BDE 3.99.2 Release


  • The BDE team announces that the BDE 3.99.2 production release was completed on Monday, April 4, 2022.

BDE 3.99.2 Highlights

Linux optimized builds now use -fno-omit-frame-pointer

The optimized gcc builds of the BDE libraries now use the -fno-omit-frame-pointer option. Enabling this option (to disable the compiler optimization) is being pursued company wide to better enable tooling like perf to run in production settings.

Continued Addition of C++17 Type Aliases

This release adds bsl:: aliases for the C++17 features in bsl_utility.h and bsl_iterator.h. This is part of the general effort to simplify the use of bsl:: names, and in general better support C++17.

Fixed requests: 3.99.2


bslmt::ThreadUtil::sleep and Unix signals

Please create component bslmf_isbaseof

Please create component bslmf_memberpointertraits

bdlcc_skiplist: enhance test driver, mutex allocation, benchmark

Add -fno-omit-frame-pointer to all optimized UFIDs for gcc toolchains on linux

Using bsl::function as shared_ptr deleter

bdlcc::TimeQueue - create countLE method equivalent to popLE

Create baseline Apple M1 Build

bsls_byteorder: macros to convert unknown fundamental types to *-endian

s_baltst: Please add value-type generating utils

bsl::optional<bdef_Function> not assignable to another instance of itself

Add C++17 type aliases to bslstl_iterator.h

bdlb_topologicalsortutil incorrectly handles the result output iterators

Add C++17 type aliases to bsl_utility.h

bslstl_sharedptr: Please re-enable and fix SFINAE tests

Fix comments in versiontag for 6-digit

please correct bslim_fuzzdataview.t.cpp compile error on old platforms

Reduce the number of compiler warning when running the BSL tests

‘bslim::FuzzDataView’ CTOR should accept FuzzDataView dataview(0, 0);

Update master to 3.99.1 across all repos

bsls_protocoltest: Please fix nightly build failures.

Check LC_NUMERIC locale only in bdlb_NumericParseUtil::parseDouble

BALL LoggerManager, use ptrdiff_t to avoid signedness mismatch

Remove code for unsupported HPUX platform.

GCC11: ‘bslstl_function_invokerutil.t.cpp’: failure in TC6

Make include unconditional in bslmf_memberfunctionpointertraits.h

correct where ‘volatile’ is used instead of atomic + reduce warnings in these files

Clean up bsls tests on Apple M1

correct BSLX related issues in bdl nightly builds

correct chrono test run failures in nightly build

Release BDE 3.99.2