BDE 3.14.0: Production Release


  • The BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.14.0 production release was completed on Monday, October 15, 2018

BDE 3.14.0 Highlights

Enhancements for C++14


This features introduces a set of enhancements to the BSL library to make it more C++14 conformant. The changes makes available, in the bsl-namespace, new functions and features that were added to the standard library as part of C++14.

The most notable parts of this update are:

  • bsl aliases for many C++14 features implemented in the native standard library.

  • User-defined literals for complex, chrono, and string.

  • Template aliases and varible templates for the result types and values of the type traits meta-functions.

  • Compile-time integer sequences class bsl::integer_sequence that can be used when compiling in C++11 mode.

  • A set of macros to identify if the current platform’s standard library and the compiler settings for this platform support various C++14 features.

Aliases to STL functions

The update imports the following functions and types defined in the C++14 standard into bsl-namespace:

  • bit_not

  • cbegin

  • cend

  • crbegin

  • crend

  • exchange

  • hexfloat

  • io_errc

  • is_error_code_enum

  • iostream_category

  • make_reverse_iterator

  • make_error_code

  • make_error_condition

  • make_unique

  • rbegin

  • rend

  • quoted

  • shared_lock

  • shared_timed_mutex

User-defined literals

The update imports UDLs defined in the native library into bsl-namespace for chrono and complex.

It also adds Bloomberg’s implementation of UDLs for chrono, complex and string that can be used in a client code when compiling in C++11 mode:

  • UDLs for bsl::chrono: _h, _min, _s, _ms, _us, _ns

  • UDLs for bsl::complex: _i, _if, _il

  • UDLs for bsl::string: _s, _S

Note that Bloomberg’s UDLs are preceded with the _ symbol to avoid ambiguity between the UDLs defined the bsl namespace and UDLs introduced in the C++14 standard and implemented in the native library.

Template aliases

The update adds template aliases metafunction-name_t for the result of the type traits meta-functions declared in <bsl_type_traits.h> and meta-functiond from bslmf package. Note that these aliases can be used when compiling in C++11 mode if template aliases are supported by the current compiler settings for this platform.

Variable templates

The update adds variable templates metafunction-name_v for the values of the type traits meta-functions defined in <bsl_type_traits.h>. Note that this feature is actually part of the C++17 standard, but is available in bsl when compiling in C++14 mode if the current compiler settings allow support variable templates.

Compile-time integer sequences

The update provides Bloomberg’s implementation of the compile-time integer sequences class bsl::integer_sequence. Note that this class can be used in a client code when compiling in C++11 mode.

Associative containers

The update adds the following enchancements for associative containers:

  • Restores iterator erase(iterator); overload removed in the C++11 standard for associative containers.

  • Adds a heterogeneous comparison lookup member function find, count, lower_bound, upper_bound and equal_range overloads to associative containers.

bsl::basic_string enhancements

  • Adds a new constructor overload to bsl::basic_string(other, pos, allocator) to construct a bsl::basic_string object having the specified other string used as source to initiaize the string with, the pos position of the first character to include and the alloc allocator to supply memory.

  • Sets a default argument count = npos in the declaration of a member function bsl::basic_string::assign(str, pos, count = npos);.

Replace BSLS_CPP11 with BSLS_KEYWORD macros

All macros defined in <bsls_cpp11.h> that begin with BSLS_CPP11_ are replaced with macros that begin with BSLS_KEYWORD_ defined in the <bsls_keyword.h> header. All macros defined in the <bsls_cpp11.h> header are DEPRECATED.

New macros

The update adds new macros into <bsls_keyword.h> header:

  • BSLS_KEYWORD_CONSTEXPR_RELAXED macro that instantiates to constexpr when compiling in C++14 mode. Note that this is distinct from BSLS_KEYWORD_CONSTEXPR (which instantiates to constexpr in C++11 mode and C++14) and should be used in contexts where the constexpr would not be valid for a C++11 compiler (but is for a C++14 compiler).

  • BSLS_KEYWORD_INLINE_VARIABLE macro that instantiates to inline when compiling in C++17 mode to allow for C++17 inline variable definitions.

The update adds new macros into <bsls_libraryfeatures.h> header:

  • BSLS_LIBRARYFEATURES_HAS_CPP11_STREAM_MOVE is defined if the standard stream classes all have the C++11 mandated move operations (constructor and assignment operator).

  • BSLS_LIBRARYFEATURES_HAS_CPP14_BASELINE_LIBRARY is defined to identify whether the current platform’s standard library supports a baseline set of C++14 library features.

  • BSLS_LIBRARYFEATURES_HAS_CPP14_INTEGER_SEQUENCE is defined if the current platform’s standard library and the compiler settings for this platform support C++11 features required to support bsl::integer_sequence.

  • BSLS_LIBRARYFEATURES_HAS_CPP17_BASELINE_LIBRARY is defined to identify whether the current platform’s standard library supports a baseline set of C++17 library features.

  • BSLS_LIBRARYFEATURES_STDCPP_<standard library implemetation>: a set of macros to identify the current platform’s standard library implementation.

The update adds new macros into <bsls_compilerfeatures.h> header:

  • BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_SUPPORT_CONSTEXPR_RELAXED is defined if constexpr with C++14 semantics is supported by the current compiler settings for this platform.

  • BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_SUPPORT_HAS_INCLUDE is defined if __has_include is supported by the current compiler settings for this platform.

  • BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_SUPPORT_INLINE_NAMESPACE is defined if inline namespaces introduced in the C++11 standard are supported by the current compiler settings for this platform.

  • BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_SUPPORT_INLINE_VARIABLES is defined if inline variables introduced in the C++17 standard are supported by the current compiler settings for this platform.

  • BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_SUPPORT_REF_QUALIFIERS is defined if member functions with trailing reference qualifiers (e.g., void myfunc(int) &&) are supported by the current compiler settings for this platform.

  • BSLS_COMPILERFEATURES_SUPPORT_VARIABLE_TEMPLATES is defined if variable templates introduced in the C++14 standard are supported by the current compiler settings for this platform.

Fix BSL method declarations

The update marks methods of STL components implemented in BSL as noexcept and constexpr where required by the C++14 standard.

New Component: bsls_review and Enhancements to bsls_assert

A new component, bsls_review, has been added to provide non-terminating checks as a (temporary) transitional step in adding new bsls_assert checks into stable production systems.

  • The new component provides a set of macros (BSLS_REVIEW, BSLS_REVIEW_SAFE, and BSLS_REVIEW_OPT) to parallel those in bsls_assert but call a different failure handler which is allowed to return.

  • The default handler for failed review macros is to log and continue - instrumenting code to identify issues without risking bringing down running systems.

  • New build options have been provided for bsls_assert to allow safely enabling assertions at various levels in “review mode” to track if they would fail if fully enabled.

Correcting Issue with JSON Decoding

A long standing error has been identified in the JSON decoding component baljsn::Decoder (due to an underlying problem in baljsn::ParserUtil) that causes the parsing of “long” bdlt::Datetime, bdlt::Time, and bdlt::Date to fail even though bdlt::Iso8601Util succeeds in parsing the string. Specifically, valid strings including timezone data may be incorrectly rejected due to their length. This is the result of the constants taken from bdlt::Iso8601Util for the maximum length of the three data types being incorrect. This error has been in production for a long time (well before the addition of microseconds to bdlt::Datetime and bdlt::Time over two years ago).


previous max length

current max length










New Class: bdlcc::SingleProducerQueue

The new class, bdlcc::SingleProducerQueue, is ideal for synchronization and communication between threads in a producer-consumer model when there is only one producer thread.

pcre2 Library Updated

This release updates the pcre2 library used by bdlpcre from version 10.20 to the current 10.32, improving JIT performance and adding minor regex language enhancements