BDE 3.111.0 Release


  • The BDE team announces that the BDE 3.111.0 production release was completed on Monday, December 5, 2022.

BDE 3.111.0 Highlights

bdljsn::Json Early Release

This release adds the bdljsn package, which provides a document representation tailored to JSON that integrates with Bloomberg vocabulary types (BSL types, bdldfp::Decimal64).

This is intended as a soft-release. A more complete announcement, including information on its goals and purpose (in comparison to baljsn and third-party libraries) is forthcoming.

Adjusted Default Hash Algorithm

This release adjusts the implementation of the wyhash algorithm used as the default BSL hash algorithm. This will potentially be observed as different hash values and iteration order in unordered containers (and may break tests that incorrectly rely on the order of elements in an unordered container).

This release adjusts the wyhash implementation, the current default hash algorithm, to ensure that a consistent hash value is returned for a sequence of bytes, regardless of how that sequence of bytes is broken into segments provided to the algorithm’s operator()(const char *data, int numBytes).

Assorted fixes

Additional fixes:

  • Continued effort to update BSL containers to conform to C++17 requirements

Fixed requests:


bsl::optional: assign from bdlb::NullableValue in C++03

C++17 work: stack noexcept specifications

C++17 work: queue noexcept specifications

C++17 work: priority_queue noexcept specifications

C++17 work: bslstl_optional noexcept specification

C++17 work: bslstl_string documentation fix

C++17 work: bslstl_string add StringViewLike overloads

C++17 work: bslstl_string noexcept specifications

C++17 work: bslstl_string freestanding operator+ fix

bslh::DefaultHashAlgorithm – contract breakage

Make bsl::array an alias to std::array in C++17 onwards

bdlmt_signaler: correct AIX test run error

Add move overloads to bdlbb::Blob[Util] buffer-related functions

fix documentation for bdlb::Tokenizer::previousDelimiter

Please create facility for deducing movable references.

Please write package doc for bdljsn

bslh_wyhashincrementalalgorithm.h - fix erroneous ‘out of bounds’ c


bsl_filesystem.h - Missing BSLS_LIBRARYFEATURES_HAS_CPP17_BASELI

github: Test failure ball_recordstringformatter.t

github: fix bdls_filesystemtutil failing test 32bit timestamp

Integrate bdljsn

Fix nightly linux C++03 bdljsn build failures

Please fix nightly linux C++20 bdljsn build failures