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BlazingMQ Client/Broker Protocol


This article documents the protocol between a BlazingMQ client and broker, and also goes over some best practices for designing and implementing BlazingMQ client library. Readers interested in implementing a BlazingMQ client library may find this article useful.

Before we dive in, it is worth noting that:

  1. BlazingMQ has native client libraries in C++ and Java. The Python library is a wrapper over C++ library. BlazingMQ does not have a C library.

  2. In order to provide a good user experience, shield applications from various transient issues and support high performance, BlazingMQ C++ and Java libraries are quite stateful, highly asynchronous and carefully designed. If the goal of author of BlazingMQ client library is to reach as many audience as possible, they should attempt to do the same with their library design and implementation.

  3. Ideally, the author should be willing to help us maintain the client library in the long run. As a provider of an infrastructure framework, we want to provide good support to our users, and having the author’s help in handling any bug fixes and enhancements in the library will make our job easy!

  4. We have had queries about client libraries in Go, .NET and Rust, so targeting one of those languages may provide maximum benefits to our users.

The rest of this document is divided into three main parts:

  • BlazingMQ wire protocol, which goes over format of messages exchanged between BlazingMQ client and broker.

  • BlazingMQ client/server interaction, which goes over the order in which these messages are exchanged.

  • Client library design guide, which goes over some recommendations for implementing a BlazingMQ client library in a language-agnostic way.

Let’s dive into some details now!

BlazingMQ Wire Protocol

BlazingMQ wire protocol sits at the lowest level in the BlazingMQ client/server interaction. BlazingMQ has a custom protocol over TCP. This protocol defines the format of messages exchanged between BlazingMQ client and broker. There were four guiding principles when this protocol was designed:

  • Compactness: The protocol should have minimal overhead.

  • Forward and backward compatibility: The protocol should be easily extensible while remaining backward compatible.

  • Batching: The protocol should support batching of messages wherever possible.

  • Efficiency: The protocol should avoid encoding/decoding overhead for frequent messages, while still taking into consideration concerns like endianness, etc.

BlazingMQ Network Packet

Before we get into various types of messages in BlazingMQ wire protocol, let’s understand the layout of a BlazingMQ network packet.

Every BlazingMQ network packet begins with an 8-byte header called the EventHeader (C++, Java).

The meaning of every field in the header is documented in the files linked above. Some important things to know about:

  • In BlazingMQ, a full BlazingMQ network packet is often referred to as an Event.

  • The fragment bit F is currently unused and always set to zero.

  • Remaining 31 bits capture the entire length of the packet, including the header, sub-headers, any options, padding, etc.

  • The Type field captures type of the packet. Note that a BlazingMQ packet is homogeneous. In other words, a packet can contain more than one BlazingMQ message, but all of those messages will be of the same type. For example, if the type of the packet is PUT, all messages which appear in the packet will be PUT messages.

  • The HeaderWords field captures the size of the EventHeader itself. This helps with backward and forward compatibility as the wire protocol evolves. Here’s how: suppose 4 more bytes are added to EventHeader as part of a new feature implementation, and a new BlazingMQ broker is rolled out and starts sending BlazingMQ network packets with the additional 4 bytes in the EventHeader. If BlazingMQ brokers derived the size of EventHeader using, sizeof(EventHeader) in C++, old BlazingMQ brokers will continue to assume that the size of EventHeader is still 8 bytes, and will interpret the new 4 bytes as the next part of the packet (e.g., a sub-header, payload, etc). However, instead of using sizeof operators, if BlazingMQ broker code reads size of the header from the HeaderWords field of the received packet, old brokers will know that EventHeader is 12 bytes instead of 8. Obviously, old brokers will not understand how to interpret those 4 new bytes, but they will skip it, which is good enough. Almost every header struct in BlazingMQ wire protocol contains the HeaderWords field.

  • Every EventHeader is followed by the event-specific details. For example, if it is a packet of type PUT, EventHeader will be followed by one or more pairs of PutHeader and message payload (more on this later).

Types of Messages

Now that we understand top level structure of a BlazingMQ network packet, let’s dive into the next level of detail. At a high level, there are two types of messages in the protocol:

  • Binary messages: This type of messages are not encoded/decoded. They are simple ‘structs’ (sequence of raw bytes) directly written/read to/from the wire. This format is used for messages which are exchanged frequently between client and broker (typically data messages or ‘data plane’). Some examples of such messages are PutMessage, ConfirmMessage, etc. The goal is to avoid paying encoding/decoding overhead for frequent messages.

  • Schema messages: This type of messages are defined in a schema and are encoded/decoded using coding schemes like JSON, BER, XML, etc. This format is used for messages which are infrequent (typically control messages or ‘control plane’). Some examples of such messages are OpenQueueRequest, CloseQueueRequest, DisconnectRequest, etc. Since such messages are infrequent, it is okay to pay the overhead of encoding/decoding them in lieu of flexibility and ease of use.

Let’s look into both of these message types in detail.

Binary Messages

Binary messages in BlazingMQ are defined here for C++, and here for Java.

[!NOTE] The C++ header file bmqp_protocol.h linked above also contains some binary messages which are exchanged only between BlazingMQ brokers. This can cause confusion when trying to look at the list of messages which are exchanged only between client and broker. A better place to look at the messages exchanged between client and broker would be in the Java link above.

Here’s a list of binary messages which are exchanged between BlazingMQ client and broker, along with their purpose:

  • PutMessage: A message posted by the producer to the BlazingMQ queue. This message contains the payload and any associated metadata that producer wants to be delivered to the consumer.

  • AckMessage: An acknowledgement sent by BlazingMQ queue to the producer in response to the PUT message. The AckMessage carries the success/failure status, telling the producer if BlazingMQ accepted the PutMessage or not.

  • PushMessage: A message sent by the BlazingMQ queue to a consumer application. This message is same as a PutMessage except for a few details.

  • ConfirmMessage: A message sent by the consumer to the BlazingMQ queue indicating that the PushMessage was successfully processed by the consumer and that the BlazingMQ queue can mark the message as consumed and delete it at any time.

See this section below which goes over more details about how binary messages are packed for their wire representation.

Schema Messages

Schema messages in BlazingMQ are defined here for C++, and here for Java.

[!NOTE] Similar to the note in binary messages, the schema bmqp_ctrlmsg.xsd linked above also contains some schema messages which are exchanged only between BlazingMQ brokers. This can cause confusion when trying to look at the list of schema messages which are exchanged only between client and broker. A better place to look at the messages exchanged between client and broker would be in the Java link above.

The recommendation is to use the JSON codec for schema messages. Other encodings like BER, XML, etc are also supported but not recommended. The C++ SDK uses the baljsn codec for JSON encoding, and the Java SDK uses gson codec.

Here’s a list of schema messages which are exchanged between BlazingMQ client and broker, along with their purpose:

  • NegotiationMessage: The first message sent by the client to the broker upon establishing a TCP connection with the broker (see this). It’s a choice, and the client always sets the choice to ClientIdentity, and populates various fields in ClientIdentity accordingly. Broker responds with a NegotiationMessage as well, but sets BrokerResponse instead of ClientIdentity. A NegotiationMessage from the client can be thought of as an application level handshake with the broker to establish a BlazingMQ session. The client advertises some of its capabilities, version, and some other details in the NegotiationMessage. Based on this information, the broker can choose to accept or reject the connection with the client (e.g., if the client is using a very old version of the SDK, the broker may refuse to connect with the client).

  • OpenQueue: The request that the client sends to the broker to attach to a queue (see this). OpenQueue contains a QueueHandleParameters field. The client populates each field of QueueHandleParameters appropriately. An OpenQueue request can be logically thought as a request by a BlazingMQ application to get a handle on the queue or connecting to a queue. Note that an OpenQueue request is always followed by a ConfigureQueue request.

  • OpenQueueResponse: The response sent by the broker for an OpenQueue request (see this).

  • ConfigureQueueStream: The request sent by the client to the broker to configure the client’s configuration for a queue which was opened earlier by the client by making an OpenQueue request (see this). The main field in this request is QueueStreamParameters. A producer or consumer application can start using a queue only after sending an OpenQueue request and then a ConfigureQueueStream request. A ConfigureQueueStream request is used by the producer/consumer to set its priority or flow-control parameters for the queue. A producer/consumer can also send a stand-alone ConfigureQueueStream request at any time to do the same. However, it must send one upon receiving a successful OpenQueueResponse from the broker.

  • ConfigureQueueStreamResponse: The message sent by the broker in response to the ConfigureQueueStream request from the client (see this).

  • CloseQueue: The request sent by the client to the broker to indicate that client no longer wants to be attached to the queue (see this). A CloseQueue request is the opposite of an OpenQueue request. Note that a CloseQueue request is always preceded by an ConfigureQueueStream request.

  • Disconnect: The request sent by the client to tear down the BlazingMQ session with the broker (see this).

  • DisconnectResponse: The message sent by the broker to the client in response to a Disconnect request (see this). Once DisconnectResponse is sent by the broker, no other message is sent by it to the client.

See this section below which goes over more details about how schema messages are packed for their wire representation.

Binary Messages Wire Layout

This section explains how binary messages are typically packed for their wire representation.

As mentioned earlier in the article, every BlazingMQ network packet starts with an EventHeader(C++, Java).


When serializing binary messages, one needs to be careful about endianness. Readers may already be aware that network byte order is big-endian. As of writing this, BlazingMQ runs on both little-endian (x86) as well as big-endian (SPARC, PowerPC) architectures. In order to minimize errors when (de)serializing BlazingMQ network packets, BlazingMQ uses some helper classes.

In Java, there are two wrapper classes in BlazingMQ – ByteBufferInputStream and ByteBufferOutputStream which under the hood use java.nio.ByteBuffer, which in turn takes care of flipping the bytes when reading/writing integers, doubles, etc.

In C++, BlazingMQ uses various bdlb::BigEndian classes from one of our helper libraries. These classes take care of swapping the bytes seamlessly. As an example, here we use the bdlb::BigEndianUint32 type to represent an uint32_t to capture the fragment and length fields of an EventHeader.

Let’s go over the wire layout of every binary message exchanged between client and the broker.

PUT Event

A PUT event is a BlazingMQ network packet which is sent by the producer application to the BlazingMQ backend, with one or more messages destined for one or more BlazingMQ queues.

A PUT event wire layout looks like this:

[EventHeader][PutHeader #1][Option #1][Option #2]...[Option #N][Message Properties][Message Payload][PutHeader #2][Option #1][Option #2]...[Option #N][Message Properties][Message Payload]...

To describe above layout in words:

  • EventHeader represents the top-level header which captures some details of the entire PUT event (event type, total length, protocol version, etc).

  • PutHeader #1 represents the header of the first PUT message in the event. A PutHeader contains fields like:

    • MessageWords: Length of the entire PUT message (including options, properties, payload and padding) in words (1 word == 4 bytes).

    • OptionsWords: Length of all options, if any, in words.

    • CAT: Compression algorithm type (see this).

    • HeaderWords: Length of the PutHeader itself, in words.

    • QueueId: unique integer identifier of the queue that was previously opened by the client. The QueueId integer field is sent by the client in the OpenQueue request to the broker, and then later on, used to identify that queue in any message or request.

    • MessageGuid: Globally unique identifier for a PUT message generated by the client library. See this and this for the layout of the GUID and how it is generated by the C++ SDK.

    • CRC32C: checksum of the PUT message (checksum of message properties and payload, see this).

    • SchemaId: unique identifier for the sequence of message properties, for subscriptions.

  • Option #N represents one of the many options. NOTE: As of now, PUT messages do not contain any options, but this may change in the future.

  • Message Properties represent a list of key/value pairs that a producer can optionally associate with a PUT message. Each message properties area itself begins with a MessagePropertiesHeader, followed by N MessagePropertyHeaders, where N is the number of key/value pairs in the PUT message, followed by the list of key/value pairs. In other words:

    [MessagePropertiesHeader][MessagePropertyHeader #1][MessagePropertyHeader #2]...
    [MessagePropertyHeader #N][PropertyName #1][PropertyValue #1][PropertyName #2]
    [PropertyValue #2]...[PropertyName #n][PropertyValue #N][Word Alignment padding]

    BlazingMQ broker can peek into the message properties area if needed. For example, broker can read one or more message properties to evaluate a subscription expression.

  • Message Payload is the payload of the message. BlazingMQ does not peek into the message payload. Producer application can indicate to the SDK to compress a PUT message, in which case, SDK will compress only the message payload (any header, options and message properties are not compressed).

In both C++ and Java SDKs, there are builder and iterator classes for PUT event, which encapsulate the logic of building and parsing PUT event respectively. PUT event builder and iterator in C++ can be found here and here. PUT event builder and iterator in Java can be found here and here.

ACK Event

An ACK event is a BlazingMQ network packet which is sent by the broker to the producer application, with one or more ACK messages indicating success/failure result for one or more PUT messages previously sent by the producer.

An ACK event wire layout looks like this:

[EventHeader][AckHeader][AckMessage #1][AckMessage #2]...[AckMessage #N]

An ACK event contains one AckHeader, followed by one or more AckMessages.

Note that unlike a PUT event, there is only one AckHeader in an ACK event, irrespective of the number of AckMessages.

Let’s go over various fields in a AckHeader:

  • HeaderWords: Size (in words) of the AckHeader.

  • PerMessageWords: Size (in words) of each AckMessage.

Now let’s go over various fields in a AckMessage:

  • Status: result of the PUT message (was it accepted or rejected by BlazingMQ, with specific error code in case of failure).

  • CorrelationId: TODO

  • MessageGUID: the 16 byte globally unique identifier of a message. See this and this for the layout of the GUID and how it is generated by the C++ SDK.

  • QueueId: the integer which uniquely identifies the queue. This integer needs to be unique only between a BlazingMQ client application and the BlazingMQ backend. It does not need to be globally unique. The integer value is chosen by the SDK and sent in the OpenQueue request.

In both C++ and Java SDKs, there are builder and iterator classes for ACK event, which encapsulate the logic of building and parsing ACK event respectively. ACK event builder and iterator in C++ can be found here and here. PUT event builder and iterator in Java can be found here and here.

PUSH Event

A PUSH event is a BlazingMQ network packet which is sent by the BlazingMQ broker to the consumer application, with one or more messages belonging to one or more BlazingMQ queues.

A PUSH event wire layout is very similar to the PUT event’s layout, and looks like this:

[EventHeader][PushHeader #1][Option #1][Option #2]...[Option #N][Message Properties][Message Payload][PushHeader #2][Option #1][Option #2]...[Option #N][Message Properties][Message Payload]...

Just like PUT event, one PUSH event can contain more than one PUSH message. Each PUSH message starts with a PushHeader, which itself closely resembles a PutEvent, except that there is no CRC32C field in PushHeader. All the other fields are same or similar to the ones in PutHeader.

NOTE: As mentioned earlier, even though every PUT message in a PUT event supports zero or more options, currently no options are added in a PUT message. That is not the case for PUSH messages. A PUSH message can have one option – the SubQueueInfos. If present, this option contains one or more SubQueueInfo structs. A SubQueueInfo captures details about a sub-stream (“AppId”) of the queue. TODO: add more details about SubQueueInfo option here (fan-out, rda counter, etc).

In both C++ and Java SDKs, there are builder and iterator classes for PUSH event, which encapsulate the logic of building and parsing PUSH event respectively. PUSH event builder and iterator in C++ can be found here and here. PUSH event builder and iterator in Java can be found here and here.


A CONFIRM event is a BlazingMQ network packet which is sent by the consumer application to the BlazingMQ backend, with one or more CONFIRM messages indicating that the consumer has processed the corresponding one or more PUSH messages previously sent by the BlazingMQ broker.

A CONFIRM event wire layout looks like this:

[EventHeader][ConfirmHeader][ConfirmMessage #1][ConfirmMessage #2]...[ConfirmMessage #N]

A CONFIRM event contains one ConfirmHeader followed by one or more ConfirmMessages.

Note that unlike PUT and PUSH events, there is only one ConfirmHeader in a CONFIRM event, irrespective of the number of ConfirmMessages.

Let’s go over various fields in a ConfirmHeader:

  • HeaderWords: Size (in words) of the ConfirmHeader.

  • PerMessageWords: Size (in words) of each ConfirmMessage.

Now let’s go over various fields in a ConfirmMessage:

  • QueueId: the integer which uniquely identifies the queue. This integer needs to be unique only between a BlazingMQ client application and the BlazingMQ backend. It does not need to be globally unique. The integer value is chosen by the SDK and sent in the OpenQueue request.

  • MessageGUID: the 16 byte globally unique identifier of a message. See this and this for the layout of the GUID and how it is generated by the C++ SDK.

  • SubQueueId: the integer which uniquely identifies the sub-stream in the queue. This integer needs to be unique only between a BlazingMQ client application and the BlazingMQ backend within the scope of a queue. It does not need to be globally unique and does not need to be unique across various queues opened by the same client. The integer value is chosen by the SDK and sent in the ConfigureStream request.

In both C++ and Java SDKs, there are builder and iterator classes for ACK event, which encapsulate the logic of building and parsing ACK event respectively. ACK event builder and iterator in C++ can be found here and here. PUT event builder and iterator in Java can be found here and here.

Schema Messages Wire Layout

While the wire layout of binary messages can be non-trivial to implement, schema messages are (de)serialized fairly easily. Since every schema message’s wire layout is similar, we will describe the layout in general terms instead of going over every schema message. Wire layout of every schema message looks like this:

[EventHeader][Encoded Schema Message]

Note that schema messages are not batched. One BlazingMQ network event will contain only one encoded schema message.

JSON is the recommended encoding to use. The Java SDK uses gson library for JSON codecs, and wraps the encoding/decoding logic in two simple components. On the outgoing path, the Java SDK also uses SchemaEventBuilder to prepend [EventHeader] to the outgoing message. On the incoming side, the SDK uses JsonDecoderUtil as shown here.

BlazingMQ Client Server Interaction

Now that we have an understanding of various types of messages (and their wire layouts) exchanged between BlazingMQ client and broker, it’s time to understand the sequence in which these messages are exchanged. Note that general API and design guidelines for the SDK are discussed in a later section.

Before we go into details, it is worth pointing out these two files from the BlazingMQ Java repo – and These two files implement a rudimentary and “raw” BlazingMQ producer and consumer respectively. By “raw”, we mean that this producer and consumer do not use the Java SDK APIs to talk to the BlazingMQ backend. Instead, they just create a TCP socket and build, write and read schema and binary messages themselves. These files can be useful to get a basic understanding of the flow and order of messages between a BlazingMQ client and broker. We will refer to these files when describing the message exchange in this section.

Starting a Session with BlazingMQ Broker

There are two steps involved in establishing a session with BlazingMQ broker – connecting with the broker over TCP, and afterwards, carrying out a BlazingMQ protocol specific handshake (aka negotiation). Let’s look into these steps in detail.

TCP Connection

The first step in a BlazingMQ client/broker interaction is the client initiating a TCP connection with the broker.

Before we go into the mechanics of that, it’s worth briefly discussing how a BlazingMQ client can figure out the right TCP endpoint (IP + Port) of the BlazingMQ broker to connect to. In an enterprise setting, the correct endpoint would typically be retrieved via some service discovery mechanism, where a BlazingMQ client might ask the service discovery APIs to resolve a BlazingMQ domain to a BlazingMQ cluster endpoint, and pass that endpoint to BlazingMQ’s SessionOptions. Another way could be a using a hard-coded DNS endpoint which points to the BlazingMQ cluster, and pass that endpoint to the SessionOptions. And yet another approach could be to deploy BlazingMQ in the Alternative Topology and have BlazingMQ client applications connect to the local BlazingMQ proxy which could listen on a fixed port number.

Coming back to the TCP connection, SDK initiates the connection by calling some flavor of connect API in the underlying language or library being used. As an example, BlazingMQ Java SDK uses netty for its TCP connection management and initiates a connection as shown here. On the other hand, the file mentioned above simply uses the basic connect API provided by the Java language.

An important thing to note here is that both the BlazingMQ C++ and Java SDKs use non-blocking I/O, which can help with asynchronous and flexible design in the SDK, but at the added cost of more complexity. In our experience, the complexity is worth it, and an SDK implementation in any language should consider using non-blocking I/O if possible.


Once the connect operation succeeds, the BlazingMQ SDK will have a TCP connection established with the broker. The next step is for the SDK to carry out a handshake with the broker. This is known as negotiation in BlazingMQ. Immediately after establishing a TCP connection, the SDK sends a NegotiationMessage to the broker. This is a schema message, and hence needs to be encoded. See the previous section for more details on the wire layout. Note that NegotationMessage is one of the top level schema messages, the other being ControlMessage. There is no way to discriminate between these two top level schema messages. It is implicit that the NegotiationMessage will only be used during the handshake phase, and every other schema message exchanged after that will be the top level ControlMessage.

A NegotiationMessage can be one of three possible sub-types. The SDK always sends the ClientIdentity sub-type, which contains various fields as described in its documentation in the link. Here’s the relevant snippet of code from the Java SDK which populates various fields in ClientIdentity. And here’s the producer doing the same thing as well as encoding the message and sending it over the socket to the broker.

Looking at ClientIdentity, one of the fields is GuidInfo. Readers should refer to the documentation in header files of MessageGUIDGenerator for more details.

Once the NegotiationMessage has been sent, the SDK waits for the broker to respond with a NegotiationMessage of sub-type BrokerIdentity. The result field in the BrokerResponse indicates if the BlazingMQ broker accepted the handshake or not, along with some other information. Here’s the receiving, decoding and printing the NegotiationMessage from the broker. Note that this simple example is not checking the result field in the response. A SDK must check it though. If the result indicates failure, then the SDK must close the connection with the broker.

Opening a Queue

Assuming that the SDK has completed a successful handshake with the broker, the client application will attempt to open a queue. Opening a queue from the SDK is a two step process (i.e., it requires two pairs of request/response exchanges with the broker). Both of these steps are encapsulated in the C++ and Java SDKs by the openQueue API, which looks like this in Java and like this in the C++ SDK.

Let’s go over the two pairs of request/response exchanges which occur under the hood when one calls the openQueue API:

OpenQueue Request

The OpenQueue request provides a way to the BlazingMQ client to attach to a queue. OpenQueue contains only one field: QueueHandleParameters. Let’s look at various fields in this type:

  • uri: A string which contains the full BlazingMQ queue URI to which client wants to attach.

  • qId: An integer identifier that the SDK and broker will use to identify any message for this queue. This integer needs to be unique only between this SDK client and the broker. A simple implementation would be to start with zero, and simply increment the value any time the client opens a new queue. The goal is to avoid passing the full queue URI in every message, and instead just use this 4-byte integer to save space on the wire.

  • subQueueIdInfo: This field’s type is SubQueueIdInfo. This type captures details about the sub-stream of the queue. TODO

  • flags: An integer which indicates the intent with which a BlazingMQ client wants to open the queue. Valid values can be found here. Note that the e_ADMIN is reserved and should not be used.

  • readCount: An integer whose value should be one if the client wants to attach to the queue as a consumer, and zero otherwise.

  • writeCount: An integer whose value should be one if the client wants to attach to the queue as a producer, and zero otherwise.

  • adminCount: An integer whose value should always be zero.

Here, we see the creating and sending an OpenQueue request.

Upon success, the BlazingMQ broker responds to the OpenQueue request by sending an OpenQueueResponse. Let’s go over the three fields in this type:

  • originalRequest: A field whose type is OpenQueue, and it simply carries the OpenQueue request sent by the client.

  • routingConfiguration: An integer which indicates information about the message routing strategy of the queue, as indicated by the broker. Possible values for the flag can be found here.

  • deduplicationTimeMs: An integer which indicates the time interval (in ms) for which the SDK should keep the unacknowledged PUT messages in the retransmission buffer before generating a local negative acknowledgement. This field can be ignored in the initial implementation of the SDK.

[!NOTE] For every request/response type like OpenQueue/OpenQueueResponse, the top level schema message is always ControlMessage. Readers will notice that the first field in this type is rId, which represents the request ID. Any time the SDK sends any schema message request to the broker, the SDK populates rId field with a unique value. The broker always echoes back this value in the response, which enables the SDK to correlate the response back to the original request, particularly in the presence of multiple concurrent pending requests. In the absence of this integer, the SDK will not be able to identify the request to which the response belongs. This integer can be assigned any value by the SDK, as long as it is unique among all the pending requests in the SDK at that time.

As mentioned before, opening a queue is a two-step process. The first one OpenQueue/OpenQueueResponse. Let’s look at the second step. Note that a BlazingMQ client cannot start producing to/consuming from a queue until the second step is complete.

ConfigureStream Request

As the name suggests, the ConfigureStream request provides a way to the BlazingMQ client to configure its “connection” with the queue. Note that the connection is being used logically here, and should not be confused with a TCP connection. This request is mostly a no-op for producers in the BlazingMQ backend (but the producers still need to send it).

This request is very important for consumers in many ways:

  • It enables a consumer to specify one or more subscriptions.

  • It enables a consumer to dynamically alter its subscriptions at any time.

  • It enables a consumer to configure various attributes of a subscription, like priority, flow control, etc.

Now that we have a high level understanding of this request, let’s dig deeper.

The ConfigureStream request contains two fields. The first one is qId, which was explained above. The second one is streamParameters. Let’s look at the fields of this type:

  • appId: This string contains the name of appId, if any, for the consumer. AppIds are specified by consumers who are attaching to a fan-out queue. Consumers of non-fan-out queues, as well as any producers don’t need to specify any appId.

  • subscriptions: This field is an array of zero or more Subscriptions. Each Subscription type contains these fields:

    • sId: This integer represents a unique identifier for this subscription. This integer needs to be unique only between this client and the broker. A simple incrementing variable can be used for generating unique sIds.

    • expression: This field, which is of type Expression contains the actual subscription expression as a string type as well as the version of the expression grammar.

    • consumers: This field is an array of type ConsumerInfo, and represents various attributes related to a subscription.

[!NOTE] As previously mentioned, opening a queue in BlazingMQ is a two-step operation – the client needs to send OpenQueue request, followed by ConfigureStream request. At the API level, both of these steps should be hidden by simply exposing something like openQueue API, similar to the C++ and Java SDKs.

Posting Messages (Producers)

Let’s assume that a producer application opened a BlazingMQ queue by following the steps mentioned in the above section. The next step for the producer application would be to post some messages (PUT messages) on the queue.

Post API

Both C++ and Java SDKs support batching of messages i.e., producer application can send a batch of messages in one shot instead of sending them one by one. Batching can have a significant impact on the performance. Additionally, in both SDKs, the post() API is asynchronous i.e., the API does not wait for the BlazingMQ broker to respond with ACK messages. In fact, in some cases, the API does not write the PUT messages to the TCP socket. Instead, the SDK just accepts the messages, adds them to an internal buffer, and sends them later. This can occur if the TCP layer is enforcing some flow control, or in case the client is not connected to the broker, etc.

Keeping the above complications aside, the simplest way to send PUT messages is to do what the Java SDK does. A public class called PutMessage could be created, with data members like the payload, message properties and a callback which will be invoked by the SDK when it receives the ACK message for the PUT message from the broker. PutMessage could look like this (in pseudo-code):

class PutMessage {
    ByteArray          mesasgePayload;
    MessageProperties  properties;
    AckCallback        ackCallback;


  • ByteArray is, well, an array of bytes.

  • MessageProperties is a class similar to this, with concrete implementation here.

  • AckCallback could be similar to this Java interface.

And the post API could look like this:

Result post(PutMessage msg);

Here, Result could be a custom type or enum indicating success or failure. Alternatively, depending upon best practices in the language, the API could throw.

Note that we did not specify the class of which the post API is a data member of. There are at least two options here:

  • The post API can be part of a top level object like Session or Connection, which represent the BlazingMQ context/session/connection in the SDK. In this case, the API might look similar to the one in C++.

  • Alternatively, another approach could be similar to the one taken by the Java SDK, where Queue is represented as a first class object.

Yet another approach could be making a BlazingMQ Domain as a first class object, such that:

  • One creates a Session, Connection or Context object first
  • Then, one opens a Domain object from the top-level object
  • Then, one can open a Queue from the Domain object.

post API Implementation

The implementation of the post API should simply create a PUT event from the PUT message(s) specified by the application, by following guidelines here. Some other things to keep in mind:

  • Ensure that the queue has already been opened by the application. Since the application is calling post, it must have opened the queue with WRITE intent.

  • Ensure that the queue is in the process of being closed or already closed.

  • Ensure that the connection with BlazingMQ broker is up, and not stopping or disconnected.

  • Ensure that message payload is not empty. By policy, we don’t allow other BlazingMQ SDKs to post empty message payloads.

One of the fields in PutHeader is MessageGUID, which was described in previous sections. MessageGUIDs are generated in the SDK every time post API is invoked.

Processing Acknowledgement Messages (Producers)

After posting one or more messages, the SDK should expect a response from the BlazingMQ broker in the form of an ACK (acknowledgement) message containing the result of the post operation. Multiple ACK messages can be delivered by the broker in one ACK event, so the SDK must be able to handle them. The wire layout of an ACK event was discussed in a previous section.

One of the fields in ACK message is MessageGUID, which is used to correlate the ACK message to its PUT message. For example, when the application calls the post API, SDK should generate a MessageGUID, add it to the PUT header of that message before sending it, and also keep track of the MessageGUID along with any relevant information for that PUT message (e.g., the AckCallback specified by the application for that PUT message). When the ACK message arrives, SDK can extract MessageGUID from it, retrieve the AckCallback and then invoke it to deliver the result to the application.

Receiving Messages (Consumers)

An application which opens a queue as a consumer (i.e., with READ intent) will receive PUSH messages from the broker anytime a new message is posted on the queue. Like ACK messages, PUSH messages can be delivered in a batch in a PUSH event, and the SDK must be ready to handle it.

Consume API

As far as handing over PUSH messages to the application is concerned, it can be done by asking for a callback from the application when it opens the queue, and dispatching PUSH messages by invoking that callback. There are various ways to ask applications for this callback, but the most obvious one could be in the openQueue API (or a flavor of it). For example, the Java SDK has a PushMessageHandler interface, which the consumer application should specify when creating a queue.

Since multiple PUSH messages can appear in a PUSH event, the SDK implementation must be able to handle that, and it may need to dispatch PUSH messages one by one in the callback if the callback’s signature does not support handing over multiple PUSH messages to the application in one go.

Consume API Implementation

The wire layout of a PUSH event was described in a previous section. As far as implementation is concerned, the SDK logic should keep some of these things in mind when receiving and dispatching a PUSH event:

  • Ensure that the queue is still open, and not closed or being closed by the application.

  • Ensure that the PUSH event parsing passes basic sanity checks e.g., length of the packet is equal to the length specified in the EventHeader, etc

  • Ensure that the queueId field specified in the PushHeader is valid and known to the SDK

Confirming Messages (Consumers)

After opening a queue, a consumer application will receive messages which are being posted on the queue. Some details about handling PUSH messages were described in the previous section. Once the consumer application processes a PUSH message by executing its business logic, it needs to indicate to the BlazingMQ backend that the message has been processed successfully and can be removed from the queue. This is done by the consumer application sending a CONFIRM message.

ConfirmMessage API

Similar to the Post API, C++ and Java SDKs support batching of CONFIRM messages i.e., consumer application can send a batch of CONFIRM messages in one shot instead of sending them one by one. Batching can improve performance. Additionally, in both SDKs, the confirmMessage() API is asynchronous; i.e., the API may not immediately write the CONFIRM messages to the TCP socket. Instead, the SDK just accepts the CONFIRM messages, adds them to an internal buffer, and sends them later. This can occur if the TCP layer is enforcing some flow control, or in case the SDK is not connected to the broker, etc.

Keeping above complications aside, the simplest way to send CONFIRM messages is to do what the Java SDK does. Alternatively, depending upon the API design, the confirmMessage API could be part of a top level object like Connection, Session, Context, Domain, etc, as in the C++ SDK.

ConfirmMessage API Implementation

The confirmMessage API simply needs to create and send CONFIRM message(s) to the broker. As explained in the previous section, a CONFIRM event contains a ConfirmHeader followed by one or more ConfirmMessage.

Configuring a Queue (Standalone)

The BlazingMQ client/broker protocol also supports a standalone Configure Queue request. Recall that we have already encountered this request in the ConfigureStream Request paragraph of a previous section. Readers should refer back to that discussion for more details on this request.

Closing a Queue

Once a client application no longer wants to produce to or consumer from a queue that it previously opened, it should close the queue. Closing a queue will not delete the queue in BlazingMQ backend. It will simply detach the application from the queue.

Just like opening a queue, closing a queue is a two step process (i.e., it requires two pairs of request/response exchanges with the broker). Both of these steps are encapsulated in the C++ and Java SDKs by the closeQueue API, which looks like this in Java and like this in the C++ SDK.

Let’s go over the two pairs of request/response exchanges which occur under the hood when one calls the closeQueue API:

ConfigureStream Request

This request has been described in the previous section. When sending this request as part of closing a queue, any flow control and subscription parameters in the request are emptied out (or set to null/zero) to indicate that the client application is about to detach from the queue.

CloseQueue Request

The CloseQueue request provides a way to the BlazingMQ client to detach from a queue. CloseQueue contains two fields. Let’s look at them:

  • QueueHandleParameters: this type has been described in a previous section.

  • isFinal: this boolean flag indicates if this is the final close-queue request for the specified queue from the client.

Upon success, the BlazingMQ broker responds to the CloseQueue request by sending a CloseQueueResponse.

[!NOTE] The ConfigureStream request is sent by the SDK in three cases:

1) As the second step in the open-queue workflow (i.e., when an application calls one of the flavors of the openQueue APIs).

2) As a standalone request when an application calls one of the flavors of the configureQueue APIs.

3) As the first step in the close-queue workflow (i.e., when application calls one of the flavors of the closeQueue APIs).

Stopping a Session with BlazingMQ Broker

When a client application decides that it no longer wants to interact with BlazingMQ, it can tear down its connection/session with the BlazingMQ broker. This typically happens when the application is shutting down, but in theory, an application can stop the BlazingMQ session at any time.

Stopping the BlazingMQ session is typically done by calling a stop method on the top level Session/Connection/Context object. This method needs to carry out three things – it needs to inform the broker about its intent to disconnect intent and wait for a response from the broker, and then finally it needs to close the TCP socket with the broker. Let’s look into these steps in detail.

Disconnect Request

The Disconnect request is sent by the SDK to the broker to indicate that the client about to close the TCP connection. This is an opportunity for the broker to clean up any state related to this session. Once the broker has completed the cleanup, it responds to this request by sending a DisconnectResponse. A guarantee provided by the broker is that once the DisconnectResponse has been sent, the broker will not send any other message/request/response/notification to the client. Logically, the Disconnect request/response pair can be thought of as a way to ensure that the “pipe” between client and broker is empty.

Closing the TCP Connection

Once the SDK receives the DisconnectResponse, it can proceed to close the TCP socket with the broker, and release any resources associated with the connection. Care must be taken to ensure that the resources are released in the right order without any dangling references or leaks.

Client Library Design Guide

Apart from implementing the BlazingMQ wire protocol and the sequence of message exchanges between SDK and broker correctly, a good SDK should also expose easy to use (and hard to misuse) APIs, and should have an efficient implementation. In this section, we will go over some details about the SDK APIs and implementation which authors of a new SDK may find useful.


We list some guiding principles for designing BlazingMQ client APIs:

  1. APIs should be designed so that they are easy to use and hard to misuse.

  2. APIs should provide high enough abstraction so that users can focus on implementing their business logic instead of trying to understand intricate API interactions. This Java sample producer is a good example which demonstrates this.

  3. For certain higher level languages like Python, Ruby, etc., APIs can be opinionated and expose a minimal “surface area”, which can simplify the APIs while also catering to the needs of the majority of users.

  4. For languages where people often write high performance applications, APIs should be asynchronous as much as possible, while also providing synchronous flavor in some cases.

  5. Overall, in our experience, BlazingMQ Java SDK provides a set of APIs which can be a good starting point for anyone. SDKs in higher level languages should aim to further simplify the Java SDK APIs, while lower level languages can implement something similar to Java APIs.


We list some implementation details which authors of new BlazingMQ SDKs may find useful:

  1. The network I/O logic could be made asynchronous (i.e., could use non-blocking sockets). This is not very important for higher level languages like Python, etc. but is for languages like Rust, etc. Non-blocking I/O can enable client applications to achieve higher throughput, at the cost of higher complexity of SDK implementation. One could leverage some well known open source libraries which make it easier to achieve async I/O. For example, the Java SDK uses netty to achieve async I/O fairly easily.

  2. For SDKs which are highly asynchronous in their implementation, it can be difficult to reason about when multiple events are occurring concurrently. For example, events like a user-initiated CloseQueue operation, network disconnection with the BlazingMQ broker, and timeout of an outstanding OpenQueue request could occur at the same time, and it might become unreasonably difficult to reason about the code. As one of the potential solutions, authors may find a Finite-State Machine-based (FSM) approach easy to implement and reason about. In this approach, all states, state transitions, events and actions can be codified in the form of enums, callbacks, etc. Any incoming or outgoing event (initiated by any entity like the user, timer, network, etc) on the queue or the top level session object can be applied to the appropriate FSM (queue or session), and desired outcome (state transition) and action can be dispatched from the FSM table. As an example, the C++ SDK takes this approach (but only partially) by introducing concepts like:

  3. Testability of the SDK should be kept in mind, and all classes which are mechanisms should ideally be an interface so that they can be mocked easily.