BDE 3.55.0: Production Release


  • BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.55.0 production release was completed on Monday, May 18, 2020.

BDE 3.55.0 Highlights

BER Codec Changes

This release of BDE provides an extension to the existing opt-in binary encoding format for date-and-time types in the BER codec. This format reduces the encoded size of date-and-time types in BER. The extension enables using the binary format when encoding time and date-time values with microsecond precision. For more details about these changes, see TEAM 2324431245.

If you have questions or concerns contact Nathan Burgers or Jeffrey Mendelsohn.

Fixed requests: 3.55.0


Please add microsecond support when using the setEncodeDateAndTimeTypesAsBinary

setEncodeDateAndTimeTypesAsBinary does not support default constructed types

Please add binary date(time) microsecond and ‘24:00’ support to BER

DRQS 153876375 P2: Please refactor ‘balber_berutil’ for extension

Fallthrough warnings in bcem_aggregateraw.h

ConstructionUtil: Add Coverity suspicious_sizeof