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bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL > Class Template Reference

#include <bdlcc_stripedunorderedmultimap.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef bsl::pair< KEY, VALUE > KVType
typedef bsl::function< bool(VALUE
*, const KEY &) 
VisitorFunction )
typedef bsl::function< bool(const
VALUE &, const KEY &)> 

Public Member Functions

 StripedUnorderedMultiMap (bsl::size_t numInitialBuckets=k_DEFAULT_NUM_BUCKETS, bsl::size_t numStripes=k_DEFAULT_NUM_STRIPES, bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
 StripedUnorderedMultiMap (bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
 ~StripedUnorderedMultiMap ()
void clear ()
void disableRehash ()
void enableRehash ()
bsl::size_t eraseAll (const KEY &key)
template<class RANDOM_ITER >
bsl::size_t eraseBulkAll (RANDOM_ITER first, RANDOM_ITER last)
bsl::size_t eraseFirst (const KEY &key)
void insert (const KEY &key, const VALUE &value)
void insert (const KEY &key, bslmf::MovableRef< VALUE > value)
template<class RANDOM_ITER >
void insertBulk (RANDOM_ITER first, RANDOM_ITER last)
void maxLoadFactor (float newMaxLoadFactor)
void rehash (bsl::size_t numBuckets)
int setComputedValueAll (const KEY &key, const VisitorFunction &visitor)
int setComputedValueFirst (const KEY &key, const VisitorFunction &visitor)
bsl::size_t setValueAll (const KEY &key, const VALUE &value)
bsl::size_t setValueFirst (const KEY &key, const VALUE &value)
bsl::size_t setValueFirst (const KEY &key, bslmf::MovableRef< VALUE > value)
int update (const KEY &key, const VisitorFunction &visitor)
int visit (const VisitorFunction &visitor)
int visit (const KEY &key, const VisitorFunction &visitor)
bsl::size_t bucketCount () const
bsl::size_t bucketIndex (const KEY &key) const
bsl::size_t bucketSize (bsl::size_t index) const
bool empty () const
EQUAL equalFunction () const
bsl::size_t getValueAll (bsl::vector< VALUE > *valuesPtr, const KEY &key) const
bsl::size_t getValueAll (std::vector< VALUE > *valuesPtr, const KEY &key) const
bsl::size_t getValueFirst (VALUE *value, const KEY &key) const
HASH hashFunction () const
bool isRehashEnabled () const
float loadFactor () const
float maxLoadFactor () const
bsl::size_t numStripes () const
int visitReadOnly (const ReadOnlyVisitorFunction &visitor) const
int visitReadOnly (const KEY &key, const ReadOnlyVisitorFunction &visitor) const
bsl::size_t size () const
bslma::Allocatorallocator () const

Detailed Description

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
class bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >

This class template defines a fully thread-safe container that provides a mapping from keys (of template parameter type KEY) to their associated mapped values (of template parameter type VALUE).

The buckets of this hash map are guarded by numStripes reader-writer locks, a value specified on construction. Partitioning the buckets among several locks allows greater overall concurrency than a bsl::unordered_multimap object guarded by a single lock.

The interface is inspired by, but not identical to that of bsl::unordered_multimap. Notably absent are iterators, which are of limited practicality in the typical use case because they are readily invalidated when the map population is open to modification by multiple threads.

See Component bdlcc_stripedunorderedmultimap

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
typedef bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE> bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::KVType
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
typedef bsl::function<bool (VALUE *, const KEY&) bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::VisitorFunction)

An alias to a function meeting the following contract:

          bool visitorFunction(VALUE *value, const KEY& key);
              // Visit the specified 'value' attribute associated with the
              // specified 'key'.  Return 'true' if this function may be
              // called on additional elements, and 'false' otherwise (i.e.,
              // if no other elements should be visited).  Note that this
              // functor can change the value associated with 'key'.
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
typedef bsl::function<bool (const VALUE&, const KEY&)> bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::ReadOnlyVisitorFunction

An alias to a function meeting the following contract:

          bool readOnlyVisitorFunction(const VALUE& value, const KEY& key);
              // Visit the specified 'value' attribute associated with the
              // specified 'key'.  Return 'true' if this function may be
              // called on additional elements, and 'false' otherwise (i.e.,
              // if no other elements should be visited).  Note that this
              // functor can *not* change the values associated with 'key'
              // and 'value'.

Member Enumeration Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
anonymous enum

Default number of buckets.


Default number of stripes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::StripedUnorderedMultiMap ( bsl::size_t  numInitialBuckets = k_DEFAULT_NUM_BUCKETS,
bsl::size_t  numStripes = k_DEFAULT_NUM_STRIPES,
bslma::Allocator basicAllocator = 0 
) [explicit]
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::StripedUnorderedMultiMap ( bslma::Allocator basicAllocator  )  [explicit]

Create an empty StripedUnorderedMultiMap object, a fully thread-safe hash map where access is partitioned into "stripes" (a group of buckets protected a reader-writer mutex). Optionally specify numInitialBuckets and numStripes which define the minimum number of buckets and the (fixed) number of stripes in this map. Optionally specify a basicAllocator used to supply memory. If basicAllocator is 0, the currently installed default allocator is used. The hash map has rehash enabled. Note that the number of stripes will not change after construction, but the number of buckets may (unless rehashing is disabled via disableRehash).

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::~StripedUnorderedMultiMap (  ) 

Destroy this hash map.

Member Function Documentation

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::clear (  ) 

Remove all elements from this hash map. If rehash is in progress, block until it completes.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::disableRehash (  ) 

Prevent future rehash until enableRehash is called.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::enableRehash (  ) 

Allow rehash. If conditions warrant, rehash will be started by the next method call that observes the load factor is exceeded (see Concurrent Rehash). Note that calling maxLoadFactor(maxLoadFactor()) (i.e., setting the maximum load factor to its current value) will trigger a rehash if needed but otherwise does not change the hash map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::eraseAll ( const KEY &  key  ) 

Erase from this hash map the elements having the specified key. Return the number of elements erased.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
template<class RANDOM_ITER >
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::eraseBulkAll ( RANDOM_ITER  first,

Erase from this hash map elements in this hash map having any of the values in the keys contained between the specified first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) random-access iterators. The iterators provide read access to a sequence of KEY objects. All erasures are done by the calling thread and the order of erasure is not specified. Return the number of elements removed. The behavior is undefined unless first <= last. Note that the map may not have an element for every value in keys.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::eraseFirst ( const KEY &  key  ) 

Erase from this hash map the first element (of possibly many) found to the specified key. Return the number of elements erased. Note that method is more performant than eraseAll when there is one element having key.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insert ( const KEY &  key,
const VALUE &  value 

Insert into this hash map an element having the specified key and value. Note that other elements having the same key may exist in this hash map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insert ( const KEY &  key,
bslmf::MovableRef< VALUE >  value 

Insert into this hash map an element having the specified key and the specified move-insertable value. The value object is left in a valid but unspecified state. If value is allocator-enabled and allocator() != value.allocator() this operation may cost as much as a copy. Note that other elements having the same key may exist in this hash map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
template<class RANDOM_ITER >
void bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::insertBulk ( RANDOM_ITER  first,

Insert into this hash map elements having the key-value pairs obtained between the specified first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) random-access iterators. The iterators provide read access to a sequence of bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE> objects. All insertions are done by the calling thread and the order of insertion is not specified. The behavior is undefined unless first <= last.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::maxLoadFactor ( float  newMaxLoadFactor  ) 

Set the maximum load factor of this unordered map to the specified newMaxLoadFactor. If newMaxLoadFactor < loadFactor(), this operation will cause an immediate rehash; otherwise, this operation has a constant-time cost. The rehash will increase the number of buckets by a power of 2. The behavior is undefined unless 0 < newMaxLoadFactor.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
void bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::rehash ( bsl::size_t  numBuckets  ) 

Recreate this hash map to one having at least the specified numBuckets. This operation is a no-op if any of the following are true: 1) rehash is disabled; 2) numBuckets less or equals the current number of buckets. See Rehash.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::setComputedValueAll ( const KEY &  key,
const VisitorFunction visitor 

Serially invoke the specified visitor passing the specified key, and the address of the value of each element in this hash map having key. If key is not in the map, value will be default constructed. That is, for each (key, value) found, invoke:

          bool visitor(VALUE *value, const Key& key);

If no element in the map has key, insert (key, VALUE()) and invoke visitor with value pointing to the default constructed value. Return the number of elements visited or the negation of that value if visitations stopped because visitor returned false. visitor, when invoked, has exclusive access (i.e., write access) to each element during each invocation. The behavior is undefined if hash map manipulators and getValue* methods are invoked from within visitor, as it may lead to a deadlock. Note that the setComputedValueFirst method is more performant than the when the hash map contains a single element for key. Also note that a return value of 0 implies that an element was inserted.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::setComputedValueFirst ( const KEY &  key,
const VisitorFunction visitor 

Invoke the specified visitor passing the specified key, and the address of the value attribute of the first element (of possibly many elements) found in this hash map having key. If key is not in the map, value will be default constructed. That is, for (key, value), invoke:

          bool visitor(VALUE *value, const Key& key);

If no element in the map has key, insert (key, VALUE()) and invoke visitor with value pointing to the default constructed value. Return 1 if key was found and visitor returned true, 0 if key was not found, and -1 if key was found and visitor returned false. visitor, when invoked, has exclusive access (i.e., write access) to the element. The behavior is undefined if hash map manipulators and getValue* methods are invoked from within visitor, as it may lead to a deadlock. Note that the return value equals the number of elements inserted. Also note that, when there are multiple elements having key, the selection of "first" is implementation specific and subject to change. Also note that this method is more performant than the setComputedValueAll method when the hash map contains a single element for key. Also note that a return value of 0 implies that an element was inserted.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::setValueAll ( const KEY &  key,
const VALUE &  value 

Set the value attribute of every element in this hash map having the specified key to the specified value. If no such such element exists, insert (key, value). Return the number of elements found with key. Note that if no elements were found, and a new value was inserted, 0 is returned.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::setValueFirst ( const KEY &  key,
const VALUE &  value 

Set the value attribute of the first element in this hash map (of possibly many) found to have the specified key to the specified value. If no such such element exists, insert (key, value). Return the number of elements found with key. Note that if no elements were found, and a new value was inserted, 0 is returned. Also note that this method is more performant than setValueAll when there is one element having key in the hash map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::setValueFirst ( const KEY &  key,
bslmf::MovableRef< VALUE >  value 

Set the value attribute of the first element in this hash map (of possibly many) found to have the specified key to the specified move-insertable value. If no such such element exists, insert (key, value). Return the number of elements found with key. The value object is left in a valid but unspecified state. If value is allocator-enabled and allocator() != value.allocator() this operation may cost as much as a copy. Note that if no elements were found, and a new value was inserted, 0 is returned. Also note that this method is more performant than setValueAll when there is one element having key in the hash map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::update ( const KEY &  key,
const VisitorFunction visitor 

DEPRECATED: Use visit(key, visitor) instead.

Serially call the specified visitor on each element (if one exists) in this hash map having the specified key until every such element has been updated or visitor returns false. That is, for (key, value), invoke:

          bool visitor(&value, key);

Return the number of elements visited or the negation of that value if visitations stopped because visitor returned false. visitor has exclusive access (i.e., write access) to each element for duration of each invocation. The behavior is undefined if hash map manipulators and getValue* methods are invoked from within visitor, as it may lead to a deadlock.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::visit ( const VisitorFunction visitor  ) 

Call the specified visitor (in an unspecified order) on the elements in this hash table until each such element has been visited or visitor returns false. That is, for (key, value), invoke:

          bool visitor(&value, key);

Return the number of elements visited or the negation of that value if visitations stopped because visitor returned false. visitor has exclusive access (i.e., write access) to each element for duration of each invocation. Every element present in this hash map at the time visit is invoked will be visited unless it is removed before visitor is called for that element. Each visitation is done by the calling thread and the order of visitation is not specified. Elements inserted during the execution of visit may or may not be visited. The behavior is undefined if hash map manipulators and getValue* methods are invoked from within visitor, as it may lead to a deadlock. Note that visitor can change the value of the visited elements.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::visit ( const KEY &  key,
const VisitorFunction visitor 

Serially call the specified visitor on each element (if one exists) in this hash map having the specified key until every such element has been updated or visitor returns false. That is, for (key, value), invoke:

          bool visitor(&value, key);

Return the number of elements visited or the negation of that value if visitations stopped because visitor returned false. visitor has exclusive access (i.e., write access) to each element for duration of each invocation. The behavior is undefined if hash map manipulators and getValue* methods are invoked from within visitor, as it may lead to a deadlock.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::bucketCount (  )  const

Return the number of buckets in the array of buckets maintained by this hash map. Note that unless rehash is disabled, the value returned may be obsolete by the time it is received.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::bucketIndex ( const KEY &  key  )  const

Return the index of the bucket, in the array of buckets maintained by this hash map, where elements having the specified key are inserted. Note that unless rehash is disabled, the value returned may be obsolete at the time it is returned.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::bucketSize ( bsl::size_t  index  )  const

Return the number of elements contained in the bucket at the specified index in the array of buckets maintained by this hash map. The behavior is undefined unless 0 <= index < bucketCount(). Note that unless rehash is disabled the value returned may be obsolete by the time it is returned.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bool bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::empty (  )  const

Return true if this hash map contains no elements, and false otherwise.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
EQUAL bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::equalFunction (  )  const

Return (a copy of) the key-equality functor used by this hash map. The returned function will return true if two KEY objects have the same value, and false otherwise.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::getValueAll ( bsl::vector< VALUE > *  valuesPtr,
const KEY &  key 
) const
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::getValueAll ( std::vector< VALUE > *  valuesPtr,
const KEY &  key 
) const
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::getValueFirst ( VALUE *  value,
const KEY &  key 
) const

Load, into the specified *value, the value attribute of the first element found in this hash map having the specified key. Return 1 on success, and 0 if key does not exist in this hash map. Note that the return value equals the number of values returned.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
HASH bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::hashFunction (  )  const

Return (a copy of) the unary hash functor used by this hash map. The return function will generate a hash value (of type std::size_t) for a KEY object.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bool bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::isRehashEnabled (  )  const

Return true if rehash is enabled, or false otherwise.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
float bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::loadFactor (  )  const

Return the current quotient of the size of this hash map and the number of buckets. Note that the load factor is a measure of container "fullness"; that is, a high load factor typically implies many collisions (many elements landing in the same bucket) and that decreases performance. See Rehash Control.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
float bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::maxLoadFactor (  )  const

Return the maximum load factor allowed for this hash map. If an insert operation would cause the load factor to exceed the maxLoadFactor() and rehashing is enabled, then that insert increases the number of buckets and rehashes the elements of the container into that larger set of buckets. See Rehash Control.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::numStripes (  )  const

Return the number of stripes in the hash.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::visitReadOnly ( const ReadOnlyVisitorFunction visitor  )  const

Call the specified visitor (in an unspecified order) on the elements in this hash table until each such element has been visited or visitor returns false. That is, for (key, value), invoke:

          bool visitor(value, key);

Return the number of elements visited or the negation of that value if visitations stopped because visitor returned false. visitor has read-only access to each element for duration of each invocation. Every element present in this hash map at the time visit is invoked will be visited unless it is removed before visitor is called for that element. Each visitation is done by the calling thread and the order of visitation is not specified. The behavior is undefined if hash map manipulators are invoked from within visitor, as it may lead to a deadlock. Note that visitor can not change the value of the visited elements.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
int bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::visitReadOnly ( const KEY &  key,
const ReadOnlyVisitorFunction visitor 
) const

Serially call the specified visitor on each element (if one exists) in this hash map having the specified key until every such element has been visited or visitor returns false. That is, for (key, value), invoke:

          bool visitor(value, key);

Return the number of elements visited or the negation of that value if visitations stopped because visitor returned false. visitor has read-only access to each element for duration of each invocation. The behavior is undefined if hash map manipulators are invoked from within visitor, as it may lead to a deadlock.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bsl::size_t bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::size (  )  const

Return the current number of elements in this hash map.

template<class KEY, class VALUE, class HASH = bsl::hash<KEY>, class EQUAL = bsl::equal_to<KEY>>
bslma::Allocator* bdlcc::StripedUnorderedMultiMap< KEY, VALUE, HASH, EQUAL >::allocator (  )  const

Return the allocator used by this hash map to supply memory. Note that if no allocator was supplied at construction the default allocator installed at that time is used.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: