetry:
Bloomberg software may alternatively use the GUTS telemetry API, which is integrated into Bloomberg infrastructure.
In the following examples we create a simple implementation of a balm::Publisher, and then use it to publish metrics recorded by a trivial event manager.
Example 1: Implementing the balm::Publisher Protocol:
The following example demonstrates a simple implementation of the balm::Publisher protocol. This implementation publishes the metric records to an output stream provided on construction.
  // simplestreampublisher.h
  class SimpleStreamPublisher : public balm::Publisher {
      // A simple implementation of the 'balm::Publisher' protocol that
      // writes metric records to a stream.

      // DATA
      bsl::ostream& d_stream; // output stream (held, not owned)

      SimpleStreamPublisher(const SimpleStreamPublisher& );
      SimpleStreamPublisher& operator=(const SimpleStreamPublisher& );

      // CREATORS
      SimpleStreamPublisher(bsl::ostream& stream);
          // Create this publisher that will publish metrics to the specified
          // 'stream'.

      virtual ~SimpleStreamPublisher();
           // Destroy this publisher.

      virtual void publish(const balm::MetricSample& metricValues);
          // Publish the specified 'metricValues'.  This implementation will
          // write the 'metricValues' to the output stream specified on
          // construction.

  // simplestreampublisher.cpp

  SimpleStreamPublisher::SimpleStreamPublisher(bsl::ostream& stream)
  : d_stream(stream)


  void SimpleStreamPublisher::publish(const balm::MetricSample& metricValues)
      if (0 >= metricValues.numRecords()) {
          return;                                                   // RETURN
      d_stream << metricValues.timeStamp() << " "
               << metricValues.numRecords() << " Records" << bsl::endl;

      balm::MetricSample::const_iterator sIt = metricValues.begin();
      for (; sIt != metricValues.end(); ++sIt) {
          d_stream << "\tElapsed Time: "
                   << sIt->elapsedTime().totalSecondsAsDouble()
                   << "s" << bsl::endl;
          balm::MetricSampleGroup::const_iterator gIt = sIt->begin();
          for (; gIt != sIt->end(); ++gIt) {
              d_stream << "\t" << gIt->metricId()
                       << " [count = " << gIt->count()
                       << ", total = " << gIt->total()
                       << ", min = "   << gIt->min()
                       << ", max = "   << gIt->max() << "]" << bsl::endl;
Example 2: Using the balm::Publisher Protocol:
The following example defines a trivial EventManager class that uses the balm::Publisher protocol to publish metrics related to the incoming event. Note that this event manager does no actual processing and is intended only to illustrate how the publisher protocol might be used.
  class EventManager {
      // This class provides a dummy event handling mechanism that publishes
      // a metric for the size of the processed event messages.

      // DATA
      balm::Collector  d_eventMessageSize;  // metric for the message size
      bdlt::DatetimeTz d_lastPublish;       // time of the last publication

      EventManager(const EventManager& );
      EventManager& operator=(const EventManager& );

      // CREATORS
      EventManager(const balm::MetricId& messageSizeId)
          // Create this event manager using the specified 'messageSizeId'
          // to identify the event message size metric.
      : d_eventMessageSize(messageSizeId)
      , d_lastPublish(bdlt::CurrentTime::nowAsDatetimeUTC(), 0)

      int handleEvent(int eventId, const bsl::string& eventMessage)
          // Process the event described by the specified 'eventId' and
          // 'eventMessage'.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value if
          // there was an error processing the event.
          // Update the metrics with the size of the 'eventMessage'.

          // ...   process the event

          return 0;
We use a balm::Publisher to publish the metrics recorded by this event manager. Note that most of the functionality illustrated here is normally provided by the balm::MetricsManager.
      void publishMetrics(balm::Publisher *publisher)
          bdlt::DatetimeTz now(bdlt::CurrentTime::nowAsDatetimeUTC(), 0);
          bdlt::DatetimeInterval dateInterval = now.utcDatetime() -
          bsls::TimeInterval interval(dateInterval.totalSeconds(),

          balm::MetricRecord record;

          balm::MetricSample sample;
          sample.appendGroup(&record, 1, interval);

          // This is where we make use of the publisher argument to this
          // function.

          d_lastPublish = now;
Example 3: Publishing Collected Metrics Using EventManager:
In this final example, we publish metrics collected for the EventManager object (defined above).
We start by creating a balm::MetricId object by hand, but in practice, an id should be obtained from a balm::MetricRegistry object (such as the one owned by a balm::MetricsManager).
  balm::Category           myCategory("MyCategory");
  balm::MetricDescription  description(&myCategory, "EventMessageSize");
  balm::MetricId           eventMessageSizeId(&description);
Now we create a EventManager object and supply it the metric id we have created.
  EventManager eventManager(eventMessageSizeId);
We use the EventManager object to process two events and then publish the metrics for those events with a SimpleStreamPublisher object (also defined above).
  eventManager.handleEvent(0, "123");
  eventManager.handleEvent(0, "456789");

  SimpleStreamPublisher myPublisher(bsl::cout);
  balm::Publisher *publisher = &myPublisher;
Note that we have delivered two events, with the messages "123" and "456789", so the count should be 2, the total message size should be 9, the minimum should be 3, and the maximum should be 6. The output to the console should be:
 05FEB2009_19:49:30.173+0000 1 Records
         Elapsed Time: 1e-09s
         MyCategory.EventMessageSize [count = 2, total = 9, min = 3, max = 6]