Table Reporter

The table reporter generates an HTML document showing a simple tabular view of the allocations contributing to the tracked process’s peak memory usage. Each source line that contributed to that peak memory usage is given a row in the generated table, showing the amount of memory it allocated, the type of allocator it used, and the number of allocations it was responsible for.


The table can be sorted by each column and searched in the search field. The columns show the following data:

  • Thread ID: thread where the allocation happened

  • Size: total amount of memory used by all of these allocations

  • Allocator: allocator or deallocator function which acquired the memory

  • Allocations: total number of allocations performed by this entry

  • Location: function name, file and line of the allocation or “???” if unknown

Basic Usage

The general form of the table subcommand is:

memray table [options] <results>

The only argument the table subcommand requires is the capture file previously generated using the run subcommand.

The output file will be named as memray-table-<input file name>.html unless the -o argument was specified to override the default name.

CLI Reference

Generate an HTML table with all records in the peak memory usage

usage: memray table [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-f]
                    [--leaks | --temporary-allocation-threshold N | --temporary-allocations]

Positional Arguments


Results of the tracker run

Named Arguments

-o, --output

Output file name

-f, --force

If the output file already exists, overwrite it

Default: False


Show memory leaks, instead of peak memory usage

Default: False


Report temporary allocations, as opposed to leaked allocations or high watermark allocations. An allocation is considered temporary if at most N other allocations occur before it is deallocated. With N=0, an allocation is temporary only if it is immediately deallocated before any other allocation occurs.

Default: -1


Equivalent to --temporary-allocation-threshold=1

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