BDE 3.108.0 Release


  • The BDE team announces that the BDE 3.108.0 production release was completed on Wednesday, September 21, 2022.

BDE 3.108.0 Highlights

Set the minimally supported Windows version to Windows Vista (or Windows Server 2008)

The preprocessor macros WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT control the minimum operating system version code built against the Windows SDK will support.

The BDE toolchains now set those macros to “0x0600” (Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008).

Address MSVC performance issues appending a string_view to a string

The implementation of the bsl::string overloads for operator+() taking string views and StringRef has been corrected to address performance issues on Windows.

Assorted fixes

Additional fixes:

  • Improved documentation on using ball scoped attributes

  • Update BDE Coding standard to use t_ prefix for template parameters (mainly to avoid name clashes with the client’s code)

Fixed requests:


a_iconv::Converter: update documentation for transliteration

Improve documentation for scoped attributes

C++17 work: add incomplete type support to vector

Update ball::CategoryManaged to use unordered_map

Update BDE coding standards to use t_ as a prefix for template parameters

Fix the format of sql parameters in bsidb2::SqlService documentation

Adjust ball log macros documentation

C++17 work: Cover leaked std::iterator using-declarations with preprocessor direct make default umask 002 to simplify cleanup

bdlde::Utf8Util facility for finding a line and column from stream offset

bde-tools win32 toolchain fixes

Move bdlde below bdlb in dependency hierarchy

Fix bal unix-SunOS-sparc-5.10-gcc-10 C++03 compile issue

Update baea_performancemonitor.t.cpp to reflect recent changes

bsl::string: performance issue on Windows when copying from string_view