BDE 3.62.0: Production Release


  • The BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.62.0 production patch release was completed on Monday, Sept 14, 2020.

BDE 3.62.0 Highlights

This release consists of assorted minor fixes.

Fixed requests: 3.62.0


bsl::map::operator[] uses bad hint for insertion

baljsn::Decoder better documentation for validateUtf8 Option

balber_berutil.h -Wdeprecated-anon-enum-enum-conversion in std=c++2a

bdlat_typecategory.h -Wdeprecated-anon-enum-enum-conversion in std=c++2a

Please move generated data out of baljsn_encoder.t.cpp

Remove unused zoneinfo methods

fix Windows MSVC runtime linking for cmake 3.15 in BDE toolchains

add SSE macros to bsls_platfom

correct Windows SSE macro settings

Please add ‘bdls::FilesystemUtil::getFileSize’ overload for file descriptors

please investigate and correct bdl Windows opt_exc_mt_cpp17 nightly build issues

Warnings from bslmf::MatchArithmeticType

bdlb_bitutil.h Windows warning C4800 forcing value to bool (performance warning)

Missing UFID in libbsl-dev-extra

Release BDE 3.62.0