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bdlt Namespace Reference
[Component bbldc_basicisma30360Component bbldc_basicpsa30360eomComponent bbldc_basicsia30360eomComponent bbldc_basicsia30360neomComponent bdlt_calendarComponent bdlt_calendarcacheComponent bdlt_calendarloaderComponent bdlt_calendarreverseiteratoradapterComponent bdlt_calendarutilComponent bdlt_currenttimeComponent bdlt_dateComponent bdlt_datetimeComponent bdlt_datetimeimputilComponent bdlt_datetimeintervalComponent bdlt_datetimeintervalutilComponent bdlt_datetimetzComponent bdlt_datetimeutilComponent bdlt_datetzComponent bdlt_dateutilComponent bdlt_dayofweekComponent bdlt_dayofweeksetComponent bdlt_dayofweekutilComponent bdlt_defaultcalendarcacheComponent bdlt_defaulttimetablecacheComponent bdlt_epochutilComponent bdlt_fixutilComponent bdlt_fixutilconfigurationComponent bdlt_fuzzutilComponent bdlt_intervalconversionutilComponent bdlt_iso8601utilComponent bdlt_iso8601utilconfigurationComponent bdlt_localtimeoffsetComponent bdlt_monthofyearComponent bdlt_packedcalendarComponent bdlt_posixdateimputilComponent bdlt_prolepticdateimputilComponent bdlt_serialdateimputilComponent bdlt_timeComponent bdlt_timetableComponent bdlt_timetablecacheComponent bdlt_timetableloaderComponent bdlt_timetzComponent bdlt_timeunitratioComponent bdlt_timeutil]


class  Calendar
class  Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter
class  CalendarCache_Entry
class  CalendarCache
class  CalendarLoader
class  CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter
struct  CalendarUtil
struct  CurrentTime
class  Date
class  Datetime
struct  DatetimeImpUtil
class  DatetimeInterval
struct  DatetimeIntervalUtil
class  DatetimeTz
struct  DatetimeUtil
class  DateTz
struct  DateUtil
struct  DayOfWeek
class  DayOfWeekSet_Iter
class  DayOfWeekSet
struct  DayOfWeekUtil
struct  DefaultCalendarCache
struct  DefaultTimetableCache
struct  EpochUtil
struct  FixUtil
class  FixUtilConfiguration
struct  FuzzUtil
struct  IntervalConversionUtil
struct  Iso8601Util
class  Iso8601UtilConfiguration
struct  LocalTimeOffset
struct  MonthOfYear
class  PackedCalendar
class  PackedCalendar_DateProxy
class  PackedCalendar_DateRef
class  PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator
class  PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator
class  PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator
struct  PosixDateImpUtil
struct  ProlepticDateImpUtil
class  Time
class  TimetableTransition
class  TimetableTransition_Ref
class  Timetable_CompactableTransition
class  Timetable_Day
class  Timetable
class  Timetable_ConstIterator
class  TimetableCache_Entry
class  TimetableCache
class  TimetableLoader
class  TimeTz
struct  TimeUnitRatio
struct  TimeUtil


typedef PosixDateImpUtil SerialDateImpUtil
typedef PosixDateImpUtil DelegatingDateImpUtil


bool operator== (const Calendar &lhs, const Calendar &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Calendar &lhs, const Calendar &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const Calendar &calendar)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const Calendar &object)
void swap (Calendar &a, Calendar &b)
bool operator== (const Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &lhs, const Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &lhs, const Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &rhs)
Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter operator++ (Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &iterator, int)
Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter operator-- (Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &iterator, int)
template<class ITERATOR >
bool operator== (const CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &lhs, const CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &rhs)
template<class ITERATOR >
bool operator!= (const CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &lhs, const CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &rhs)
template<class ITERATOR >
operator++ (CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &iterator, int)
template<class ITERATOR >
operator-- (CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &iterator, int)
bool operator== (const Date &lhs, const Date &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Date &lhs, const Date &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const Date &date)
bool operator< (const Date &lhs, const Date &rhs)
bool operator<= (const Date &lhs, const Date &rhs)
bool operator> (const Date &lhs, const Date &rhs)
bool operator>= (const Date &lhs, const Date &rhs)
Date operator++ (Date &date, int)
Date operator-- (Date &date, int)
Date operator+ (const Date &date, int numDays)
Date operator+ (int numDays, const Date &date)
Date operator- (const Date &date, int numDays)
int operator- (const Date &lhs, const Date &rhs)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const Date &object)
Datetime operator+ (const Datetime &lhs, const bsls::TimeInterval &rhs)
Datetime operator+ (const bsls::TimeInterval &lhs, const Datetime &rhs)
Datetime operator+ (const Datetime &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
Datetime operator+ (const DatetimeInterval &lhs, const Datetime &rhs)
Datetime operator- (const Datetime &lhs, const bsls::TimeInterval &rhs)
Datetime operator- (const Datetime &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
DatetimeInterval operator- (const Datetime &lhs, const Datetime &rhs)
bool operator== (const Datetime &lhs, const Datetime &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Datetime &lhs, const Datetime &rhs)
bool operator< (const Datetime &lhs, const Datetime &rhs)
bool operator<= (const Datetime &lhs, const Datetime &rhs)
bool operator> (const Datetime &lhs, const Datetime &rhs)
bool operator>= (const Datetime &lhs, const Datetime &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const Datetime &object)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const Datetime &object)
DatetimeInterval operator+ (const DatetimeInterval &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
DatetimeInterval operator- (const DatetimeInterval &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
DatetimeInterval operator- (const DatetimeInterval &value)
bool operator== (const DatetimeInterval &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
bool operator!= (const DatetimeInterval &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
bool operator< (const DatetimeInterval &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
bool operator<= (const DatetimeInterval &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
bool operator> (const DatetimeInterval &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
bool operator>= (const DatetimeInterval &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const DatetimeInterval &object)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const DatetimeInterval &object)
bool operator== (const DatetimeTz &lhs, const DatetimeTz &rhs)
bool operator!= (const DatetimeTz &lhs, const DatetimeTz &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const DatetimeTz &rhs)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const DatetimeTz &object)
bool operator== (const DateTz &lhs, const DateTz &rhs)
bool operator!= (const DateTz &lhs, const DateTz &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const DateTz &rhs)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const DateTz &object)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, DayOfWeek::Enum value)
template<class STREAM >
STREAM & bdexStreamIn (STREAM &stream, DayOfWeek::Enum &variable, int version)
template<class STREAM >
STREAM & bdexStreamOut (STREAM &stream, const DayOfWeek::Enum &value, int version)
int maxSupportedBdexVersion (const DayOfWeek::Enum *, int versionSelector)
bool operator== (const DayOfWeekSet_Iter &lhs, const DayOfWeekSet_Iter &rhs)
bool operator!= (const DayOfWeekSet_Iter &lhs, const DayOfWeekSet_Iter &rhs)
DayOfWeekSet operator~ (const DayOfWeekSet &set)
DayOfWeekSet operator| (const DayOfWeekSet &lhs, const DayOfWeekSet &rhs)
DayOfWeekSet operator& (const DayOfWeekSet &lhs, const DayOfWeekSet &rhs)
DayOfWeekSet operator^ (const DayOfWeekSet &lhs, const DayOfWeekSet &rhs)
DayOfWeekSet operator- (const DayOfWeekSet &lhs, const DayOfWeekSet &rhs)
bool operator== (const DayOfWeekSet &lhs, const DayOfWeekSet &rhs)
bool operator!= (const DayOfWeekSet &lhs, const DayOfWeekSet &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const DayOfWeekSet &rhs)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const DayOfWeekSet &object)
bool operator== (const FixUtilConfiguration &lhs, const FixUtilConfiguration &rhs)
bool operator!= (const FixUtilConfiguration &lhs, const FixUtilConfiguration &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const FixUtilConfiguration &object)
bool operator== (const Iso8601UtilConfiguration &lhs, const Iso8601UtilConfiguration &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Iso8601UtilConfiguration &lhs, const Iso8601UtilConfiguration &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const Iso8601UtilConfiguration &object)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, MonthOfYear::Enum value)
template<class STREAM >
STREAM & bdexStreamIn (STREAM &stream, MonthOfYear::Enum &variable, int version)
template<class STREAM >
STREAM & bdexStreamOut (STREAM &stream, const MonthOfYear::Enum &value, int version)
int maxSupportedBdexVersion (const MonthOfYear::Enum *, int versionSelector)
bool operator== (const PackedCalendar &lhs, const PackedCalendar &rhs)
bool operator!= (const PackedCalendar &lhs, const PackedCalendar &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const PackedCalendar &calendar)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const PackedCalendar &object)
void swap (PackedCalendar &a, PackedCalendar &b)
bool operator== (const PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &lhs, const PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &rhs)
bool operator!= (const PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &lhs, const PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &rhs)
PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator operator++ (PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &iterator, int)
PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator operator-- (PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &iterator, int)
bool operator== (const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &lhs, const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &rhs)
bool operator!= (const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &lhs, const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &rhs)
PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator operator++ (PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &iterator, int)
PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator operator-- (PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &iterator, int)
bsl::ptrdiff_t operator- (const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &lhs, const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &rhs)
bool operator== (const PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &lhs, const PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &rhs)
bool operator!= (const PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &lhs, const PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &rhs)
PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator operator++ (PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &iterator, int)
PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator operator-- (PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &iterator, int)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const Time &object)
Time operator+ (const Time &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
Time operator+ (const DatetimeInterval &lhs, const Time &rhs)
Time operator- (const Time &lhs, const DatetimeInterval &rhs)
DatetimeInterval operator- (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
bool operator== (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
bool operator< (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
bool operator<= (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
bool operator> (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
bool operator>= (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const Time &time)
bool operator== (const TimetableTransition &lhs, const TimetableTransition &rhs)
bool operator!= (const TimetableTransition &lhs, const TimetableTransition &rhs)
bool operator< (const TimetableTransition &lhs, const TimetableTransition &rhs)
bool operator< (const TimetableTransition &lhs, const Datetime &rhs)
bool operator< (const Datetime &lhs, const TimetableTransition &rhs)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const TimetableTransition &object)
bool operator== (const Timetable_CompactableTransition &lhs, const Timetable_CompactableTransition &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Timetable_CompactableTransition &lhs, const Timetable_CompactableTransition &rhs)
bool operator< (const Timetable_CompactableTransition &lhs, const Timetable_CompactableTransition &rhs)
bool operator< (const Timetable_CompactableTransition &lhs, const Time &rhs)
bool operator< (const Time &lhs, const Timetable_CompactableTransition &rhs)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const Timetable_CompactableTransition &object)
bool operator== (const Timetable_Day &lhs, const Timetable_Day &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Timetable_Day &lhs, const Timetable_Day &rhs)
bool operator< (const Timetable_Day &lhs, const Timetable_Day &rhs)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const Timetable_Day &object)
bool operator== (const Timetable &lhs, const Timetable &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Timetable &lhs, const Timetable &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const Timetable &timetable)
void swap (Timetable &a, Timetable &b)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const Timetable &object)
Timetable_ConstIterator operator++ (Timetable_ConstIterator &iterator, int)
Timetable_ConstIterator operator-- (Timetable_ConstIterator &iterator, int)
bool operator== (const Timetable_ConstIterator &lhs, const Timetable_ConstIterator &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Timetable_ConstIterator &lhs, const Timetable_ConstIterator &rhs)
bool operator== (const TimeTz &lhs, const TimeTz &rhs)
bool operator!= (const TimeTz &lhs, const TimeTz &rhs)
bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &stream, const TimeTz &object)
template<class HASHALG >
void hashAppend (HASHALG &hashAlg, const TimeTz &object)

Typedef Documentation

Function Documentation

bool bdlt::operator== ( const Calendar &  lhs,
const Calendar &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs calendars have the same value, and false otherwise. Two calendars have the same value if they have the same valid range (or are both empty), the same weekend days, the same holidays, and each corresponding pair of holidays has the same (ordered) set of associated holiday codes.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const Calendar &  lhs,
const Calendar &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs calendars do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two calendars do not have the same value if they do not have the same valid range (and are not both empty), do not have the same weekend days, do not have the same holidays, or, for at least one corresponding pair of holidays, do not have the same (ordered) set of associated holiday codes.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const Calendar &  calendar 

Write the value of the specified calendar to the specified output stream, and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const Calendar &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for Calendar.

void bdlt::swap ( Calendar &  a,
Calendar &  b 

Exchange the values of the specified a and b objects. This function provides the no-throw exception-safety guarantee if the two objects were created with the same allocator and the basic guarantee otherwise.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &  lhs,
const Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators refer to the same element in the same calendar, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs both iterate over the same calendar.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &  lhs,
const Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators do not refer to the same element in the same calendar, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs both iterate over the same calendar.

Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter bdlt::operator++ ( Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &  iterator,

Advance the specified iterator to refer to the next business day in the associated calendar, and return the previous value of iterator. The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator references a valid business day.

Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter bdlt::operator-- ( Calendar_BusinessDayConstIter &  iterator,

Regress the specified iterator to refer to the previous business day in the associated calendar, and return the previous value of iterator. The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator references a valid business day that is not the first business day for the associated calendar.

template<class ITERATOR >
bool bdlt::operator== ( const CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &  lhs,
const CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs reverse iterator has the same value as the specified rhs reverse iterator, and false otherwise. Two reverse iterators have the same value if they refer to the same element, or both have the past-the-end value for a reverse iterator over the underlying reverse iteration sequence. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs refer to the same underlying sequence.

template<class ITERATOR >
bool bdlt::operator!= ( const CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &  lhs,
const CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs reverse iterator does not have the same value as the specified rhs reverse iterator, and false otherwise. Two reverse iterators do not have the same value if (1) they do not refer to the same element and (2) both do not have the past-the-end value for a reverse iterator over the underlying reverse iteration sequence. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs refer to the same underlying sequence.

template<class ITERATOR >
CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter<ITERATOR> bdlt::operator++ ( CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &  iterator,

Modify the specified iterator to refer to the next element in the reverse iteration sequence, and return a reverse iterator having the pre-increment value of iterator. The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator does not have the past-the-end value for a reverse iterator over the underlying sequence.

template<class ITERATOR >
CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter<ITERATOR> bdlt::operator-- ( CalendarReverseIteratorAdapter< ITERATOR > &  iterator,

Modify the specified iterator to refer to the previous element in the reverse iteration sequence, and return a reverse iterator having the pre-decrement value of iterator. The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator does not have the same value as a reverse iterator to the start of the underlying sequence.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const Date &  lhs,
const Date &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Date objects have the same value if each of their year, month, and day attributes (respectively) have the same value.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const Date &  lhs,
const Date &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Date objects do not have the same value if any of their year, month, and day attributes (respectively) do not have the same value.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const Date &  date 

Write the value of the specified date object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified, can change without notice, and is logically equivalent to:

      print(stream, 0, -1);
bool bdlt::operator< ( const Date &  lhs,
const Date &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs date is earlier than the specified rhs date, and false otherwise.

bool bdlt::operator<= ( const Date &  lhs,
const Date &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs date is earlier than or the same as the specified rhs date, and false otherwise.

bool bdlt::operator> ( const Date &  lhs,
const Date &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs date is later than the specified rhs date, and false otherwise.

bool bdlt::operator>= ( const Date &  lhs,
const Date &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs date is later than or the same as the specified rhs date, and false otherwise.

Date bdlt::operator++ ( Date &  date,

Set the specified date object to have the value that is one day later than its current value, and return the value of date on entry. The behavior is undefined if the value of date on entry is 9999/12/31.

Date bdlt::operator-- ( Date &  date,

Set the specified date object to have the value that is one day earlier than its current value, and return the value of date on entry. The behavior is undefined if the value of date on entry is 0001/01/01.

Date bdlt::operator+ ( const Date &  date,
int  numDays 
Date bdlt::operator+ ( int  numDays,
const Date &  date 

Return the date value that is later by the specified (signed) numDays from the specified date. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting value falls within the range of dates supported by this class (see isValidYearMonthDay). Note that numDays may be negative.

Date bdlt::operator- ( const Date &  date,
int  numDays 

Return the date value that is earlier by the specified (signed) numDays from the specified date. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting value falls within the range of dates supported by this class (see isValidYearMonthDay). Note that numDays may be negative.

int bdlt::operator- ( const Date &  lhs,
const Date &  rhs 

Return the (signed) number of days between the specified lhs and rhs dates. Note that if lhs < rhs the result will be negative.

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const Date &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for Date.

Datetime bdlt::operator+ ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const bsls::TimeInterval rhs 

Return a Datetime object having a value that is the sum of the specified lhs (Datetime) and the specified rhs (bsls::TimeInterval). If 24 == lhs.hour(), the result is the same as if the hour attribute of lhs is 0. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting value is in the valid range for a Datetime object.

Datetime bdlt::operator+ ( const bsls::TimeInterval lhs,
const Datetime &  rhs 

Return a Datetime object having a value that is the sum of the specified lhs (bsls::TimeInterval) and the specified rhs (Datetime). If 24 == rhs.hour(), the result is the same as if the hour attribute of rhs is 0. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting value is in the valid range for a Datetime object.

Datetime bdlt::operator+ ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 

Return a Datetime object having a value that is the sum of the specified lhs (Datetime) and the specified rhs (DatetimeInterval). If 24 == lhs.hour(), the result is the same as if the hour attribute of lhs is 0. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting value is in the valid range for a Datetime object.

Datetime bdlt::operator+ ( const DatetimeInterval &  lhs,
const Datetime &  rhs 

Return a Datetime object having a value that is the sum of the specified lhs (DatetimeInterval) and the specified rhs (Datetime). If 24 == rhs.hour(), the result is the same as if the hour attribute of rhs is 0. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting value is in the valid range for a Datetime object.

Datetime bdlt::operator- ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const bsls::TimeInterval rhs 

Return a Datetime object having a value that is the difference between the specified lhs (Datetime) and the specified rhs (bsls::TimeInterval). If 24 == lhs.hour(), the result is the same as if the hour attribute of lhs is 0. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting value is in the valid range for a Datetime object.

Datetime bdlt::operator- ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 

Return a Datetime object having a value that is the difference between the specified lhs (Datetime) and the specified rhs (DatetimeInterval). If 24 == lhs.hour(), the result is the same as if the hour attribute of lhs is 0. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting value is in the valid range for a Datetime object.

DatetimeInterval bdlt::operator- ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const Datetime &  rhs 

Return a DatetimeInterval object having a value that is the difference between the specified lhs (Datetime) and the specified rhs (Datetime). If the hour attribute of either operand is 24, the result is the same as if that hour attribute is 0. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting value is in the valid range for a DatetimeInterval object.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const Datetime &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Datetime objects have the same value if they have the same values for their "date" and "time" parts, respectively.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const Datetime &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs Datetime objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Datetime objects do not have the same value if they do not have the same values for either of their "date" or "time" parts, respectively.

bool bdlt::operator< ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const Datetime &  rhs 

Return true if the value of the specified lhs object is less than the value of the specified rhs object, and false otherwise. A Datetime object a is less than a Datetime object b if a.date() < b.date(), or if a.date() == b.date() and the time portion of a is less than the time portion of b. The behavior is undefined unless 24 != lhs.hour() && 24 != rhs.hour().

bool bdlt::operator<= ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const Datetime &  rhs 

Return true if the value of the specified lhs object is less than or equal to the value of the specified rhs object, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless 24 != lhs.hour() && 24 != rhs.hour().

bool bdlt::operator> ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const Datetime &  rhs 

Return true if the value of the specified lhs object is greater than the value of the specified rhs object, and false otherwise. A Datetime object a is greater than a Datetime object b if a.date() > b.date(), or if a.date() == b.date() and the time portion of a is greater than the time portion of b. The behavior is undefined unless 24 != lhs.hour() && 24 != rhs.hour().

bool bdlt::operator>= ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const Datetime &  rhs 

Return true if the value of the specified lhs object is greater than or equal to the value of the specified rhs object, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless 24 != lhs.hour() && 24 != rhs.hour().

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const Datetime &  object 

Write the value of the specified object object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified, can change without notice, and is logically equivalent to:

      print(stream, 0, -1);
template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const Datetime &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for Datetime.

DatetimeInterval bdlt::operator+ ( const DatetimeInterval &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 

Return a DatetimeInterval object whose value is the sum of the specified lhs and rhs time intervals. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting time interval value is valid (i.e., the days field must not overflow a 32-bit integer).

DatetimeInterval bdlt::operator- ( const DatetimeInterval &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 

Return a DatetimeInterval object whose value is the difference between the specified lhs and rhs time intervals. The behavior is undefined unless the resulting time interval value is valid (i.e., the days field must not overflow a 32-bit integer).

DatetimeInterval bdlt::operator- ( const DatetimeInterval &  value  ) 

Return a DatetimeInterval object whose value is the negative of the specified time interval value. The behavior is undefined unless INT_MIN < value.days().

bool bdlt::operator== ( const DatetimeInterval &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs time intervals have the same value, and false otherwise. Two time intervals have the same value if all of the corresponding values of their days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and microseconds fields are the same.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const DatetimeInterval &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs time intervals do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two time intervals do not have the same value if any of the corresponding values of their days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds fields is not the same.

bool bdlt::operator< ( const DatetimeInterval &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 
bool bdlt::operator<= ( const DatetimeInterval &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 
bool bdlt::operator> ( const DatetimeInterval &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 
bool bdlt::operator>= ( const DatetimeInterval &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 

Return true if the nominal relation between the specified lhs and rhs time interval values holds, and false otherwise. lhs is less than rhs if the following expression evaluates to true:

         lhs.days() < rhs.days()
      || (lhs.days() == rhs.days() && lhs.fractionalDayInMicroseconds()
                                         < rhs.fractionalDayInMicroseconds())

The other relationships are defined similarly.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const DatetimeInterval &  object 

Write the value of the specified object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference providing modifiable access to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified and can change without notice. Also note that this method has the same behavior as object.print(stream, 0, -1).

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const DatetimeInterval &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for DatetimeInterval.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const DatetimeTz &  lhs,
const DatetimeTz &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs DatetimeTz objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two DatetimeTz objects have the same value if they have the same local datetime value and the same time zone offset value.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const DatetimeTz &  lhs,
const DatetimeTz &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs DatetimeTz objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two DatetimeTz objects do not have the same value if they do not have the same local datetime value or the same time zone offset value.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const DatetimeTz &  rhs 

Write the value of the specified rhs object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference providing modifiable access to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified and can change without notice. Also note that this method has the same behavior as object.print(stream, 0, -1), but with the attribute names elided.

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const DatetimeTz &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for DatetimeTz. Note that two objects which represent the same UTC time but have different offsets will not (necessarily) hash to the same value.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const DateTz &  lhs,
const DateTz &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs DateTz objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two DateTz objects have the same value if they have the same local date value and the same time zone offset value.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const DateTz &  lhs,
const DateTz &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs DateTz objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two DateTz objects do not have the same value if they do not have the same local date values or the same time zone offset values.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const DateTz &  rhs 

Write the value of the specified rhs object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference providing modifiable access to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified and can change without notice. Also note that this method has the same behavior as object.print(stream, 0, -1), but with the attribute names elided.

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const DateTz &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for DateTz. Note that two objects which represent the same UTC time but have different offsets will not (necessarily) hash to the same value.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
DayOfWeek::Enum  value 

Write the string representation of the specified enumeration value to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to stream. See toAscii for what constitutes the string representation of a bdlt::DayOfWeek::Enum value. Note that this method has the same behavior as

      bdlt::DayOfWeek::print(stream, value, 0, -1);
template<class STREAM >
STREAM& bdlt::bdexStreamIn ( STREAM &  stream,
DayOfWeek::Enum &  variable,
int  version 

Load into the specified variable the DayOfWeek::Enum value read from the specified input stream using the specified version format, and return a reference to stream. If stream is initially invalid, this operation has no effect. If version is not supported by DayOfWeek, variable is unaltered and stream is invalidated, but otherwise unmodified. If version is supported by DayOfWeek but stream becomes invalid during this operation, variable has an undefined, but valid, state. The behavior is undefined unless STREAM is BDEX-compliant. Note that no version is read from stream. See the bslx package-level documentation for more information on BDEX streaming of value-semantic types and containers.

template<class STREAM >
STREAM& bdlt::bdexStreamOut ( STREAM &  stream,
const DayOfWeek::Enum &  value,
int  version 

Write the specified value, using the specified version format, to the specified output stream, and return a reference to stream. If stream is initially invalid, this operation has no effect. If version is not supported by DayOfWeek, stream is invalidated, but otherwise unmodified. The behavior is undefined unless STREAM is BDEX-compliant. Note that version is not written to stream. See the bslx package-level documentation for more information on BDEX streaming of value-semantic types and containers.

int bdlt::maxSupportedBdexVersion ( const DayOfWeek::Enum *  ,
int  versionSelector 

Return the maximum valid BDEX format version, as indicated by the specified versionSelector, to be passed to the bdexStreamOut method while streaming an object of the type DayOfWeek::Enum. Note that it is highly recommended that versionSelector be formatted as "YYYYMMDD", a date representation. Also note that versionSelector should be a compile-time-chosen value that selects a format version supported by both externalizer and unexternalizer. See the bslx package-level documentation for more information on BDEX streaming of value-semantic types and containers.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const DayOfWeekSet_Iter &  lhs,
const DayOfWeekSet_Iter &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators have the same value, and false otherwise. Two iterators have the same value if they refer to data at the same index position. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs both reference into the same set of data.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const DayOfWeekSet_Iter &  lhs,
const DayOfWeekSet_Iter &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two iterators do not have the same value if they do not refer to data at the same index position. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs both reference into the same set of data.

DayOfWeekSet bdlt::operator~ ( const DayOfWeekSet &  set  ) 

Return a set containing the complement of the specified set (i.e., those members not contained in set).

DayOfWeekSet bdlt::operator| ( const DayOfWeekSet &  lhs,
const DayOfWeekSet &  rhs 

Return a set containing the union of the specified lhs and rhs sets (i.e., a set containing elements that are in either lhs or rhs or both).

DayOfWeekSet bdlt::operator& ( const DayOfWeekSet &  lhs,
const DayOfWeekSet &  rhs 

Return a set containing the intersection of the specified lhs and rhs sets (i.e., a set containing elements that are in both lhs and rhs).

DayOfWeekSet bdlt::operator^ ( const DayOfWeekSet &  lhs,
const DayOfWeekSet &  rhs 

Return a set containing the exclusive-or of the specified lhs and rhs sets (i.e., a set containing elements that are either in lhs, but not rhs, or in rhs, but not lhs).

DayOfWeekSet bdlt::operator- ( const DayOfWeekSet &  lhs,
const DayOfWeekSet &  rhs 

Return a set containing the subtraction of the specified rhs set from the specified lhs set (i.e., a set containing elements that are in lhs, but not in rhs).

bool bdlt::operator== ( const DayOfWeekSet &  lhs,
const DayOfWeekSet &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs sets have the same value, and false otherwise. Two sets have the same value if they have the same length and all the elements of one set are members of the other set.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const DayOfWeekSet &  lhs,
const DayOfWeekSet &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs sets do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two sets do not have the same value if they differ in length or there exists an element of one set that is not a member of the other set.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const DayOfWeekSet &  rhs 

Write the specified rhs set to the specified output stream in some reasonable (single-line) format, and return a reference to stream.

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const DayOfWeekSet &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for DayOfWeekSet.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const FixUtilConfiguration &  lhs,
const FixUtilConfiguration &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two FixUtilConfiguration objects have the same value if each of their fractionalSecondPrecision and useZAbbreviationForUtc attributes (respectively) have the same value.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const FixUtilConfiguration &  lhs,
const FixUtilConfiguration &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two FixUtilConfiguration objects do not have the same value if any of their fractionalSecondPrecision or useZAbbreviationForUtc attributes (respectively) do not have the same value.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const FixUtilConfiguration &  object 

Write the value of the specified object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified and can change without notice. Also note that this method has the same behavior as object.print(stream, 0, -1), but with the attribute names elided.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const Iso8601UtilConfiguration &  lhs,
const Iso8601UtilConfiguration &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Iso8601UtilConfiguration objects have the same value if each of their fractionalSecondPrecision, omitColonInZoneDesignator, useCommaForDecimalSign, and useZAbbreviationForUtc attributes (respectively) have the same value.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const Iso8601UtilConfiguration &  lhs,
const Iso8601UtilConfiguration &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Iso8601UtilConfiguration objects do not have the same value if any of their fractionalSecondPrecision, omitColonInZoneDesignator, useCommaForDecimalSign, or useZAbbreviationForUtc attributes (respectively) do not have the same value.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const Iso8601UtilConfiguration &  object 

Write the value of the specified object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified and can change without notice. Also note that this method has the same behavior as object.print(stream, 0, -1), but with the attribute names elided.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
MonthOfYear::Enum  value 

Write the string representation of the specified enumeration value to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to stream. See toAscii for what constitutes the string representation of a bdlt::MonthOfYear::Enum value. Note that this method has the same behavior as

      bdlt::MonthOfYear::print(stream, value, 0, -1);
template<class STREAM >
STREAM& bdlt::bdexStreamIn ( STREAM &  stream,
MonthOfYear::Enum &  variable,
int  version 

Load into the specified variable the MonthOfYear::Enum value read from the specified input stream using the specified version format, and return a reference to stream. If stream is initially invalid, this operation has no effect. If version is not supported by MonthOfYear, variable is unaltered and stream is invalidated, but otherwise unmodified. If version is supported by MonthOfYear but stream becomes invalid during this operation, variable has an undefined, but valid, state. The behavior is undefined unless STREAM is BDEX-compliant. Note that no version is read from stream. See the bslx package-level documentation for more information on BDEX streaming of value-semantic types and containers.

template<class STREAM >
STREAM& bdlt::bdexStreamOut ( STREAM &  stream,
const MonthOfYear::Enum &  value,
int  version 

Write the specified value, using the specified version format, to the specified output stream, and return a reference to stream. If stream is initially invalid, this operation has no effect. If version is not supported by MonthOfYear, stream is invalidated, but otherwise unmodified. The behavior is undefined unless STREAM is BDEX-compliant. Note that version is not written to stream. See the bslx package-level documentation for more information on BDEX streaming of value-semantic types and containers.

int bdlt::maxSupportedBdexVersion ( const MonthOfYear::Enum *  ,
int  versionSelector 

Return the maximum valid BDEX format version, as indicated by the specified versionSelector, to be passed to the bdexStreamOut method while streaming an object of the type MonthOfYear::Enum. Note that it is highly recommended that versionSelector be formatted as "YYYYMMDD", a date representation. Also note that versionSelector should be a compile-time-chosen value that selects a format version supported by both externalizer and unexternalizer. See the bslx package-level documentation for more information on BDEX streaming of value-semantic types and containers.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const PackedCalendar &  lhs,
const PackedCalendar &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs calendars have the same value, and false otherwise. Two calendars have the same value if they have the same valid range (or are both empty), the same weekend days, the same holidays, and each corresponding pair of holidays has the same (ordered) set of associated holiday codes.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const PackedCalendar &  lhs,
const PackedCalendar &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs calendars do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two calendars do not have the same value if they do not have the same valid range (and are not both empty), do not have the same weekend days, do not have the same holidays, or, for at least one corresponding pair of holidays, do not have the same (ordered) set of associated holiday codes.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const PackedCalendar &  calendar 

Write the value of the specified calendar to the specified output stream, and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const PackedCalendar &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for PackedCalendar.

void bdlt::swap ( PackedCalendar &  a,
PackedCalendar &  b 

Exchange the values of the specified a and b objects. This function provides the no-throw exception-safety guarantee if the two objects were created with the same allocator and the basic guarantee otherwise.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &  lhs,
const PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators refer to the same element in the same calendar, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs both iterate over the same calendar.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &  lhs,
const PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators do not refer to the same element in the same calendar, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs both iterate over the same calendar.

PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator bdlt::operator++ ( PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &  iterator,

Advance the specified iterator to refer to the next holiday in the associated calendar, and return the previous value of iterator. The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator references a valid holiday.

PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator bdlt::operator-- ( PackedCalendar_HolidayConstIterator &  iterator,

Regress the specified iterator to refer to the previous holiday in the associated calendar, and return the previous value of iterator. The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator references a valid holiday that is not the first holiday in the associated calendar.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &  lhs,
const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators refers to the same element, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs both reference the same holiday in the same calendar.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &  lhs,
const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators do not refer to the same element, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs both reference the same holiday in the same calendar.

PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator bdlt::operator++ ( PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &  iterator,

Advance the specified iterator to refer to the next holiday code for the associated date in the associated calendar, and return the previous value of iterator. The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator references a valid holiday code.

PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator bdlt::operator-- ( PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &  iterator,

Regress the specified iterator to refer to the previous holiday code for the associated date in the associated calendar, and return the previous value of iterator. The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator references a valid holiday code that is not the first holiday code for the associated date in the calendar.

bsl::ptrdiff_t bdlt::operator- ( const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &  lhs,
const PackedCalendar_HolidayCodeConstIterator &  rhs 

Return the number of elements between specified lhs and rhs. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs refer to codes associated with the same holiday in the same calendar.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &  lhs,
const PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators refer to the same element in the same calendar, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs both iterate over the same calendar.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &  lhs,
const PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators do not refer to the same element in the same calendar, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs and rhs both iterate over the same calendar.

PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator bdlt::operator++ ( PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &  iterator,

Advance the specified iterator to refer to the next business day in the associated calendar, and return the previous value of iterator. The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator references a valid business day.

PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator bdlt::operator-- ( PackedCalendar_BusinessDayConstIterator &  iterator,

Regress the specified iterator to refer to the previous business day in the associated calendar, and return the previous value of iterator. The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator references a valid business day that is not the first business day for the associated calendar.

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const Time &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for Time.

Time bdlt::operator+ ( const Time &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 

Return a Time value that is the sum of the specified lhs time and the specified rhs datetime interval.

Time bdlt::operator+ ( const DatetimeInterval &  lhs,
const Time &  rhs 

Return a Time value that is the sum of the specified lhs datetime interval and the specified rhs time.

Time bdlt::operator- ( const Time &  lhs,
const DatetimeInterval &  rhs 

Return a Time value that is the difference between the specified lhs time and the specified rhs datetime interval.

DatetimeInterval bdlt::operator- ( const Time &  lhs,
const Time &  rhs 

Return a DatetimeInterval object initialized with the difference between the specified lhs and rhs time values.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const Time &  lhs,
const Time &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs time objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two time objects have the same value if each of their corresponding hour, minute, second, millisecond, and microsecond attributes respectively have the same value.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const Time &  lhs,
const Time &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs time objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two time objects do not have the same value if any of their corresponding hour, minute, second, millisecond, and microsecond attributes respectively do not have the same value.

bool bdlt::operator< ( const Time &  lhs,
const Time &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs time value is less than the specified rhs time value, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs != Time() and rhs != Time() (i.e., they do not have the, default, value 24:00:00.000000).

bool bdlt::operator<= ( const Time &  lhs,
const Time &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs time value is less than or equal to the specified rhs time value, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs != Time() and rhs != Time() (i.e., they do not have the, default, value 24:00:00.000000).

bool bdlt::operator> ( const Time &  lhs,
const Time &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs time value is greater than the specified rhs time value, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs != Time() and rhs != Time() (i.e., they do not have the, default, value 24:00:00.000000).

bool bdlt::operator>= ( const Time &  lhs,
const Time &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs time value is greater than or equal to the specified rhs time value, and false otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless lhs != Time() and rhs != Time() (i.e., they do not have the, default, value 24:00:00.000000).

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const Time &  time 

Write the value of the specified time object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified, can change without notice, and is logically equivalent to:

      print(stream, 0, -1);
bool bdlt::operator== ( const TimetableTransition &  lhs,
const TimetableTransition &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs timetable transitions have the same value, and false otherwise. Two timetable transitions have the same value if they have the same datetime and code.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const TimetableTransition &  lhs,
const TimetableTransition &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs timetable transitions do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two timetable transitions do not have the same value if they do not have the same datetime or the same code.

bool bdlt::operator< ( const TimetableTransition &  lhs,
const TimetableTransition &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs has a value less than the specified rhs, and false otherwise. Timetable transition lhs has a value less than timetable transition rhs if lhs.datetime() < rhs.datetime(), or lhs.datetime() == rhs.datetime() and lhs.code() < rhs.code().

bool bdlt::operator< ( const TimetableTransition &  lhs,
const Datetime &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs has a value less than the specified rhs, and false otherwise. Timetable transition lhs has a value less than datetime rhs if lhs.datetime() < rhs. The behavior is undefined unless 24 > rhs.hour().

bool bdlt::operator< ( const Datetime &  lhs,
const TimetableTransition &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs has a value less than the specified rhs, and false otherwise. Datetime lhs has a value less than timetable transition rhs if lhs < rhs.datetime(). The behavior is undefined unless 24 > lhs.hour().

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const TimetableTransition &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for TimetableTransition.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const Timetable_CompactableTransition &  lhs,
const Timetable_CompactableTransition &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs compactable transitions have the same value, and false otherwise. Two compactable transitions have the same value if they have the same time and code.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const Timetable_CompactableTransition &  lhs,
const Timetable_CompactableTransition &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs compactable transitions do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two compactable transitions do not have the same value if they do not have the same time or the same code.

bool bdlt::operator< ( const Timetable_CompactableTransition &  lhs,
const Timetable_CompactableTransition &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs has a value less than the specified rhs, and false otherwise. Compactable transition lhs has a value less than compactable transition rhs if lhs.time() < rhs.time(), or lhs.time() == rhs.time() and lhs.code() < rhs.code().

bool bdlt::operator< ( const Timetable_CompactableTransition &  lhs,
const Time &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs has a value less than the specified rhs, and false otherwise. Compactable transition lhs has a value less than time rhs if lhs.time() < rhs. The behavior is undefined unless 24 > rhs.hour().

bool bdlt::operator< ( const Time &  lhs,
const Timetable_CompactableTransition &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs has a value less than the specified rhs, and false otherwise. Time lhs has a value less than compactable transition rhs if lhs < rhs.time(). The behavior is undefined unless 24 > lhs.hour().

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const Timetable_CompactableTransition &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for Timetable_CompactableTransition.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const Timetable_Day &  lhs,
const Timetable_Day &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs daily timetables have the same value, and false otherwise. Two daily timetables have the same value if they have the same initial transition code, the same number of transitions, and each corresponding pair of transitions has the same value.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const Timetable_Day &  lhs,
const Timetable_Day &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs daily timetables do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two daily timetables do not have the same value if they do not have the same initial transition code, they do not have the same number of transitions, or there is a corresponding pair of transitions that do not have the same value.

bool bdlt::operator< ( const Timetable_Day &  lhs,
const Timetable_Day &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs daily timetable is less than the specified rhs daily timetable, and false otherwise. The lhs daily timetable is less than the rhs daily timetable if lhs.initialTransitionCode() < rhs.initialTransitionCode(), or lhs.initialTransitionCode() == rhs.initialTransitionCode() and lhs.d_transitions < rhs.d_transitions.

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const Timetable_Day &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for Timetable_Day.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const Timetable &  lhs,
const Timetable &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs timetables have the same value, and false otherwise. Two timetables have the same value if they have the same initial transition code, the same valid range (or are both empty), the same number of transitions, and each corresponding pair of transitions have the same value.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const Timetable &  lhs,
const Timetable &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs timetables do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two timetables do not have the same value if they do not have the same initial transition code, do not have the same valid range (and are not both empty), do not have the same number of transitions, or, for at least one corresponding pair of transitions, do not have the same value.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const Timetable &  timetable 

Write the value of the specified timetable to the specified output stream, and return a reference to the modifiable stream.

void bdlt::swap ( Timetable &  a,
Timetable &  b 

Exchange the values of the specified a and b objects. This function provides the no-throw exception-safety guarantee if the two objects were created with the same allocator and the basic guarantee otherwise.

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const Timetable &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for Timetable.

Timetable_ConstIterator bdlt::operator++ ( Timetable_ConstIterator &  iterator,

Advance the specified iterator to refer to the next transition in the referenced timetable, and return an iterator referring to the original element (before the advancement). The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator references a valid transition.

Timetable_ConstIterator bdlt::operator-- ( Timetable_ConstIterator &  iterator,

Regress the specified iterator to refer to the previous transition in the referenced timetable, and return an iterator referring to the original element (before the decrementation). The behavior is undefined unless, on entry, iterator references a valid transition that is not the first transition of the associated timetable.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const Timetable_ConstIterator &  lhs,
const Timetable_ConstIterator &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Timetable_ConstIterator iterators have the same value if they refer to the same timetable and the same transition.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const Timetable_ConstIterator &  lhs,
const Timetable_ConstIterator &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs iterators do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two Timetable_ConstIterator iterators do not have the same value if they do not refer to the same timetable, or do not refer to the same transition.

bool bdlt::operator== ( const TimeTz &  lhs,
const TimeTz &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects have the same value, and false otherwise. Two TimeTz objects have the same value if their corresponding localTime and offset attributes have the same values.

bool bdlt::operator!= ( const TimeTz &  lhs,
const TimeTz &  rhs 

Return true if the specified lhs and rhs objects do not have the same value, and false otherwise. Two TimeTz objects do not have the same value if any of their corresponding localTime and offset attributes have different values.

bsl::ostream& bdlt::operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
const TimeTz &  object 

Write the value of the specified object to the specified output stream in a single-line format, and return a reference providing modifiable access to stream. If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect. Note that this human-readable format is not fully specified and can change without notice. Also note that this method has the same behavior as object.print(stream, 0, -1), but with the attribute names elided.

template<class HASHALG >
void bdlt::hashAppend ( HASHALG &  hashAlg,
const TimeTz &  object 

Pass the specified object to the specified hashAlg. This function integrates with the bslh modular hashing system and effectively provides a bsl::hash specialization for TimeTz. Note that two objects which represent the same UTC time but have different offsets will not (necessarily) hash to the same value.