BDE 3.46.0: Production Release


  • BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.46.0 production release was completed on Tuesday, Dec 31, 2019

BDE 3.46.0 Highlights

Preview Release of bsl::string_view

This release introduces a preview of bsl::string_view, a type with the same interface as the C++-17 std::string_view.

We are describing the release as a preview, because there are some features and conversions that have not yet been provided to avoid breaking existing uses of StringRef. We ask users not to promote uses of bsl::string_view to production yet, and plan to update the status in February.

bsl::string_view is intended to interoperate with bsl::string and bslstl::StringRef as one would expect. If the underlying standard library provides a conforming std::string_view implementation and BDE_ENABLE_CPP17_ABI is defined, bsl::string_view is simply an alias for std::string_view. However, on platforms where std::string_view isn’t available, including in C++-03 builds, bsl::string_view is a Bloomberg implementation that exposes the library features that are implementable on the platform (e.g., "string view constant"sv user-defined literals require at least a C++-11 compiler).

Fixed requests: 3.46.0


Create a bsl::string_view component

bsl::tuple_size_v (and others) are incorrectly defined as bool

bsltf: explicitly declare movables is_nothrow_move_constructible


macos build fails unless C++14 (or above?) is forced in command line

Non-imp function for decimal BID encoding

Latest Apple clang 11 + libcpp 7/8.0 won’t build bde in C++17 mode

bsl::map equal_range with transparent predicates has a bug

bslmf test failures in 03

some bslmf test drivers do not build optimized on C++17

bdlcc_stripedunorderedmap seems to ignore custom comparer

Review and fix traits that support DetectNestedTrait to specialize properly

BDE 3.45 Issue On Windows

Some update just broke hashAppend Mac/Linux in C++17 mode

Oracle CC 12.4 shows a build fail for bdef_Function in the nightlies

Oracle CC 12.4 producing a test driver in the nightlies that will not link

Modify balxml_encoder to suppress maybe_uninitialized warning