BDE 3.96.0 Release


  • The BDE team announces that the BDE 3.96.0 production release was completed on Monday, December 23, 2021.

BDE 3.96.0 Highlights

Continuing BDE 4.0 Changes

This release contains an update to better support the platform standard library, which are part of the BDE 4.0 effort. This includes changes to the following components or packages to add support for bsl::string_view, std::string, and/or std::pmr::string (where supported):

  • balb

bsl::set, bsl::multiset and bsl::priority_queue Now Provide Deduction Guides

This release adds deduction guides for bsl::set, bsl::multiset and bsl::priority_queue allowing clients using C++17 on a sufficiently-modern compiler to forgo supplying explicit template arguments in many cases.

Note that C++17 supports automatic template argument deduction in many contexts, however some types require explicit deduction guides in order for the compiler to deduce the template arguments. There is ongoing work to provide similar guides for all the standard library types in bsl that require them.

This release also correctly enables CTAD for more compilers - the feature check was inadvertently too strict.

Fixed requests: 3.96.0


balb: BDE-4.0 interfaces

Method returning const bdlb::Variant assigning to initialised bdlb::Variant instance th

Add sregex_iterator for bsl_regex.h

bsl::unordered_map::swap operation complexity is outdated

Static cast optimized away when using bsls::AtomicInt::testAndSwap on sun

Add class template deduction guides to bsl::priority_queue

Add class template deduction guides to bsl::set and multiset

On 32-bit windows builds a stack bdlma::LocalSequentialBuffer can be misaligned

Add support for at() for bdlc::FlatHash* components

Remove unused typedefs.

libpcre2-dev publishes private pcre2 header files

bsl::array CTAD not working

Release BDE 3.96.0