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Package balm
[Package Group bal]

Provide thread-safe collection and publishing of metrics. More...


 Component balm_category

Provide a representation of a metric category.

 Component balm_collector

Provide a container for collecting and aggregating metric values.

 Component balm_collectorrepository

Provide a repository for collectors.

 Component balm_configurationutil

Provide a namespace for metrics configuration utilities.

 Component balm_defaultmetricsmanager

Provide for a default instance of the metrics manager.

 Component balm_integercollector

Provide a container for collecting integral metric values.

 Component balm_integermetric

Provide helper classes for recording int metric values.

 Component balm_metric

Provide helper classes for recording metric values.

 Component balm_metricdescription

Provide a description for a metric.

 Component balm_metricformat

Provide a formatting specification for a metric.

 Component balm_metricid

Provide an identifier for a metric.

 Component balm_metricrecord

Provide an aggregated record of the value of a metric.

 Component balm_metricregistry

Provide a registry for metrics.

 Component balm_metrics

Provide a suite of operations for recording metric values.

 Component balm_metricsample

Provide a container for a sample of collected metric records.

 Component balm_metricsmanager

Provide a manager for recording and publishing metric data.

 Component balm_publicationscheduler

Provide a scheduler for publishing metrics.

 Component balm_publicationtype

Provide an enumeration of aggregate types used to publish metrics.

 Component balm_publisher

Provide a protocol to publish recorded metric values.

 Component balm_stopwatchscopedguard

Provide a scoped guard for recording elapsed time.

 Component balm_streampublisher

Provide a balm::Publisher implementation that writes to a stream.

Detailed Description

Provide thread-safe collection and publishing of metrics.
MNEMONIC: Basic Application Library Metrics (balm):
The balm package provides facilities for recording and publishing metric data.
Bloomberg internal software should also consider the GUTS telemetry API, which is integrated into Bloomberg infrastructure.
A "metric", in the context of this package, is a measured event. This package does not define what constitutes an event or what the associated measurement represents. For example, a metric could record the elapsed time of a function call (in which case the event is the function call, and the measured value is the elapsed time), or a metric could record the number of requests received by a service (in which case the event is the reception of a request, and the measured value is 1).
This package provides components for collecting and aggregating measurement values (see balm_metric and balm_metrics). Those aggregated metric measurements are described by a metric record (see balm_metricrecord), which contains the identifier for the recorded metric, the number of times the event occurred, as well as the minimum, maximum, and total of the measured values. This package provides a protocol for publishing metric records (see balm_publisher) and an implementation of that protocol for publishing records to a stream (see 'balm_streampublisher). Finally this package provides a balm_metricsmanager component to coordinate the collection and publication of metrics.
Hierarchical Synopsis:
The balm package currently has 21 components having 13 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components. The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant, just alphabetical.
  13. balm_configurationutil

  12. balm_metrics

  11. balm_stopwatchscopedguard

  10. balm_integermetric

   9. balm_defaultmetricsmanager

   8. balm_metricsmanager

   7. balm_collectorrepository

   6. balm_collector

   5. balm_metricrecord

   4. balm_metricid

   3. balm_metricdescription

   2. balm_metricformat

   1. balm_category
Component Synopsis:
Provide a representation of a metric category.
Provide a container for collecting and aggregating metric values.
Provide a repository for collectors.
Provide a namespace for metrics configuration utilities.
Provide for a default instance of the metrics manager.
Provide a container for collecting integral metric values.
Provide helper classes for recording int metric values.
Provide helper classes for recording metric values.
Provide a description for a metric.
Provide a formatting specification for a metric.
Provide an identifier for a metric.
Provide an aggregated record of the value of a metric.
Provide a registry for metrics.
Provide a suite of operations for recording metric values.
Provide a container for a sample of collected metric records.
Provide a manager for recording and publishing metric data.
Provide a scheduler for publishing metrics.
Provide an enumeration of aggregate types used to publish metrics.
Provide a protocol to publish recorded metric values.
Provide a scoped guard for recording elapsed time.
Provide a balm::Publisher implementation that writes to a stream.
Getting Started:
The following section presents a simple example of collecting metrics. We create a trivial application that reads lines of text from standard input and counts the number of letters, words, and unique words in each line. The function processLine() processes each line of text and records metrics for the number of times processLine() has been called, the elapsed time for the calls to processLine(), the total character count, and the total word count.
Before we can collect metrics we must first create a balm_MetricsManager object to manage their collection (and publication). We use the balm_DefaultMetricsManager, which is a singleton instance of the balm_MetricsManager class. The default metrics manager is used by the collection macros that we will use to collect metrics (see balm_metrics). Note that the default metrics manager is intended to be created and destroyed by the owner of main. A default metrics manager instance should be created during the initialization of an application (while the task has a single thread) and destroyed just prior to termination (when there is, similarly, a single thread).
  int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
We create a balm_DefaultMetricsManagerScopedGuard, which manages the lifetime of the default metrics manager (singleton) instance. At construction, we provide the scoped guard an output stream (stdout) to which the balm_publisher (created by the default metrics manager) will publish metrics.
      balm_DefaultMetricsManagerScopedGuard managerGuard(bdl::cout);
We create a balm_PublicationScheduler to periodically publish the metrics we have collected. A balm_PublicationScheduler invokes publish() on the supplied balm_MetricsManager object according to the provided schedule.
      bcep_TimerEventScheduler eventScheduler;
      balm_PublicationScheduler publicationScheduler(
To begin periodically publishing metrics we start the event scheduler supplied to the balm_PublicationScheduler, and then set a simple schedule to publish all collected metrics every 30 seconds.
      publicationScheduler.setDefaultSchedule(bsls::TimeInterval(30, 0));
Finally we have our main "application" loop, which reads lines of text from the standard input (until "exit" is provided as input) and calls processLine() for each line of input.
      while (true) {
          enum { BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 };
          char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
          if (!bdl::cin.getline(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE)) {
          if (0 == bdl::strcmp(buffer, "exit")) {
At the end of this lexical scope managerGuard is destroyed, releasing the default balm_MetricsManager instance.
Next we define the processLine() function. The processLine() function "processes" a line of text, and collects several metrics related to the function invocation.
  void processLine(const bdl::string& line)
      // Process the specified 'line' of text and write to standard output the
      // number of characters, words, and unique words in 'line'.
Increment the count of the number of calls to processLine() and use the BALM_METRICS_TIME_BLOCK macro (see balm_metrics) to collect the elapsed time of this function call. Note that all the metrics recorded by this function belong to the (arbitrarily chosen) category "Example".
      BALM_METRICS_INCREMENT("Example", "processLineCount");

      int                   wordCount  = 0;
      bdl::set<bdl::string> words;

      bdl::string        word;
      bdl::istringstream istream(line);
      while (istream >> word) {

      bdl::cout << "Characters: count: " << line.size()
                << "\tWord count: " << wordCount
                << "\tUnique word count: " << words.size() << bdl::endl;
Once we've "processed" the line, update the character count and word count metrics.
      BALM_METRICS_UPDATE("Example", "characterCount", line.size());
      BALM_METRICS_UPDATE("Example", "wordCount", wordCount);
We've now created our example application. A typical session with this application might look like (note that > indicates user input):
 >this contains 4 words
   Characters: count: 21   Word count: 4   Unique word count: 4
 >this sentence contains 5 words
   Characters: count: 30   Word count: 5   Unique word count: 5
Every 30 seconds metrics will be reported to standard output. A typical publication of metrics would look like:
  17FEB2009_15:29:20.792+0000 4 Records
    Elapsed Time: 30.0092s
       Example.processLineCount [ count = 2, total = 2, min = 1, max = 1 ]
       Example.processLineElapsedTime [ count = 2, total = 0.0007656,
                                        min = 0.00022736, max = 0.00053824 ]
       Example.characterCount [ count = 2, total = 51, min = 21, max = 30 ]
       Example.wordCount [ count = 2, total = 9, min = 4, max = 5 ]
Features Overview:
This section provides a brief summary of the features of the balm package - details can be found in the indicated components and later in this document.
  • A protocol to provide pluggable publishing behavior. Users can define and register publishers with the metrics manager, which in turn defines the behavior of the "publish" operation (see balm_publisher)
  • A default (singleton) metrics manager instance (see balm_defaultmetricsmanager)
  • Simple macros for recording metrics to the default (singleton) metrics manager instance (see balm_metrics)
  • Simple types for recording metrics (see balm_metric and balm_integermetric)
  • A guard helper class for recording the elapsed time of a block of code to a metric (see balm_stopwatchscopedguard)
  • The ability to enable and disable the collection and publication of categories of metrics (see balm_metricsmanager and balm_category)
  • A scheduling mechanism for configuring the periodic publication of metrics (see balm_publicationscheduler)
The components provided by the balm package were designed for use in multi-threaded applications. Metrics can be safely collected and published simultaneously from multiple threads. Nevertheless, not every individual component in the balm package is thread-safe. See the individual component documentation for more information.
Collecting Metrics:
The balm package defines several ways to collect metrics, as well as allowing users to define their own collection mechanisms.
Choosing Between balm_metric and balm_integermetric:
The balm_metric and balm_integermetric components both define macros and helper classes for recording metrics. The mechanisms in balm_integermetric are slightly more efficient for collecting integral metric values, but are otherwise identical.
Choosing Between Metric Collection Macros and Metric Collection Classes:
The macros and classes defined by the balm_metric, balm_integermetric and balm_metrics components provide the same basic functionality. Clients may find the balm_Metric or balm_IntegerMetric classes better suited to collecting metrics associated with a particular instance of a stateful object, while the BALM_METRICS_* macros are better suited to collecting metrics associated with a particular code path (rather than an object instance). In most instances, however, choosing between the two is a matter of taste.
Creating a User Defined Collection Mechanism:
The balm package allows users to define their own metric collection mechanisms by registering a callback with a balm_MetricsManager object. User defined callbacks must match the balm_MetricsManager::MetricsCollectionCallback function signature and collect metrics for a single category. Every time publish is invoked for a category, the metrics manager will invoke the registered collection callbacks for that category, and publish the collected metrics. See balm_metricsmanager for more information.
Publishing Metrics:
The balm_publisher component defines a protocol for publishing metric records. Users can register publisher objects with a metrics manager. Invoking publish() on a metrics manager will collect metrics for the set of categories supplied with the function call, and then publish the metrics for each supplied category to publishers registered for that category.
The balm_StreamPublisher class implements the balm_Publisher protocol to provide a default publisher for publishing metrics to a stream.
Periodically Publishing Metrics:
Users can schedule the periodic publication of metrics using the balm_publicationscheduler component. In the example presented above, under "Getting Started", a balm_PublicationScheduler object was configured to publish all categories of metrics metrics every 30 seconds.
At construction, a balm_PublicationScheduler object is provided the addresses of a balm_MetricsManager and a bcep_TimerEventScheduler. Users can call scheduleCategory() to schedule an individual metric category to be published repeatedly at a given interval, or call setDefaultSchedule() to schedule the publication of any category not given an individual schedule. At the end of a scheduled time interval, the publication scheduler invokes the metrics manager's publish() operation with the set of categories to publish. Note that, the publication scheduler will combine categories that occur at the same frequency into a single invocation of the metrics manager's publish operation.
Disabling Metric Categories:
Users can disable (and re-enable) a category of metrics by calling balm_MetricsManager::setCategoryEnabled method. A disabled category will not be published by the metrics manager. In addition, the balm_metric, balm_integermetric, balm_metrics, and balm_stopwatchscopedguard components will not collect metrics for disabled categories (minimizing the performance cost of collecting metric for disabled categories). Note that when balm_MetricsManager::publish() is called on a disabled category, the metrics manager will invoke any user defined collection callbacks registered for the disable category, but will not publish the collected metrics. Users defining their own metrics collection mechanism (using a balm_MetricsManager::MetricsCollectionCallback) must (manually) test whether a category is disabled if they wish to avoid collecting metrics for a disabled category.