Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- e -
- e_BASIC : bdlde::Base64Decoder, bdlde::Base64Encoder
- e_NEWLINE_INDENT : balxml::Formatter
- e_PRESERVE_WHITESPACE : balxml::Formatter
- e_URL : bdlde::Base64Decoder, bdlde::Base64Encoder
- e_WORDWRAP : balxml::Formatter
- e_WORDWRAP_INDENT : balxml::Formatter
- ec : bslstl::to_chars_result
- empty : bsl::priority_queue< VALUE, CONTAINER, COMPARATOR >
- ENUMERATOR_INFO_ARRAY : balb::Enumerated, baljsn::EncoderTestChoiceWithAllCategoriesEnumeration, baljsn::EncoderTestSequenceWithAllCategoriesEnumeration, baljsn::EncodingStyle, balxml::EncodingStyle, s_baltst::Enumerated, s_baltst::MyEnumeration, s_baltst::MyEnumerationUnpreservedWithFallback, s_baltst::MyEnumerationWithFallback
- extent : bsl::span< TYPE, EXTENT >, bsl::span< TYPE, dynamic_extent >