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Component bslx_typecode
[Package bslx]

Enumerate the fundamental types supported by BDEX. More...


namespace  bslx

Detailed Description

Enumerate the fundamental types supported by BDEX.
bslx::TypeCode namespace for enumerating BDEX-supported fundamental types
This component provides a namespace for the enum type bslx::TypeCode::Enum, which enumerates the set of fundamental types supported within bslx. A bslx::TypeCode is particularly important when testing bslx implementations (see bslx::TestOutStream and bslx::TestInStream).
  Name                 Description
  ------------------   ---------------------------------------------------
  e_INT8               Value is an 8-bit integer.

  e_UINT8              Value is an unsigned 8-bit integer.

  e_INT16              Value is a 16-bit integer.

  e_UINT16             Value is an unsigned 16-bit integer.

  e_INT24              Value is a 24-bit integer.

  e_UINT24             Value is an unsigned 24-bit integer.

  e_INT32              Value is a 32-bit integer.

  e_UINT32             Value is an unsigned 32-bit integer.

  e_INT40              Value is a 40-bit integer.

  e_UINT40             Value is an unsigned 40-bit integer.

  e_INT48              Value is a 48-bit integer.

  e_UINT48             Value is an unsigned 48-bit integer.

  e_INT56              Value is a 56-bit integer.

  e_UINT56             Value is an unsigned 56-bit integer.

  e_INT64              Value is a 64-bit integer.

  e_UINT64             Value is an unsigned 64-bit integer.

  e_FLOAT32            Value is a 32-bit floating-point number.

  e_FLOAT64            Value is a 64-bit floating-point number.

  e_INVALID            Value is not valid.
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1: Basic Syntax:
The following snippets of code provide a simple illustration of using bslx::TypeCode.
First, we create a variable value of type bslx::TypeCode::Enum and initialize it with the enumerator value bslx::TypeCode::e_INT32:
  bslx::TypeCode::Enum value = bslx::TypeCode::e_INT32;
Now, we store the address of its ASCII representation in a pointer variable, asciiValue, of type const char *:
  const char *asciiValue = bslx::TypeCode::toAscii(value);
  assert(0 == bsl::strcmp(asciiValue, "INT32"));
Finally, we print value to bsl::cout:
  bsl::cout << value << bsl::endl;
This statement produces the following output on stdout: