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Programming FAQs

Where is the reference documentation for BlazingMQ APIs?

C++ SDK documentation can be found here.

Java SDK documentation can be found here.

What are the different modes in which a queue can be opened?

A queue can be opened in READ mode, WRITE mode or READ|WRITE mode which are self-explanatory. If WRITE mode is specified, additional e_ACK flag can also be specified while opening the queue.

What’s the purpose of correlation ID in BlazingMQ C++ and Java APIs?

When using BlazingMQ C++ or Java SDK, applications can receive events asynchronously. In order to enable applications to identify these events efficiently, each user action which can result in the delivery of an asynchronous event to the application takes an ID. For example, when opening a queue, the application needs to specify a bmqt::CorrelationID to the bmqa::QueueId instance, so that the open-queue result via bmqa::SessionEventHandler::onSessionEvent can be correlated with the open-queue request. Another example is posting a message: the application can specify a correlation ID when posting a message, so that message’s acknowledgement status can be correlated to the message.

A correlation ID can be used as a key in associative containers, and can be used to retrieve some context needed to process the asynchronous event. For example, if a consumer application has opened multiple queues, upon receiving a message, it can retrieve the correlation ID of the queue containing the message via bmqa::Message::QueueId, followed by a call to bmqa::QueueId::correlationId, and use that correlation ID to retrieve that queue’s context, which may include things like the message processing callback for that queue, etc.

Does Correlation ID need to be unique every time I specify it?

Yes, so that every asynchronous event can be uniquely identified by the application. Note that it needs to be unique only within the context of a bmqa::Session instance, not across your entire application ecosystem.

What does the e_ACK flag mean in bmqa::Session::openQueue* APIs? Do I need to specify a correlation ID every time?

Correlation ID is an identifier specified by the producer in a PUT message to correlate an ACK message sent by the broker in response to that PUT message. An ACK message notifies the producer that the corresponding PUT message has been accepted by the broker (success) or rejected (failure; due to the queue being full, long running network issue, etc).

If a producer has specified the e_ACK flag while opening the queue, then it must specify a correlation ID for each message. If the producer attempts to build a message without a correlation ID, bmqa::MessageEventBuilder::packMessage will return bmqt::EventBuilderResult::e_MISSING_CORRELATION_ID. In other words, the SDK ensures that the application specifies a correlation ID for each message.

If the producer has not specified the e_ACK flag while opening the queue, specifying correlation ID in a PUT message is optional. The general idea is that if an application considers a particular message important and wants to ensure that broker has accepted that message, it can specify a correlation ID, so that the broker sends an ACK message (with success/failure status) for that message.

A critical application which needs to keep track of the status of every message that was posted to the queue should specify a correlation ID for each message, and should also specify the e_ACK flag while opening the queue in order to ensure that no message without a correlation ID is accidentally posted to the queue.

When does a producer application get ACK messages?

A broker will send an ACK message to the producer for each message that the producer posted with a correlation ID, irrespective of an e_ACK flag provided by the producer while opening the queue. For domains configured with strong consistency, the broker only sends an ACK once the message has been replicated to a quorum number of nodes.

What is an Event Queue? I see references to it in my BlazingMQ application logs.

Messages received by the BlazingMQ client library from a BlazingMQ broker are processed in an internal thread, and then enqueued in a buffer known as an Event Queue to be dispatched to an application in the BlazingMQ SDK’s event handler thread. The Event Queue is just an in-memory inbound buffer, and is in no way related to the BlazingMQ queue, which is hosted on the BlazingMQ cluster.

Various events like ACK, PUSH, responses, etc. are popped off from the event queue and delivered to the application in the BlazingMQ SDK’s event handler thread, in methods like bmqa::Session:onSessionEvent and bmqa::Session::onMessageEvent. If the application carries out expensive business logic in these methods, the event handler thread will not be able to pop off events from the event queue in a timely manner, thereby leading to the growth of the event queue as new events are sent by BlazingMQ broker.

In such cases, if the length of the event queue grows beyond the configured high-watermark value, the SDK will emit an e_SLOWCONSUMER_HIGHWATERMARK event as a warning to the application.

The SessionOptions parameters eventQueueLowWatermark and eventQueueHighWatermark can be used to configure high and low watermarks for the event queue.

If an application repeatedly encounters e_SLOWCONSUMER_HIGHWATERMARK event, it is likely an indication that the application is slow at processing events or needs to carry out processing of events in a thread different from BlazingMQ’s event handler thread (a thread pool, etc). Additionally, the application can also bump up the value of eventQueueHighWatermark to a higher value, but it should be done cautiously because doing so may potentially hide slowness in the application.

I don’t want BlazingMQ to push all messages to my consumer at once. How can I implement flow control?

Flow control can be easily enforced by a consumer application by specifying appropriate values in the bmqt::QueueOptions parameter when opening or configuring a queue.

bmqt::QueueOptions contains two variables which are pertinent to flow control: MaxUnconfirmedMessages and MaxUnconfirmedBytes. The former determines the maximum number of messages that the broker can deliver to the consumer for that queue, without having the consumer confirm them. The latter determines the same for maximum number of bytes. If any of these values are reached for a consumer, the broker will not send any new messages until the consumer confirms some of the messages. Such a consumer is said to have reached its capacity.

In the meantime, messages will remain safely in the broker and may be distributed to other consumers if applicable.

Note that the flow control parameters can be changed at any time by the consumer using the configureQueue API. This can be very useful for consumers. At interesting use of the configureQueue API is that consumers can tell BlazingMQ to not send them any more messages by specifying a value of zero for both MaxUnconfirmedMessages and MaxUnconfirmedBytes.

Additionally, consumers can specify a value of 1 for MaxUnconfirmedMessages in the openQueue or configureQueue APIs which will ensure that BlazingMQ will send only one message at a time to the consumers. This can be useful for consumers where each message represents a heavy job and can run for hours.

While it is okay for consumers to reach capacity on some occasions, they must not stay in that state forever. This would cause the queue to fill up and eventually reach its quota, which leads to new messages being rejected by BlazingMQ and the producer receiving failed ACK messages. BlazingMQ raises several alarms in the scenario of stuck consumers and queues getting full.

When does BlazingMQ redeliver a message to another consumer?

In general, as far as BlazingMQ is concerned, once a message has been delivered to the consumer, it is ‘processing’ it, and BlazingMQ does not make any assumption about how long the processing step should take. However, BlazingMQ redelivers a message to another consumer, if available, in any of these conditions:

  • The original consumer crashes without confirming the message
  • The original consumer closes the queue without confirming the message
  • The original consumer stops BlazingMQ session without confirming the message
  • The TCP connection between original consumer and broker drops due to network issue

Can I open multiple queues from one bmqa::Session object?

Yes. Any number of queues can be opened from one bmqa::Session object, and creating multiple queues per session object is the recommended approach, instead of creating one bmqa::Session object per queue.

Should I open and close a queue repeatedly in my application?

No! The recommended approach is to open the queue when the application starts (or needs it first), and then keep the queue open until it is no longer needed. An application must not open and close a queue within a span of a few seconds ( or even a few minutes). Particularly, applications must not open a queue, post a message, close the queue right away, and then repeat this pattern. A queue can be thought of as an equivalent to a database handle, which should not be acquired and released repeatedly.

While the representation of a queue in a BlazingMQ cluster is cheap, the creation, opening and closing of a queue are expensive operations. Creation of a queue requires consensus among nodes of the BlazingMQ cluster, and opening and closing of a queue require 2 sets of requests and responses along the route of the application and the queue’s primary node. One can see how opening and closing a queue repeatedly in a short span of time may keep the BlazingMQ cluster unnecessarily busy.

Can the openQueue API fail?

Yes, it can fail, due to any of the reasons listed below:

  • An application attempts to open a queue for a namespace (BlazingMQ domain) which is not yet registered.

  • An application attempts to open a queue for a BlazingMQ domain from a machine which is not configured for that BlazingMQ domain.

  • A bad configuration deployed in BlazingMQ back-end (rare, but has non-zero probability).

  • A long-standing network issue leads to a connection failure between the application and the BlazingMQ back-end, or within various BlazingMQ nodes in the back-end (rare, but has non-zero probability).

  • A bug in the BlazingMQ back-end