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bdlcc Namespace Reference
[Component bdlcc_boundedqueueComponent bdlcc_cacheComponent bdlcc_dequeComponent bdlcc_fixedqueueComponent bdlcc_fixedqueueindexmanagerComponent bdlcc_multipriorityqueueComponent bdlcc_objectcatalogComponent bdlcc_objectpoolComponent bdlcc_queueComponent bdlcc_sharedobjectpoolComponent bdlcc_singleconsumerqueueComponent bdlcc_singleconsumerqueueimplComponent bdlcc_singleproducerqueueComponent bdlcc_singleproducerqueueimplComponent bdlcc_singleproducersingleconsumerboundedqueueComponent bdlcc_skiplistComponent bdlcc_stripedunorderedcontainerimplComponent bdlcc_stripedunorderedmapComponent bdlcc_stripedunorderedmultimapComponent bdlcc_timequeue]


class  BoundedQueue_PopCompleteGuard
class  BoundedQueue_PushExceptionCompleteProctor
struct  BoundedQueue_Node< TYPE, true >
struct  BoundedQueue_Node< TYPE, false >
class  BoundedQueue
struct  CacheEvictionPolicy
class  Cache_QueueProctor
class  Cache
class  Cache_TestUtil
class  Deque
class  FixedQueue
class  FixedQueue_PopGuard
class  FixedQueue_PushProctor
class  FixedQueueIndexManager
class  MultipriorityQueue_Node
class  MultipriorityQueue
class  ObjectCatalog_AutoCleanup
class  ObjectCatalog
class  ObjectCatalogIter
struct  ObjectPoolFunctors
class  ObjectPool_CreatorConverter
class  ObjectPool_CreatorConverter< ObjectPoolFunctors::DefaultCreator, bsl::function< void(void *)> >
class  ObjectPool_GeneralProxy
class  ObjectPool_DefaultProxy
struct  ObjectPool_ProxyPicker
struct  ObjectPool_ProxyPicker< ObjectPoolFunctors::DefaultCreator >
class  ObjectPool
class  Queue
class  SharedObjectPool_Rep
class  SharedObjectPool
class  SingleConsumerQueue
class  SingleConsumerQueueImpl_MarkReclaimProctor
class  SingleConsumerQueueImpl_PopCompleteGuard
class  SingleConsumerQueueImpl_AllocateLockGuard
class  SingleConsumerQueueImpl
class  SingleProducerQueue
class  SingleProducerQueueImpl_ReleaseAllRawProctor
class  SingleProducerQueueImpl_PopCompleteGuard
class  SingleProducerQueueImpl
class  SingleProducerSingleConsumerBoundedQueue_PopCompleteGuard
class  SingleProducerSingleConsumerBoundedQueue
struct  SkipList_Node
class  SkipList_DoubleLockGuard
class  SkipList_RandomLevelGenerator
struct  SkipList_PoolUtil
class  SkipList_NodeCreationHelper
class  SkipListPair
class  SkipListPairHandle
class  SkipList
class  StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_Node
class  StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_Bucket
class  StripedUnorderedContainerImpl
class  StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_TestUtil
class  StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_LockElement
class  StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_LockElementReadGuard
class  StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_LockElementWriteGuard
struct  StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_SortItem
class  StripedUnorderedMap
class  StripedUnorderedMultiMap
class  TimeQueue
class  TimeQueueItem


template<class KEY , class DATA >
bool operator== (const SkipList< KEY, DATA > &lhs, const SkipList< KEY, DATA > &rhs)
template<class KEY , class DATA >
bool operator!= (const SkipList< KEY, DATA > &lhs, const SkipList< KEY, DATA > &rhs)
template<class KEY , class DATA >
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const SkipList< KEY, DATA > &list)
bool operator< (const StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_SortItem &lhs, const StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_SortItem &rhs)

Function Documentation

template<class KEY , class DATA >
bool bdlcc::operator== ( const SkipList< KEY, DATA > &  lhs,
const SkipList< KEY, DATA > &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs list has the same value as the specified rhs list, and false otherwise. Two lists A and B have the same value if they have the same number of elements, and if for all i in the range [0, numberOfElements), the i'th pair from the front of A has the same key and data values as the i'th pair from the front of B. Note that if there are duplicate key values in a list, the order of iteration over those pairs may be different than for another list that was constructed from the same sequence of values (and thus the lists may not compare equal).

template<class KEY , class DATA >
bool bdlcc::operator!= ( const SkipList< KEY, DATA > &  lhs,
const SkipList< KEY, DATA > &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs list list has a different value from the specified rhs list, and false otherwise. Two lists A and B have different values if they have a different of elements, or if there exists an i in the range [0, numberOfElements) such that the i'th pair from the front of A differs in key or data values from i'th pair from the front of B.

template<class KEY , class DATA >
bsl::ostream& bdlcc::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const SkipList< KEY, DATA > &  list 

Write the specified list to the specified output stream and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

bool bdlcc::operator< ( const StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_SortItem &  lhs,
const StripedUnorderedContainerImpl_SortItem &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs is smaller than the specified rhs in the order of stripe, and data.