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Component bslstl_queue
[Package bslstl]

Provide container adapter class template queue. More...


class  bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >


typedef CONTAINER::value_type bsl::queue::value_type
typedef CONTAINER::reference bsl::queue::reference
typedef CONTAINER::const_reference bsl::queue::const_reference
typedef CONTAINER::size_type bsl::queue::size_type
typedef CONTAINER bsl::queue::container_type


 bsl::queue::BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION_IF (queue, BloombergLP::bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator, BloombergLP::bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator< container_type >::value)
 bsl::queue::queue ()
 bsl::queue::queue (const queue &original)
 bsl::queue::queue (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< queue > container)
 bsl::queue::queue (const CONTAINER &container)
 bsl::queue::queue (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< CONTAINER > container)
template<class ALLOCATOR >
 bsl::queue::queue (const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator, typename enable_if< bsl::uses_allocator< CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR >::value, ALLOCATOR >::type *=0)
template<class ALLOCATOR >
 bsl::queue::queue (const CONTAINER &container, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator, typename enable_if< bsl::uses_allocator< CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR >::value, ALLOCATOR >::type *=0)
template<class ALLOCATOR >
 bsl::queue::queue (const queue &original, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator, typename enable_if< bsl::uses_allocator< CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR >::value, ALLOCATOR >::type *=0)
template<class ALLOCATOR >
 bsl::queue::queue (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< CONTAINER > container, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator, typename enable_if< bsl::uses_allocator< CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR >::value, ALLOCATOR >::type *=0)
template<class ALLOCATOR >
 bsl::queue::queue (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< queue > original, const ALLOCATOR &basicAllocator, typename enable_if< bsl::uses_allocator< CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR >::value, ALLOCATOR >::type *=0)
queue & bsl::queue::operator= (const queue &rhs)
queue & bsl::queue::operator= (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< queue > rhs)
template<class... Args>
reference bsl::queue::emplace (Args &&...args)
void bsl::queue::push (const value_type &value)
void bsl::queue::push (BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< value_type > value)
void bsl::queue::pop ()
reference bsl::queue::back ()
bool bsl::queue::empty () const
size_type bsl::queue::size () const
const_reference bsl::queue::front () const
const_reference bsl::queue::back () const
template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator== (const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &lhs, const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &rhs)
template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator!= (const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &lhs, const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &rhs)
template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator< (const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &lhs, const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &rhs)
template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator> (const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &lhs, const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &rhs)
template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator<= (const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &lhs, const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &rhs)
template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator>= (const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &lhs, const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &rhs)
template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
void bsl::swap (queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &lhs, queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &rhs) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT_SPECIFICATION(false)


CONTAINER bsl::queue::c
void swap(queue &other)
bsl::queue::front ()


template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool bsl::queue::operator== (const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &, const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &)
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool bsl::queue::operator!= (const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &, const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &)
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool bsl::queue::operator< (const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &, const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &)
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool bsl::queue::operator> (const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &, const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &)
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool bsl::queue::operator<= (const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &, const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &)
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool bsl::queue::operator>= (const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &, const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &)

Detailed Description

Provide container adapter class template queue.
bsl::queue class template of a first-in-first-out data structure
Canonical Header:
See also:
Component bslstl_priorityqueue, Component bslstl_stack
This component defines a class template, bsl::queue, holding a container (of a parameterized type CONTAINER containing elements of another parameterized type VALUE), and adapting it to provide a first-in-first-out queue data structure.
An instantiation of queue is an allocator-aware, value-semantic type whose salient attributes are its size (number of elements held) and the sequence of values (of held elements) in the order that they were pushed into the queue. If queue is instantiated with a parameterized type VALUE that is not itself value-semantic, then it will not retain all of its value-semantic qualities.
A queue meets the requirements of a container adaptor as described in the C++ standard [queue]. The queue implemented here adheres to the C++11 standard when compiled with a C++11 compiler, and makes the best approximation when compiled with a C++03 compiler. In particular, for C++03 we emulate move semantics, but limit forwarding (in emplace) to const lvalues, and make no effort to emulate noexcept or initializer-lists.
Requirements on CONTAINER:
The bsl::queue adapter can accept for its (optional) CONTAINER template parameter bsl::deque (the default), bsl::vector, or other container classes that support the following types and methods.
Required Types:
  • value_type
  • reference
  • const_reference
  • size_type
  • allocator_type (if any queue constructor taking an allocator is used)
Required Methods, Free Operators, and Free Functions:
  • void push_back(const value_type&) (and variant taking rvalue reference)
  • void pop_front()
  • reference front()
  • reference back()
  • bool empty() const
  • size_type size() const
  • const_reference front() const
  • const_reference back() const
  • emplace_back
  • copy-assignment and move-assignment operators
  • free ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= operators
  • free swap function (found via ADL with std::swap in the lookup set)
Requirements on VALUE:
The following term is used to more precisely specify the requirements on template parameter types in function-level documentation:
The type provides an equality-comparison operator that defines an equivalence relationship and is both reflexive and transitive.
VALUE and CONTAINER::value_type:
When the CONTAINER template parameter is omitted the VALUE template parameter specifies the value_type of bsl::vector, the default container type. The VALUE template has no other role.
For C++17 and later, the behavior is undefined unless: Prior to C++17, CONTAINER::value_type determines the contained value type and VALUE is simply ignored. The resulting code may work with instances of VALUE (e.g., VALUE is convertible to CONTAINER::value_type) or not (compiler errors).
Memory Allocation:
The type supplied as ALLOCATOR template parameter in some of queue constructors determines how the held container (of parameterized CONTAINER) will allocate memory. A queue supports allocators meeting the requirements of the C++11 standard [allocator.requirements] as long as the held container does. In addition it supports scoped-allocators derived from the bslma::Allocator memory allocation protocol. Clients intending to use bslma style allocators should use bsl::allocator as the ALLOCATOR template parameter, providing a C++11 standard-compatible adapter for a bslma::Allocator object.
In this section we show intended use of this component.
Example 1: Messages Queue:
In this example, we will use the bsl::queue container adapter to implement a message processor in a server program that receives and displays messages from clients.
Suppose we want to write a server program that has two threads: one thread (receiving thread) receives messages from clients, passing them to a message processor; the other thread (processing thread) runs the message processor, printing the messages to the console in the same order as they were received. To accomplish this task, we can use bsl::queue in the message processor to buffer received, but as yet unprinted, messages. The message processor pushes newly received messages onto the queue in the receiving thread, and pops them off the queue in the processing thread.
First, we define a Message type:
  struct Message {
      int         d_msgId;  // message identifier given by client
      const char *d_msg_p;  // message content (C-style string, not owned)
Then, we define the class MessageProcessor, which provides methods to receive and process messages:
  class MessageProcessor {
      // This class receives and processes messages from clients.
Here, we define a private data member of bsl::queue<Message> type, which is an instantiation of bsl::queue that uses Message for its VALUE (template parameter) type and (by default) bsl::deque<Message> for its CONTAINER (template parameter) type:
      // DATA
      bsl::queue<Message> d_msgQueue;  // queue holding received but
                                       // unprocessed messages
      // ...

      // CREATORS
      explicit MessageProcessor(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
          // Create a message processor object.  Optionally specify a
          // 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is
          // 0, the currently installed default allocator is used.

      void receiveMessage(const Message &message);
          // Enqueue the specified 'message' onto this message processor.

      void processMessages(int verbose);
          // Dequeue all messages currently contained by this processor,
          // and print them to the console if the specified 'verbose' flag
          // is not 0.
Next, we implement the MessageProcessor constructor:
  MessageProcessor::MessageProcessor(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
  : d_msgQueue(basicAllocator)
Notice that we pass to the contained d_msgQueue object the bslma::Allocator* supplied to the MessageProcessor at construction.
Now, we implement the receiveMessage method, which pushes the given message onto the queue object:
  void MessageProcessor::receiveMessage(const Message &message)
      // ... (some synchronization)


      // ...
Finally, we implement the processMessages method, which pops all messages off the queue object:
  void MessageProcessor::processMessages(int verbose)
      // ... (some synchronization)

      while (!d_msgQueue.empty()) {
          const Message& message = d_msgQueue.front();
          if (verbose) {
              printf("Msg %d: %s\n", message.d_msgId, message.d_msg_p);

      // ...
Note that the sequence of messages popped from the queue will be in exactly the same order in which they were pushed, due to the first-in-first-out property of the queue.

Typedef Documentation

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
typedef CONTAINER::value_type bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::value_type [inherited]
template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
typedef CONTAINER::reference bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::reference [inherited]
template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
typedef CONTAINER::const_reference bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::const_reference [inherited]
template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
typedef CONTAINER::size_type bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::size_type [inherited]
template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
typedef CONTAINER bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::container_type [inherited]

Function Documentation

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
BloombergLP::bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator  ,
BloombergLP::bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator< container_type >::value   
) [inherited]
template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::queue (  )  [explicit, inherited]

Create an empty queue having a container of the parameterized CONTAINER type.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::queue ( const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  original  )  [inherited]

Create a queue having the value of the specified original.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::queue ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > >  container  )  [inherited]

Create a queue having the value of the specified original. The allocator associated with original (if any) is propagated for use in the new queue. original is left in valid but unspecified state.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::queue ( const CONTAINER &  container  )  [explicit, inherited]

Create a queue having the specified container that holds elements of the parameterized VALUE type.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::queue ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< CONTAINER >  container  )  [explicit, inherited]

Create a queue having the same sequence of values as the specified container. The allocator associated with container (if any) is propagated for use in the new queue. container is left in valid but unspecified state.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::queue ( const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator,
typename enable_if< bsl::uses_allocator< CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR >::value, ALLOCATOR >::type = 0 
) [explicit, inherited]

Create an empty queue. This queue object uses the specified basicAllocator to supply memory. Note that the ALLOCATOR parameter type has to be convertible to the allocator of the CONTAINER parameter type, CONTAINER::allocator_type; otherwise, this constructor is disabled.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::queue ( const CONTAINER &  container,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator,
typename enable_if< bsl::uses_allocator< CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR >::value, ALLOCATOR >::type = 0 
) [inherited]

Create a queue having the same sequence of values as the specified container. The queue object uses the specified basicAllocator to obtain memory. Note that the ALLOCATOR parameter type has to be convertible to the allocator of the CONTAINER parameter type, CONTAINER::allocator_type; otherwise, this constructor is disabled.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::queue ( const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  original,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator,
typename enable_if< bsl::uses_allocator< CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR >::value, ALLOCATOR >::type = 0 
) [inherited]

Create a queue having the value of the specified original that will use the specified basicAllocator to supply memory. Note that the ALLOCATOR parameter type has to be convertible to the allocator of the CONTAINER parameter type, CONTAINER::allocator_type. Otherwise this constructor is disabled.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::queue ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< CONTAINER >  container,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator,
typename enable_if< bsl::uses_allocator< CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR >::value, ALLOCATOR >::type = 0 
) [inherited]

Create a queue whose underlying container has the value of the specified container (on entry) and uses basicAllocator to supply memory. The allocated-extended move constructor of CONTAINER is used to create the new queue. container is left in a valid but unspecified state. Note that a bslma::Allocator * can be supplied for basicAllocator if the (template parameter) ALLOCATOR is bsl::allocator (the default). Also note that this method assumes that CONTAINER has a move constructor. Also note that if CONTAINER::allocator_type does not exist, this constructor is disabled.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class ALLOCATOR >
bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::queue ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > >  original,
const ALLOCATOR &  basicAllocator,
typename enable_if< bsl::uses_allocator< CONTAINER, ALLOCATOR >::value, ALLOCATOR >::type = 0 
) [inherited]

Create a queue having the value of the specified original (on entry), that uses basicAllocator to supply memory. The allocator-extended move constructor of CONTAINER is used to create the new queue. original is left in a valid but unspecified state. Note that a bslma::Allocator * can be supplied for basicAllocator if the (template parameter) ALLOCATOR is bsl::allocator (the default). Also note that this method assumes that CONTAINER has a move constructor. Also note that if CONTAINER::allocator_type does not exist, this constructor is disabled.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
queue& bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::operator= ( const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  rhs  )  [inherited]

Assign to this queue the value of the specified rhs, and return a reference providing modifiable access to this queue.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
queue& bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::operator= ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > >  rhs  )  [inherited]

Assign to this queue the value as the specified rhs and return a reference providing modifiable access to this queue. The move-assignment operator of CONTAINER is used to set the value of this queue. rhs is left in a valid but unspecified state, and if an exception is thrown, *this is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class... Args>
reference bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::emplace ( Args &&...  args  )  [inherited]

Push onto this queue a newly created value_type object constructed by forwarding get_allocator() (if required) and the specified (variable number of) args to the corresponding constructor of value_type. Return a reference providing modifiable access to the inserted element.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
void bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::push ( const value_type value  )  [inherited]

Push onto the back of this queue a value_type object having the specified value.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
void bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::push ( BloombergLP::bslmf::MovableRef< value_type value  )  [inherited]

Push onto the back of this queue a value_type object having the value of the specified value (on entry) by moving the contents of value to the new object on this queue. value is left in a valid but unspecified state.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
void bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::pop (  )  [inherited]

Remove the front (the earliest pushed) element from this queue object.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
reference bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::back (  )  [inherited]

Return a reference providing modifiable access to the back (the latest pushed) element of this queue object.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
bool bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::empty (  )  const [inherited]

Return true if this queue object contains no elements, and false otherwise. In effect, performs return c.empty();.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
size_type bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::size (  )  const [inherited]

Return the number of elements in this queue. In effect, performs return c.size();.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
const_reference bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::front (  )  const [inherited]

Return the immutable front (the earliest pushed) element from this queue object. In effect, performs c.front().

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
const_reference bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::back (  )  const [inherited]

Return the immutable back (the latest pushed) element from this queue object. In effect, performs c.back().

template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator== ( const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  lhs,
const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two queue objects lhs and rhs have the same value if they have the same number of elements, and each element in the ordered sequence of elements of lhs has the same value as the corresponding element in the ordered sequence of elements of rhs. This method requires that the (template parameter) type VALUE be equality-comparable (see Requirements on VALUE).

template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator!= ( const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  lhs,
const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two queue objects lhs and rhs do not have the same value if they do not have the same number of elements, or some element in the ordered sequence of elements of lhs does not have the same value as the corresponding element in the ordered sequence of elements of rhs. This method requires that the (template parameter) type VALUE be equality-comparable (see Requirements on VALUE).

template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator< ( const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  lhs,
const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  rhs 

Return true if the value of the specified lhs queue is lexicographically less than that of the specified rhs queue, and false otherwise. Given iterators i and j over the respective sequences [lhs.begin() .. lhs.end()) and [rhs.begin() .. rhs.end()), the value of queue lhs is lexicographically less than that of queue rhs if true == *i < *j for the first pair of corresponding iterator positions where *i < *j and *j < *i are not both false. If no such corresponding iterator position exists, the value of lhs is lexicographically less than that of rhs if lhs.size() < rhs.size(). This method requires that operator<, inducing a total order, be defined for value_type.

template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator> ( const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  lhs,
const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  rhs 

Return true if the value of the specified lhs queue is lexicographically greater than that of the specified rhs queue, and false otherwise. The value of queue lhs is lexicographically greater than that of queue rhs if rhs is lexicographically less than lhs (see operator<). This method requires that operator<, inducing a total order, be defined for value_type. Note that this operator returns rhs < lhs.

template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator<= ( const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  lhs,
const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  rhs 

Return true if the value of the specified lhs queue is lexicographically less than or equal to that of the specified rhs queue, and false otherwise. The value of queue lhs is lexicographically less than or equal to that of queue rhs if rhs is not lexicographically less than lhs (see operator<). This method requires that operator<, inducing a total order, be defined for value_type. Note that this operator returns !(rhs < lhs).

template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
bool bsl::operator>= ( const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  lhs,
const queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  rhs 

Return true if the value of the specified lhs queue is lexicographically greater than or equal to that of the specified rhs queue, and false otherwise. The value of queue lhs is lexicographically greater than or equal to that of queue rhs if lhs is not lexicographically less than rhs (see operator<). This method requires that operator<, inducing a total order, be defined for value_type. Note that this operator returns !(lhs < rhs).

template<class VALUE , class CONTAINER >
void bsl::swap ( queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  lhs,
queue< VALUE, CONTAINER > &  rhs 

Swap the value of the specified lhs queue with the value of the specified rhs queue.

Variable Documentation

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
CONTAINER bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::c [protected, inherited]

Contains the elements of this queue.

template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
void swap (queue& other) BSLS_KEYWORD_NOEXCEPT_SPECIFICATION( bsl reference bsl::queue< VALUE, CONTAINER >::front() [inherited]

< Efficiently exchange the value of this object with the value of the specified other object. In effect, performs using bsl::swap; swap(c, other.c);. Return a reference providing modifiable access to the front (the earliest pushed) element from this queue object.


template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool operator== ( const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &  ,
const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &   
) [friend, inherited]
template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool operator!= ( const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &  ,
const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &   
) [friend, inherited]
template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool operator< ( const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &  ,
const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &   
) [friend, inherited]
template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool operator> ( const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &  ,
const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &   
) [friend, inherited]
template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool operator<= ( const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &  ,
const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &   
) [friend, inherited]
template<class VALUE, class CONTAINER = deque<VALUE>>
template<class VALUE2 , class CONTAINER2 >
bool operator>= ( const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &  ,
const queue< VALUE2, CONTAINER2 > &   
) [friend, inherited]