BDE 4.14.0 Production release
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Detailed Description



Provide a pure abstract interface for memory-allocation mechanisms.


Canonical header: bsl_memory_resource.h

See also
bslma_allocator, bslma_polymorphicallocator


This component is for internal use only. Please include <bsl_memory_resource.h> instead and use bsl::memory_resource directly.

This component provides a protocol (pure abstract interface) class, bsl::memory_resource, comprising member functions for allocating and deallocating memory. The bsl::memory_resource interface is identical to that of std::pmr::memory_resource from the C++17 Standard Library; in fact, the former type is an alias for the latter type when using a C++17 or later library supplied by the platform.

A concrete class derived from bsl::memory_resource might use pooling or other mechanisms that improve on new and delete in some way, such as speeding up the program or providing instrumentation for debugging or security. A memory_resource thus provides a customizable alterantive to using raw calls to new and delete.

An object, Obj, holding a base-class pointer, d_resource_p, of type bsl::memory_resource * would allocate and deallocate memory by calling the resource's allocate and deallocate member functions (through d_resource_p), which subsequently invoke the respective virtual functions, do_allocate and do_deallocate. A client can thus customize the memory allocation mechanism used by Obj by providing it with an appropriate concrete resource whose class overrides do_allocate and do_deallocate.

Thread Safety

Unless otherwise documented, a single memory resource object is not safe for concurrent access by multiple threads. Classes derived from bsl::memory_resource that are specifically designed for concurrent access must be documented as such. Unless specifically documented otherwise, separate objects of classes derived from bsl::memory_resource may safely be used in separate threads.

Note that some memory resources delegate to other memory resource objects. When used in a concurrent context, the thread safety of the entire chain must be considered.


The bsl::memory_resource protocol provided in this component defines a bilateral contract between suppliers and consumers of raw memory. The following subsections illustrate (1) implementation of a concrete resource derived from the abstract bsl::memory_resource base class and (2) use of a bsl::memory_resource.

Example 1: a counting memory resource

In this example, we derive a concrete CountingResource class from bsl::memory_resource, overriding and providing concrete implementations for all of the virtual functions declared in the base class. This resource keeps track of the number of blocks of memory that were allocated from the resource but not yet returned to the resource.

First, we define the CountingResource class with a single private data member to keep track of the number of blocks outstanding. We don't want this type to be copyable, so we disable copying here, too.

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_keyword.h>
#include <stdint.h> // 'uintptr_t'
class CountingResource : public bsl::memory_resource {
int d_blocksOutstanding;
CountingResource(const CountingResource&) BSLS_KEYWORD_DELETED;
CountingResource& operator=(const CountingResource&)
Definition bslma_memoryresource.h:441
memory_resource & operator=(const memory_resource &) BSLS_KEYWORD_DEFAULT
Return a modifiable reference to this object.
Definition bsls_keyword.h:609

Next, we declare the protected virtual functions that override the base-class virtual functions:

void* do_allocate(std::size_t bytes,
std::size_t alignment) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE;
void do_deallocate(void* p, std::size_t bytes,
std::size_t alignment) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE;
bool do_is_equal(const bsl::memory_resource& other) const
Definition bsls_keyword.h:632
Definition bsls_keyword.h:653

Now we can declare the public interface, comprising the default constructor, the destructor, and an accessor to return the current block count; all other public members are inherited from the base class:

CountingResource() : d_blocksOutstanding(0) { }
~CountingResource() BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE;
int blocksOutstanding() const { return d_blocksOutstanding; }

Next, we implement the do_allocate method to allocate memory using operator new, then increment the block counter. We cannot, in C++11, force operator new to return memory that is more than maximally aligned, so we throw an exception if the specified alignment is not met; other resources can use the alignment argument more productively.

void *CountingResource::do_allocate(std::size_t bytes,
std::size_t alignment)
void *ret = ::operator new(bytes);
if (uintptr_t(ret) & (alignment - 1)) {
::operator delete(ret);
BSLS_THROW(this); // Alignment failed
return ret;
#define BSLS_THROW(X)
Definition bsls_exceptionutil.h:374

Next, we implement do_deallocate, which returns the memory referenced by p to the heap and decrements the block counter. The bytes and alignment arguments are ignored:

void CountingResource::do_deallocate(void* p, std::size_t, std::size_t)
::operator delete(p);

Next, we implement do_is_equal, which determines if the specified other resource is equal to this one. For this and most other resource types, do_is_equal returns true if and only if the two resources are the same object:

bool CountingResource::do_is_equal(const bsl::memory_resource& other) const
return this == &other;

Next, we implement the destructor, which simply asserts that the block count is zero upon destruction:

BSLS_ASSERT(0 == d_blocksOutstanding);
#define BSLS_ASSERT(X)
Definition bsls_assert.h:1804

Finally, we construct an object of CountingResource and verify that allocation, deallocation, and equality testing work as expected.

int main()
CountingResource obj;
assert(0 == obj.blocksOutstanding());
void *p = obj.allocate(16, 4);
assert(0 == (uintptr_t(p) & 3));
assert(1 == obj.blocksOutstanding());
obj.deallocate(p, 16, 4);
assert(0 == obj.blocksOutstanding());
CountingResource obj2;
assert(obj == obj);
assert(obj != obj2);

Example 2: A class that allocates memory

In this example, we define a class template, Holder<TYPE>, that holds a single instance of TYPE on the heap. Holder is designed such that its memory use can be customized by supplying an appropriate memory resource. A holder object can be empty and it can be move-constructed even if TYPE is not movable. In addition, the footprint of a Holder object is the same (typically the size of 2 pointers), regardless of the size of TYPE.

First, we define a simple class template modeled after the C++17 standard library std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator template, which is a thin wrapper around a memory_resource pointer. By wrapping the pointer in a class, we avoid some the problems of raw pointers such as accidental use of a null pointer:

template <class TYPE>
class PolymorphicAllocator {
bsl::memory_resource *d_resource_p;
PolymorphicAllocator(bsl::memory_resource *r); // IMPLICIT
TYPE *allocate(std::size_t n);
void deallocate(TYPE *p, size_t n);
bsl::memory_resource *resource() const { return d_resource_p; }

Next, we implement the constructor for PolymorphicAllocator, which stores the pointer argument and defensively checks that it is not null:

template <class TYPE>
PolymorphicAllocator<TYPE>::PolymorphicAllocator(bsl::memory_resource *r)
: d_resource_p(r)
BSLS_ASSERT(0 != r);

Next, we implement the allocation and deallocation functions by forwarding to the corresponding function of the memory resource. Note that the size and alignment of TYPE are used to compute the appropriate number of bytes and alignment to request from the memory resource:

template <class TYPE>
TYPE *PolymorphicAllocator<TYPE>::allocate(std::size_t n)
void *p = d_resource_p->allocate(n * sizeof(TYPE),
return static_cast<TYPE *>(p);
template <class TYPE>
void PolymorphicAllocator<TYPE>::deallocate(TYPE *p, std::size_t n)
d_resource_p->deallocate(p, n * sizeof(TYPE),
Definition bsls_alignmentfromtype.h:376

Now we define our actual Holder template with with data members to hold the memory allocator and a pointer to the contained object:

template <class TYPE>
class Holder {
PolymorphicAllocator<TYPE> d_allocator;
TYPE *d_data_p;

Next, we declare the constructors. Following the pattern for allocator-aware types used in BDE, the public interface contains an allocator_type typedef that can be passed to each constructor. Typically, the allocator constructor argument would be optional, but, because our PolymorphicAllocator has no default constructor (unlike the std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator), the allocator is required for all constructors except the move constructor:

typedef PolymorphicAllocator<TYPE> allocator_type;
explicit Holder(const allocator_type& allocator);
Holder(const TYPE& value, const allocator_type& allocator);
Holder(const Holder& other, const allocator_type& allocator);
Holder(bslmf::MovableRef<Holder> other); // IMPLICIT
const allocator_type& allocator);
Definition bslmf_movableref.h:751

Next, we declare the manipulators and accessors, allowing a Holder to be assigned and giving a client access to its value and allocator:

Holder& operator=(const Holder& rhs);
Holder& operator=(bslmf::MovableRef<Holder> rhs);
TYPE& value() { return *d_data_p; }
bool isEmpty() const { return 0 == d_data_p; }
const TYPE& value() const { return *d_data_p; }
allocator_type get_allocator() const { return d_allocator; }

Next, we'll implement the first constructor, which creates an empty object; its only job is to store the allocator:

template <class TYPE>
Holder<TYPE>::Holder(const allocator_type& allocator)
: d_allocator(allocator)
, d_data_p(0)

Next, we'll implement the second constructor, which allocates memory and constructs an object in it. The try/catch block is needed to free the memory in case the constructor for TYPE throws and exception. An alternative implementation would use an RAII object to automatically free the memory in the case of an exception (see bslma_deallocatorproctor ):

template <class TYPE>
Holder<TYPE>::Holder(const TYPE& value, const allocator_type& allocator)
: d_allocator(allocator)
, d_data_p(0)
d_data_p = d_allocator.allocate(1);
::new(d_data_p) TYPE(value);
d_allocator.deallocate(d_data_p, 1);
#define BSLS_CATCH(X)
Definition bsls_exceptionutil.h:372
#define BSLS_TRY
Definition bsls_exceptionutil.h:370
Definition bsls_exceptionutil.h:378

Next, we'll implement a destructor that deletes the value object and deallocates the allocated memory:

template <class TYPE>
if (! isEmpty()) {
d_data_p->~TYPE(); // Destroy object.
d_allocator.deallocate(d_data_p, 1); // Deallocate memory.

Finally, we've implemented enough of Holder to demonstrate its use. Below, we pass the CountingResource from Example 1 to the constructors several Holder objects. Each non-empty Holder allocates one block of memory, which is reflected in the outstanding block count. Note that the address of the resource can be passed directly to the constructors because PolymorphicAllocator is implicitly convertible from 'bsl::memory_resource *':

int main()
CountingResource rsrc;
Holder<int> h1(&rsrc); // Empty resource
assert(0 == rsrc.blocksOutstanding());
Holder<int> h2(2, &rsrc);
assert(! h2.isEmpty());
assert(1 == rsrc.blocksOutstanding());
Holder<double> h3(3.0, &rsrc);
assert(! h3.isEmpty());
assert(2 == rsrc.blocksOutstanding());
assert(0 == rsrc.blocksOutstanding()); // Destructors freed memory