BDE 3.6.0: Production Release


  • The BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.6.0 production patch was completed on Monday, March 12, 2018.

BDE 3.6.0 Highlights

bdldfp (Decimal Floating Point) Enhancements

The bdldfp package exhibits significant enhancements in this release: new components, and added functionality to previously existing components.

Class bdldfp::Decimal Enhancements

The bdldfp::Decimal class now provides consistent support for all of the floating-point decimal types (i.e., bdldfp::Decimal32/64/128). Previously, bdldfp::Decimal32 was considered merely an “interchange format” and did not have full support. Full support consists of arithmetic, comparison, and assignment operations, and BDEX serialization.

Caveat: bdldfp::Decimal64 remains the preferred vocabulary type for decimal arithmetic.

In C++11 mode, the bdldfp::Decimal class now allows user-defined literals (both numeric and string literals):

bdldfp::Decimal32  operator ""  _d32(const char *);
bdldfp::Decimal32  operator ""  _d32(const char *, size_t);
bdldfp::Decimal64  operator ""  _d64(const char *);
bdldfp::Decimal64  operator ""  _d64(const char *, size_t);
bdldfp::Decimal128 operator "" _d128(const char *);
bdldfp::Decimal128 operator "" _d128(const char *, size_t);

New Class bdldfp::DecimalFormatConfig

The new bdldfp::DecimalFormatConfig class is used to specify the formatting for the floating-point decimal types (i.e., bdldfp::Decimal32/64/128).

Class bdldfp::DecimalUtil Enhancements

New Math Functions

The following functions are now supported for all the floating-point decimal types:

copySign log10     llrint      sqrt
exp      fmod      nextafter   lround
log      remainder nextforward round
logB     lrint     pow         trunc

There is also a new overload of quantize that takes an int exponent value.

There is a new function, quantizeEqual, overloaded for the three decimal floating-point types, that takes a decimal value and constructs (if possible) an equal decimal value having a specified exponent.

errno Mechanism

Error reporting is now done using the errno global variable. See the Error Reporting section of the bdldfp_decimal component-level documentation.

New Formatting

There are now format functions that determine the output format of bdldfp::Decimal values in “fixed”, “scientific”, and “natural” notations according to the new bdldfp::DecimalFormatConfig class.

bsl::ios_base::fixed and bsl::ios_base::scientific flags are now supported for bdldfp::Decimal types.

Caveat: By default, decimals are rendered in “natural” notation, which makes visible the precision of the internal representation. It is possible for two Decimal objects that have the same value to have different internal representations, expressing different precisions – for example, 42.0 and 42.00. The “natural” format renders Decimal values using the precision signaled by this internal representation. Note that the precision value set by the bsl::precision modifier is applicable only for “fixed” and “scientific” formats and continues to be ignored for “natural” format.








  • Component: bdldfp_denselypackeddecimalimputil

  • Overload: bdldfp::DecimalImpUtil::format(ValueType value, char *buffer) (error prone)

  • Functions: bdldfp::DecimalConvertUtil::decimalToBID/decimalFromBID (Binary Integral Decimal). Instead use bdldfp::DecimalImpUtil::convertToBID/convertFromBID.