BDE 3.99.6 Release


  • The BDE team announces that the BDE 3.99.6 production release was completed on Thursday, May 19, 2022.

BDE 3.99.6 Highlights

PCRE2 update

The PCRE2 library (used by bdlpcre::Regex) was upgraded to version 10.39.

Remove *ByCategory Introspection Indirection in bal Codecs

A recent change to the BDE JSON and XML codecs simplified their respective object visitors by removing code that manually checked and dispatched on the type category of sub-objects, and instead used the bdlat_TypeCategoryUtil::accessByCategory and manipulateByCategory function templates. Unfortunately, delegating to these utility operations increased the number of function template instantiations enough per introspected object that several client programs coding extremely large message types could no longer be compiled with Sun CC and/or XLC due to the compilers running out of memory.

This release logically reverses this refactoring, by manually inlining the operations and removing levels of indirection.

Continued Addition of C++17 Type Aliases

This release adds bsl:: aliases for the C++17 features in bsl_cmath.h, bsl_memory.h, bsl_mutex.h, and bsl_new.h. This is part of the general effort to simplify the use of bsl:: names, and in general better support C++17.

Continued Work to Support GCC-11 and C++20

This release continues to address build and test failures for supporting BDE for both C++20 and gcc-11 (for various language flavors).

Fixed requests: 3.99.6


baljsn_Encoder leaves extra trailing comma for vector of vector sometimes.

bdlpcre::RegEx has a JIT bug. Please upgrade PCRE2 to 10.39

GCC11: BDL: ‘bdlcc_deque.t.cpp’ fails for TC 10

GCC11: BDL: ‘bdlcc_queue.t.cpp’ fails for TC 11 & TC 12

Apple M1: Clean up bsl tests

balst_stacktraceresoverimpl_windows.h: fix typo

Add C++17 aliases bsl_memory/mutex/new

Add C++17 aliases to bsl_cmath.h

fix typo in bsls_keyword.h

Apple M1: Fix bde/bde

please add asserts for the new test case 17 in bslim_bslstandardheadertest.t.cpp

Missing header in bsl_mutex.h

bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMap should have a default ctor that takes an allocator

‘bslmt_throughputbenchmark’: abort failure in nightly build

GCC11: cpp20: ‘bslim_formatguard.t.cpp’ compiler error on ‘wchar_t’ change

GCC11: CPP20: build failures per ‘std::allocator’ changes

GCC11: ‘bslstl_stringbuf’: implicit conversion causes warnings in multiple components

GCC11: Fix assorted component compile warnings

Please remove *ByCategory introspection indirection in bal codecs

Review windows warning removal in bdlb_pcgrandomgenerator

Apple M1: bdlcc_boundedqueue test driver fails periodically

Add missing memory_resource and standard headers for pmr-using components