BDE 3.37.1: Production Release


  • The BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.37.1 production release was completed on Monday, Aug 26, 2019

BDE 3.37.1 Highlights

This release consists of assorted minor fixes.

Fixed requests: 3.37.1


bsic::BbHost : rcode for queryDb

bsltf_streamutil: template-based stream output

Add benchmarks to striped unordered map and multimap

Two conflicting definitions of BerEncoderOptions

Prevent bdef_Function<T> from being instantiated if T is not a function

balst/doc/balst.txt Call out specific performance concerns

Provide utility function bslmf::Util::moveIfSupported

bdlb::BitUtil does not use MSVC intrinsics

bdlmt_signaler: make guard non-copyable

bdlmt_signaler: use IsBitwiseMoveable trait

Race condition in bslmt_throughputbenchmark

baejsn_tokenizer error

Add shutdown sample to bslmt_throughputbenchmark

Ensure that bslmt::ThreadUtil::sleepUntil() does not return too early on Win

ball Documentation out of date

Mismatch in bdlcc_stripedunorderedmap of throughput benchmark calls

Windows version bslmt::Condition timewait underflow, causing scheduler hang