BDE 3.89.0: Production Release


  • The BDE team announces that the BDE 3.89.0 production release was completed on Thursday, Sep 9, 2021.

BDE 3.89.0 Highlights

ball::Attribute/ball::ScopedAttribute support more types

The set of value types supported by ball::Attribute and ball::ScopedAttribute was extended and currently contains the following types:

  • int/unsigned int

  • long/unsigned long

  • long long/unsigned long long

  • bsl::string

  • const void *

Continuing BDE 4.0 Changes

This release contains an update to better support the platform standard library, which is part of the BDE 4.0 effort. This includes changes to bsl::basic_stringstream and bsl::basic_stringbuf to add support for the view and str methods from standards proposal P0408.

Fixed requests: 3.89.0


Update bsl::basic_stringstream types with C++20 APIs

ball_ScopedAttribute / Attribute - could it please support more types?

Contract mismatch between allocate_shared and allocateManaged

bsl_type_traits.h shouldn’t error out on xlC/sunCC

Ryu: Put latest ryu incarnation to master w/o dependencies

doc for string move constructor is incorrect

Please correct nightly build compile warnings regarding pragmas in bdlc_flathashta

Suppress bhlb_indexspanstringutil warnings

Release BDE 3.89.0

Regression in FlatHashMap move assignment w/ mismatched allocators