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Component balb_controlmanager
[Package balb]

Provide a mechanism for mapping control messages to callbacks. More...


namespace  balb

Detailed Description

Provide a mechanism for mapping control messages to callbacks.
balb::ControlManager mechanism that maps control messages
The balb::ControlManager mechanism provided by this component maps control messages to callback functions on the basis of message prefixes.
Callback Function Requirements:
Functions registered as callbacks for messages must be invokable as void(*)(const bsl::string&, bsl::istream&). (This signature is balb::ControlManager::ControlHandler). When the function is invoked, the first argument is the message prefix, and the second is a stream on the remainder of the message.
Thread Safety:
This component is thread-safe and thread-enabled: it is safe to access and manipulate multiple distinct instances from different threads, and it is safe to access and manipulate a single shared instance from different threads.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Creating an ECHO Message Handler:
First define a trivial callback to be invoked when an "ECHO" message is received:
  void onEcho(const bsl::string& prefix, bsl::istream& stream)
     bsl::string word;
     bsl::cout << "onEcho: \"" << prefix;
     while (stream.good()) {
        stream >> word;
        bsl::cout << ' ' << word;
     bsl::cout << '\"' << bsl::endl;
Now create a balb::ControlManager object and register a handler for "ECHO". Also register a handler for HELP to observe the auto-generated documentation for ECHO:
  balb::ControlManager manager;
  manager.registerHandler("ECHO", "<text>",
                          "Print specified text to the standard output",
  manager.registerHandler("HELP", "",
                          "Print documentation",
                                  &manager, &bsl::cout, bsl::string(
               "The following commands are accepted by the test driver:")));

  manager.dispatchMessage("ECHO repeat this text");
  manager.dispatchMessage("echo matching is case-insensitive");