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ball Namespace Reference
[Component ball_administrationComponent ball_asyncfileobserverComponent ball_attributeComponent ball_attributecollectorregistryComponent ball_attributecontainerComponent ball_attributecontainerlistComponent ball_attributecontextComponent ball_broadcastobserverComponent ball_categoryComponent ball_categorymanagerComponent ball_contextComponent ball_countingallocatorComponent ball_defaultattributecontainerComponent ball_fileobserverComponent ball_fileobserver2Component ball_filteringobserverComponent ball_fixedsizerecordbufferComponent ball_logComponent ball_logfilecleanerutilComponent ball_loggercategoryutilComponent ball_loggerfunctorpayloadsComponent ball_loggermanagerComponent ball_loggermanagerconfigurationComponent ball_loggermanagerdefaultsComponent ball_managedattributeComponent ball_managedattributesetComponent ball_multiplexobserverComponent ball_observerComponent ball_observeradapterComponent ball_patternutilComponent ball_predicateComponent ball_predicatesetComponent ball_recordComponent ball_recordattributesComponent ball_recordbufferComponent ball_recordjsonformatterComponent ball_recordstringformatterComponent ball_ruleComponent ball_rulesetComponent ball_scopedattributeComponent ball_scopedattributesComponent ball_severityComponent ball_severityutilComponent ball_streamobserverComponent ball_testobserverComponent ball_thresholdaggregateComponent ball_transmissionComponent ball_userfieldsComponent ball_userfieldtypeComponent ball_userfieldvalue]


struct  Administration
struct  AsyncFileObserver_Record
class  AsyncFileObserver
class  Attribute
class  AttributeCollectorRegistry
class  AttributeContainer
class  AttributeContainerListIterator
class  AttributeContainerList
struct  AttributeContainerList_Node
class  AttributeContext_RuleEvaluationCache
class  AttributeContext
class  AttributeContextProctor
class  BroadcastObserver
class  Category
class  CategoryHolder
class  CategoryManagerImpUtil
class  CategoryManager
class  CategoryManagerIter
class  CategoryManagerManip
class  Context
class  CountingAllocator
class  DefaultAttributeContainer
class  FileObserver
class  FileObserver2
class  FilteringObserver
class  FixedSizeRecordBuffer
struct  Log
class  Log_Stream
class  Log_Formatter
struct  LogFileCleanerUtil
struct  LoggerCategoryUtil
struct  LoggerFunctorPayloads
class  Logger
class  LoggerManager
class  LoggerManagerScopedGuard
class  LoggerManagerCategoryIter
class  LoggerManagerCategoryManip
class  LoggerManagerConfiguration
class  LoggerManagerDefaults
class  ManagedAttribute
class  ManagedAttributeSet
class  MultiplexObserver
class  Observer
class  ObserverAdapter
struct  PatternUtil
class  Record
class  RecordAttributes
class  RecordBuffer
class  RecordJsonFormatter
class  RecordStringFormatter
class  Rule
class  RuleSet
class  ScopedAttribute_Container
class  ScopedAttribute
class  ScopedAttributes
struct  Severity
struct  SeverityUtil
class  StreamObserver
class  TestObserver
class  ThresholdAggregate
struct  Transmission
class  UserFields
struct  UserFieldType
class  UserFieldValue


typedef ManagedAttribute Predicate
typedef ManagedAttributeSet PredicateSet


bool operator== (const Attribute &lhs, const Attribute &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Attribute &lhs, const Attribute &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &output, const Attribute &attribute)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const AttributeContainer &container)
bool operator== (const AttributeContainerListIterator &lhs, const AttributeContainerListIterator &rhs)
bool operator!= (const AttributeContainerListIterator &lhs, const AttributeContainerListIterator &rhs)
bool operator== (const AttributeContainerList &lhs, const AttributeContainerList &rhs)
bool operator!= (const AttributeContainerList &lhs, const AttributeContainerList &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &output, const AttributeContainerList &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const AttributeContext_RuleEvaluationCache &cache)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const AttributeContext &context)
bool operator== (const Context &lhs, const Context &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Context &lhs, const Context &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const Context &rhs)
bool operator== (const DefaultAttributeContainer &lhs, const DefaultAttributeContainer &rhs)
bool operator!= (const DefaultAttributeContainer &lhs, const DefaultAttributeContainer &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &output, const DefaultAttributeContainer &attributeContainer)
BloombergLP::ball::CategoryHolder * 
ball_log_getCategoryHolder (const BloombergLP::ball::CategoryHolder &categoryHolder)
bool operator== (const LoggerManagerConfiguration &lhs, const LoggerManagerConfiguration &rhs)
bool operator!= (const LoggerManagerConfiguration &lhs, const LoggerManagerConfiguration &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const LoggerManagerConfiguration &configuration)
bool operator== (const LoggerManagerDefaults &lhs, const LoggerManagerDefaults &rhs)
bool operator!= (const LoggerManagerDefaults &lhs, const LoggerManagerDefaults &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const LoggerManagerDefaults &defaults)
bool operator== (const ManagedAttribute &lhs, const ManagedAttribute &rhs)
bool operator== (const ManagedAttribute &lhs, const Attribute &rhs)
bool operator== (const Attribute &lhs, const ManagedAttribute &rhs)
bool operator!= (const ManagedAttribute &lhs, const ManagedAttribute &rhs)
bool operator!= (const ManagedAttribute &lhs, const Attribute &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Attribute &lhs, const ManagedAttribute &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &output, const ManagedAttribute &attribute)
bool operator== (const ManagedAttributeSet &lhs, const ManagedAttributeSet &rhs)
bool operator!= (const ManagedAttributeSet &lhs, const ManagedAttributeSet &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &output, const ManagedAttributeSet &attributeSet)
bool operator== (const Record &lhs, const Record &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Record &lhs, const Record &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const Record &record)
bool operator== (const RecordAttributes &lhs, const RecordAttributes &rhs)
bool operator!= (const RecordAttributes &lhs, const RecordAttributes &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const RecordAttributes &object)
bool operator== (const RecordJsonFormatter &lhs, const RecordJsonFormatter &rhs)
bool operator!= (const RecordJsonFormatter &lhs, const RecordJsonFormatter &rhs)
bool operator== (const RecordStringFormatter &lhs, const RecordStringFormatter &rhs)
bool operator!= (const RecordStringFormatter &lhs, const RecordStringFormatter &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &output, const RecordStringFormatter &rhs)
bool operator== (const Rule &lhs, const Rule &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Rule &lhs, const Rule &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &output, const Rule &rule)
bool operator== (const RuleSet &lhs, const RuleSet &rhs)
bool operator!= (const RuleSet &lhs, const RuleSet &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &output, const RuleSet &rules)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, Severity::Level rhs)
bool operator== (const ThresholdAggregate &lhs, const ThresholdAggregate &rhs)
bool operator!= (const ThresholdAggregate &lhs, const ThresholdAggregate &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const ThresholdAggregate &aggregate)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, Transmission::Cause rhs)
bool operator== (const UserFields &lhs, const UserFields &rhs)
bool operator!= (const UserFields &lhs, const UserFields &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const UserFields &object)
void swap (ball::UserFields &a, ball::UserFields &b)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, UserFieldType::Enum value)
bool operator== (const UserFieldValue &lhs, const UserFieldValue &rhs)
bool operator!= (const UserFieldValue &lhs, const UserFieldValue &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const UserFieldValue &object)
void swap (ball::UserFieldValue &a, ball::UserFieldValue &b)

Typedef Documentation

Function Documentation

bool ball::operator== ( const Attribute &  lhs,
const Attribute &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Attribute objects have the same value if they have the same name (but not necessarily the identical representation in memory), the same attribute value type, and the same attribute value.

bool ball::operator!= ( const Attribute &  lhs,
const Attribute &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Attribute objects do not have the same value if any of their respective names (value, not address), attribute value types, or attribute values differ.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  output,
const Attribute &  attribute 

Write the value of the specified attribute to the specified output stream. Return the specified output stream.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const AttributeContainer &  container 

Write the value of the specified container to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const AttributeContainerListIterator &  lhs,
const AttributeContainerListIterator &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and the specified rhs iterators have the same value and false otherwise. Two iterators have the same value if they refer to the same position in the same list, or if both iterators are at an invalid position in the list (i.e., the "end" of the list, or the default constructed value).

bool ball::operator!= ( const AttributeContainerListIterator &  lhs,
const AttributeContainerListIterator &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and the specified rhs iterators do not have the same value and false otherwise. Two iterators do not have the same value if they differ in either the list to which they refer or the position in the list object.

bool ball::operator== ( const AttributeContainerList &  lhs,
const AttributeContainerList &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs lists have the same value, and false otherwise. Two lists have the same value if they have the same number of attribute container addresses, and the address at each index position have the same value.

bool ball::operator!= ( const AttributeContainerList &  lhs,
const AttributeContainerList &  rhs 
) [inline]

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs lists do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two lists do not have the same value if have differing numbers of attribute container addresses or any of the addresses at corresponding indices have different values.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  output,
const AttributeContainerList &  rhs 
) [inline]

Write a formatted description of the specified rhs to the specified stream and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const AttributeContext_RuleEvaluationCache &  cache 

Write a description of the data members of the specified cache to the specified stream in some single-line human readable format, and return the modifiable stream.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const AttributeContext &  context 

Write a description of the data members of the specified context to the specified stream in a single-line human readable format, and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const Context &  lhs,
const Context &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs context objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two context objects have the same value if each respective pair of corresponding attributes have the same value.

bool ball::operator!= ( const Context &  lhs,
const Context &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs context objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two context objects do not have the same value if one or more respective attributes differ in value.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const Context &  rhs 

Write the specified rhs context to the specified output stream and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const DefaultAttributeContainer &  lhs,
const DefaultAttributeContainer &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two DefaultAttributeContainer objects have the same value if they contain the same number of (unique) attributes, and every attribute that appears in one object also appears in the other.

bool ball::operator!= ( const DefaultAttributeContainer &  lhs,
const DefaultAttributeContainer &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two DefaultAttributeContainer objects do not have the same value if they contain differing numbers of attributes or if there is at least one attribute that appears in one object, but not in the other.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  output,
const DefaultAttributeContainer &  attributeContainer 

Write the value of the specified attributeContainer to the specified output stream in some single-line, human readable format. Return the output stream.

const BloombergLP::ball::CategoryHolder* ball::ball_log_getCategoryHolder ( const BloombergLP::ball::CategoryHolder &  categoryHolder  )  [inline]
categoryHolder Return the address of the specified categoryHolder. Note that this function facilitates consistent lookup of block-scope and class-scope category holders (see "Logging Macro Reuse" in the "IMPLEMENTATION NOTES" of the component implementation file for details).
bool ball::operator== ( const LoggerManagerConfiguration &  lhs,
const LoggerManagerConfiguration &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs attribute objects have the same (in-core) value, and false otherwise. Two attribute objects objects have the same in-core value if each respective attribute has the same in-core value. Note that functor attributes must have identically the same representation to have the same in-core value.

bool ball::operator!= ( const LoggerManagerConfiguration &  lhs,
const LoggerManagerConfiguration &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs attribute objects do not have the same (in-core) value, and false otherwise. Two attribute objects do not have the same in-core value if one or more respective attributes differ in in-core values. Note that functor attributes will have different in-core values if their representations are not identical.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const LoggerManagerConfiguration &  configuration 

Write a reasonable representation of the specified configuration object to the specified output stream, indicating whether the contained functors are or are not "null".

bool ball::operator== ( const LoggerManagerDefaults &  lhs,
const LoggerManagerDefaults &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs attribute objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two attribute objects objects have the same value if each respective attribute has the same value.

bool ball::operator!= ( const LoggerManagerDefaults &  lhs,
const LoggerManagerDefaults &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs attribute objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two attribute objects do not have the same value if one or more respective attributes differ in values.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const LoggerManagerDefaults &  defaults 

Write the specified defaults object to the specified output stream in a reasonable multi-line format.

bool ball::operator== ( const ManagedAttribute &  lhs,
const ManagedAttribute &  rhs 
bool ball::operator== ( const ManagedAttribute &  lhs,
const Attribute &  rhs 
bool ball::operator== ( const Attribute &  lhs,
const ManagedAttribute &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two ManagedAttribute objects have the same value if they have the same name, same attribute value type, and the same attribute value.

bool ball::operator!= ( const ManagedAttribute &  lhs,
const ManagedAttribute &  rhs 
bool ball::operator!= ( const ManagedAttribute &  lhs,
const Attribute &  rhs 
bool ball::operator!= ( const Attribute &  lhs,
const ManagedAttribute &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two ManagedAttribute objects do not have the same value if any of their respective names, attribute value types, or attribute values differ.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  output,
const ManagedAttribute &  attribute 

Write the value of the specified attribute to the specified output stream. Return the specified output stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const ManagedAttributeSet &  lhs,
const ManagedAttributeSet &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two ManagedAttributeSet objects have the same value if they have the same number of attributes and every attribute value that appears in one object also appears in the other.

bool ball::operator!= ( const ManagedAttributeSet &  lhs,
const ManagedAttributeSet &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two ManagedAttributeSet objects do not have the same value if they do not have the same number of attributes or there is at least one attribute value that appears in one object, but not in the other.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  output,
const ManagedAttributeSet &  attributeSet 

Write the value of the specified attributeSet to the specified output stream. Return the specified output stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const Record &  lhs,
const Record &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs log records have the same value, and false otherwise. Two log records have the same value if the respective fixed fields have the same value and the respective user-defined fields have the same value.

bool ball::operator!= ( const Record &  lhs,
const Record &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs log records do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two log records do not have the same value if either the respective fixed fields or user-defined fields do not have the same value.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const Record &  record 

Format the members of the specified record to the specified output stream and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const RecordAttributes &  lhs,
const RecordAttributes &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs record attributes objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two record attributes objects have the same value if each respective pair of attributes have the same value.

bool ball::operator!= ( const RecordAttributes &  lhs,
const RecordAttributes &  rhs 
) [inline]

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs record attributes objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two record attributes objects do not have the same value if one or more respective attributes differ in value.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const RecordAttributes &  object 
) [inline]

Format the members of the specified object to the specified output stream and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const RecordJsonFormatter &  lhs,
const RecordJsonFormatter &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs record formatters have the same value, and false otherwise. Two record formatters have the same value if they have the same format specification and record separator.

bool ball::operator!= ( const RecordJsonFormatter &  lhs,
const RecordJsonFormatter &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs record formatters do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two record formatters differ in value if their format specifications or record separators differ.

bool ball::operator== ( const RecordStringFormatter &  lhs,
const RecordStringFormatter &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs record formatters have the same value, and false otherwise. Two record formatters have the same value if they have the same format specification and the same timestamp offset.

bool ball::operator!= ( const RecordStringFormatter &  lhs,
const RecordStringFormatter &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs record formatters do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two record formatters differ in value if their format specifications differ or their timestamp offsets differ.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  output,
const RecordStringFormatter &  rhs 

Write the specified rhs record formatter to the specified output stream in some reasonable (single-line) format and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const Rule &  lhs,
const Rule &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Rule objects have the same value if they have the same attributes, the same four respective threshold levels, and the same pattern.

bool ball::operator!= ( const Rule &  lhs,
const Rule &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Rule objects do not have the same value if they have different attributes, different values for any of the four respective threshold levels, or different patterns.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  output,
const Rule &  rule 

Write the value of the specified rule to the specified output stream. Return the specified output stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const RuleSet &  lhs,
const RuleSet &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs rule sets have the same value, and false otherwise. Two rule sets have the same value if every rule that exists in one rule set also exists in the other.

bool ball::operator!= ( const RuleSet &  lhs,
const RuleSet &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs rule sets do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two rule sets do not have the same value if there is at least one rule that exists in one rule but does not exist in the other.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  output,
const RuleSet &  rules 

Write the value of the specified rules to the specified output stream. Return the specified output stream

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
Severity::Level  rhs 

Format the specified rhs to the specified output stream and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const ThresholdAggregate &  lhs,
const ThresholdAggregate &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs threshold aggregates have the same value, and false otherwise. Two threshold aggregates have the same value if all four of their respective threshold levels are the same.

bool ball::operator!= ( const ThresholdAggregate &  lhs,
const ThresholdAggregate &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs threshold aggregates do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two threshold aggregates do not have the same value if any of their four respective threshold levels differ.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const ThresholdAggregate &  aggregate 

Write the value of the specified threshold aggregate to the specified output stream and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
Transmission::Cause  rhs 

Format the specified rhs to the specified output stream and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bool ball::operator== ( const UserFields &  lhs,
const UserFields &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two ball::UserFields objects have the same value if they have the same number of elements, and each element in lhs has the same value as corresponding element at the same index in rhs.

bool ball::operator!= ( const UserFields &  lhs,
const UserFields &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two UserFields objects do not have the same value if they have a different number of elements, or if any element in lhs has a different value from the corresponding element at the same index in rhs.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const UserFields &  object 

Write the value of the specified object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified, can change without notice, and is logically equivalent to:

      print(stream, 0, -1);
void ball::swap ( ball::UserFields a,
ball::UserFields b 

Swap the value of the specified a object with the value of the specified b object. If a and b were created with the same allocator, then this method provides the no-throw exception-safety guarantee; otherwise, it provides the basic guarantee.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
UserFieldType::Enum  value 

Write the string representation of the specified enumeration value to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to stream. See toAscii for what constitutes the string representation of a ball::UserFieldType::Enum value. Note that this method has the same behavior as

      ball::UserFieldType::print(stream, value, 0, -1);
bool ball::operator== ( const UserFieldValue &  lhs,
const UserFieldValue &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two UserFieldValue objects have the same value if they have the same type, and (if the type is not e_VOID) the value of that type (as accessed through the* methods) is the same.

bool ball::operator!= ( const UserFieldValue &  lhs,
const UserFieldValue &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two UserFieldValue objects do not have the same value if their type is not the same, or (if their type is not e_VOID) the value of that type (as accessed through the* methods) is not the same.

bsl::ostream& ball::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const UserFieldValue &  object 

Write the value of the specified object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified, can change without notice, and is logically equivalent to:

      print(stream, 0, -1);
void ball::swap ( ball::UserFieldValue a,
ball::UserFieldValue b 

Swap the value of the specified a object with the value of the specified b object. This method provides the no-throw exception-safety guarantee if either a.type() is the same as b.type() and a and b were created with the same allocator, or neither a.type() nor b.type() is a type that requires allocation; otherwise, it provides the basic guarantee.