BDE 4.14.0 Production release
No Matches
Package bslstl


 Provide implementations for algorithms not in the system library.
 Provide a namespace for work arounds for the standard algorithms.
 Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects.
 Provide an STL compliant array.
 Provide an exception class thrown by bsl::function.
 Provide an exception class thrown by bsl::optional.
 Provide an exception class thrown by bsl::variant.
 Provide an exception class to indicate a weak_ptr has expired.
 Provide a template to create STL-compliant bidirectional iterators.
 Provide efficient creation of nodes used in a node-based container.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool.h.
 Provide an STL-compliant bitset class.
 Provide an STL-compliant boyer_moore_horspool_searcher class.
 Provide implementations for functions not in the system library.
 Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header.
 Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header.
 Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header.
 Provide an STL-compliant default_searcher class.
 Provide an STL-compliant deque class.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_deque.h.
 Provide a binary functor conforming to the C++11 equal_to spec.
 Provide a standard compliant version of errc.
 Provide standard compliant versions of <system_error> classes.
 Provide an implementation of uncaught_exceptions.
 Provide a template to create STL-compliant forward iterators.
 Provide a polymorphic function object with a specific prototype.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_function.h.
 Provide invoker adaptors for bsl::function
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_function_invokerutil.h.
 Provide a metafunction for substitutability of type references.
 Provide a non-template, common implementation for bsl::function.
 Provide small-object optimization buffer for bsl::function.
 Provide a namespace for hash functions.
 Provide a hash-container with support for duplicate values.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_hashtable.h.
 Provide an STL compliant iterator over hash table buckets.
 Provide an STL compliant iterator for hash tables.
 Provide a standard-compliant in place construction tag types.
 Provide BSL implementations for standard <iomanip> features.
 Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header.
 Provide forward declarations for Standard stream classes.
 Provide a compliant standard is_error_code_enum trait.
 Provide a compliant standard is_error_condition_enum trait.
 Provide a C++03-compatible istringstream class.
 Provide basic iterator traits, adaptors, and utilities.
 Provide utilities operating on iterators and iterator ranges.
 Provide an STL-compliant list class.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_list.h.
 Provide an STL-compliant map class.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_map.h.
 Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide a comparator for TreeNode objects and a lookup key.
 Provide a default constructible alternative for bsl::variant.
 Provide an STL-compliant multimap class.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_multimap.h.
 Provide support for the bslstl_multimap.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide an STL-compliant multiset class.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_multiset.h.
 Provide support for the bslstl_multiset.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide a standard-compliant allocator aware optional type.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_optional.h.
 Provide aliases and implementations matching standard <ostream>.
 Provide a C++03-compatible ostringstream class.
 Provide a C++20-compatible basic_osyncstream class template.
 Provide an ownership comparison for shared and weak pointers.
 Provide an ownership hash functor for shared and weak pointers.
 Provide an ordering for shared and weak pointers.
 Provide a simple struct with two members that may use allocators.
 Provide container adapter class template priority_queue.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_priorityqueue.h.
 Provide container adapter class template queue.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_queue.h.
 Provide a template to create STL-compliant random access iterators.
 Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header.
 Provide copyable, assignable object wrapper for references.
 Provide an STL-compliant set class.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_set.h.
 Provide support for the bslstl_set.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide a comparator for TreeNode objects and a lookup key.
 Provide a generic reference-counted shared pointer wrapper.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_sharedptr.h.
 Provide an in-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep.
 Provide an out-of-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep.
 Provide efficient allocation of memory blocks for a specific type.
 Provide a (mostly) standard-compliant span class template.
 Provide an STL-compliant stack class.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_stack.h.
 Provide a utility to throw standard exceptions.
 Provide a stop state for std-compliant stop tokens.
 Provide an allocator-aware standard-compliant stop_source type.
 Provide a standard-compliant basic_string class template.
 Provide support for the bslstl_string.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide a C++03-compatible stringbuf class.
 Provide a reference to a const string.
 Provide a base class for bslstl::StringRef.
 Provide a C++03-compatible stringstream class.
 Provide a standard-compliant basic_string_view class template.
 Provide a C++20-compatible basic_syncbuf class template.
 Provide an allocator-independent base-class for basic_syncbuf.
 Provide a standard compliant system_error class.
 Provide an STL compliant iterator for a tree of TreeNode objects.
 Provide a POD-like tree node type holding a parameterized value.
 Provide efficient creation of nodes used in tree-based container.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_treenodepool.h.
 Provide an value-semantic type to represent type_info objects.
 Provide an STL-compliant unordered_map container.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmap.h.
 Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmap.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide a class template to extract keys as the first attribute.
 Provide an STL-compliant unordered_multimap container.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmultimap.h.
 Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmultimap.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide an STL-compliant unordered_multiset container.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmultiset.h.
 Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmultiset.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide an STL-compliant unordered_set container.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedset.h.
 Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedset.t.cpp test driver.
 Provide a configuration class to use a whole object as its own key.
 Provide implementations for utilities not in the system library.
 Provide a standard-compliant allocator aware variant type.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_variant.h.
 Provide an STL-compliant vector class.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_vector.h.

Detailed Description


Provide replacement classes for STL constructs.


Basic Standard Library STL (bslstl)


This package mainly provides replacement classes for STL constructs that required substantial modification to (inter)operate with BDE libraries. In addition to STL replacement classes, this package also provides helper components for the STL implementation classes. Finally, SGI extensions that are widely used within Bloomberg can also be found in this package.

In general, the components in this package conform to the STL interface. However, the components (and hence the headers) are intended for private use only. Clients should use the standard headers directly (e.g., include '<bsl_vector.h>' instead of '<bslstl_vector.h>').

Hierarchical Synopsis

The 'bslstl' package currently has 126 components having 10 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components. The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant, just alphabetical.

10. bslstl_ownerequal
9. bslstl_map_test1 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_map_test2 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_map_test3 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_multimap_test !PRIVATE!
bslstl_multiset_test !PRIVATE!
bslstl_set_test !PRIVATE!
8. bslstl_map
7. bslstl_boyermoorehorspoolsearcher
bslstl_unorderedmap_test !PRIVATE!
bslstl_unorderedmultimap_test !PRIVATE!
bslstl_unorderedmultiset_test !PRIVATE!
bslstl_unorderedset_test !PRIVATE!
6. bslstl_bitset
bslstl_string_test !PRIVATE!
5. bslstl_array
4. bslstl_algorithm
bslstl_function_invokerutil !PRIVATE!
3. bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool
bslstl_function_rep !PRIVATE!
2. bslstl_algorithmworkaround !DEPRECATED!
bslstl_allocator !DEPRECATED!
bslstl_function_isreferencecompatible !PRIVATE!
bslstl_function_smallobjectoptimization !PRIVATE!
1. bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_deque_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_function_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_function_invokerutil_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_hashtable_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_list_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_map_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_multimap_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_multiset_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_optional_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_priorityqueue_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_queue_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_set_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_sharedptr_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_stack_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_treenodepool_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_unorderedmap_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_unorderedmultimap_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_unorderedmultiset_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_unorderedset_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_variant_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslstl_vector_cpp03 !PRIVATE!

Component Synopsis

bslstl_algorithm : Provide implementations for algorithms not in the system library.

bslstl_algorithmworkaround : !DEPRECATED! Provide a namespace for work arounds for the standard algorithms

bslstl_allocator : !DEPRECATED! Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects.

bslstl_array : Provide an STL compliant array.

bslstl_badfunctioncall : Provide an exception class thrown by bsl::function.

bslstl_badoptionalaccess : Provide an exception class thrown by bsl::optional.

bslstl_badvariantaccess : Provide an exception class thrown by bsl::variant.

bslstl_badweakptr : Provide an exception class to indicate a weak_ptr has expired.

bslstl_bidirectionaliterator : Provide a template to create STL-compliant bidirectional iterators.

bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool : Provide efficient creation of nodes used in a node-based container.

'bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_bidirectionalnodepool.h

bslstl_bitset : Provide an STL-compliant bitset class.

bslstl_boyermoorehorspoolsearcher : Provide an STL-compliant boyer_moore_horspool_searcher class.

bslstl_charconv : Provide implementations for functions not in the system library.

bslstl_chrono : Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header.

bslstl_compare : Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header.

bslstl_complex : Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header.

bslstl_defaultsearcher : Provide an STL-compliant default_searcher class.

bslstl_deque : Provide an STL-compliant deque class.

'bslstl_deque_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_deque.h

bslstl_equalto : Provide a binary functor conforming to the C++11 equal_to spec.

bslstl_errc : Provide a standard compliant version of errc.

bslstl_error : Provide standard compliant versions of <system_error> classes.

bslstl_exception : Provide an implementation of uncaught_exceptions .

bslstl_forwarditerator : Provide a template to create STL-compliant forward iterators.

bslstl_function : Provide a polymorphic function object with a specific prototype.

'bslstl_function_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_function.h

'bslstl_function_invokerutil': !PRIVATE! Provide invoker adaptors for bsl::function

'bslstl_function_invokerutil_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_function_invokerutil.h

'bslstl_function_isreferencecompatible': !PRIVATE! Provide a metafunction for substitutability of type references.

'bslstl_function_rep': !PRIVATE! Provide a non-template, common implementation for bsl::function.

'bslstl_function_smallobjectoptimization': !PRIVATE! Provide small-object optimization buffer for bsl::function.

bslstl_hash : Provide a namespace for hash functions.

bslstl_hashtable : Provide a hash-container with support for duplicate values.

'bslstl_hashtable_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_hashtable.h

bslstl_hashtablebucketiterator : Provide an STL compliant iterator over hash table buckets.

bslstl_hashtableiterator : Provide an STL compliant iterator for hash tables.

bslstl_inplace : Provide a standard-compliant in place construction tag types.

bslstl_iomanip : Provide BSL implementations for standard <iomanip> features.

'bslstl_ios': Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header.

bslstl_iosfwd : Provide forward declarations for Standard stream classes.

bslstl_iserrorcodeenum : Provide a compliant standard is_error_code_enum trait.

bslstl_iserrorconditionenum : Provide a compliant standard is_error_condition_enum trait.

bslstl_istringstream : Provide a C++03-compatible istringstream class.

bslstl_iterator : Provide basic iterator traits, adaptors, and utilities.

bslstl_iteratorutil : Provide utilities operating on iterators and iterator ranges.

bslstl_list : Provide an STL-compliant list class.

'bslstl_list_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_list.h

'bslstl_map': Provide an STL-compliant map class.

'bslstl_map_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_map.h

'bslstl_map_test1': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver.

'bslstl_map_test2': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver.

'bslstl_map_test3': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_map.t.cpp test driver.

bslstl_mapcomparator : Provide a comparator for TreeNode objects and a lookup key.

bslstl_monostate : Provide a default constructible alternative for bsl::variant.

bslstl_multimap : Provide an STL-compliant multimap class.

'bslstl_multimap_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_multimap.h

'bslstl_multimap_test': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_multimap.t.cpp test driver.

bslstl_multiset : Provide an STL-compliant multiset class.

'bslstl_multiset_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_multiset.h

'bslstl_multiset_test': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_multiset.t.cpp test driver.

bslstl_optional : Provide a standard-compliant allocator aware optional type.

'bslstl_optional_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_optional.h

bslstl_ostream : Provide aliases and implementations matching standard <ostream>.

bslstl_ostringstream : Provide a C++03-compatible ostringstream class.

bslstl_osyncstream : Provide a C++20-compatible basic_osyncstream class template.

bslstl_ownerequal : Provide an ownership comparison for shared and weak pointers.

bslstl_ownerhash : Provide an ownership hash functor for shared and weak pointers.

bslstl_ownerless : Provide an ordering for shared and weak pointers.

bslstl_pair : Provide a simple struct with two members that may use allocators.

bslstl_priorityqueue : Provide container adapter class template priority_queue .

'bslstl_priorityqueue_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_priorityqueue.h

bslstl_queue : Provide container adapter class template queue.

'bslstl_queue_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_queue.h

bslstl_randomaccessiterator : Provide a template to create STL-compliant random access iterators.

bslstl_ratio : Provide functionality of the corresponding C++ Standard header.

bslstl_referencewrapper : Provide copyable, assignable object wrapper for references.

'bslstl_set': Provide an STL-compliant set class.

'bslstl_set_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_set.h

'bslstl_set_test': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_set.t.cpp test driver.

bslstl_setcomparator : Provide a comparator for TreeNode objects and a lookup key.

bslstl_sharedptr : Provide a generic reference-counted shared pointer wrapper.

'bslstl_sharedptr_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_sharedptr.h

bslstl_sharedptrallocateinplacerep : Provide an in-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep.

bslstl_sharedptrallocateoutofplacerep : Provide an out-of-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep.

bslstl_simplepool : Provide efficient allocation of memory blocks for a specific type.

bslstl_span : Provide a (mostly) standard-compliant span class template.

bslstl_stack : Provide an STL-compliant stack class.

'bslstl_stack_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_stack.h

bslstl_stdexceptutil : Provide a utility to throw standard exceptions.

bslstl_stopstate : Provide a stop state for std-compliant stop tokens.

bslstl_stoptoken : Provide an allocator-aware standard-compliant stop_source type.

bslstl_string : Provide a standard-compliant basic_string class template.

'bslstl_string_test': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_string.t.cpp test driver.

bslstl_stringbuf : Provide a C++03-compatible stringbuf class.

bslstl_stringref : Provide a reference to a const string.

bslstl_stringrefdata : Provide a base class for bslstl::StringRef.

bslstl_stringstream : Provide a C++03-compatible stringstream class.

bslstl_stringview : Provide a standard-compliant basic_string_view class template.

bslstl_syncbuf : Provide a C++20-compatible basic_syncbuf class template.

bslstl_syncbufbase : Provide an allocator-independent base-class for basic_syncbuf .

bslstl_systemerror : Provide a standard compliant system_error class.

bslstl_treeiterator : Provide an STL compliant iterator for a tree of TreeNode objects.

bslstl_treenode : Provide a POD-like tree node type holding a parameterized value.

bslstl_treenodepool : Provide efficient creation of nodes used in tree-based container.

'bslstl_treenodepool_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_treenodepool.h

bslstl_typeindex : Provide an value-semantic type to represent type_info objects.

bslstl_unorderedmap : Provide an STL-compliant unordered_map container.

'bslstl_unorderedmap_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmap.h

'bslstl_unorderedmap_test': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmap.t.cpp test driver.

bslstl_unorderedmapkeyconfiguration : Provide a class template to extract keys as the first attribute.

bslstl_unorderedmultimap : Provide an STL-compliant unordered_multimap container.

'bslstl_unorderedmultimap_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmultimap.h

'bslstl_unorderedmultimap_test': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmultimap.t.cpp test driver.

bslstl_unorderedmultiset : Provide an STL-compliant unordered_multiset container.

'bslstl_unorderedmultiset_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedmultiset.h

'bslstl_unorderedmultiset_test': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedmultiset.t.cpp test driver.

bslstl_unorderedset : Provide an STL-compliant unordered_set container.

'bslstl_unorderedset_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_unorderedset.h

'bslstl_unorderedset_test': !PRIVATE! Provide support for the bslstl_unorderedset.t.cpp test driver.

bslstl_unorderedsetkeyconfiguration : Provide a configuration class to use a whole object as its own key.

bslstl_utility : Provide implementations for utilities not in the system library.

bslstl_variant : Provide a standard-compliant allocator aware variant type.

'bslstl_variant_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_variant.h

bslstl_vector : Provide an STL-compliant vector class.

'bslstl_vector_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslstl_vector.h