BDE 3.54.0: Production Release


  • BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.54.0 production release was completed on Thursday, May 7, 2020.

BDE 3.54.0 Highlights

Bug Fix for BDE JSON Encoder

This release of BDE changes the way that the JSON encoder baljsn::Encoder encodes empty sequence values as a resolution to DRQS 117361294. This change only modifies the behavior of the encoder in situations where it currently produces invalid JSON. As a result, most users should not be affected. For more information about the specific changes, see TEAM 2321023772. If you suspect a change in the behavior of baljsn::Encoder is negatively impacting your system, notify the BDE team.

If you have questions or concerns contact Nathan Burgers or Jeffrey Mendelsohn.

Fixed requests: 3.54.0


http protocol in BAS returns response with incorrectly formatted js

bslmt: have doc clarify advantages of rwlock vs rwmutex

Copyability requirements for StripedUnorderedMap::setComputedValue

bdlcc::deque: incorrect doc of ‘now’

Switch waf dpkg helper to use build-base cpp standards.

Migrate into bde-tools

a_bcedb2 dpkg depends on

Please fix build failures introduced by baljsn changes