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Component bsls_byteorder
[Package bsls]

Provide byte-order manipulation macros. More...

Provide byte-order manipulation macros.
See also:
Component bsls_byteorderutil
BSLS_BYTEORDER_HTON(x) Convert value from host to network order
BSLS_BYTEORDER_HTONS(x) Convert 16-bit value from host to network order
BSLS_BYTEORDER_HTONL(x) Convert 32-bit value from host to network order
BSLS_BYTEORDER_HTONLL(x) Convert 64-bit value from host to network order
BSLS_BYTEORDER_NTOH(x) Convert value from network to host order
BSLS_BYTEORDER_NTOHS(x) Convert 16-bit value from network to host order
BSLS_BYTEORDER_NTOHL(x) Convert 32-bit value from network to host order
BSLS_BYTEORDER_NTOHLL(x) Convert 64-bit value from network to host order
BSLS_BYTEORDER_HTON_CONSTANT(x): static host to network order BSLS_BYTEORDER_HTONS_CONSTANT(x): static 16-bit network to host order BSLS_BYTEORDER_HTONL_CONSTANT(x): static 32-bit network to host order BSLS_BYTEORDER_HTONLL_CONSTANT(x): static 64-bit network to host order BSLS_BYTEORDER_NTOH_CONSTANT(x): static network to host order BSLS_BYTEORDER_NTOHS_CONSTANT(x): static 16-bit network to host order BSLS_BYTEORDER_NTOHL_CONSTANT(x): static 32-bit network to host order BSLS_BYTEORDER_NTOHLL_CONSTANT(x): static 64-bit network to host order
BSLS_BYTEORDER_LE_TO_HOST(x): little-endian to host-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_LE_U16_TO_HOST(x): 16-bit little-endian to host-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_LE_U32_TO_HOST(x): 32-bit little-endian to host-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_LE_U64_TO_HOST(x): 64-bit little-endian to host-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_BE_TO_HOST(x): big-endian to host-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_BE_U16_TO_HOST(x): 16-bit big-endian to host-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_BE_U32_TO_HOST(x): 32-bit big-endian to host-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_BE_U64_TO_HOST(x): 64-bit big-endian to host-endian
BSLS_BYTEORDER_HOST_TO_LE(x): host-endian to little-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_HOST_U16_TO_LE(x): 16-bit host-endian to little-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_HOST_U32_TO_LE(x): 32-bit host-endian to little-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_HOST_U64_TO_LE(x): 64-bit host-endian to little-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_HOST_TO_BE(x): host-endian to big-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_HOST_U16_TO_BE(x): 16-bit host-endian to big-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_HOST_U32_TO_BE(x): 32-bit host-endian to big-endian BSLS_BYTEORDER_HOST_U64_TO_BE(x): 64-bit host-endian to big-endian
This component provides a set of byte-order manipulation macros that replace the standard htonl, htons, ntohl, and ntohs functions, and which do not require including any system header files: The "S", "L", and "LL" suffices in the names of the above macros indicate their applicability to 16-bit (short), 32-bit (int, not long), and 64-bit (long long) values, respectively.
The macros without "S", "L", or "LL" suffices in their names indicate that they take the word size to be swapped from the word size of x, and return a value of the same type as x. These should only be passed fundamental integral types, and not enum values, as the sizes of enum values are implementation defined.
This set of host-to-network and network-to-host conversion macros are very efficient, but sacrifices the ability to perform compile-time initialization. To compensate, the following set of functionally equivalent "CONSTANT" macros are provided. These macros can be used for compile-time initialization, but are less efficient than non-"CONSTANT" versions: Another set of macros provides conversion from big-endian or little-endian byte order to host-endian order. The macros take 16-, 32- or 64-bit values and perform the indicated byte-order conversion on those values: The "LE" and "BE" embedded in the above macro names indicate Little-Endian and Big-Endian, respectively.
Finally, a complementary set of macros provides conversion from host-endian byte order to big-endian or little-endian order:
To use these macros, simply pass a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit value to the macros. To demonstrate the change in byte order effected by the macros, we first write a function to print, in hex, a character buffer of a specified size:
  void printHex(const char *c, int size)
      // Print the specified character array 'c', having the specified 'size'
      // (in bytes), to 'stdout' in hex.
      const char *hex = "0123456789abcdef";
      for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
          std::cout << hex[(c[i] >> 4) & 0xf]
                    << hex[ c[i]       & 0xf];

  template <class T>
  void printHex(T x)
      // Print the specified object 'x' of parameterized type 'T' in hex.
      printHex((const char*)&x, sizeof x);
For example, to use the little-endian/big-endian to host-endian macros:
  short              x = static_cast<short>(0xabcd);
  int                y = 0xabcdef12;
  bsls::Types::Int64 z = 0xabcdef1234567890LL;

  // Note the use of macros within the calls to 'printHex'.

  printf("\nLE to Host(x): ");

  printf("\nLE to Host(y): ");

  printf("\nLE to Host(z): ");

  printf("\nBE to Host(x): ");

  printf("\nBE to Host(y): ");

  printf("\nBE to Host(z): ");
On little-endian machines (e.g., x86, IA64), this will print the following to stdout:
  LE to Host(x): abcd
  LE to Host(y): abcdef12
  LE to Host(z): abcdef1234567890
  BE to Host(x): cdab
  BE to Host(y): 12efcdab
  BE to Host(z): 9078563412efcdab
On big-endian machines (e.g., sparc, powerpc), the following will be printed instead:
  LE to Host(x): cdab
  LE to Host(y): 12efcdab
  LE to Host(z): 9078563412efcdab
  BE to Host(x): abcd
  BE to Host(y): abcdef12
  BE to Host(z): abcdef1234567890
The other macros can be used in a similar manner.