BDE 4.14.0 Production release
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Package bslma


 Provide metafunctions to detect a type's allocator-awareness model.
 Provide a namespace for utility functions on allocator-aware types.
 Provide a pure abstract interface for memory-allocation mechanisms.
 Provide a polymorphic adaptor for STL-style allocators.
 Provide a uniform interface to standard allocator types.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_allocatortraits.h.
 Provide a namespace for utility functions on allocators.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_allocatorutil.h.
 Provide a range proctor to managed a block of memory.
 Provide a range proctor to manage an array of objects.
 Provide a range proctor to manage a sequence objects.
 Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_bslallocator.h.
 Support efficient memory allocations from a user-supplied buffer.
 Provide methods to construct arbitrarily-typed objects uniformly.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_constructionutil.h.
 Provide a proctor to conditionally unwind memory block allocation.
 Provide a proctor to conditionally unwind object allocation.
 Provide a guard to unconditionally manage a block of memory.
 Provide a proctor to conditionally manage a block memory.
 Provide utilities to set/fetch the default and global allocators.
 Provide scoped guard to temporarily change the default allocator.
 Provide a proctor to conditionally unwind new object creation.
 Provide namespace for functions used to delete objects.
 Provide routines that destroy objects efficiently.
 Provide a guard to unconditionally manage an object.
 Provide a proctor to conditionally manage an object.
 Provide a check that objects throwing exceptions do not change.
 Provide a compile-time check for an allocator_type typedef.
 Provide allocation and management of a sequence of memory blocks.
 Provide a compile-time check for determining allocator types.
 Provide malloc/free adaptor to bslma::Allocator protocol.
 Provide a protocol for memory allocators that support release.
 Provide a managed pointer class.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_managedptr.h.
 Provide a factory-based deleter for the managed pointer class.
 Provide the internal state of a managed pointer class.
 Provide the internal state of a managed pointer class.
 Provide an in-core value-semantic class to call a delete function.
 Provide a pure abstract interface for memory-allocation mechanisms.
 Provide singleton new/delete adaptor to bslma::Allocator protocol.
 Provide an allocator interface for bsl::memory_resource objects.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_polymorphicallocator.h.
 Provide a guard to unconditionally manage an object.
 Provide a proctor to conditionally manage an object.
 Support fast memory allocation for objects of varying sizes.
 Provide fast variable-size memory pool with allocation methods.
 Provide an in-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep.
 Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_sharedptrinplacerep.h.
 Provide an out-of-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep.
 Provide an abstract class for a shared object manager.
 Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects.
 Provide stl-compatible, bslma-style allocator to track usage.
 Provide instrumented malloc/free allocator to track memory usage.
 Provide an exception class for memory allocation operations.
 Provide a mechanism to summarize bslma::TestAllocator object use.
 Provide a metafunction to indicate the use of bslma allocators.

Detailed Description


Provide allocators, guards, and other memory-management tools.


Basic Standard Library Memory Allocators (bslma)


The 'bslma' package provides an allocator protocol (i.e., a pure abstract interface) and a variety of concrete allocators derived from this protocol, as well as other memory-dispensing mechanisms and various guard constructs to prevent loss in case of exceptions. In addition, 'bslma' also provides a mechanism for installing a "default allocator" that will then be visible to all BDE and BDE-compliant code throughout that process. If this mechanism is not invoked explicitly, then an allocator that uses global 'new' and 'delete' is the BDE default allocator. This topic is discussed in more detail below.

Hierarchical Synopsis

The 'bslma' package currently has 57 components having 15 levels of physical dependency. The list below shows the hierarchical ordering of the components. The order of components within each level is not architecturally significant, just alphabetical.

15. bslma_managedptr
14. bslma_autodeallocator
13. bslma_deallocatorproctor !DEPRECATED!
12. bslma_aatypeutil
11. bslma_aamodel
bslma_stdallocator !DEPRECATED!
10. bslma_bslallocator
9. bslma_polymorphicallocator
8. bslma_allocatortraits
bslma_managedptr_factorydeleter !PRIVATE!
bslma_managedptr_members !PRIVATE!
bslma_sequentialallocator !DEPRECATED!
7. bslma_constructionutil
bslma_sequentialpool !DEPRECATED!
6. bslma_allocatoradaptor
bslma_infrequentdeleteblocklist !DEPRECATED!
bslma_managedptr_pairproxy !PRIVATE!
5. bslma_default
4. bslma_autorawdeleter
bslma_bufferallocator !DEPRECATED!
bslma_managedallocator !DEPRECATED!
3. bslma_allocator
2. bslma_allocatortraits_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslma_polymorphicallocator_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
1. bslma_allocatorutil_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslma_bslallocator_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslma_constructionutil_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslma_managedptr_cpp03 !PRIVATE!
bslma_sharedptrinplacerep_cpp03 !PRIVATE!

Component Synopsis

bslma_aamodel : Provide metafunctions to detect a type's allocator-awareness model.

bslma_aatypeutil : Provide a namespace for utility functions on allocator-aware types.

bslma_allocator : Provide a pure abstract interface for memory-allocation mechanisms.

bslma_allocatoradaptor : Provide a polymorphic adaptor for STL-style allocators

bslma_allocatortraits : Provide a uniform interface to standard allocator types.

'bslma_allocatortraits_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_allocatortraits.h

bslma_allocatorutil : Provide a namespace for utility functions on allocators.

'bslma_allocatorutil_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_allocatorutil.h

bslma_autodeallocator : Provide a range proctor to managed a block of memory.

bslma_autodestructor : Provide a range proctor to manage an array of objects.

bslma_autorawdeleter : Provide a range proctor to manage a sequence objects.

bslma_bslallocator : Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects.

'bslma_bslallocator_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_bslallocator.h

bslma_bufferallocator : !DEPRECATED! Support efficient memory allocations from a user-supplied buffer.

bslma_constructionutil : Provide methods to construct arbitrarily-typed objects uniformly.

'bslma_constructionutil_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_constructionutil.h

bslma_deallocatebytesproctor : Provide a proctor to conditionally unwind memory block allocation.

bslma_deallocateobjectproctor : Provide a proctor to conditionally unwind object allocation.

bslma_deallocatorguard : Provide a guard to unconditionally manage a block of memory.

bslma_deallocatorproctor : !DEPRECATED! Provide a proctor to conditionally manage a block memory.

bslma_default : Provide utilities to set/fetch the default and global allocators.

bslma_defaultallocatorguard : Provide scoped guard to temporarily change the default allocator.

bslma_deleteobjectproctor : Provide a proctor to conditionally unwind new object creation.

bslma_deleterhelper : Provide namespace for functions used to delete objects.

bslma_destructionutil : Provide routines that destroy objects efficiently.

bslma_destructorguard : Provide a guard to unconditionally manage an object.

bslma_destructorproctor : Provide a proctor to conditionally manage an object.

bslma_exceptionguard : Provide a check that objects throwing exceptions do not change.

bslma_hasallocatortype : Provide a compile-time check for an allocator_type typedef

bslma_infrequentdeleteblocklist : !DEPRECATED! Provide allocation and management of a sequence of memory blocks.

bslma_isstdallocator : Provide a compile-time check for determining allocator types.

bslma_mallocfreeallocator : Provide malloc/free adaptor to bslma::Allocator protocol.

bslma_managedallocator : !DEPRECATED! Provide a protocol for memory allocators that support release.

bslma_managedptr : Provide a managed pointer class.

'bslma_managedptr_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_managedptr.h

'bslma_managedptr_factorydeleter': !PRIVATE! Provide a factory-based deleter for the managed pointer class.

'bslma_managedptr_members': !PRIVATE! Provide the internal state of a managed pointer class.

'bslma_managedptr_pairproxy': !PRIVATE! Provide the internal state of a managed pointer class.

bslma_managedptrdeleter : Provide an in-core value-semantic class to call a delete function.

bslma_memoryresource : Provide a pure abstract interface for memory-allocation mechanisms.

bslma_newdeleteallocator : Provide singleton new/delete adaptor to bslma::Allocator protocol.

bslma_polymorphicallocator : Provide an allocator interface for bsl::memory_resource objects.

'bslma_polymorphicallocator_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_polymorphicallocator.h

bslma_rawdeleterguard : Provide a guard to unconditionally manage an object.

bslma_rawdeleterproctor : Provide a proctor to conditionally manage an object.

bslma_sequentialallocator : !DEPRECATED! Support fast memory allocation for objects of varying sizes.

bslma_sequentialpool : !DEPRECATED! Provide fast variable-size memory pool with allocation methods.

bslma_sharedptrinplacerep : Provide an in-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep.

'bslma_sharedptrinplacerep_cpp03': !PRIVATE! Provide C++03 implementation for bslma_sharedptrinplacerep.h

bslma_sharedptroutofplacerep : Provide an out-of-place implementation of bslma::SharedPtrRep.

bslma_sharedptrrep : Provide an abstract class for a shared object manager.

bslma_stdallocator : !DEPRECATED! Provide an STL-compatible proxy for bslma::Allocator objects.

bslma_stdtestallocator : Provide stl-compatible, bslma-style allocator to track usage.

bslma_testallocator : Provide instrumented malloc/free allocator to track memory usage.

bslma_testallocatorexception : Provide an exception class for memory allocation operations.

bslma_testallocatormonitor : Provide a mechanism to summarize bslma::TestAllocator object use.

bslma_usesbslmaallocator : Provide a metafunction to indicate the use of bslma allocators.

Component Overview

This section provides a brief introduction to some of the components of the 'bslma' package. See the documentation in each component for full details.

@ref bslma_allocator

The {bslma_allocator } component defines a protocol (i.e., an abstract base class) requiring the following interface: 'allocate' for memory allocation, and 'deallocate', for allocation and deallocation of individual memory blocks.

@ref bslma_autodeallocator

The {bslma_autodeallocator } component provides a range proctor class to manage a sequence of blocks of (otherwise-unmanaged) memory of a parameterized 'TYPE' supplied at construction. If not explicitly released, the sequence of managed memory blocks are deallocated automatically when the range proctor goes out of scope by freeing the memory using the parameterized 'ALLOCATOR' (allocator or pool) supplied at construction. This proctor mechanism is useful in guarding against memory leaks, e.g., when additional allocations may throw an exception.

@ref bslma_autodestructor

The {bslma_autodestructor } component provides a range proctor class to manage a sequence of blocks of (otherwise-unmanaged) memory of a parameterized 'TYPE' supplied at construction. If not explicitly released, the sequence of managed memory blocks are destroyed automatically when the range proctor goes out of scope by calling each (managed) object's destructor. This proctor mechanism is useful in guarding against memory leaks, e.g., when additional allocations may throw an exception.

@ref bslma_autorawdeleter

The {bslma_autorawdeleter } component provides a range proctor class template to manage a sequence of (otherwise-unmanaged) objects of parameterized 'TYPE' supplied at construction. If not explicitly released, the sequence of managed objects are deleted automatically when the range proctor goes out of scope by iterating over each object, first calling the (managed) object's destructor, and then freeing its memory footprint by invoking the 'deallocate' method of an allocator (or pool) of parameterized 'ALLOCATOR' type also supplied at construction. This proctor mechanism is useful in guarding against memory leaks, e.g., when additional allocations may throw an exception.

@ref bslma_deallocatorguard

The {bslma_deallocatorguard } component provides a guard class template to unconditionally manage a block of (otherwise-unmanaged) memory. The managed memory is deallocated automatically when the guard object goes out of scope using the 'deallocate' method of the parameterized 'ALLOCATOR' (allocator or pool) supplied at construction. This guard mechanism is useful in ensuring that a dynamically allocated raw memory resource is safely deallocated in the presense of multiple return satements or exceptions.

@ref bslma_deallocatorproctor

The {bslma_deallocatorproctor } component provides a proctor class template to conditionally manage a block of (otherwise-unmanaged) memory. If not explicitly released, the managed memory is deallocated automatically when the proctor object goes out of scope by freeing the memory using the parameterized 'ALLOCATOR' (allocator or pool) supplied at construction. This proctor mechanism is useful in guarding against memory leaks, e.g., when additional allocations may throw an exception.

@ref bslma_default

The {bslma_default } component provides a namespace for a set of utility functions that manage the addresses of two static (global) memory allocator instances: the default allocator and the global allocator. The default allocator is the allocator used by default by all BDE components. The global allocator is the allocator used by default to construct global singleton objects. Each of these allocators are of type derived from 'bslma::Allocator'.

@ref bslma_defaultallocatorguard

The {bslma_defaultallocatorguard } component provides a mechanism that serves as a "scoped guard" to enable the temporary replacement of the process-wide default allocator. This functionality is intended for testing only, and in no event should this component be used except at the very beginning of 'main'.

@ref bslma_deleterhelper

The {bslma_deleterhelper } component provides non-primitive procedures used to delete objects of parameterized 'TYPE' by first calling the destructor of the object, and then freeing the memory footprint of the object using a parameterized 'ALLOCATOR' (allocator or pool) provided as a second argument.

@ref bslma_destructorguard

The {bslma_destructorguard } component provides a guard class template to unconditionally manage an (otherwise-unmanaged) object of parameterized 'TYPE' supplied at construction. The managed object is destroyed automatically when the guard object goes out of scope by calling the (managed) object's destructor. This guard mechanism is useful in ensuring that a dynamically allocated raw memory resource is safely deallocated in the presense of multiple return satements or exceptions.

@ref bslma_destructorproctor

The {bslma_destructorproctor } component provides a proctor class template to conditionally manage an (otherwise-unmanaged) object of parameterized 'TYPE' supplied at construction. If not explicitly released, the managed object is destroyed automatically when the proctor object goes out of scope by calling the object's destructor. This proctor mechanism is useful in guarding against memory leaks, e.g., when additional allocations may throw an exception.

@ref bslma_isstdallocator

The {bslma_isstdallocator } component provides a meta-function, 'bsl::IsStdAllocator', that determines if a type meets the requirements for an allocator, as specified in [container.requirements.general].

@ref bslma_mallocfreeallocator

The {bslma_mallocfreeallocator } component provides a wrapper around 'std::malloc' and 'std::free' that adheres to the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol (i.e., provides 'allocate' and 'deallocate' functions).

@ref bslma_newdeleteallocator

The {bslma_newdeleteallocator } component provides a wrapper around 'operator new' and 'operator delete' that adheres to the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol (i.e., provides an 'allocate' function and a 'deallocate' function).

@ref bslma_rawdeleterguard

The {bslma_rawdeleterguard } component provides a guard class template to unconditionally manage an (otherwise-unmanaged) object of parameterized 'TYPE' supplied at construction. The managed object is deleted automatically when the guard object goes out of scope by first calling the (managed) object's destructor, and then freeing the memory using the parameterized 'ALLOCATOR' (allocator or pool) also supplied at construction. This guard mechanism is useful in ensuring that a dynamically allocated raw memory resource is safely deallocated in the presense of multiple return satements or exceptions.

@ref bslma_rawdeleterproctor

The {bslma_rawdeleterproctor } component provides a proctor class template to conditionally manage an (otherwise-unmanaged) object of parameterized 'TYPE' supplied at construction. If not explicitly released, the managed object is deleted automatically when the proctor object goes out of scope by first calling the (managed) object's destructor, and then freeing the memory using the parameterized 'ALLOCATOR' (allocator or pool) also supplied at construction. This proctor mechanism is useful in guarding against memory leaks, e.g., when additional allocations may throw an exception.

@ref bslma_testallocator

The {bslma_testallocator } component provides an instrumented allocator that implements the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol and can be used to track various aspects of memory allocated from it. This allocator memory allocator uses global functions 'std::malloc' and 'std::free' for allocations and deallocations.

@ref bslma_testallocatorexception

The {bslma_testallocatorexception } component defines an exception object for use in testing exceptions during memory allocations.

@ref bslma_testallocatormonitor

The {bslma_testallocatormonitor } component provides a "monitor", a mechanism class, that allows concise tests of state change (or lack of change) in the test allocator provided at the monitor's construction.

Why Use Allocators

Allocators were originally introduced into STL to provide containers an abstraction for the different pointer types on the Intel architecture (such as near and far pointers). After the C++ standard (section 20.1.5 of the 1998 standard) specified the requirements on an allocator type ('std::allocator') that use was rendered obsolete. But the standard also specified that all standard containers be parameterized on an allocator type that provides users greater control over the memory usage of individual objects and allows an application to control from where that memory comes (e.g., stack, heap, shared memory) and how it is distributed. By using allocators, an application can ensure efficient memory usage by reducing the number of distinct calls to global operators 'new' and 'delete' (and functions 'std::malloc' and 'std::free').

Rationale for the BDE Allocator Model

Although C++ standard allocators ('std::allocator') provide users great control on how containers can allocate memory having a templated allocator argument introduces other problems. Two containers instantiated with different allocator types refer to different types making interoperability between them difficult and limiting the allocator type to a per-class (as opposed to a per-instance) basis. The standard's requirement of a templated allocator type is limited to containers and does not address other user-defined types that allocate memory. Although users can augment their types to take a templated allocator type such use is likely to be tedious and to result in significant object code increase. Finally, the standard is unclear with regards to the copy semantics of stateful allocators.

The BDE allocator model provides a solution to these issues. BDE provides an allocator protocol and concrete allocator implementations that can be passed as constructor arguments (not as template parameters) to all objects that allocate memory. The type of an object is unaffected by the passed-in allocator and the user has full control over the scope of an allocator instance. As the model specifies a protocol it is easier to create concrete implementations and use them. The allocator model requires all elements (data members) of a container (object) to use the same allocator as the container (object). Also the allocator is not transferred on copy construction.

Allocators and Other Memory-Dispensing Mechanisms

An allocator is a memory manager that derives from the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol and provides an 'allocate' method for obtaining memory, and a 'deallocate' method for returning memory (to the allocator). 'bslma' also provides many memory-dispensing mechanisms that also provide an 'allocate' and a 'deallocate' method, but these memory managers are not properly referred to as "allocators", since we reserve the term "allocator" for concrete memory dispensers that actually derive from 'bslma::Allocator' and are therefore usable anywhere that a 'bslma::Allocator *' is specified. Objects that dispense memory but that are not actually "allocators" are sometimes called "end-point allocators", and may offer performance advantages to certain users. Choosing an allocation mechanisms is complex, and many factors will influence the decision. The discussions here are aimed at shedding light on this important selection process.

Characteristics differentiating among 'bslma' memory-allocation objects in general are:

All 'bslma' allocators are fully thread-safe but not thread-enabled (see the {bsldoc_glossary } for terminology).

The BDE allocators have two more differentiating properties. First, whether the allocator is intended to be part of a chain (or other grouping) of allocators, or is an "end-point" allocator. The former kind support the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol. "End-point" allocators, such as a memory pool, are general-purpose mechanisms designed to minimize the runtime overhead of allocation and deallocation on a call-by-call basis and therefore do not derive from 'bslma::Allocator'. The 'bslma' package does not provide any end-point allocators although such implementations may be provided in higher-level libraries.

Supporting a common protocol (the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol) allows passing conformant allocators to BDE (and other) objects requiring an allocator at construction. Support of this common protocol also facilitates grouping the memory used by an object into one allocator.

The BDE libraries use allocators with all classes requiring dynamic memory allocation, allowing clients to fine-tune memory-related performance characteristics by replacing the established defaults with client-chosen alternatives. Because the protocol is public, clients can even write their own, customized implementations, and use those. But none of these actions are required. BDE components all work with a (preset) default allocator, and clients without special requirements need never concern themselves with allocators.

Allocator and ManagedAllocator

A differentiating property among 'bslma' allocators is whether the allocator is a "managed" or "unmanaged" allocator. Unmanaged allocators, concrete implementations of 'bslma::Allocator', require every allocation to be matched by a deallocation, similar to 'malloc' and 'free', or 'new' and 'delete'. Managed allocators, concrete implementations of 'bslma::ManagedAllocator', in addition to implementing the 'bslma::Allocator' protocol, provide simultaneous deallocation of all memory with one call to 'release'. This 'release' optimization can provide significant performance improvements if the only system resource held by an object (and all the objects it manages) is memory. The 'bslma' package does not provide any concrete managed allocator implementations although such implementations may be provided in higher-level libraries.

Proctors and Guards

The 'bslma' package contains many components for managing dynamically-allocated objects. These components can be divided along two dimensions:

The following table categorizes the various components along these dimensions:

Deallocation Destruction Deletion
Proctor | DeallocatorProctor | DestructorProctor | RawDeleterProctor |
Guard | DeallocatorGuard | DestructorGuard | RawDeleterGuard |

Note that the components named "raw" (bslma_rawdeleterproctor and bslma_rawdeleterguard ) should be used only if we are sure that the supplied pointer is !not! of a type that is a secondary base class – i.e., the (managed) object's address is (numerically) the same as when it was originally dispensed by 'ALLOCATOR'.

All of the object managers specified above manage an individual object or a block of memory but three components, bslma_autodeallocator , bslma_autodestructor and bslma_autorawdeleter allow users to manage a sequence of objects or memory blocks.


Alignment of an address in memory refers to the relative position of that address with respect to specific (hardware-imposed) boundaries within the memory space. Any one address can be said to be on a one-byte boundary, a two-byte boundary, a four-byte boundary, or an eight-byte boundary. (Clearly, this sequence can be extended, but, as of this writing, boundaries beyond eight-byte boundaries are not relevant for these discussions on any hardware platform of interest. In particular, "alignment" as we are using the term here does not deal with page boundaries or other larger memory structures, although these considerations are important elsewhere.)

In general, we also speak about the alignment of (the first byte of) an entity (e.g., an 'int', a 'double', or a pointer) whose size is not necessarily one byte. As a practical matter, for each entity separately, some alignments are "safe" and some are not. By "not safe" we mean that, for most platforms (e.g., all of our Unix machines), attempting to access an entity at an address that is not safely aligned for that entity will cause a bus error, crashing the program on the spot. In the very best case, the access will incur a performance penalty as the memory is shifted appropriately between its initial address and its target address (e.g., a register).

The BDE memory managers provide three kinds of alignment: NATURAL, MAXIMAL, and BYTE – but note that BYTE alignment is also referred to as "no alignment" or "none" in this document, since every address is aligned to some byte.

A C/C++ variable is "naturally aligned" if its size divides the numerical value of its address. An address is "maximally aligned" if it can serve as a naturally-aligned address no matter what type of object might be stored there. That is, it meets the alignment requirements of the type with the maximally restrictive needs.

Accessing data stored at an aligned address is faster on Intel platforms and required on almost all Unix platforms. Reading (or writing) a C/C++ variable at an unaligned address will cause a Bus Error on these Unix platforms, and thus crash the program.

Normally, programmers need not worry about alignment for dynamically allocated memory. The runtime system's 'new' (or 'malloc', for C) automatically return memory blocks beginning at maximally-aligned addresses (the C++ standard requires it of 'new'). All memory managers in the 'bslma' package return maximally-aligned memory.

The cost of obtaining aligned addresses is twofold: an increase in the memory used (allocators returning aligned addresses do so by skipping bytes that could otherwise be used, so as to return an appropriate address), and additional computation time to calculate the needed alignment and subsequent offset.

See the {bsls_alignment |Alignment Strategy} component for further information on the supported alignment strategies.


Some managers may not deallocate individual items. (The 'deallocate' function is almost always provided, but in these managers it performs no action.) Such managers provide a 'release' function instead, which relinquishes all memory allocated by that manager since the previous 'release' call. All memory managers in the 'bslma' package deallocate the specified memory during a 'deallocate' method invocation.

Type and Origination

Most managers provide variable-sized, untyped (i.e., 'void *') memory.

Different components manage memory in different ways, but they necessarily obtain the memory that they manage from one of the two usual sources: the heap or the stack. The 'bslma::NewDeleteAllocator' is hard-coded to obtain memory from the heap – its underlying source is 'operator new'.

The managers in the 'bslma' package are compared in the following tables:

Memory Source Allocation Alignment Out-of-memory
Cost OVER Handling
NewDelete | 'operator new' | 0 if inlined,|MAXIMAL | Return value 0 |
Allocator | |else vfn call+| | |
MallocFree | 'std::malloc' | 0 if inlined,|MAXIMAL | Return value 0 |
Allocator | |else vfn call+| | |
Test | 'malloc' | N/A | None | Return value 0 |
Allocator | | | | |
Deallocation Storage Facility
Newdelete | Single items only | Untyped, varying sizes |
Allocator | | |
MallocFree | Single items only | Untyped, varying sizes |
Allocator | | |
Test | Single items only | Untyped, varying sizes |
Allocator | | |

The Default Allocator

All object types in BDE libraries needing dynamic memory require that an allocator be passed to their constructor. They take a 'bslma::Allocator *' argument, which defaults to the value of 'bslma::Default::defaultAllocator()'. This value is set by BDE library code to be 'bslma::NewDeleteAllocator::singleton()', but it can be changed: 'bslma::Default::setDefaultAllocator' sets the value of the (global) default allocator (although this is strongly discouraged), and 'bslma::Default::allocator' returns it.

Interaction With Other Packages

All BDE library objects needing dynamic memory require that an allocator be passed to their constructor, which defaults to the allocator currently installed as the default allocator.


This section illustrates intended use of components in this package.

Example 1: Creating a type that uses bslma::Allocator

If objects of a class allocate memory (or contain data members that do) then having all constructors of that class accept the address of a 'bslma::Allocator' object as an argument allows its clients to control how those objects allocate memory. An example of this is provided by showing the creators of a 'Customer' 'class' that stores the first and last names of a customer as 'bsl::string' objects and the various account numbers of that customer using a 'bsl::vector'. For simplicity part of the interface is elided.

// ==============
// class Customer
// ==============
class Customer {
// This simply constrained (value-semantic) attribute class represents
// the information about a bank's customer. A customer's first and last
// name are represented as 'bsl::string' objects, the associated accounts
// are stored in a 'bsl::vector<int>', and the employee identification
// number is represented by an 'int'. Note that the class invariants are
// identically the constraints on the individual attributes.
// This class:
// * supports a complete set of *value-semantic* operations
// * except for 'bslx' serialization
// * is *exception-neutral* (agnostic)
// * is *alias-safe*
// * is 'const' *thread-safe*
bsl::string d_firstName; // first name
bsl::string d_lastName; // last name
bsl::vector<int> d_accounts; // account numbers
int d_id; // customer identification number
Definition bslstl_string.h:1281
Definition bslstl_vector.h:1025

Note that the constructor declarations below all accept the address of a 'bslma::Allocator' argument.

Customer(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
// Create a 'Customer' object having the (default) attribute values:
// firstName() == ""
// lastName() == ""
// accounts() == 0
// id() == 0
// Optionally specify a 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory. If
// 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently installed default allocator
// is used.
Customer(const bslstl::StringRef& firstName,
const bslstl::StringRef& lastName,
const bsl::vector<int>& accounts,
int id,
bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
// Create a 'Customer' object having the specified 'firstName',
// 'lastName', 'accounts', and 'id'' attribute values. Optionally
// specify a 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory. If
// 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently installed default allocator
// is used.
Customer(const Customer& original, bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
// Create a 'Customer' object having the same value as the specified
// 'original' object. Optionally specify a 'basicAllocator' used to
// supply memory. If 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently installed
// default allocator is used.
//! ~Customer() = default;
// Destroy this object.
// Aspects
bslma::Allocator *allocator() const;
// Return the allocator used by this object to supply memory. Note
// that if no allocator was supplied at construction the currently
// installed default allocator is used.
Definition bslma_allocator.h:457
Definition bslstl_stringref.h:372

Since the 'Customer' 'class' contains members that allocate memory it can associate the 'UsesBslmaAllocator' trait defined in the 'bslma' package to programmatically inform templated code that it uses an allocator.

namespace BloombergLP{
namespace bslma {
template <> struct UsesBslmaAllocator<Customer> : bsl::true_type {};
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
// --------------
// class Customer
// --------------
Definition balxml_encoderoptions.h:68

The constructor implementations of 'Customer' can simply forward the basicAllocator argument to its data members. All BSL containers, including 'bsl::string' and 'bsl::vector', accept a 'bslma::Allocator' constructor argument:

Customer::Customer(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
: d_firstName(basicAllocator)
, d_lastName(basicAllocator)
, d_accounts(basicAllocator)
, d_id(0)
Customer::Customer(const bslstl::StringRef& firstName,
const bslstl::StringRef& lastName,
const bsl::vector<int>& accounts,
int id,
bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
: d_firstName(firstName.begin(), firstName.end(), basicAllocator)
, d_lastName(lastName.begin(), lastName.end(), basicAllocator)
, d_accounts(accounts, basicAllocator)
, d_id(id)
Customer::Customer(const Customer& original,
bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
: d_firstName(original.d_firstName, basicAllocator)
, d_lastName(original.d_lastName, basicAllocator)
, d_accounts(original.d_accounts, basicAllocator)
, d_id(original.d_id)
Customer& Customer::operator=(const Customer& rhs)
d_firstName = rhs.d_firstName;
d_lastName = rhs.d_lastName;
d_accounts = rhs.d_accounts;
d_id = rhs.d_id;
return *this;
// Aspects
bslma::Allocator *Customer::allocator() const
return d_firstName.get_allocator().mechanism();
bool isEmpty() const
Definition bslstl_stringref.h:950
Definition bsls_assert.h:1762

Again for simplicity the rest of the implementation is not provided.

Example 2: Implementing Templates That May Be Supplied Allocating Types

When writing templatized code that may be parameterized on types that allocate memory it is often necessary to decide whether to pass through the user-supplied allocator to individual objects. Such code (and containers) can use the UsesBslmaAllocator trait defined in the bslma package to decide whether to pass the allocator to an object's constructor. An example of using this trait is provided below by showing a simplified parameterized object pool 'class':

// ================
// class ObjectPool
// ================
template <typename TYPE>
class ObjectPool {
// This 'class' provides a pool of reusable objects of the parameterized
// 'TYPE' and assumes that the parameterized 'TYPE' provides a default
// constructor, a destructor, and a 'reset' method.
bsl::list<TYPE *> d_objects; // list of managed objects
bslma::Allocator *d_allocator_p; // memory allocator (held, not owned)
TYPE *createObject(bsl::false_type);
// Construct an object of the specified 'TYPE' that *does not*
// require an allocator to be passed to its constructor.
TYPE *createObject(bsl::true_type);
// Construct an object of the specified 'TYPE' that *requires* an
// allocator to be passed to its constructor.
ObjectPool(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
// Create an object pool that invokes the default constructor of the
// parameterized 'TYPE' to construct objects. The optionally
// specified 'basicAllocator' is used to supply memory. If
// 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently installed default allocator
// is used.
// Destroy this object pool. All objects created by this pool are
// destroyed (even if some of them are still in use) and memory is
// reclaimed.
TYPE* getObject();
// Return an address providing modifiable access to a
// default-constructed object of the parameterized 'TYPE'. If this
// pool does not have any free objects then a default-constructed
// object is allocated and returned.
void releaseObject(TYPE *object);
// Return the specified 'object' back to this object pool. Invoke
// the 'reset' method on 'object'.
// The rest of the interface is elided for brevity.
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
// ----------------
// class ObjectPool
// ----------------
Forward declaration required by List_NodeProctor.
Definition bslstl_list.h:1033

The 'createObject' private methods below allow an object to be created by specifying an allocator only if it has the 'UsesBslmaAllocator' trait.

template <typename TYPE>
TYPE *ObjectPool<TYPE>::createObject(bsl::false_type)
return new (*d_allocator_p) TYPE();
template <typename TYPE>
TYPE *ObjectPool<TYPE>::createObject(bsl::true_type)
return new (*d_allocator_p) TYPE(d_allocator_p);
template <typename TYPE>
ObjectPool<TYPE>::ObjectPool(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
: d_objects(basicAllocator)
, d_allocator_p(bslma::Default::allocator(basicAllocator))
template <typename TYPE>
for (bsl::list<TYPE *>::iterator iter = d_objects.begin();
iter != d_objects.end();
++iter) {
template <typename TYPE>
TYPE *ObjectPool<TYPE>::getObject()
if (d_objects.size()) {
TYPE *object = d_objects.back();
return object; // RETURN
return createObject(bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TYPE>());
template <typename TYPE>
void ObjectPool<TYPE>::releaseObject(TYPE *object)
Definition bslstl_list.h:739
Definition bslma_usesbslmaallocator.h:343

Example 3: Implementing a Customized Allocator

Since 'bslma::Allocator' is a protocol, users can create their own concrete implementations for object-specific situations. A complete example of a concrete implementation that allocates memory from a user-supplied static buffer and reverts to an allocator specified at construction if that buffer is exhausted is provided below:

// =====================
// class BufferAllocator
// =====================
using namespace BloombergLP;
class BufferAllocator : public bslma::Allocator {
// This 'class' provides a concrete buffer allocator that implements the
// 'bslma::Allocator' interface, allocating memory blocks from a
// fixed-size buffer that is supplied by the user at construction, or
// from an optionally-specified allocator once that buffer is exhausted.
char *d_buffer_p; // buffer to use for memory
// allocations (held, not owned)
int d_bufferSize; // initial buffer size
int d_cursor; // current cursor
bslma::Allocator *d_allocator_p; // memory allocator to use once
// 'd_buffer_p' is exhausted (held,
// not owned)
BufferAllocator(const BufferAllocator&);
BufferAllocator& operator=(const BufferAllocator&);
BufferAllocator(char *buffer,
int bufferSize,
bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
// Create a buffer allocator for allocating memory blocks from the
// specified 'buffer' of the specified 'bufferSize'. Optionally
// specify a 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory after that
// 'buffer' is exhausted. If 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently
// installed default allocator is used.
virtual ~BufferAllocator();
// Destroy this buffer allocator.
virtual void *allocate(bsls::Types::size_type size);
// Return the address of a contiguous block of maximally-aligned
// memory of the specified 'size' (in bytes). If 'size' is 0 no
// memory is allocated and 0 is returned. If the allocation request
// exceeds the remaining free memory space in the external buffer
// supplied at construction, the allocator specified at construction
// is used. The behavior is undefined unless '0 <= size'.
virtual void deallocate(void *address);
// Deallocate the specified 'address' if it did not come from the
// external buffer specified at construction and do nothing
// otherwise. Note that if the buffer specified at construction was
// not exhausted then no deallocation overhead is incurred.
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
// ---------------------
// class BufferAllocator
// ---------------------
BufferAllocator::BufferAllocator(char *buffer,
int bufferSize,
bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
: d_buffer_p(buffer)
, d_bufferSize(bufferSize)
, d_cursor(0)
, d_allocator_p(bslma::Default::allocator(basicAllocator))
memory_resource & operator=(const memory_resource &) BSLS_KEYWORD_DEFAULT
Return a modifiable reference to this object.
std::size_t size_type
Definition bsls_types.h:124

The function definitions for the 'BufferAllocator' 'class' are provided below:

void *BufferAllocator::allocate(bsls::Types::size_type size)
BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(0 <= size);
// Calculate the appropriate aligned offset
d_buffer_p + d_cursor,
if (d_cursor + offset + size > d_bufferSize) {
return d_allocator_p->allocate(size); // RETURN
void *result = static_cast<void *>(&d_buffer_p[d_cursor + offset]);
d_cursor += offset + size;
return result;
void BufferAllocator::deallocate(void *address)
if (!(d_buffer_p <= address && address < d_buffer_p + d_bufferSize)) {
static int calculateAlignmentOffset(const void *address, int alignment)
Definition bsls_alignmentutil.h:408
Definition bsls_alignmentutil.h:275