BDE 3.28.0: Production Release


  • The BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.28.0 production release was completed on Monday, May 6, 2019

BDE 3.28.0 Highlights

New Components: Concurrent Unordered Map and Concurrent Unordered Multimap

The components bdlcc_stripedunorderedmap and bdlcc_stripedunorderedmultimap provide fully thread-safe containers inspired by (but not identical to) bsl::unordered_map and bsl::unordered_multimap, respectively. One notable difference is that our concurrent classes do not provide iterators. Instead, there are methods that allow user-defined functors to be applied in a thread-safe manner to elements of these containers.

Recategorization of Defensive Checks

Many precondition checks previously categorized as BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE (i.e., checks previously disabled in production) were changed to BSLS_REVIEW macros some time ago (see BDE 3.16.0: Production Release). As BSLS_REVIEW macros, these checks were enabled in production and configured to report failures to a log file and continue execution. In this release, roughly 1100 checks that have not logged any failures recently have been “promoted” to BSLS_ASSERT macros. Henceforth, failures from any of these promoted checks will abort their tasks.

Utility for gtest Now Handles bslstl::StringRef

The bslim_gtestutil component that provides a PrintTo method for bsl::string (to improve readability of gtest messages) has been enhanced to handle bslstl::StringRef as well.