BDE 3.67.0: Production Release


  • The BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.67.0 production release was completed on Monday, Nov 23, 2020.

BDE 3.67.0 Highlights

Introducing bsl::to_chars for fast integer->string conversion

We introduce the standard free function bsl::to_chars:

bsl::to_chars_result bsl::to_chars(char          *first,
                                   char          *last,
                                   INTEGRAL_TYPE  value,
                                   int            base = 10);

that is used for translating integral values to human-readable string form. It is much faster than std::sprintf, and supports bases in the range [ 2 .. 36 ].

Note that the output is not NUL-terminated.

Fixed requests: 3.67.0


bdem_RowLayoutEntry hits -Wdeprecated-copy in Clang 10

bslalg_numformatterutil: basis for bslstl_charconv, bsl:to_chars

Please add ‘bdls::FilesystemUtil::getLastModificationTime’ for file descriptors

bdlbb::Blob re-doc contracts re INT_MAX size upper limit

Fix compiler warning for memcpy of bitwise-movable types.

bslstl_stringref.cpp: guard explicit instantiation definitions

Compiling bdldfp on solaris with warnings as errors fails

Adjust pcre2/sljit settings in bsl-internal to fix 32-bit mishandling with AIX xlc16

Release BDE 3.67.0