BDE 3.46.2: Production Release


  • BDE team is pleased to announce that the BDE 3.46.2 EMOV patch release was completed on Wednesday, Jan 8, 2019

BDE 3.46.2 Highlights

Roll back of new traits on AIX due to compiler bug

Following up on the fix in BDE 3.46.1: Production Release, we found that another trait was impacted by the same compiler bug. We rolled back all the traits changes introduced in BDE 3.46.0: Production Release, and EMOV’d the fixed bsl-internal dpkg as version

This version is now in unstable, and will soon be in robo-trunk, and source.

If your task was built in the last week and you’re experiencing crashing on AIX, please re-build.

The bsl-internal versions with the errors are, which contains libbsl.a version 3.46.0, and, which contains libbsl.a version 3.46.1.

You can see which version is in your task by checking ident:

$ ident your-aix-task.tsk | grep BLP_LIB_BSL

$Id: BLP_LIB_BSL_BSL_3.46.0 $

$ ident your-aix-task.tsk | grep BLP_LIB_BSL

$Id: BLP_LIB_BSL_BSL_3.46.1 $

Fixed requests: 3.46.2


Roll back traits changes from #2640 for xlC bug