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bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL > Class Template Reference

#include <bdlcc_cache.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef bsl::shared_ptr< VALUE > ValuePtrType
typedef bsl::function< void(const
ValuePtrType &)> 
typedef bsl::pair< KEY,

Public Member Functions

 Cache (bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
 Cache (CacheEvictionPolicy::Enum evictionPolicy, bsl::size_t lowWatermark, bsl::size_t highWatermark, bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
 Cache (CacheEvictionPolicy::Enum evictionPolicy, bsl::size_t lowWatermark, bsl::size_t highWatermark, const HASH &hashFunction, const EQUAL &equalFunction, bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
 ~Cache ()
void clear ()
int erase (const KEY &key)
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
int eraseBulk (INPUT_ITERATOR begin, INPUT_ITERATOR end)
int eraseBulk (const bsl::vector< KEY > &keys)
void insert (const KEY &key, const VALUE &value)
void insert (const KEY &key, bslmf::MovableRef< VALUE > value)
void insert (bslmf::MovableRef< KEY > key, const VALUE &value)
void insert (bslmf::MovableRef< KEY > key, bslmf::MovableRef< VALUE > value)
void insert (const KEY &key, const ValuePtrType &valuePtr)
void insert (bslmf::MovableRef< KEY > key, const ValuePtrType &valuePtr)
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
int insertBulk (INPUT_ITERATOR begin, INPUT_ITERATOR end)
int insertBulk (const bsl::vector< KVType > &data)
int insertBulk (bslmf::MovableRef< bsl::vector< KVType > > data)
int popFront ()
void setPostEvictionCallback (const PostEvictionCallback &postEvictionCallback)
int tryGetValue (bsl::shared_ptr< VALUE > *value, const KEY &key, bool modifyEvictionQueue=true)
EQUAL equalFunction () const
CacheEvictionPolicy::Enum evictionPolicy () const
HASH hashFunction () const
bsl::size_t highWatermark () const
bsl::size_t lowWatermark () const
bsl::size_t size () const
template<class VISITOR >
void visit (VISITOR &visitor) const


class Cache_TestUtil< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >

Detailed Description

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
class bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >

This class represents a simple in-process key-value store supporting a variety of eviction policies.

See Component bdlcc_cache

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
typedef bsl::shared_ptr<VALUE> bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::ValuePtrType
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
typedef bsl::function<void(const ValuePtrType&)> bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::PostEvictionCallback

Type of function to call after an item has been evicted from the cache.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
typedef bsl::pair<KEY, ValuePtrType> bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::KVType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::Cache ( bslma::Allocator basicAllocator = 0  )  [explicit]

Create an empty LRU cache having no size limit. Optionally specify a basicAllocator used to supply memory. If basicAllocator is 0, the currently installed default allocator is used.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::Cache ( CacheEvictionPolicy::Enum  evictionPolicy,
bsl::size_t  lowWatermark,
bsl::size_t  highWatermark,
bslma::Allocator basicAllocator = 0 

Create an empty cache using the specified evictionPolicy and the specified lowWatermark and highWatermark. Optionally specify the basicAllocator used to supply memory. If basicAllocator is 0, the currently installed default allocator is used. The behavior is undefined unless lowWatermark <= highWatermark, 1 <= lowWatermark, and 1 <= highWatermark.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::Cache ( CacheEvictionPolicy::Enum  evictionPolicy,
bsl::size_t  lowWatermark,
bsl::size_t  highWatermark,
const HASH &  hashFunction,
const EQUAL &  equalFunction,
bslma::Allocator basicAllocator = 0 

Create an empty cache using the specified evictionPolicy, lowWatermark, and highWatermark. The specified hashFunction is used to generate the hash values for a given key, and the specified equalFunction is used to determine whether two keys have the same value. Optionally specify the basicAllocator used to supply memory. If basicAllocator is 0, the currently installed default allocator is used. The behavior is undefined unless lowWatermark <= highWatermark, 1 <= lowWatermark, and 1 <= highWatermark.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::~Cache (  ) 

Destroy this object.

Member Function Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::clear (  ) 

Remove all items from this cache. Do not invoke the post-eviction callback.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::erase ( const KEY &  key  ) 

Remove the item having the specified key from this cache. Invoke the post-eviction callback for the removed item. Return 0 on success and 1 if key does not exist.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
int bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::eraseBulk ( INPUT_ITERATOR  begin,

Remove the items having the keys in the specified range [ begin, end ), from this cache. Invoke the post-eviction callback for each removed item. Return the number of items successfully removed.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::eraseBulk ( const bsl::vector< KEY > &  keys  ) 

Remove the items having the specified keys from this cache. Invoke the post-eviction callback for each removed item. Return the number of items successfully removed.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insert ( const KEY &  key,
const VALUE &  value 
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insert ( const KEY &  key,
bslmf::MovableRef< VALUE >  value 
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insert ( bslmf::MovableRef< KEY >  key,
const VALUE &  value 
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insert ( bslmf::MovableRef< KEY >  key,
bslmf::MovableRef< VALUE >  value 

Move the specified key and its associated value into this cache. If key already exists, then its value will be replaced with value. Note that all the methods that take moved objects provide the basic but not the strong exception guarantee -- throws may occur after the objects are moved out of; the cache will not be modified, but key or value may be changed. Also note that key must be copyable, even if it is moved.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insert ( const KEY &  key,
const ValuePtrType valuePtr 
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insert ( bslmf::MovableRef< KEY >  key,
const ValuePtrType valuePtr 

Insert the specified key and its associated valuePtr into this cache. If key already exists, then its value will be replaced with value. Note that the method with key moved provides the basic but not the strong exception guarantee -- if a throw occurs, the cache will not be modified, but key may be changed. Also note that key must be copyable, even if it is moved.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
template<class INPUT_ITERATOR >
int bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insertBulk ( INPUT_ITERATOR  begin,

Insert the specified range of Key-Value pairs specified by [ begin, end ) into this cache. If a key already exists, then its value will be replaced with the value. Return the number of items successfully inserted.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insertBulk ( const bsl::vector< KVType > &  data  ) 

Insert the specified data (composed of Key-Value pairs) into this cache. If a key already exists, then its value will be replaced with the value. Return the number of items successfully inserted.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insertBulk ( bslmf::MovableRef< bsl::vector< KVType > >  data  ) 

Insert the specified data (composed of Key-Value pairs) into this cache. If a key already exists, then its value will be replaced with the value. Return the number of items successfully inserted. If an exception occurs during this action, we provide only the basic guarantee - both this cache and data will be in some valid but unspecified state.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::popFront (  ) 

Remove the item at the front of the eviction queue. Invoke the post-eviction callback for the removed item. Return 0 on success, and 1 if this cache is empty.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::setPostEvictionCallback ( const PostEvictionCallback postEvictionCallback  ) 

Set the post-eviction callback to the specified postEvictionCallback. The post-eviction callback is invoked for each item evicted or removed from this cache.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::tryGetValue ( bsl::shared_ptr< VALUE > *  value,
const KEY &  key,
bool  modifyEvictionQueue = true 

Load, into the specified value, the value associated with the specified key in this cache. If the optionally specified modifyEvictionQueue is true and the eviction policy is LRU, then move the cached item to the back of the eviction queue. Return 0 on success, and 1 if key does not exist in this cache. Note that a write lock is acquired only if this queue is modified.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
EQUAL bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::equalFunction (  )  const

Return (a copy of) the key-equality functor used by this cache that returns true if two KEY objects have the same value, and false otherwise.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
CacheEvictionPolicy::Enum bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::evictionPolicy (  )  const

Return the eviction policy used by this cache.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
HASH bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::hashFunction (  )  const

Return (a copy of) the unary hash functor used by this cache to generate a hash value (of type std::size_t) for a KEY object.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::highWatermark (  )  const

Return the high watermark of this cache, which is the size at which eviction of existing items begins.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::lowWatermark (  )  const

Return the low watermark of this cache, which is the size at which eviction of existing items ends.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::size (  )  const

Return the current size of this cache.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
template<class VISITOR >
void bdlcc::Cache< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::visit ( VISITOR &  visitor  )  const

Call the specified visitor for every item stored in this cache in the order of the eviction queue until visitor returns false. The VISITOR type must be a callable object that can be invoked in the same way as the function bool (const KEY&, const VALUE&)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
friend class Cache_TestUtil< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL > [friend]

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