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bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA > Class Template Reference

#include <bdlcc_timequeue.h>

List of all members.


struct  IsVector
class  Key
struct  Node

Public Types

typedef int Handle

Public Member Functions

 TimeQueue (bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
 TimeQueue (int numIndexBits, bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
 TimeQueue (bool poolTimerMemory, bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
 TimeQueue (int numIndexBits, bool poolTimerMemory, bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
 ~TimeQueue ()
Handle add (const bsls::TimeInterval &time, const DATA &data, int *isNewTop=0, int *newLength=0)
Handle add (const bsls::TimeInterval &time, const DATA &data, const Key &key, int *isNewTop=0, int *newLength=0)
Handle add (const TimeQueueItem< DATA > &item, int *isNewTop=0, int *newLength=0)
int popFront (TimeQueueItem< DATA > *buffer=0, int *newLength=0, bsls::TimeInterval *newMinTime=0)
void popLE (const bsls::TimeInterval &time)
void popLE (const bsls::TimeInterval &time, bsl::vector< TimeQueueItem< DATA > > *buffer, int *newLength=0, bsls::TimeInterval *newMinTime=0)
void popLE (const bsls::TimeInterval &time, std::vector< TimeQueueItem< DATA > > *buffer, int *newLength=0, bsls::TimeInterval *newMinTime=0)
void popLE (const bsls::TimeInterval &time, int maxTimers)
void popLE (const bsls::TimeInterval &time, int maxTimers, bsl::vector< TimeQueueItem< DATA > > *buffer, int *newLength=0, bsls::TimeInterval *newMinTime=0)
void popLE (const bsls::TimeInterval &time, int maxTimers, std::vector< TimeQueueItem< DATA > > *buffer, int *newLength=0, bsls::TimeInterval *newMinTime=0)
int remove (Handle handle, int *newLength=0, bsls::TimeInterval *newMinTime=0, TimeQueueItem< DATA > *item=0)
int remove (Handle handle, const Key &key, int *newLength=0, bsls::TimeInterval *newMinTime=0, TimeQueueItem< DATA > *item=0)
void removeAll (bsl::vector< TimeQueueItem< DATA > > *buffer=0)
int update (Handle handle, const bsls::TimeInterval &newTime, int *isNewTop=0)
int update (Handle handle, const Key &key, const bsls::TimeInterval &newTime, int *isNewTop=0)
int length () const
bool isRegisteredHandle (Handle handle) const
bool isRegisteredHandle (Handle handle, const Key &key) const
int minTime (bsls::TimeInterval *buffer) const
int countLE (const bsls::TimeInterval &time) const

Detailed Description

template<class DATA>
class bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >

This parameterized class provides a public interface which is similar in structure and intent to Queue<DATA>, with the exception that each item stored in the TimeQueue has an associated time value. Items are retrieved or exchanged by proxy of a TimeQueueItem<DATA>, and are referred to by an opaque data type TimeQueue::Handle which serves to identify an individual element on the Time Queue. Idiomatic usage of TimeQueue includes the member function popLE, which finds all items on the queue whose bsls::TimeInterval are less than a specified value and transfers those items to a provided vector of items, and the member function update, which can update the time value for a specific TimeQueueItem without removing it from the queue.

See Component bdlcc_timequeue

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class DATA>
typedef int bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::Handle

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class DATA>
bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::TimeQueue ( bslma::Allocator basicAllocator = 0  )  [explicit]
template<class DATA>
bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::TimeQueue ( int  numIndexBits,
bslma::Allocator basicAllocator = 0 
) [explicit]

Create an empty time queue. Optionally specify numIndexBits to configure the number of index bits used by this object. If numIndexBits is not specified a default value of 17 is used. Optionally specify a basicAllocator used to supply memory. If basicAllocator is 0, the currently installed default allocator is used. The behavior is undefined unless 8 <= numIndexBits <= 24. See the component-level documentation for more information regarding numIndexBits.

template<class DATA>
bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::TimeQueue ( bool  poolTimerMemory,
bslma::Allocator basicAllocator = 0 
) [explicit]
template<class DATA>
bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::TimeQueue ( int  numIndexBits,
bool  poolTimerMemory,
bslma::Allocator basicAllocator = 0 

[!DEPRECATED!] Use the other constructor overloads instead. Note that the specified poolTimerMemory argument controlled whether additional memory used by an internal bsl::map was pooled. When bsl::map was modified to pool its own nodes, this option became irrelevant and is now ignored.

template<class DATA>
bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::~TimeQueue (  ) 

Destroy this time queue.

Member Function Documentation

template<class DATA>
Handle bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::add ( const bsls::TimeInterval time,
const DATA &  data,
int *  isNewTop = 0,
int *  newLength = 0 
template<class DATA>
Handle bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::add ( const bsls::TimeInterval time,
const DATA &  data,
const Key key,
int *  isNewTop = 0,
int *  newLength = 0 

Add a new item to this queue having the specified time value, and associated data. Optionally use the specified key to uniquely identify the item in subsequent calls to remove and update. Optionally load into the optionally specified isNewTop a non-zero value if the item is now the lowest item in this queue, and a 0 value otherwise. If specified, load into the optionally specified newLength, the new number of items in this queue. Return a value that may be used to identify the newly added item in future calls to time queue on success, and -1 if the maximum queue length has been reached.

template<class DATA>
Handle bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::add ( const TimeQueueItem< DATA > &  item,
int *  isNewTop = 0,
int *  newLength = 0 

Add the value of the specified item to this queue. Optionally load into the optionally specified isNewTop a non-zero value if the replaces is now the lowest element in this queue, and a 0 value otherwise. If specified, load into the optionally specified newLength, the new number of elements in this queue. Return a value that may be used to identify the newly added item in future calls to time queue on success, and -1 if the maximum queue length has been reached.

template<class DATA>
int bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::popFront ( TimeQueueItem< DATA > *  buffer = 0,
int *  newLength = 0,
bsls::TimeInterval newMinTime = 0 

Atomically remove the top item from this queue, and optionally load into the optionally specified buffer the time and associated data of the item removed. Optionally load into the optionally specified newLength, the number of items remaining in the queue. Optionally load into the optionally specified newMinTime the new lowest time in this queue. Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value if there are no items in the queue. Note that if DATA follows the bdema allocator model, the allocator of the buffer is used to supply memory.

template<class DATA>
void bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::popLE ( const bsls::TimeInterval time  ) 
template<class DATA>
void bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::popLE ( const bsls::TimeInterval time,
bsl::vector< TimeQueueItem< DATA > > *  buffer,
int *  newLength = 0,
bsls::TimeInterval newMinTime = 0 
template<class DATA>
void bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::popLE ( const bsls::TimeInterval time,
std::vector< TimeQueueItem< DATA > > *  buffer,
int *  newLength = 0,
bsls::TimeInterval newMinTime = 0 

Remove from this queue all the items that have a time value less than or equal to the specified time, and optionally append into the optionally specified buffer a list of the removed items, ordered by their corresponding time values (top item first). Optionally load into the optionally specified newLength the number of items remaining in this queue, and into the optionally specified newMinTime the lowest remaining time value in this queue. Note that newMinTime is only loaded if there are items remaining in the time queue; therefore, newLength should be specified and examined to determine whether items remain, and newMinTime used only when newLength > 0. Also note that if DATA follows the bdema allocator model, the allocator of the buffer vector is used to supply memory for the items appended to the buffer.

template<class DATA>
void bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::popLE ( const bsls::TimeInterval time,
int  maxTimers 
template<class DATA>
void bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::popLE ( const bsls::TimeInterval time,
int  maxTimers,
bsl::vector< TimeQueueItem< DATA > > *  buffer,
int *  newLength = 0,
bsls::TimeInterval newMinTime = 0 
template<class DATA>
void bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::popLE ( const bsls::TimeInterval time,
int  maxTimers,
std::vector< TimeQueueItem< DATA > > *  buffer,
int *  newLength = 0,
bsls::TimeInterval newMinTime = 0 

Remove from this queue up to the specified maxTimers number of items that have a time value less than or equal to the specified time, and optionally append into the optionally specified buffer a list of the removed items, ordered by their corresponding time values (top item first). Optionally load into the optionally specified newLength the number of items remaining in this queue, and into the optionally specified newMinTime the lowest remaining time value in this queue. The behavior is undefined unless maxTimers >= 0. Note that newMinTime is only loaded if there are items remaining in the time queue; therefore, newLength should be specified and examined to determine whether items remain, and newMinTime used only when newLength > 0. Also note that if DATA follows the bdema allocator model, the allocator of the buffer vector is used to supply memory. Note finally that all the items appended into buffer have a time value less than or equal to the elements remaining in this queue.

template<class DATA>
int bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::remove ( Handle  handle,
int *  newLength = 0,
bsls::TimeInterval newMinTime = 0,
TimeQueueItem< DATA > *  item = 0 
template<class DATA>
int bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::remove ( Handle  handle,
const Key key,
int *  newLength = 0,
bsls::TimeInterval newMinTime = 0,
TimeQueueItem< DATA > *  item = 0 

Remove from this queue the item having the specified handle, and optionally load into the optionally specified item the time and data values of the recently removed item. Optionally use the specified key to uniquely identify the item. If specified, load into the optionally specified newMinTime, the resulting lowest time value remaining in the queue. Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value if no item with the handle exists in the queue. Note that if DATA follows the bdema allocator model, the allocator of the item instance is used to supply memory.

template<class DATA>
void bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::removeAll ( bsl::vector< TimeQueueItem< DATA > > *  buffer = 0  ) 

Remove all the items from this queue. Optionally specify a buffer in which to load the removed items. The resultant items in the buffer are ordered by increasing time interval; items of equivalent time interval have arbitrary ordering. Note that the allocator of the buffer vector is used to supply memory.

template<class DATA>
int bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::update ( Handle  handle,
const bsls::TimeInterval newTime,
int *  isNewTop = 0 
template<class DATA>
int bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::update ( Handle  handle,
const Key key,
const bsls::TimeInterval newTime,
int *  isNewTop = 0 

Update the time value of the item having the specified handle to the specified newTime and optionally load into the optionally specified isNewTop a non-zero value if the modified item is now the lowest time value in the time queue or zero otherwise. Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value if there is currently no item having the handle registered with this time queue.

template<class DATA>
int bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::length (  )  const

Return number of items in this queue. Note that the value returned may be obsolete by the time it is received.

template<class DATA>
bool bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::isRegisteredHandle ( Handle  handle  )  const
template<class DATA>
bool bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::isRegisteredHandle ( Handle  handle,
const Key key 
) const

Return true if an item having specified handle is currently registered with this time queue and false otherwise.

template<class DATA>
int bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::minTime ( bsls::TimeInterval buffer  )  const

Load into the specified buffer, the time value of the lowest time in this queue. Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value if this queue is empty.

template<class DATA>
int bdlcc::TimeQueue< DATA >::countLE ( const bsls::TimeInterval time  )  const

Return the number of items in this queue that have a time value less than or equal to the specified time. Note that the value returned may be obsolete by the time it is received.

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