BDE 3.78.0: Production Release


  • The BDE team announces that the BDE 3.78.0 production release was completed on Monday, April 12, 2021.

BDE 3.78.0 Highlights

New Article: Binary to Decimal and Back Again

Handling floating-point numbers in computer systems is hard. Types like double and float (IEEE 754-1985) both provide approximations to the mathematical concept of a real number, which, for the most part, allow us to ignore this complexity. However, software where we expose the limits of these approximations can be a source of errors, and one area that is a particularly common source of errors at Bloomberg is the conversion between binary representations of floating point numbers (i.e., double and float) and decimal representations (like the string “3.14159”). Such conversions are especially relevant at Bloomberg because financial calculations are governed by laws and expectations that are based on decimal (base-10) thinking. In this article we seek to explain the complexity in converting between binary and decimal floating point representations, and to guide developers in performing such conversions safely.

bsl::string::append(bsl::string_view) overload added

A new overload allows passing a bsl::string_view to bsl::string::append.

Fixed requests: 3.78.0


Missing support for bsl::string::append(bsl::string_view)

Create an article about binary decimal conversion

bdlc::FlatHashSet/Map is incompatible with bsl::inserter usage

please add the chrono supporting ‘timedWait’ to the residual no-arg bslmt compone

please add the chrono supporting ‘timedWait’ to the residual one-arg bslmt compon

please correct compile and test compile warnings in bsic_bbhost on Linux

please add ‘capacity’ to the new bounded queues

Fix typo in bslalg_hashtableanchor.h

Release BDE 3.78.0