BDE 3.52.0: Production Release


  • BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.52.0 production release was completed on Thursday, April 9, 2020.

BDE 3.52.0 Highlights

bsls_stackaddressutil: Windows thread-safety fix

A thread-safety issue was discovered in bsls_stackaddressutil and was corrected in this release.

These issues are corrected in this release. Windows users should consider upgrading their builds of BDE to use 3.52.0.

Fixed requests: 3.52.0


XL C++ fails to compile assignment of ManagedPtr to shared_ptr

bdld_datum - document map-type properties

bsls_stackaddressutil should be thread safe on windows

‘balcl’: ‘balcl_option’: review and merge test driver

bsl::copy_if not implemented

Allow constructor argument types to be supplied to is_nothrow_constructible_v

bslma_testallocator: improve the visibility of balst_stacktracetestallocator

‘balcl_option’: TD night build failure: MSVC 2015

bsl_cinttypes.h doesn’t compile on linux

bde-bb: conditionally build packages for Windows compatibility

Add windows toolchain files for SDK builds.

‘bdex’: deprecation: doc updates

Fixed assignment of prvalue char to char*

Fix smart pointer test drivers (nightly)

Fix transitive include SAFE build breaks