BDE 3.76.1: Production Release


  • The BDE team announces that the BDE 3.76.1 production release was completed on Monday, March 22, 2021.

BDE 3.76.1 Highlights

Bug fix for ball::LoggerManager crash-on-exit

This release fixes a crash-on-exit bug introduced in the ball logging library in BDE 3.76.0. This crash occurs when the ball::LoggerManager singleton is destroyed (typically at program exit), while a ball::AsyncFileObserver is still registered and actively publishing records created by other threads. This crash does not occur using if either ball::AsyncFileObserver::stopPublicationThread is called or the ball::AsyncFileObserver is destroyed (as may happen if it is registered using a shared-ptr).

Fixed requests: 3.76.1


AsyncFileObserver crashes

Release BDE 3.76.1